The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1829 Forbidden Demon Jade Talisman and Imperial Magic Jade Talisman

Chapter 1829 Forbidden Demon Jade Talisman and Imperial Magic Jade Talisman

After thinking about it, Qin Lang was still going to be more cautious. After all, a monk had only one life, so he flipped through the storage ring and took out a Longyang jade bed that he had obtained from the Wushuang ruins.

Longyang jade is a kind of top-quality warm jade, which is almost extinct in the cultivation world. The Longyang jade in Qin Lang's Longyang jade bed is ten thousand years warm jade. If you practice on the big bed, it can lock the monk's mind tightly, The demon does not invade, which has the effect of speeding up the cultivation speed, especially breaking through the barrier on the Longyang jade bed, which can avoid the generation of demons.

Qin Lang has never used this top-grade treasure since he received it. This jade bed has been a top-grade magic weapon since it was refined, and it can be used without sacrifice.

But now Qin Lang doesn't plan to keep the jade bed, he plans to decompose this jade bed into materials, first refining some small treasures or jade charms, after all, the entire Longyang jade bed is too big, It is also very inconvenient to use, and it is very likely that I will use it to deal with creatures in the devil world now.

So, next, Qin Lang directly participated in the dismantling of the Longyang Jade Bed. The entire Longyang Jade Bed weighed three to four tons, and after the restriction was released, almost three people could lie on it.

After Qin Lang lifted the restriction on this treasure, he began to decompose the jade bed into square jade pieces of one hundred catties, and then put the other jade pieces in the storage ring, and one of the jade pieces was used as the jade material to be used by Qin Lang again Break it down into two hundred or so pieces, usually each piece is the size of a palm and weighs about half a catty.

At this time, the raw materials for making talismans are already ready. Although Qin Lang only has the level of an ordinary talisman maker, he has the assistance of a super system, so it also has a certain bonus for his talisman making. Charms shouldn't be a big problem, but the success rate may not be high.

Now that there are so many raw materials, Qin Lang didn't feel distressed, so he directly used the first piece of jade talisman to enter the divine consciousness burning test hand. What he refined was the forbidden magic talisman. The high-level spells of demonic creatures, although demonic creatures rarely appear in the cultivation world, the inextricable connection between the demonic world and the cultivation world exists in every domain of Qinghe Continent.

Therefore, it is not surprising that there are techniques to deal with monsters in the cultivation world. I heard that the demon world and the cultivation world were connected together in ancient times. It was only after the ancient gods and demons that the two worlds were separated.

At this time, Qin Lang began to inject the lines of the forbidden spell into the jade talisman according to the production method of the forbidden magic talisman. Under the calculation of the super system, Qin Lang's talisman refining steps have been virtually deduced countless times in the sea of ​​​​knowledge, so There will be no problems with the refining scheme of the entire spell.

And Qin Lang's biggest problem now is that the rank of the spell and his own ability to make charms are low, which limits the success rate of the spell. Sure enough, cracks appeared when the first spell was half refined.

After the cracks appeared on the first piece, the refinement of this piece of jade talisman failed, but Qin Lang was not discouraged. Anyway, this was just a trial. With so many jade talismans on hand, no matter how low the success rate was, 200 yuan would be worth it. There should be quite a few successes.

Sure enough, when Qin Lang tried his hand again, the second jade talisman succeeded, and he refined the forbidden magic talisman.After the forbidden magic jade talisman was refined, the brilliance of this piece of jade talisman was restrained, without the original bright and bright feeling of Longyang jade. This is actually a normal phenomenon, because after the jade talisman was refined, the spirituality of the entire talisman was locked. Living.

After the jade talisman's restriction is formed, the spirituality of the entire talisman is locked, which is a complete talisman.

The biggest difference between jade talismans and those made of paper talismans, wooden talismans, and animal skin talismans is that jade talismans are more spiritual. After all, jade is the most spiritual talisman-making material in the world, and there are basically no other materials. Can be compared with jade.

Among the talisman-making materials in the cultivation world, generally speaking, good-quality jade materials are superior to high-quality gold and stone materials, even better than monster animal skins and spiritual materials, and then ordinary spiritual paper.

Of course, this is a common saying. If some special gold and stone materials, or high-level monsters and plants are used for refining, the effect may be higher than that of good-quality stones.

And Longyang jade is the top grade among good jades, so the jade talisman made from Longyang jade is more precious, and it is rare for high-level monks in the cultivation world to ask for a piece.

Such jade charms can usually be used multiple times, and can continuously replenish energy. Hard to damage.

The first high-level magic-forbidden talisman was successfully refined, and Qin Lang seemed very happy. What was sealed in this magic-forbidden talisman was the kind of magic-forbidden art he used before, which was used to capture the devil. Although its power is not special It is outstanding, but it is more than enough to deal with ordinary demons and extraterrestrial demons.

In the battle against the devil, if the jade talisman is used together with the main body, it is equivalent to doubling the monk's ability to restrain demons, that is to say, doubling the combat power.

If this is calculated, it is equivalent to two Do Langs shooting together. When encountering a large-scale monster, the spell can indeed come in handy.

Afterwards, Qin Lang did not stop, and directly refined nearly a hundred times, and finally succeeded for 19 yuan, and failed for 80 yuan.

In this case, Qin Lang would have 20 yuan for the forbidden magic talisman on hand. After refining these, he began to refine the second high-level spell "Demonic Talisman", which is different from the magical talisman. It is not used to deal with monsters, but to protect the monk's mind.

When the magic talisman is deployed, it will add a layer of mind shield to the monk's mind, protecting the monk's inner demon from being taken advantage of by external demons. This kind of top-quality dragon jade has a bonus effect on the magic talisman, and The bonus is huge, and it is far faster and more reliable than monks performing some exercises to protect the mind.

The imperial magic talisman is also a high-level talisman. The refining method of this talisman is also from the ancient books on the third floor of the Hall of Knowledge of the Heavenly Sword Sect. The Heavenly Sword Sect is indeed a sect inherited from ancient times. The spells are actually complete, and there is no incomplete phenomenon.

It was also the first attempt for Qin Lang to refine the imperial magic talisman. Unexpectedly, the first refining failed, because the level of Qin Lang's talisman maker was not very high, so even if there was a super system to refine this high-level talisman, but The hardware conditions are too low, there is no way, and now it is just barely able to refine talismans.

You know, if you are an ordinary talisman maker, you can only refine intermediate-level talismans. If you try to refine high-level talismans, you dare not even try.

However, ordinary talisman masters may refine high-level talismans even if they refine them a hundred times. The probability is too low, and it is really not worthwhile.

And whether it will be successful once in a hundred times, this cannot be guaranteed, there is no definite number.

And you must know that talisman making is a very expensive method, and the cost of materials for each talisman is very high. If the success rate of talisman making cannot be guaranteed in the process of making talismans, you will often feel that you cannot make ends meet, no matter how rich you are. Teacher, I can't afford to burn money.

After all, if it fails once or twice, it’s okay to say, the connection fails dozens of times, and only succeeds once hundreds of times.

Therefore, if a primary talisman maker makes talismans, he must honestly refine his primary and intermediate talismans, and the success rate of primary talismans must be guaranteed to be above 80.00%, and the success rate of intermediate talismans must be guaranteed to be above 40.00%. Only then will there be profits. If the standard is not met, the junior talisman maker is unqualified and needs to continue to learn more.

And Qin Lang can be regarded as an anomaly in the cultivation world. Whether it is alchemy, weapon refining, array formation, or talisman making, the super system has helped him a lot, so even if it is the first time refining high-level talismans, his success rate It also remained above 20.00%. Although this success rate also lost a lot of materials, compared with other spellcasters of the same level, his success rate is controllable, which is also an advantage.

The super system helps him refine the talisman-making process to every step accurately and accurately to the design of every tiny grain, so that his entire talisman-making process has a reference like a textbook, so that the error rate will be greatly reduced. Small.

And with the help of the super system, Qin Lang was able to produce high-level spells with the ability of a junior rune maker, and the success rate of 20.00% was already very remarkable. You must know that even some intermediate rune-makers would not dare to guarantee that they would be in the Such a stable success rate can be achieved when making high-level spells.

After Qin Lang used all the 200 yuan slap-sized Longyang jade to make talismans, he got a total of 20 yuan forbidden jade talismans and 20 yuan for imperial magic jade talismans. The remaining materials were all broken and damaged without accident.

However, he did not discard these damaged materials. This Longyang jade is also the best material for alchemy. In his memory, there are several kinds of jade alchemy that use the best jade materials in the cultivation world, so the broken pieces Although the material cannot be used to make talismans, it can also be used for alchemy.

After the 40 yuan spell was refined, Qin Lang felt that his understanding of the way of making charms had deepened a lot. This should be due to the experience bonus obtained in the process of refining high-level spells, but even if he got these experience bonuses, Qin Lang wanted to There is still a long way to go to break through to an intermediate talisman maker.

After all, alchemy, refining, and talisman are all easy to learn and difficult to master. They all need a lot of time and experience to accumulate, so that they can advance a little bit. Although Qin Lang has many advantages and avoids many detours, he also has Super system assistance, but it is not possible to reach the sky in one step.

In short, Qin Lang's learning is too complex, so even if his learning and comprehension ability is far superior to others, it is impossible for him to be able to do everything. Except for medical skills and alchemy, the formation ability is the second, and other abilities It's just unremarkable.

Or it can't be said to be mediocre, after all, he now has the assistance of the super system. With the assistance of the super system, no matter what he does, he is above the standard line...

Just like the talisman maker in front of him, with the help of the super system, he has refined high-level talisman, which has surpassed most of the middle-level talisman masters in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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