The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1654 Late Nascent Soul

Chapter 1654 Late Nascent Soul
This time when he was promoted to the late stage of Yuanying, Qin Lang took about 70 middle-grade magic crystal pills, and almost used up the high-quality magic crystal pills refined from Tianlei grass. Fortunately, before the pills were used up, Qin Lang also successfully promoted step up.

After being promoted, Qin Lang felt that his meridians had expanded again, and the concentration of the liquid true energy was higher. Now the reserve of true energy in the body is at least eight times that of the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and Qin Lang's body has light and dark. Two meridian systems, in this case, his body's reserve of true energy is definitely more than ordinary monks who have just advanced to the late stage of Nascent Soul.

The benefits after being promoted are actually not only in terms of true energy, but Qin Lang's physical fitness has also been greatly improved. After all, the physical fitness of monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul is completely incomparable with that in the late stage of Nascent Soul, and the two are not at the same level at all. .

Now, his nerve reaction speed, agility, and senses far surpassed those of the middle Nascent Soul, and the coverage distance of his spiritual consciousness has also expanded from 800 feet to more than [-] feet, and the range of his spiritual sense has been increased again.

And after the spread of the consciousness, Qin Lang's clarity of consciousness has also improved a lot. Within the range of [-] meters, even if the function of Qianlitong is not used, everything within the range of [-] meters is visible.

Qin Lang left the training room at this time. He was going to sell a batch of elixirs. These elixirs were some miscellaneous pills that were refined recently. It is very helpful, but the object of Qin Lang's transaction is not the casual repair of the resource point, but directly sold to the resource point in exchange for contribution. He found that the contribution of this resource point is very useful, and many of the materials he needs need to go through the resource Points of contribution to exchange.

Qin Lang came to the contribution degree exchange office of the resource point and took out some miscellaneous pills on his body. These miscellaneous pills include blood yuan pills, violent yuan pills, Jingyuan pills, great return pills, etc. The most valuable one is muscle growth Bone plaster is a medium-grade elixir. Since Qin Lang cultivated blood-phagocytic worms, many batches of blood-phagocytic worms in the spirit beast bag have been cultivated, so there is no shortage of main materials for refining this medium-grade plaster. Except for a part of Qin Lang's own use of the refined bone paste, the rest can be used for sale.

Shengji Huadan Plaster is a middle-grade elixir. Even the resource point settled in Dandingfang can be regarded as a very good middle-grade healing medicine. It is only a little worse than Haohua Pill and Xumai Pill. It is also a non-sale item, and you can only see it occasionally at auctions.

Qin Lang's new batch of Muscle Transforming Pills has 30 servings. Recently, he has exchanged [-] contribution points at the resource point, plus other miscellaneous pills, Qin Lang has exchanged a total of [-] contribution points.

In addition to the contribution of resource points that existed before, Qin Lang now has a total of [-] contribution points available, and these contribution points were listed by Qin Lang to buy the silver-white magic crystal with all his strength.

The reason for buying the silver-white magic crystal with all its strength is also because Qin Lang has just been promoted to the late Yuanying stage, so he still needs a large number of high-quality magic crystal pills to consolidate the realm. It is not as good as the enhanced version of Shenxue Pill, but Xueyuan Pill cannot compare with Shenxue Pill in terms of improving the realm, breaking through the realm, and consolidating the realization of the realm.

Therefore, Qin Lang, the high-quality magic crystal, is always in demand, and he is in great demand.

As long as the materials are enough, how much he prepared this kind of middle-grade magic crystal pills, how much refining, his calculations are very careful, and then even if he takes enough middle-grade magic crystal pills to consolidate his cultivation realm, the rest of the superfluous The mid-grade Magic Crystal Pill can also be sold to others, anyway, it is not a loss.

As a master of alchemy, Qin Lang is undoubtedly very lucky. The magic crystal pill series of pills not only accelerated his cultivation progress, but also made him no need to worry about lack of time, materials and spirit stones.

When Qin Lang appeared in public at the resource point, at a corner of the exchange office at the resource point, a monk suddenly froze when he saw Qin Lang's face, and then his eyes flashed a vicious light.

This cultivator was wearing a gray robe, but his left arm was long-sleeved and empty, but it was the Lei Zhenzi, a casual cultivator of Thunder Element of the late Nascent Soul that Qin Lang met in Lei Ze.

Lei Zhenzi originally wanted to snatch the heavenly material and earth treasure "Queen Mother Grass" in Lei Ze, but because of his lack of strength, after being beaten away by Qin Lang, it directly triggered the Thunder Cloud Riot in Lei Ze, and wanted to bury Qin Lang directly in the In Lei Ze, but what I didn't expect was that the thunder cloud riot in Lei Ze not only failed to bury this monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, but now when we meet again, Qin Lang has been promoted to the late stage of Nascent Soul.

Clenching his fists tightly, Lei Zhenzi's joints creaked. His face was gloomy, and he stared fixedly at the enemy who had cut off his arm not far away. He stayed for a while before quietly leaving the exchange office of this resource point.Perhaps, he knew that he was far from Qin Lang's opponent, so he had to endure it!

After all, Qin Lang was able to beat him away when he was only in the middle stage of Yuanying. Now that Qin Lang has been promoted to the late stage of Yuanying, Lei Zhenzi has no hope of defeating Qin Lang.

However, with Lei Zhenzi's narrow-minded mind of vengeance, I'm afraid this matter can't be left alone, and I don't know what this guy will do next.

After exchanging some supplies at the resource point, Qin Lang was about to leave. At this time, the old alchemy king Yu Decheng came to the door: "Little friend Qin Lang, I need your help with something..."

"What's the matter?" Qin Lang looked at the old man who had been working hard recently for the development of Dandingfang in front of him and asked in surprise.

To be honest, Yu Decheng, as the Taishan Beidou among the alchemists in the Western Desert, and the great elder of the Danding Sect, there are not many disciples and grandchildren in the Danding Sect. Yu Decheng can completely let his disciples and grandchildren do many things for him. The professionalism of Dingfang's development is really admirable.

However, this also indirectly shows the importance of developing this different space in front of Dandingfang. As long as the preliminary work is done, the rewards Dandingfang will get in the later stage will be unimaginably rich. His disciples and grandchildren did not do well, so he had to fight himself.

"Is such that……"

Yu Decheng paused for a moment, then said: "My friend, San Caizi, the most famous talisman master in West Desert, has been invited to the resource point of our different space. San Caizi found that there are many high-level materials in this different space that can be used Talisman-making, so I became interested, and wanted to collect a batch of talisman-making resources in different spaces..."

"The three talents are currently the talisman makers living in our different space Dandingfang resource point, and our Dandingfang is naturally responsible for helping the three talents to raise the resources he needs as soon as possible. At present, the entire resource point has increased its contribution. Redemption task... The high-level talisman material exchange contribution task of the three talents has been issued, and it is all in this jade slip. Take a look, my friend. If you find these materials in the process of exploring different spaces, Just pay more attention, after all, the task of collecting these high-level materials cannot be done by ordinary monks, it must be done by monks above the late Nascent Soul stage."

"Oh, let's take a look."

Qin Lang nodded, took the jade slip handed over by Yu Decheng, swept his consciousness, and all the information inside had entered his mind.

There is a lot of information in the jade slip, most of which are about the introduction of some talisman-making materials inside the different space. There are always more than 20 kinds. It seems that the development of the whole different space is not small during this period. This is the joint efforts of tens of thousands of monks. credit.

Among this batch of talisman-making materials, the highest contribution rate is the three-color fruit and the blood of the high-level monster. The contribution of the three-color fruit is [-] pieces, and the heart-blood of the high-level monster is [-] parts. The rest are between forty and fifty contribution degrees to one hundred contribution degrees.

The three-color fruit is introduced in the jade slips as a kind of heavenly material and earthly treasure. It is not only a elixir but also a high-level talisman-making material. It usually grows in the back of the sun where the aura is rich. It is called tricolor fruit.The three-color fruit is a carrion-eating plant, and it usually grows where the corpses of monsters and monsters accumulate. It can be said that the environment required for this growth is very harsh.

And the painstaking efforts of high-level monsters are even more difficult. What is needed is the painstaking efforts of monsters above the seventh rank. Like the command-level monster that Qin Lang encountered for the first time when he searched for a different space before, it is a peak-level monster of the seventh rank, which is completely qualified. , but if Qin Lang didn't rely on the other party to cross the robbery and get injured, he wouldn't be able to kill that monster at all.

It's a pity that Qin Lang had already disassembled the monster's body after killing the commander-level monster. After getting the golden magic crystal and a bunch of materials, he didn't collect his heart and soul. Otherwise, he could easily earn a fortune now. pen contribution.

After scanning all the talisman-making material information, Qin Lang saw the contribution exchange rewards left by the three talents of the talisman-making masters in the jade slips. Good guy, there are so many good things that can be exchanged, such as bursting talismans, breath-holding talismans, Teleportation talisman, ice bomb talisman, golden knife talisman, golden armor talisman, etc., are mostly high-level spells, which cannot be refined at Qin Lang's current level of talisman making.

And spells are of great help in combat. In theory, spells are also a manifestation of a monk's combat power. If a monk wears enough battle spells and is powerful enough, he can even instantly kill enemies who are much stronger than himself.

There are also many types of spells used in battle, including auxiliary, defensive, and offensive, each of which has different functions, and almost does not consume the monk's own true energy, except for a small amount of true energy. When it is stimulated, it can burst out an attack many times larger than the cultivator's own.

As for these charms that can be exchanged with contribution, Qin Lang is also very interested. This is the most famous talisman master in Ximo. He has just broken through to the level of a talisman making apprentice, and the grade is too low. If he wants to refine such high-level goods, he may have to spend another three to five years of hard work.

(End of this chapter)

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