The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1531 Gu Formation Fusion Upgrade

Chapter 1531 Gu Formation Fusion Upgrade
Seeing the ghost hand Liao Hua approaching them step by step, the three of Qin Lang immediately felt bad. At this time, Qiao Zhimo cast a burst of five-element array flags on his body, and threw them forward, and the five-element array flags immediately formed a small defense formation.

On the other hand, Liao Hua, the ghost hand who was gradually approaching, showed a disdainful smile. He casually wrote the big handprint of the ghost way, and once again broke the defensive formation of the five-element formation flag.

"Weak, too weak, use whatever methods you have! Someone told you thoroughly that there is no chance in the future..."

The sound of sinister laughter sounded, and Liao Hua, the ghost hand, was getting closer and closer. At this time, Qin Lang opened up his body's defense to the maximum, and the Gu array was also displayed.

When the Gu formation appeared, it turned into colorful clouds covering a radius of [-] feet. This Gu formation is really good for trapping enemies. The monks above the middle stage of the Nascent Soul will basically be trapped in it, but facing the ghost cultivators of the late Nascent Soul, But it seems a little weak.

After all, Ghost Hand Liao Hua is a bit too strong, not to mention his strong cultivation, his own evil spirit can restrain this Gu formation relatively well.

The powerful ghost cultivator outside the Gu formation saw Qin Lang cast the Gu formation at this time, just sneered, and once again performed the ghostly Dao Mahamudra Myriad Wo. In just one move, this Gu formation has already been broken.

But at this time, this guy was about to continue to move forward, but Qin Lang took out something at this time.

"Psychedelic Fog Heart!"

Liao Hua, the ghost hand, exclaimed, with a surprised expression on his face, this thing is the target task item that the master told him to get, and now it is in the hands of the casual cultivator in front of him.

"Don't move!" At this time, Qin Lang on the opposite side shouted loudly, "Go any further, and I'll destroy this thing!"

Under the current situation of last resort, Qin Lang actually took out something that the enemy wanted very much and threatened the other party in turn.

Originally, Qin Lang also had the idea of ​​giving it a try, but he didn't expect this attempt to be successful, and the other party stopped in his tracks.At this time, Liao Hua, the ghost hand, shouted at Qin Lang: "Boy, throw the things over here, and I can spare your life!"

Seeing that the target task item was really in the hands of this kid, Liao Hua, the ghost hand, had to show a compromised expression at this time. Of course, whether this compromise is a real compromise or a fake, then I don't know.

Seeing that the threat had an effect, Qin Lang couldn't help being a little surprised. Seeing this psychedelic fog heart in the palm of his hand is really important to the opponent, otherwise, the opponent would not attach so much importance to it.

At this time, he began to glance at the treasure in his hand from the corner of his eye. It was a crystal-shaped gemstone exuding light yellow light, in the shape of a heart, with a faint mist escaping on the surface, and it looked very good.

The psychedelic fog heart is taken from the psychedelic fog demon in the haunted house. One thing Qin Lang knows is that this psychedelic fog heart is used for refining weapons, which can enhance the special abilities of magic weapons and magic weapons, so that magic weapons and magic weapons can be brought Psychedelic effect.

But he didn't know more about it. He was very surprised why the ghost cultivator in the late Nascent Soul stage in front of him paid so much attention to this thing, and even the dead ghost cultivator Zhi Duoxing did the same. Is repair important?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but glance at the treasure in his hand again.

And at this moment, a voice sounded in Qin Lang's brain: "I found the treasure psychedelic fog heart, which can be integrated into the phantom impact of the Gu array...Do you want to integrate?"

At this time, the super system connected by Qin Lang actually operated independently to analyze the detailed data of the psychedelic fog heart, and then included a row of specific plans to integrate into the Gu array.

In this specific plan, a set of Qin Lang's very exciting data is given, that is, after the psychedelic fog heart is integrated into the Gu array illusion impact, the function of the Gu array will be greatly strengthened, and according to the analysis of the obtained data table, Qin Lang may Can rely on it to resist the Nascent Soul Late Ghost Cultivator in front of him.

There is nothing to say, Qin Lang nodded immediately: "Execution integration!"

Then, he crossed a trace of spiritual consciousness into the Gu formation, and with the cooperation of the super system, he began the process of integrating the psychedelic fog heart into the core of the Gu formation.

During the integration process of the psychedelic fog heart, the Gu formation that had been damaged by the ghost cultivator's random notes made a vibrating sound at this time, and it started to repair automatically.

Liao Hua, the ghost hand on the opposite side, was stunned at first when he saw this strange situation, and then saw the psychedelic mist in Qin Lang's hand flickering abnormally, and suddenly understood something.

He couldn't help being furious, the rogue cultivator in front of him actually made troubles under his nose, he really despised himself to the extreme. "Looking for death!" Liao Hua, the ghost hand, roared, and directly slapped Qin Lang with a killing move.

This incomparably powerful Ghost Dao Mahamudra... Wan Wo is stronger than the previous ones. If Qin Lang hits one, it's really hard to say with his current cultivation base in the middle stage of alchemy.

At this time, Qin Lang, who was running the fusion process, felt the crisis, and his face turned pale, but now he couldn't move during the process of fusing the Gu array. He had no choice but to manipulate the two mutant clones to resist.

Under Qin Lang's manipulation, the two mutant avatars directly blocked the path of Ghost Dao's big-handed ultimate move "Myriad Wo", and when the ultimate move struck, the extraordinary-level avatar was directly photographed Broken, blood and flesh flying.

And after the metallized S-rank transfiguration clone resisted this blow, its chest also became an undercut shape, and a punch leaked out through the hole in its chest.

This fist wind, which has been reduced by an unknown number of times, went straight forward, and finally came to Qin Lang. The magic weapon on Qin Lang's body was sacrificed at this time, but all the energy defense layers were in front of this weakened killing move. It crumbled like paper.

I am still a little too weak... Qin Lang is very helpless, he only has the cultivation base of the middle stage of alchemy, and it is still too reluctant to face the ultimate move of the ghost cultivator in the late Yuanying stage. After so much effort, he still can't resist the opponent's attack .

He tried his best to shift his consciousness to the front of his body, trying to use his consciousness to form a barrier, but when this extremely weak ultimate move touched his body, the electronic synthesis sound in his mind sounded again: "Psychedelic Fog Heart... Fusion complete!"

But at this time, Qin Lang felt a pain in his chest, and then his eyes went dark, so he didn't know anything!


After the ghost hand Liao Hua performed this ultimate move, he couldn't help being amazed when he saw Qin Lang using various methods to resist his own ultimate move, but now he is more angry and just wants to get rid of this hateful scattered man in front of him as soon as possible. build.

It's so abominable... A casual cultivator in the middle stage of alchemy, a guy like an ant, is actually playing tricks in front of himself, a master in the late stage of Nascent Soul, it is simply audacious!It's time to kill!Now filing this kid's bones and ashes can't relieve the anger in my heart!
However, at this moment, the damaged Gu formation around Qin Lang suddenly burst into colorful light, and suddenly swelled up like a cloud. This is a sign of the successful fusion of the illusionary impact of the Gu formation and the psychedelic fog heart.

And after the fusion of the Gu array, it is equivalent to a complete upgrade, and spread out to the surroundings at once, forming a large-scale illusion that is difficult to distinguish between true and false. Even Liao Hua, the ghost hand in the late Yuanying period, almost fell into this illusion all at once.

Fortunately, Liao Hua, the ghost hand, was vigilant enough, and retreated more than ten feet the moment the colorful cloud formed by the Gu formation was abnormal, so he didn't fall into the Gu formation.

Now, although Qin Lang is not leading the entire Gu formation, it is running independently, and it does have a strong trapping effect. I am afraid that even if the ghost hand Liao Hua falls into it, it will not be easy to get out.

This kid is really lucky. At this time, Liao Hua sighed. Although Qin Lang passed out under his own stroke, the mutated Gu formation in front of him protected him. Now, in front of this mutated Gu formation, I actually have a feeling of being helpless.

He tried a few more times, and his big handprint of the ghost path hit the Gu formation, like a mud cow entering the sea, silently, and he didn't know if it would work.

However, even if it is effective, it is estimated that this Gu formation cannot be blasted away in a short while.

And at this time, the entire energy for maintaining the blood mist barrier in Green Willow City was finally evacuated by the Great Array of Negative Spirits, and with a loud bang, the blood fog barrier that had enveloped the entire Green Willow City for several days finally broke and dissipated in the air among.

"'s out!"

"Great! Finally out of trouble!"

"Happy! Happy! You don't have to die, you don't have to die hahaha..."

Huge noise suddenly appeared in the surrounding desert outside the relatively quiet Green Willow City. Nearly 20 monks and mortals in the city finally got out of trouble.

And Liao Hua, the ghost hand, was stunned for a while when he saw the strange scene in front of him, and then cursed after a long while: "It's a failure, a failure!"

The appearance of the magic food blood fog in Green Willow City was arranged by his younger brother Zhi Duoxing. Zhi Duoxing has paid the price with his life now, but it seems that he has to fetch water from a bamboo basket in the end.

The resurrection of Yin Demon is related to Master Yao Dongwen's plan, this is more important than anything else!

what to do?What should I do... Now Liao Hua, the ghost hand, doesn't know what to do when he sees the scene in front of him. The blood fog barrier covering the whole city is gone, and the resurrection of the Yin Demon is also forced to stop. He wants to continue to resurrect the Yin Demon later. Demons are even more difficult.

Damn...these damned guys in front of them did a good job, Liao Hua, the ghost hand, glanced at the people in front of him, with a vicious gleam in his eyes.

However, now seeing a large number of monks rushing out of the city, Ghost Hand Liao Hua also had to think about himself at this time, and he began to retreat.

"Master sent two people to carry out the mission this time. It is estimated that my junior sister Kong Li, the enchantress with thousands of faces, has also arrived. I will contact her now to see what to do next..."

When retreating, Liao Hua felt very unwilling.

This time... just a little bit, really just a little bit close to success, is it my bad luck, or is it because the enemies in front of me are too weird?
Liao Hua, the ghost hand, couldn't figure it out at all. These questions... Well, it is estimated that they will continue to trouble this powerful Nascent Soul Late Ghost Cultivator in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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