The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1826 Newly promoted monk

Chapter 1826 Newly promoted monk

The thunder calamity in the transformation stage is not so easy to overcome, but Wei Haoran's thunder calamity appeared in this dilapidated small secret realm instead of the outside world, so the power of heaven and earth is slightly weaker. In this case, it should be easy for him Get through some.

And the knife cultivator's training of willpower is comparable to physical cultivation, so there will be no problems in willpower, and he will be attacked by the heart demon during the tribulation.In addition, he has a treasure that protects the mind, so it is even more impossible for him to have problems in this regard.

Therefore, Wei Haoran is mainly fighting against the external catastrophe in the current tribulation. The first catastrophe for cultivators in the transformation stage is usually the thunder catastrophe. This thunder catastrophe is generally divided into nine times, and each time is twice as powerful as the previous one. , when it reached the last level, its power was 81 times that of the first one.

If such a thunder calamity cannot be overcome, there is a danger of perishing. Therefore, if the monks of the Dzogchen in the late Yuanying period are not fully prepared, they will generally not rush to survive the disaster.

Of course, the launching speed of each round of thunder calamity is actually not fast, and the lightning is easily infected with the essence of the five elements. If a monk is willing to avoid the disaster, the first heavy thunder calamity can also be guided by metal objects to eliminate the disaster solve problems.

However, this method of eliminating disasters and solving difficulties is not the most ideal way to advance to the rank. Even if he escapes, because he does not have the power of lightning to temper himself, even if the monk advances to the rank of quasi-spirituality, he is only at the stage of quasi-transformation. Can be directly promoted to the god of transformation.

Just like Qin Lang, when he crossed the catastrophe, he actually took a chance. When he spent time on Tiandao Island, he was protected by two mid-stage cultivators from Tiandaomen.

Of course, Qin Lang is also fortunate to have two mid-stage cultivators from Tiandaomen to protect the law. Otherwise, it would be very dangerous to cross the catastrophe. The power is also twice that of other monks. It was the same when he crossed the Nascent Soul Calamity, and it was still the same when he crossed the Transformation God Calamity.

Although Wei Haoran's God Transformation Tribulation this time is not as powerful as Qin Lang's, and the first Thunder Tribulation did not have the dark clouds stretching for tens of miles, but he is facing it directly now, unlike Qin Lang who had someone replace him to block everything. Therefore, if Wei Haoran succeeds in crossing the catastrophe directly, it will definitely be a real cultivation level in the stage of transforming gods.

In the blink of an eye, the first thunder calamity had already landed, a bolt of lightning fell, the power was not very strong, Wei Haoran directly threw out a saber aura, as if the tribulation thunder had been split.


The second Thunder Tribulation came out again after more than ten seconds, and its power doubled. However, Wei Haoran, who was very powerful, still didn't notice it. It was only twice as strong now, and it didn't matter to him. Still, he directly swung a saber energy and split it, without even opening the defense on his body.

Boom boom boom... The third lightning tribulation struck out after brewing again. This time Wei Haoran was a little more serious. Although the thunder and lightning with three times the power still couldn't hurt him, it would still be very uncomfortable if he was struck Yes, you may even be injured.

Boom boom boom...the fourth one, this one was done by Wei Haoran directly making two shots.And in the fifth chapter, Wei Haoran has already started to use the magic weapon defense shield on his body, and dealt with it seriously.

The sixth...Wei Haoran now has to grit his teeth and swing the saber. He needs to swipe more than a dozen saber airs in a row in an instant, so that the thunder and lightning that continue to thicken the air will be split in advance.And the seventh hit... He changed from a dozen hits in an instant to dozens of hits, and only then barely resisted the thunder and lightning.

The eighth note... Wei Haoran has already reached a peak speed of waving his hand 250 times in an instant. At the same time, he hit the lightning. Only a small amount of aftermath of the lightning hit him, but it was absorbed by the shield of his body.

After passing through the eighth episode, the sky began to slowly roar, and the most terrifying ninth episode of thunder and lightning was brewing. The brewing time of this episode of thunder and lightning was a little longer, and Wei Haoran's face was dark , his expression became more serious.

"Ahhhhhh..." Wei Yangtian roared, all the defenses in his body had been mobilized, and at the same time when the thick lightning from the thunderbolt boiler fell in the sky, the peak sword energy of 250 times in an instant greeted him, knocking out the lightning Split in half.

But after the lightning was split, there was still a lot of aftermath, and it hit Wei Haoran's shield, breaking Wei Haoran's shield in an instant.And Wei Haoran didn't wait to catch his breath at this time, and directly threw a lot of defensive charms, which consumed a lot of lightning.

In the end, the lightning that fell on him had been weakened many times, but even so, Wei Haoran was still tender inside and out, out of human shape.After the lightning passed, his hair was standing on end, and the top of his head was filled with smoke. Fortunately, although he looked a bit unwell, he managed to get through this round of thunder disaster completely.

After passing through this level of thunder disaster, Wei Haoran quickly swallowed a few pills to recover himself quickly. Although the first round of thunder disaster has been passed, there are still six different disasters in the future. If so, the risk of perishing is equally great.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that, in fact, when every monk is crossing the catastrophe, except for the first level of thunder catastrophe, which is fixed, the subsequent six levels of catastrophe are ever-changing. It's funny, it doesn't even have any lethality, it's just giving benefits to the monks.

For example, when Wei Haoran was going through the disaster on the fourth level, he laughed out loud. It actually rained resources from the sky, and he didn't know which world location a large number of precious resources were sent down as a disaster. Wei Haoran was here In a catastrophe, he laughed directly, and initially calculated at least five billion worth of resources.

Hey, if the resources are worth [-] billion, this is a very exciting number in the eyes of the cultivators in the stage of transformation, and even some monks in the middle stage of transformation do not have such a net worth. It seems that Wei Haoran has passed through this After the calamity of the wheel, if the catastrophe is successfully overcome, you can go directly back to the sect and become a local tyrant.

It is also something that Wei Haoran could not have imagined that he could make such a large amount of money after crossing the catastrophe. It is easy and avoids a round of catastrophe, but the special attribute bonuses to the body during the process of crossing the catastrophe are not missing at all. A good thing is that the world will fall into the pie. Maybe every monk dreams of this, but few of them can really realize this wish.

And now Wei Haoran is undoubtedly such a lucky person. The world's pie fell on him. Compared with Wei Haoran's good luck, Qin Lang also had a special disaster when he crossed the Nascent Soul Tribulation. It was a lot of hardship, and that round of catastrophe sent Qin Lang an unkillable spirit sucker from the space directly from the crack in the space, wreaking havoc in the secret realm of Kunlun Mountain, which really made Qin Lang and the people around Qin Lang very troubled.

Wei Haoran deserves to be a monk who was born in Tiandaomen, one of the three major suzerains in the Eastern Sea Region. The level of accumulation of his cultivation base and background is really not comparable to that of ordinary casual cultivators. He has survived the seven consecutive catastrophes safely. After passing, although every inch of energy and physical strength of the body was drained when we finally got through, and the body also suffered some injuries, but they were all minor problems, which can be recovered through recovery.

And Wei Haoran, after crossing the catastrophe, finally successfully entered the stage of transforming gods. Although he was exhausted, he still swallowed a few recovery pills for himself with amazing willpower, and then reluctantly rolled up to practice meditation. Speed ​​up the process of recovering yourself.

After a while, Wei Haoran opened his eyes, and a ray of light flashed across him. Now he feels that his own state is extremely beautiful. After being promoted to the stage of transforming gods, not only is his cultivation stronger, but the endless vitality of his true energy is the most important thing. The main thing is that now he has slowly realized the ingenuity of it.

Now, if he fights the enemy, he will be crazier than before, he can simply turn into a fighting machine, and he doesn't know what fatigue is at all.

After being promoted to the stage of transforming gods, Wei Haoran, who was carrying the top-grade magic weapon, had more confidence in himself. At this time, he laughed a few times, raised his knife and rushed towards the passage of the demon world. His consciousness can radiate It's far away, so it directly senses that the demonic energy fluctuations in that direction are stronger, and it should be the entrance of the demonic passage.

He intends to go there, kill one more monster, and further refine his top-grade magic weapon, so as to add more foundation to this magic sword that he has named "Guangfeng".Speaking of which, the sword cultivator in the Transformation God Stage is still very scary. Every knife can now bring the power of heaven and earth. Compared with the Nascent Soul Stage, it is a completely different state.

So now, if Wei Haoran confronts the demon boss and the extraterritorial demons, no matter how many of these monsters turn around, it may not be enough to kill him. He should challenge a higher level of monsters now to be worthy of his current status.

A sword cultivator in the God Transformation stage... Even a sword cultivator who has just entered the God Transformation stage is not comparable to ordinary monks in the Spirit Transformation stage. Even the clone of Venerable Shura who chased and killed Qin Lang before may not be able to stop Wei Haoran A few sword auras with the power of heaven and earth.

Wei Haoran, who was full of fighting spirit, came directly to the connection point between the passage of the demon world and the secret realm. At this time, he also sensed some special aura. After releasing his consciousness, he immediately found an acquaintance, the quasi-transformation god stage of Qin Lang.

At the same time when Wei Haoran discovered Qin Lang, Qin Lang's spiritual sense also sensed Wei Haoran. After sensing Wei Haoran's breath, Qin Lang was startled for a while, and then he was also surprised: "Unexpectedly, someone from the group of monks from Tiandaomen broke through again. ...In the stage of transformation into a god? It's even bigger than me now, this monk named Wei Haoran is really amazing, and he really deserves to be at the same level as the ground knife Chang Fei."

Qin Lang has heard that Wei Haoran and Chang Fei are both top [-] people in the Eastern Sea Region, and they are both the young monks in the Eastern Sea Region, so it is definitely very important to be able to advance to the rank in the secret sea area now. It's normal, after all, people have already accumulated to the point where they are about to break through, what is missing is only an opportunity, and now it's just that the opportunity has arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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