The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1831 Infiltrating the Demon Ship

Chapter 1831 Infiltrating the Demon Ship
The broken magic gold is a good thing. It is the top-quality refining material, and it is almost extinct in the cultivation world, but there is a raw ore of broken magic gold in this demon world.

The purification of broken magic stone is not easy, and the magic marsh crab is indirectly equivalent to a purification tool, helping Qin Lang to purify this small piece of nail-sized raw ore.

Preliminary estimates, although it is just a small piece of broken magic gold, it is definitely worth more than 5000 million, and it is currently unavailable in the cultivation world.

It actually took a lot of effort to condense such a fingernail-sized lump of broken magic gold in the magic swamp. It is estimated that it will take at least a month or two to gnaw on this raw ore island with broken magic stones before it can condense in the body. Such a large piece of broken magic gold was extracted.

After collecting this piece of broken magic gold, Qin Lang put the whole body of the magic swamp crab into the storage bag. Although the magic swamp crab is only the lowest-level monster, and even the corpse has a hard shell, it doesn't have much use value , but Qin Lang didn't think about this. What he thought about was that after the Demon Swamp Touch was killed by himself, the dissipated magic energy flowed to the Demon Realm boat and would be discovered by some monsters there.

After all, the main task of Qin Lang entering the Demon Realm is to pick up leaks. The high-level monster who fought with the magic sea anemone must be seriously injured now. He is healing in that weird ship. He wants to sneak attack and kill this high-level monster. the benefits of.

Therefore, Qin Lang still seizes the opportunity to find a way to board the ship. Although the shape of that weird big ship in the devil world is not very good, but according to the appearance of this big ship, it can be judged that not all monsters in the devil world are single-celled stupid creatures. A certain level of intelligence and production technology, which can be judged from the armor worn by the elite demon before, and the strange big ship next to the island in front of him.

Although the demonic island connected to the secret channel of the sea area is not very big, the surrounding ocean looks extremely wide. The gray-black sea water is not calm, and no creatures are known to be active in it.

And the big ships from the Demon Realm must have come from afar. Although the shape is crooked and ugly, one thing is certain, that is, the big ships are really big, about the size of an aircraft carrier on Earth, but the shape of the whole ship is very different. As if it came out of the primitive society, it was completely handmade by the devil.

At this time, Qin Lang quietly approached the large demon ship. He found that there were really many monsters on the deck of this large demon ship. There were demon heads, extraterritorial demons, and elite demon heads. The demon bosses in the secret sea area of ​​the cultivation world and the heavenly demons from outside the territory should have all been transferred from this big ship.

Of course, this is just Qin Lang's guess. Now that he has changed the appearance of the devil, he began to sneak towards this strange big ship, and the demon army on this strange big ship did not reject Qin Lang's joining at all. It can be seen from this that the demon army is somewhat different from human beings. They are chaotic in their management system and belong to the chaotic camp.

So it was easy for Qin Lang to fish in troubled waters and enter the inside of this weird big ship. After walking all the way, no devil or extraterrestrial demon found his abnormality.

In fact, as long as the monsters at the level of the devil do not notice him, it is basically impossible for Qin Lang to be discovered by the demons, extraterritorial demons or elite demons who are pretending to be disguised.

The big ship in the demon world is really chaotic, and there are messy messages exchanged between monsters everywhere. The communication between monsters is actually a kind of spiritual fluctuation, a kind of soul energy, and it is still very different from the communication between humans. of.

Qin Lang was also exposed to this special soul fluctuation for the first time, and immediately stood there for two or three seconds, and after two or three seconds, the super system in his brain had quickly fed back, helping him decipher some common languages ​​​​of the demon world, for example: " Ge Laozi's... another fight... eat, eat, eat... soul crystal..."

The information is very messy, and the agent Qin Lang still slowly understood and absorbed it. After eliminating some useless information, Qin Lang gained some useful information. For example, this big ship belongs to a big devil named Anaika. magic sand.

And Sa Mosha has three deputy commanders under his command, two of whom have just escaped from the secret realm and seem to be recuperating on the ship after being seriously injured.

After hearing the news, Qin Lang's eyes lit up. The high-level monster he was looking for was probably the two deputy commanders who were injured in the battle with the demon sea anemone. However, on the big ship of the demon world, the two injured The high-level monsters are equivalent to being in the base camp. How can I get rid of the two high-level monsters quietly and at the same time?
Qin Lang felt that he was a little risky, but now that he was on the big ship of the devil world, if he didn't fight, he always felt a little unwilling, and it was not his nature to return empty-handed.

While thinking like this, Qin Lang slowly walked in one direction of the big ship. There are quite a lot of monsters on this ship, but the road is not crowded. Most of the monsters are soul bodies that can be transformed into virtual reality. pass through obstacles.

Although it is strange that Qin Lang is a little different from the devil, but the monsters along the way do not doubt him very much. After all, the devil that Qin Lang uses to change the way is too similar, not only the appearance, but also the inner breath. Very ingeniously, these low-level monsters can't see anything abnormal at all.

Qin Lang marched all the way to the center of the big ship, which is also the hub of the entire magic ship. The commander-level monster Sa Mosha and his three deputy commanders all reside here, and each has its own separate magic lair.

The devil's lair is actually a resting place for monsters. If monsters restore their energy in the devil's lair, the effect will be doubled. If high-level monsters know how to practice, they usually do it in the devil's lair.

In the Demon Realm, high-level monsters have their own individual demon lairs, while the demon lairs of ordinary cannon fodder monsters are shared. For example, the public demon lair in this large ship can accommodate more than 2 monsters to use together. Just like a super Chase shop, the devils, extraterrestrial demons, or elite devils will directly enter the public devil's lair to replenish energy when they need it.

Qin Lang quietly sneaked towards the private magic nest area in the central area, and at this moment, the mental wave swept from a certain position in the central area to the direction of the big ship. In other words, it is almost close to the middle stage of human monks' transformation into gods.

This mental fluctuation should be the soul fluctuation of Commander Samosha, and it is sending a message to the whole big ship: "It's time to eat, you bastards... After eating, you can work hard. I just got the message from the big devil." News, this time our army's expansion was known by the neighboring Moxiu army, and now the Moxiu army has also sent a large ship, so everyone, get ready to fight!"

When the mental fluctuations of Commander Samosha swept over, Qin Lang was taken aback, thinking that he had been discovered, but he didn't know that Samosha hadn't spotted him at all. In fact, it was indeed the case. The entire magic ship There is an army of [-] to [-] monsters, and now Qin Lang is so cleverly disguised... How could Sa Mosha, the commander in chief, find the human monks who sneaked into the big ship with ulterior motives!

So Qin Lang continued to make soy sauce on the boat. After Samosha gave the signal to serve food, all the monsters in the whole demon ship boiled, and the food of the monsters in the demon world could not be human blood essence. Here is another part of the monsters A kind of food, that is the soul crystal.

Soul crystal is a kind of pure soul energy, and its quality is divided into three types: upper, middle, and lower. Soul crystal is also one of the daily food sources for demon heads in the demon world. Basically, a low-grade soul crystal can feed a hundred ordinary monsters for a while. Suddenly.

There are several ways to produce soul crystals. One is the condensation of energy in dead monsters. These monsters are not only animals, but also plants, which can produce soul crystals; the other is many ores from the demon world. Soul crystals can be mined in the world, and there are many veins that produce soul crystals in the demon world, just like the spirit stone mines in the cultivation world.

However, what the soul crystal replenishes is not the true energy. Most of the monsters in the demon world have soul physiques, so the soul crystal is also focusing on replenishing the demon soul of the monster.

And when the meal was served, there were elite-level extraterritorial demons who organized order. The extraterritorial demons themselves were smarter than the demon heads and had a lot of wit, so Commander Sa Mosha used these elite-level extraterritorial demons to maintain the daily order on the big ship. , so that the management of the monsters of the magic ship will not cause major confusion.

There are more than 100 elite extraterrestrial demons who maintain order, and basically they only stare at a group of monsters.

At this time, with the strange horn of the magic ship sounding three times, all the monsters began to eat, and those soul crystals had been taken out by the elite-level extraterrestrial demons. It is light gray in color, somewhat similar in shape to the Shard of Magic Gold.

Qin Lang also followed the troubled waters to absorb the energy of this soul crystal. His consciousness simulated the energy fluctuations of the demon soul, and pulled the energy of the soul crystal. After absorbing it, he found that the soul crystal was only a supplement to his consciousness. It is very beneficial, it is actually the best natural material and earth treasure to supplement the spiritual consciousness, just after absorbing this trace, he feels that his primordial spirit has undergone some slight changes, it should be strengthened a little bit.

However, Qin Lang's suction also attracted the attention of all the monsters present. At that time, some monsters were dissatisfied. The reason is naturally that Qin Lang absorbed almost ten people this time. Hungry, unable to absorb the energy of the magic crystal, because Qin Lang absorbed their part in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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