Chapter 1648 Contribution

After getting this batch of spirit stones, Qin Lang purchased another batch of materials on the spot. As an alchemy sect, Dandingmen's Dandingfang is going to be exhibited in a different space for a long time this time, so it has also begun to be in this period of time. The resource point also transports a lot of resources, including a batch of alchemy resources that Qin Lang needs.

In order to exchange these alchemy resources, Qin Lang spent a lot of contribution points, at least [-] points.

In fact, all kinds of materials are gradually available in the resource points of the different space station. In addition to magic tools, magic weapons, and elixir, there are even some secrets of cultivation techniques for sale. Now the grocery store in the resource point has truly become a the grocery store.

Of course, this grocery store only sells a batch of basic materials in the cultivation world. For example, magic tools and magic weapons are all middle- and low-grade goods. If you want high-grade goods, you need to use resource points to exchange them. Similarly, Ordinary pills and secret books are available in grocery stores, but if you want top-grade pills and treasure secret skills, you also need contribution points.

Contribution is more precious than spirit stones and materials at resource points.

The contribution exchange system is a new rule for resident resource points. After Dan Dingfang took root in the different space, it promulgated the contribution exchange system. It assigns tasks regularly every day. As long as the monks who join the different space receive the tasks issued by the resource points and complete them on time task, you will get the corresponding contribution.

Of course, the contribution degree is mainly obtained by the monks completing the tasks issued by the resident resource points. If the monks do not want to complete the tasks, it is not impossible to rely on other methods to obtain the contribution degree. In that case, the price to be paid will be much higher than the task. .

For example, completing the task can get a normal resource point contribution. If a monk wants to obtain it by other means, it will cost at least two to three times the price, exchanging spirit stones or materials for the contribution.

In this case, the monks are actually at a loss, and basically no monks are willing to do this.

Qin Lang's contribution to the resource point in the different space is about 3000, which is equivalent to [-] million exchange points. This [-] contribution is what Qin Lang was rewarded for opening the Dandingfang exploration team in the different space. Before Qin Lang The contributions made by using the high-level Gu array in the different space were recorded by the Danding Fang Contribution Registrar afterwards.

Qin Lang got several "Green Treasure Lotuses" from his adventure this time. The lotus flowers, lotus leaves, lotus stems, and lotus roots of "Green Treasure Lotuses" are all very useful. The elixir used by high-level monks to avoid demons when raising their realm is very precious.

The lotus leaves and lotus stems are the materials for refining a healing medicine "Xumai Pill" that is not inferior to Good Fortune Pill. It can be said that the effect of the healing medicine is not inferior to that of the Creation Pill. If it is put on the market, it will definitely be a treasure that will be looted by all the monks.

The lotus root is even more precious. Qin Lang can use the lotus root to refine the elixir "Biqing Dan", which is used by monks in the late Yuanying stage to attack the stage of transformation. The materials are all refined together in hand.

The three kinds of elixirs to be refined using the "Biqing Baolian" are all high-grade panacea. It is also the first time for Qin Lang to refine these three kinds of elixirs, so he needs to rely on the super system to repeatedly calculate in his brain. In practice, this can also greatly improve the success rate of one's first alchemy and the quality of the elixir.

The first step in calculating the alchemy formula of the super system is actually to enter the modeling in the brain and create a virtual scene of alchemy.

This feeling is actually similar to a dream. Qin Lang is like a dream. He simulated the operation of Danfang, and he has done all the operations in his brain once, and he is familiar with these operation steps in advance.

Qin Lang rented a practice room at the resident resource point. The lease of the practice room at the resident resource point also requires contribution points. It is about one contribution point per day, which is equivalent to [-] spirit stones per day. Of course, this price is not cheap. In fact, the entire resident now There are nearly [-] monks, and there are really not many practice rooms worth paying to rent resource points every day.

After Qin Lang entered the training room, he found that the training room was fully restrained, and an extremely sophisticated spirit gathering array was built inside. The aura in the whole training room was at least ten times stronger than that outside.He couldn't help sighing, "You get what you pay for, but it's actually worth paying for a contribution."

In the training room, Qin Lang sat cross-legged in the stone room and meditated with his eyes closed for about half an hour. During this half hour, he was meditating while running the super system to practice the virtual alchemy operation.

Half an hour later, he had already performed the virtual alchemy operation of the three alchemy recipes, and the memory was deepened in his brain.

At this time, he opened his eyes, laughed, and took out the newly obtained Yin-Yang Chaos Furnace. This is a Dan Furnace that is much better than the ancient treasure level Pill Furnace. The top-grade alchemy furnace that was only refined by kung fu, this level of alchemy furnace can't be bought by the outside world, if it is used for auction, it can be sold for at least [-] million yuan.

Originally, Qin Lang's Eight Diagrams Pill Stove was an ancient treasure-level pill stove. The extra attribute was to increase the alchemist's success rate by [-]%. Furnace, it is still a lot worse.

Why do you say that?Let's take a look at this new high-grade magic weapon-level alchemy furnace... The Yin-Yang Chaos Furnace has two top-grade attributes. The first is to increase the alchemist's success rate by 30.00%, and the second is to save the alchemist's energy by [-]%. .

These two attributes are really top-notch. Just the fact that the first one increases the alchemist's 30.00% success rate is equivalent to the superposition of three gossip pill furnace attributes, and the other additional attribute saves [-]% of the alchemist's energy. It will also make Qin Lang's alchemy process easier in the future, and the consumption of spiritual consciousness and physical strength will be reduced a lot.

It can be said that a good alchemy furnace is really very important to an alchemist. For example, if an alchemist with average qualifications refines middle-grade and high-grade pills, it may be very difficult and the success rate is very low, but if If he changed to a better alchemy furnace, such as the Yin-Yang Chaos Furnace, his alchemy process would be much easier, and the efficiency of alchemy would also increase a lot.

However, there are too few good alchemy furnaces on the market. Many alchemists can only use inferior alchemy furnaces to refine elixir. The success rate may not be achieved.

In fact, it’s not that these alchemists have no money and can’t afford good alchemy furnaces. In the cultivation world, alchemists who have no money and can’t afford good alchemy furnaces do account for a part of them, but there are more alchemists who have money but can’t buy good alchemy furnaces. It's because there are so few good pill furnaces on the market, and every time they appear, they will be sold out in a short period of time.

Speaking of which, the last time Qin Lang bought the Eight Diagrams Pill Stove on the streets of Luliuchengfang City was considered lucky. Although the quality of the Bagua Pill Stove can only be regarded as middle-grade, slightly better than the ordinary Pill Stove, it is relatively rare in the market. Even if there are, they usually appear at the auction, not on the streets of Fangshi. Qin Lang was able to buy them at that time, which was considered a big mistake.

One of the biggest disadvantages of the Eight Diagrams Pill Stove is that it is too big and not light in weight. This ancient treasure-level pill furnace weighs more than half a ton, and it can only be placed in a storage bag to increase Qin Lang's load and space.

However, the Yin-Yang Chaos Furnace has no such disadvantages. It can be changed in size at will, and it can be put into the storage ring, which can save Qin Lang a lot of trouble.

After Qin Lang took out the Yin-Yang Chaos Stove, he directly let this palm-sized high-grade alchemy furnace float in the air. Before the alchemist used the new alchemy furnace to make alchemy, there was a furnace sacrifice ceremony. Qin Lang was no exception, and he summoned the fire of Kanli After that, the first step of the sacrificial furnace is carried out.

The sacrificial furnace is to use its own alchemy flame to melt the entire alchemy furnace. The purpose of this is to strengthen the alchemist's mastery of the new alchemy furnace. After all, the performance of a new alchemy furnace is very important to the alchemist It's still unfamiliar to them, and they all need some running-in.

After he manipulated the fire of Kanli to melt the alchemy furnace, he felt that the degree of integration with the alchemy furnace had improved a little, so he nodded, and the process of sacrificial furnace was considered a success.

Then, Qin Lang enlarged the alchemy furnace, added the base liquid of alchemy, and raised the temperature of the Kanli fire again. Now that the alchemy furnace began to speed up, the temperature of the sacrificial furnace could not be compared with the temperature of the martial fire of alchemy. The sacrificial furnace was actually just For a ceremony, the temperature used is actually not very high, but now the Wuhuo alchemy furnace is used to heat the base liquid in the boiling alchemy furnace.

Qin Lang had already added the water of the cold pool to the alchemy furnace in advance. This cold pool water was collected from the mountain in the different space before. He put about thirty catties of cold pool water into the alchemy furnace and started The process of melting the base liquid takes about 5 minutes, and the base liquid in the alchemy furnace is already boiling.

What he refined in the first round was Qingjing Pill, which is a elixir for high-level monks to avoid demons when they improve their realm. The base liquid they need is exactly the water of the cold pool. "Biqing Baolian" is full of treasures, and each portion of this top-level natural material and earth treasure is also full. At the beginning, Qin Lang picked three or four copies of "Biqing Baolian" in Hantan, and got at least one hundred The lotus root material weighs more than one catty, and the rest of the lotus flowers, lotus leaves, and lotus stems add up to thirty or forty catties.

The lotus flower weighs about three catties. At this moment, Qin Lang took it out of the storage bag and put it aside, and first added the auxiliary medicinal materials of the materials into the base liquid.The refining of the alchemy furnace pays attention to the monarch, minister, assistant, and genus, and this Qingjing pill is no exception. The other elixir of these auxiliary types are exchanged by Qin Lang from the resource point with contribution. There are a total of eighteen different types. At this moment Qin Lang added them to the base liquid one by one in the order of alchemy.

(End of this chapter)

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