The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1614 The Fifth Floor of the Dao of Change

Chapter 1614 The Fifth Floor of the Path of Change
The alchemy technique required in the process of stewing stresses stability, whether it is the temperature of the flame, the temperature in the alchemy furnace, or the speed controlled by Qin Lang's prohibition method. Qin Lang needs to transfer the original thin alchemy liquid Gradually boil it into a thick shape, then solidify, and then perform Zhendan.

Finally, the muscle-strengthening process is over, and the Zhendan begins!
Qin Lang patted the alchemy furnace to input a soft real energy, but this real energy was vibrating, and he shook the paste that had not been completely condensed in the alchemy furnace, only to hear the brushing and pulling in the alchemy furnace There was a sound, just like the lucky lottery lottery on the earth, each pill is gradually taking shape.

While refining alchemy, Qin Lang is also increasing his proficiency in alchemy little by little. Now that Qin Lang is refining alchemy, those low-grade spirit pills have no proficiency for alchemy masters, and only a large number of high-level spirits can be refined. Pills have more proficiency improvement, especially a new kind of panacea, the increase in proficiency is even more impressive, so now is also a rare good opportunity to increase the proficiency of alchemy in large quantities.

After all, Qin Lang has a higher goal in terms of alchemy ability, which is to promote himself from alchemy master to alchemy master, and become another legend in the cultivation world of the entire Qinghe continent tens of thousands of years later.

However, the alchemy proficiency needed to be promoted from alchemy master to alchemy master is very large. For the time being, Qin Lang can only use continuous alchemy to accumulate the proficiency he needs little by little.

In the process of constantly shaking pills, Qin Lang used the physical effect of true energy to transform those pastes into embryos of pills.

Nourishing, nourishing, nourishing, the entire interior of the Eight Diagrams Pill Stove is constantly changing. Qin Lang has played more than 1000 hands of prohibition before, and these restrictions are actually preserved by the Pill Stove, and began to form an internal formation inside the Bagua Pill Stove. Under an inexplicable pill furnace power, balls with inexplicable forbidden patterns are forming.

This... is the python tendon pill that is about to take shape!
"Okay! The alchemy is successful, you can collect the alchemy."

At this time, the lid of the alchemy furnace roared, and Qin Lang also knew... Now it's time to release the alchemy!

So he quickly used the method of collecting pills, and when the furnace cover of the gossip pill was broken, he waved his sleeves, and ingested all the bullet-like pills rushing out of the air with a special technique.

High-grade spirit pills are very spiritual, so Qin Lang pays attention to fast, ruthless, and accurate collection of pills. Just like a battle, he pays attention to killing with one blow, so as not to let the enemy have a chance to react.

Otherwise, the enemy can escape.

Qin Lang looked at it at this time, the color of the refined python tendon pill was pure white, with a little bit of transparency in the white.The panacea balls are about the size of a walnut, and each one is like a transparent pearl. The forbidden pattern on the outside is like a layer of light gauze on the transparency, and you can't see it unless you look closely.

Well, the effect of this forbidden pattern is really a bit like the loose pattern on the outside after peeling the preserved egg.

"One, two, three, four... fifteen, sixteen, seventeen... fifty... ninety!"

Qin Lang counted and found that ninety python tendon pills were refined in this furnace. He took three parts and put them into the Eight Diagrams Dan furnace to refine them together, so the number of python muscles and bones refined was indeed a bit more. What's more, the eight trigrams pill furnace has a [-]% more success rate, so the number of pills is naturally a little more.

And Qin Lang is now using his alchemy master's ability, the success rate of refining top-grade elixir is close to [-]%, and the ninety python tendon pills have forbidden patterns except for five or six. level of perfection.

The reason why not all of them reached the perfect level was because it was the first time for Qin Lang to refine the top-grade panacea pill. Although he passed the super system to deduce it before, after all, the body's memory ability for refining this kind of pill has not yet formed. So those pills inevitably had some errors.

Of course, this is not a problem. I believe that if Qin Lang refines this elixir next time, such errors will never occur again. After all, this is not Qin Lang's fault.

Among the few alchemy masters in Qinghe Continent, Qin Lang's ability is probably the top one.

This is also because Qin Lang's alchemy proficiency and micro-operation ability are already very strong, and now he has a perverted super system to assist calculations, so that he can practice python muscles and bones for the first time to reach such a level. If you are an alchemy master, you can't do this at all. Although alchemy masters of the same level may rarely refine waste pills, it is impossible to refine so many perfect-level pills like Qin Lang.

Collecting Dan Qin Lang carefully collected these pills with red jade bottles. The red jade bottles can prevent the loss of pill energy of the pills. If the pills have not reached the perfect level and are not protected by the pill pattern prohibition, then five or six ordinary python tendons It's not good for the pills to be exposed to the air for a long time, so these five or six ordinary python tendon pills are also what Qin Lang will consider using first.

After the refining of the python tendon pill is completed, Qin Lang can then consider practicing the fifth layer of the ancient Changing Dao technique. Although the medicinal power of the python tendon and bone is less than one-tenth of the original prescription of the ancient ten dragons changing marrow soup, it takes more If it is done, it should still be able to support Qin Lang's practice of the fifth level of the ancient transformation path.

He felt that cultivating the ancient transformation method was the same as body training. Every practice was actually a process of body training, and the ancient transformation method was better than today's body cultivation method.

After Qin Lang got the ninety python tendons pills, he began to practice the process of changing Taoism. For the first time, he didn't know the properties of the pills, so he just stuffed a pill into his mouth. Then he sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, and the fifth layer of the exercise route of the ancient Transformation Dao Kung Fu still stimulated the power of the medicine.

The python tendon pill melts as soon as it is swallowed, and has a strange sweet fragrance, it is not difficult to take.

However, the potency of the elixir is extremely violent. When it enters the abdomen, it immediately turns into a line of fire running across the meridians of Qin Lang's body, tearing Qin Lang's meridians, expanding Qin Lang's meridians, and at the same time strengthening the strength of Qin Lang's meridians, bones, and flesh and blood. , Qin Lang's physical body is also strengthening a little bit.

After the medicinal power of a elixir was activated, Qin Lang opened his eyes at this time. He felt that under the elixir, the strength of his physical body had been strengthened by one percent, although this one percent strengthening It doesn't seem like much, but Qin Lang believes that as long as he continues to take this elixir, he can completely strengthen his physical body to the point where he can fully practice the fifth level of the Dao of Transformation technique.

For the next three or four days, Qin Lang has been practicing, practicing and practicing, and the ninety python tendon pills have been taken in the process of continuous cultivation. Qin Lang's physical strength has reached about 90.00% of the original level. It is 90.00% stronger, but if you think about it carefully, you must know that his physical strength can be compared with the same level of physical cultivation, so this 90.00% strength has already made him far surpass the same level of casual cultivation.

In this case, what is he dissatisfied with, so he refined this elixir twice in the next few days, and finally when his physical strength was increased to three times the original one, the Tao of Transformation Kung Fu was used for the first time. The fifth floor is considered small.

After completing the fifth level of Dao of Transformation, Qin Lang can now make himself ten times bigger or smaller than his original body, although it is far from turning his body into an ant-like tiny body or an ancient dragon elephant. There is still a big gap, but it is already very good.

According to Qin Lang's estimate, if he wants to fully cultivate this ancient transformation method to great success, I am afraid that he will need to take at least ten thousand python tendon pills, and the strength of his physical body is estimated to be a hundred times stronger than before. The flesh is stronger than steel.

With a physical body of that level, it is estimated that even if a top-grade magic weapon is directly thrown at it, it can be resisted by the body. It is definitely a monster-like existence below the Nascent Soul stage.

However, if you want to practice more than 1 python tendon pills, you still need to spend a lot of money. Qin Lang has to invest at least more than [-] million spirit stones to buy resources. Fortunately, Qin Lang now has almost [-] million, so it is still Well worth the price.

However, even if he could afford the price, there might not be so many available materials and resources in the market for him to make alchemy.

Because after he refined it seven or eight times, the fifth-order python monster cloud muscle material in the entire Wushuang City market has been out of stock, and it will take at least a month to restore the supply.

It took a month for the large and small caravans in Wushuang City to replenish the supply of goods and restore the market to normal.

At that time, there will be new fifth-order python monster materials for sale in the market.

However, Qin Lang didn't care too much. Now that he has practiced the fifth level of the Dao of Change technique to a small degree, his whole body has undergone earth-shaking changes compared to before. Now he estimates that he will fight against a powerful existence like the ghost hand Liao Hua If it is, you don't have to be as embarrassed as before, and you can face the battle head-on without losing the wind.

Of course, the premise is that the ghost hand Liao Hua does not use the magic house to fight himself. If the ghost hand Liao Hua uses the magic house, even if Qin Lang has a high-level Gu array and other means, he still cannot defeat this powerful existence. possible.

Perhaps, when he finished re-sacrificing the semi-finished magic weapon, the House Bone Black Flywheel, and fully grasped it in his hands, he had a chance to win the battle with the ghost hand Liao Hua.

After all, the other party is a powerful existence in the late Nascent Soul, and is well-deserved number one among the monks in the late Nascent Soul. This guy can actually be promoted to Dzogchen in the late Nascent Soul, but he has been suppressing his own cultivation. I don't know what's going on.

(End of this chapter)

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