The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1855 The Battle of Shenji Island Begins

Chapter 1855 The Battle of Shenji Island Begins

"Sure enough, it's you, that's right...boy, you are really good enough to actually kill Venerable Shura, then the Heavenly Demon Banner, the inherited magic weapon, should also be in your hands! Return the magic weapon to the deity, and the deity can consider giving me a whole body."

Elder Xing Niu Pi said coaxingly.

In fact, although Qin Lang's strength is a bit unexpected, he has reached the stage of transformation, but he has to be ignored. After all, he is a monk in the middle stage of transformation, and the suppression of grades is still very strong.

"Hehe, what a beautiful idea!"

Qin Lang rolled his eyes, the magic cultivator in the mid-stage of the Heavenly Demon Palace is not mentally ill, is it useful to talk about these scenes, it is better to just do it.

At this time, Qin Lang quietly took a picture of the rare spell-shifting shadow-changing talisman for himself. The shape-changing shadow-changing talisman was exchanged with the three talented masters when he was in Ximo. The locked target is converted and matched. If this kind of spell is used well, it doesn't matter how many enemies Qin Lang comes. One person can single out a group.

And Qin Lang has used this kind of spell before, and every time he uses it, it has a good effect. At the beginning, he exchanged a dozen of them with the three talents. Although he used up one or two after coming to the East Sea, he still has some Not a lot.

After the spell was photographed, a faint light flashed on Qin Lang's body, and then disappeared.

Now that the battle has officially begun, Qin Lang holds the best flying sword and begins to kill the surrounding enemies. This time, Qin Lang made up his mind to avoid strong enemies, starting with the weaker Nascent Soul Late Dzogchen Elites of the Heavenly Demon Palace Go ahead, kill these guys if you can, and if you can't deal with them, find a way to get out as soon as possible.

The battle started, but Qin Lang was the first one to take the initiative to attack. It is true that he is now singled out dozens of people, and he is already at a disadvantage. If he does not take the initiative, it will not work.

On the other side, Elder Xing also sneered when he saw Qin Lang rushing over. Although he had noticed the flash of the spell on Qin Lang just now, he didn't think that this kid could defeat himself with just a few spells.

And this time I brought so many subordinates, I am afraid that I don't need to do anything myself, these people under my command can finish the battle.

Of course, Elder Xing didn't know that Qin Lang was using the rare spell Apparition. If he could know in advance, he would regret that he didn't take action against Qin Lang early.

Because what happened next? He couldn't hit Qin Lang who used a special spell. Instead, he almost accidentally injured his subordinates several times. He was directly shot to death by himself.

Green luan ring!
Moli hook...

Soul-suppressing Jin Ge!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh... The battle started, and dozens of magicians attacked the center of the field together.

They now form an attack formation to surround Qin Lang. In everyone's guess, even if the surrounded boy is a cultivator at the transformation stage, he may not be able to stop such fierce firepower.

It's true that Qin Lang is a cultivator at the transformation stage, and it's true that a cultivator at the transformation stage can pick four or five late-stage Nascent Soul Dzogchen cultivators at the same time, but the more than 30 late-stage Nascent Soul Dzogchen demon cultivators in front of him are surrounded by formations, increasing their strength. The power of the attack is probably equivalent to more than 100 cultivators attacking this kid at the same time. With such a high intensity, so what if this kid is a cultivator at the transformation stage?
What's more, Elder Xing, the master of the God of War Temple, is a great master in the middle stage of transformation, and he may make a move at any time. In this case, Qin Lang has no possibility of escape.

But then, Qin Lang slapped them hard, letting them see that there are no absolutes in this world, and some things are just so unexpected.

Apparatus launched!Shifting... Shifting... Shifting... Shifting...

Qin Lang flickered and jumped at random in the field, and matched up with these demon cultivators who formed a large formation in front of him at will. Then, after these demon cultivators were matched, that unlucky guy was attacked by many companions. With such a powerful cultivation and control power, Elder Xing, the master of the battle hall, watched helplessly that the attacks he sent out could not be recovered, and all the targets he attacked suddenly became his own people.

During the huge attack collision, the body defense of the demon cultivator shattered like an egg shell. He couldn't even scream in this wave of focused fire, and was wiped out by his companions in a wave.

After this wave of attacks, the demon cultivator in the center of the field could be said to have no bones left, not even a trace of flesh and blood left, and only a scorched black spot remained in the center of the field.

" is this possible..."

The other demon cultivators around were stunned, and they didn't expect such an oolong to happen, the target who was attacked suddenly disappeared, and it was their companion who appeared in place.

"Peng!" "Peng!" Taking advantage of the dazed kung fu of all the demon cultivators, Qin Lang directly drew his sword and took away the heads of the two demon cultivators, killing them.


Elder Xing, who was holding the formation outside the formation, saw everything clearly. He didn't expect that kid to have such a special ability, so it's really troublesome now!

He doesn't know whether this kid's ability to change shape and change is his own magical talent, or the ability to use spells. No matter what, Qin Lang who has the ability to change shape and change is indeed a big trouble. Although there are many people, group attacks may be useless to them.

Whoosh whoosh... whoosh whoosh...

Although Moxiu on the field accidentally injured his companion after the first wave, the attack did not stop. After locking Qin Lang again, he launched an attack again.


Qin Lang sneered, and the ability of shapeshifting was activated again. Although a rare spell of shapeshifting lasted only ten minutes, it was enough time for him to prepare. After all, sometimes the battlefield The battle situation changed in just a few minutes.

Whoosh whoosh!When the demon cultivators on the field once again locked on themselves to launch the second wave of attacks, Qin Lang sneered again, and then confronted one of the demon cultivators again without hesitation, brushing all of a sudden, Qin Lang disappeared in place, and A replaced unlucky guy appeared on the spot.

boom!A wave of attacks from all the demon cultivators came, and there is no doubt that this demon cultivator could not escape his bad luck, and was massacred by his companions.

"Puffy!" Qin Lang once again solved the two demon cultivators during the time between shape-changing and shadow-changing.

However, it is impossible for him to solve more demonic cultivators at one time. After all, these demonic cultivators are all in the late Nascent Soul Dzogchen, and the reaction speed is actually very fast, and most of them have means to save their lives. It is already very good for a monk to have such a record, the main reason is that he hit the opponent without defense.

"Damn it!" Elder Xing, the master of the Battle Hall, who was on the sidelines, couldn't stay still anymore. If this continues, it may be useless for a few rounds, and his subordinates will die in all directions.

"Stand back! Spread out the formation, don't give the enemy a chance..."

Elder Xing, the master of the Battle Hall of the Heavenly Demon Palace, shouted, and finally joined the battlefield. After locking on to Qin Lang, he cast a spell, which was similar to a fog net formed by black smoke.

"Soul lock technique!" Elder Xing issued a forbidden ultimate move.

And at this time, as the fog net formed by the black smoke approached, a powerful restraining force began to strike. Even if he was not close, Qin Lang felt a restraining power of the soul, which made his spiritual consciousness change. There must be some delay.

It has to be said that most of Moxiu's attacks have this kind of soul-targeting effect, and the forbidden ultimate move of the master Xing Elder of the battle hall in the mid-stage of transformation, this effect is even more powerful.

Facing such a banned ultimate move, Qin Lang also did not dare to neglect, and with a wave of his hand, a pale fire dragon attacked the black smoke net formed by the ban. This pale fire dragon was actually his own kind of fire. Formed by the flames of Lizhihuo, Qin Lang felt that apart from the Magic Treasure House, the only thing he could use against the forbidden ultimate move of the demon cultivator in the middle stage of Huashen Transformation was the Lizhihuo.

After all, Kanli's fire is a kind of fire that ranks very high in the three rankings of heaven, earth and people. The top [-] in the ranking list is probably already one of the best flames in the cultivation world. This kind of fire is used for refining weapons, alchemy and battles. It's good. Qin Lang has used it to deal with powerful enemies before. Flame can melt everything in the world, especially a kind of yin attribute spells, yin objects, and monsters. This kind of flame is their nemesis.

The Elder Xing, the master of the battle hall in the mid-stage of transformation, is a demon cultivator, and the forbidden ultimate move that occurred is also completely composed of demonic energy. The fire of Kanli has a targeted effect on the demonic energy, so Qin Lang directly thought of it at this time At this point, use Kanli's fire to hit a fire dragon.

After the fire dragon was shot out, it rushed towards the opposite side with the momentum of a flying dragon ascending to the sky, and directly met the big net formed by the black smoke. It was immediately ignited.

"The Fire of Kanli..."

Elder Xing, who issued the prohibition, was stunned. This kid has a lot of treasures. I won’t say much about the rare charms before, but now there are rare flames like Kanli’s Fire. He is simply a boy with many treasures. No wonder Venerable Asura, who was not very wealthy, died in the hands of this kid, probably because he was also crushed to death by treasures.

Elder Xing, the master of the Battle Hall, is actually correct in guessing this way. Qin Lang likes to use the help of foreign objects when he is fighting. It can exert an effect of more than [-]%.

After all, practice is against the sky, and a monk has only one life, so naturally he has to fight for his life in a crisis. With this economic condition, it is only natural to use more foreign things.

(End of this chapter)

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