Chapter 1680

After beheading Hu Ming's body, Qin Lang's trophy was only this body. Everything in the storage bag on this guy was wrapped up by the Nascent Soul body, leaving nothing for Qin Lang.

However, the bones of the Dzogchen monks in the late Yuanying period have some uses. It happened that Qin Lang's magic house was damaged and fell apart. At that time, this bone can be used as a material for repair work.

The next key is to continue to heal his injuries. Qin Lang has never been injured so frequently during this period of time. In fact, the sword gods of the Xuedaomen are not weak in strength. Qin Lang's ability to defeat them depends largely on tactics and luck. If it is a trick, it will definitely be him who dies.

After all, I am just a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator. If I resist head-on, there is no possibility of destroying a team of high-level monks, and all of this team of high-level monks are sword cultivators with powerful attack power, and even some Yuan The existence of Dzogchen in the post-infant period, if this matter is told, no one in the entire cultivation world will believe it.

However, under various coincidences, Qin Lang really completed this incredible reversal. It has to be said that Qin Lang is also a person with great luck, and it is not so easy to hang up.

Next, Qin Lang found a hidden place in the wilderness and set up numerous restrictions. He almost exhausted his only trace of true energy before completing a prohibition circle.

This time, Hu Ming's Nascent Soul Body did not appear again when setting up the formation. In the past few times in different places, whenever Qin Lang wanted to set up the formation, Hu Ming's Nascent Soul Body rushed over like crazy and entered the assassination attack. So every time I failed to fabricate the magic circle.

And chasing and fleeing, when Qin Lang came here to set up again, Hu Ming's Nascent Soul Body finally did not appear again, which made Qin Lang heaved a sigh of relief.

It seems that Hu Ming's Yuanying body has been exhausted to an unbearable situation, otherwise, with the degree of madness of this guy, he will definitely continue to attack him.

Qin Lang is also sweating profusely after fighting for so long, and the injury is second. The key now is that the heart is tired, and the essence, energy, and spirit are all weakened to the extreme. This is something Qin Lang has never experienced before. Hu Ming, the blood knife god, is indeed a powerful The enemy, this time he succeeded in stealing the chicken, is also extremely useless.

This time, so many high-level monks who were able to steal chickens and successfully killed so many blood knife sects, Qin Lang summed up his experience after the war... It's not how strong his own cultivation base is, the biggest credit is to rely on the help of foreign objects, such as the golden armor talisman, the burst talisman, Breathing Talisman, God Thunder, Rare Talisman Meteor Rock Rain and so on.

It can be said that half of the credit for Qin Lang's ability to kill this group of high-level monks of the Blood Knife Sect was due to the high-level spells exchanged from the three talented masters.

These high-level talismans and divine thunders are not for sale in the outside world. They are extremely valuable and cannot be bought, and their power is astonishingly great after use.

It is precisely because of this that they play the role of surprise soldiers in the battle. Qin Lang used them to successfully turn the tables several times in the battle.

Now Qin Lang has a plan, that is, after solving the matter of Hu Ming, he will do a good search in the different space, and strive to save some spells of the three talented masters. After all, the high-level spells he exchanged before are good. Several types were consumed, half of the Explosion Talisman was gone, and none of the Golden Armor Talisman was gone. Qin Lang planned to exchange more of these charms if he had contribution in the future. It would also be a very effective means of life-saving in the future. .

After all, using spells to fight is almost useless for monks, but one of the biggest disadvantages is that it costs money, but now Qin Lang is not a person who is short of money, and he can take out hundreds of millions of spirit stones and resources casually .


After setting up the defensive circle, Qin Lang can finally heal his injuries with peace of mind. He also cultivated his extremely exhausted spirit. This time, Qin Lang retreated for three full days, and his spirit finally fully recovered.

Kacha, Qin Lang casually destroyed the forbidden magic circle he had set up, and then laughed, this feeling of being energetic is really good, Hu Ming, Hu Ming... Now the roles of cat and mouse are reversed again, you now Are you still in a different space?If you are still there, then ask yourself to be blessed...

Qin Lang, who has fully recovered, now decides to launch the ultimate hunt, just like Hu Ming led people to hunt him down before, and he will not stop until he reaches his goal.


In the other direction, after Hu Ming, who was in the Nascent Soul Body, had to give up and continue to harass Qin Lang, he started running around in different spaces.

The reason why it is said to be running around is because its Nascent Soul Body is a little lost.

Now his Nascent Soul body is very unstable, and even his mind seems a little abnormal, sometimes sober and sometimes confused, more time in confusion, less time in sobriety.

Therefore, after being lost, it has completely forgotten its original intention, and now it only has one obsession... that is to find a suitable furnace for seizing the house.

A black flying bird flew across the sky. It must be said that the flying speed of the Nascent Soul Body was as fast as a magic weapon.

Driven by obsession, the chaotic spirit of Hu Mingyuan's infant body is looking for objects in one area after another. In different spaces, there are different monks conducting search activities in different areas at all times. Naturally, there are also deaths at every moment. .

However, most of these dead monks were monks in the alchemy stage. Hu Ming, as a monk who used to be a Dzogchen monk in the late Nascent Soul, even though the Nascent Soul body is a little confused now, he still doesn't like this kind of seizing the stove. .

The Nascent Soul body had silent mental fluctuations in the air, hysterical: "No... no... not at all! No..."

Think about it too, if after seizing the house, if the cultivation level plummets from the late Yuanying stage to the alchemy stage, no one will be willing.

With great difficulty, Hu Ming's Nascent Soul Body found a corpse of an early Nascent Soul, and when he was about to seize the body, there was a violent spiritual energy fluctuation in front of him, and it seemed that a big battle broke out.After Hu Ming's Nascent Soul body passed by his consciousness inadvertently, he directly gave up on the corpse of a junior Nascent Soul cultivator in front of him.

At this moment, his Nascent Soul body was in a lucid state, and he saw a team of five monks fighting a leader-level monster, and one of the monks in the team happened to be in the late stage of Nascent Soul. The initial monks should be members of the team, but they died at the hands of this leader-level monster.

Although one of the five monks was lost, they had the upper hand in the battle against the commander-level monsters. It seemed that if they fought to the nearest, the monks would definitely win.

However, it is not easy for the team of five monks to win this victory. After all, monsters at the commanding level are not vegetarians. There may be losses in the battle until recently, but the finale is the late Nascent Soul monk who survived. Hope is great.

Seeing this team of monks fighting against monsters at the monster level, Hu Mingyuan, who had regained consciousness for the time being, suddenly had a vicious idea, that is to help the monsters destroy the team of monks in front of him. Let alone the late Nascent Soul cultivator.

You know, my original physical body is gone now, and it's not easy to find a new physical body now. Ordinary people don't look up to him, and in this team of monks, only the late Nascent Soul monk can see into his eyes. So when he had this idea, he couldn't stop thinking at all, and quickly put this idea into action.

Next, this five-person monk team fell into bad luck.

Although Hu Ming's combat power in the Nascent Soul body has been greatly reduced, the body carries a lot of magic weapons. If these magic weapons are used, it is no problem to compete head-on with a peak monk in the late Nascent Soul. Of course, the time cannot last too long Many, you must know that when the Nascent Infant Body is fighting, it consumes its own essence every moment. If it is consumed to a certain extent, the Infant Body may collapse.

Using the magic weapon on his body, Hu Ming of Nascent Soul Physique suddenly broke out when the five-person monk team was fighting with the commander-level monsters at the most intense stage, and directly wiped out this five-member monk team, and at the same time, the commander-level monster team The monster was also dying and was directly beheaded by him.

Afterwards, Hu Ming, the Nascent Soul Physique, ignored other matters, and directly used a trace of energy to set up a simple restriction, and then began to seize and rebirth that late Nascent Soul cultivator.

Since this late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator had just been beheaded, the spiritual consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness had not dissipated completely. It was with great difficulty that Hu Ming with the Nascent Soul body squeezed into the opponent's sea of ​​consciousness, and it took a lot of effort to squeeze out the remaining soul. To a corner of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, but it will take some time to completely eliminate it.

Hu Ming has no time to pay attention to the monk's remnants of spiritual praise now, he is now formally entering into full communication with this physical body, and completely takes over this physical body.

There are many kinds of seizing skills in the realm of comprehension. After all, after the death of a high-ranking monk, the body of the Nascent Soul is immortal, and it is normal to seize the body and be reborn.And Hu Ming's set of seizing the house is also a direct inheritance of the blood knife sect. After three hours, Hu Ming has initially mastered this physical body.

To be able to seize a late Nascent Soul body, I have to say that Hu Ming had great luck.

Of course, this is also the result of this guy being vicious enough to deceive the team of monks in front of him.

It was only after mastering this physical body that Hu Ming discovered that the aptitude of this physical body is indeed good, but it is still a little worse than his previous physical body, and his cultivation base is also lower. This is a fly in the ointment. .

Thinking of this, Hu Ming's hatred for Qin Lang deepened. If it weren't for Qin Lang, he wouldn't be so embarrassed that he would be reborn this time. It is impossible for ten or eight years.

Moreover, due to the compatibility of Duoshe's physical body, demons may arise at any time during the cultivation process. If Hu Ming cultivates next, he needs to be cautious at every step. Before he has fully mastered this physical body, he will Don't dare to let go of your heart and go all out to sprint for cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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