The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1867 The Story of Immortals

Chapter 1867 The Story of Immortals
After entering the Dragon God Realm, Elder Xing and the three demon cultivators felt that something was wrong. They felt lost. The honeycomb-like structure inside the Dragon God Realm made people dizzy. In fact, the difference between each hive was not that big. It's hard to tell the direction.

There are so many beehive-like things that bring super high dazzlement. Although the three of them are people with strong spiritual sense, the densely packed beehive still makes them a little speechless.

It’s not easy to get lost, but I want to rely on the imprint of spiritual consciousness, or make marks on things like beehives to identify which hives have been visited, but I can’t do it, because the imprint of spiritual consciousness doesn’t work, and the well-made ones don’t work. Flags will also be automatically restored shortly.

"Damn it, it's not okay to search blindly like this. Our spiritual consciousness doesn't have to stare at these hive-like things anymore, they all spread out to search and sense that kid's breath!"

Elder Xing finally came to his senses and greeted the other two demon cultivators.

"Yes, searching like this won't be like finding a needle in a haystack, anyway, that kid must be here!" A subordinate agreed.

As a result, the three demon cultivators acted together, and their spiritual consciousness radiated out, sensing Qin Lang's breath.

Every monk has an aura that is different from others. Although the aura can be hidden or changed, a powerful monk can always lock the opponent's original aura.

After wandering around for a long time, Elder Xing suddenly sensed the boy's aura.

"Haha, that's right, that kid!" Elder Xing was very elated.

The other two also grinned.

Elder Xing, who was in a good mood, lifted his spirits and led his two subordinates to rush to the place where the breath happened.

But obviously, the kid sensed his arrival keenly, and he escaped, but the reason why Elder Xing didn't catch up was because he sensed a special aura fluctuation here, and he actually sensed the Dragon King's Nest.

Now that he entered Baoshan, of course he shouldn't give up, so Elder Xing began to be busy with the matter of the Dragon King's treasure, and put down the matter of chasing Qin Lang instead.

He was going to get the Dragon King's treasure here first, and then carried out a complicated and repeated exploration process before he determined the entrance to the treasure.

The reason why he was able to determine the entrance to the treasure so quickly was because the treasure had only been opened here, and there was a remnant of aura, which made it very convenient for him to locate and break the restriction.

However, when entering the entrance of the Dragon King's Nest, despite being extremely careful, he and his two subordinates still encountered the trouble of a magic trap. It took a lot of effort to rescue the two subordinates.

After rescuing the two subordinates, Elder Xing and the two subordinates also saw the treasures in the treasure house, rare treasures, exotic fruits, and rare ores. These are indeed the harvest of the Dragon Clan. He started to collect these treasures, but he only collected two pieces, and the dragon soul in the Dragon King's Nest was awakened by the third piece. It was really too much movement caused by Elder Xing's collection of treasures, and it was impossible for it not to wake up.

So, next, the battle between the dragon soul and this mid-stage magic cultivator started. During the battle, Elder Xing found that the dragon soul was immune to physical attacks and most of the magical attacks, which was not easy to deal with.

Because even the best magic weapon house, the Tianmo Shuo, can't hurt it.

At this time, no matter how stupid Elder Xing was, he knew that because of his greed, he had triggered some kind of taboo in this secret place.

Now facing this kind of magical attack, his only way is to resist, after all the taboo has been triggered, and there is no need to regret it.

However, Elder Xing was not really afraid, let alone ashamed.

Moxiu is good at soul-type attack spells, but it has a certain restraint effect on the dragon soul, so Elder Xing barely suppressed the dragon clan by relying on soul-type attack spells, and even took away a small half of the treasures of the Dragon King's Nest, so he fled in embarrassment. The dragon soul that had exploded under the rage was left behind.

This time, Elder Xing obtained 70.00 to [-] treasures. Although such a harvest is good, as a demon cultivator, he feels a little dissatisfied. However, it is impossible to continue to offend the dragon soul who is in a state of rage. Yes, the strength of the dragon soul in the furious state has directly increased by more than [-]%, even he can't beat it.

And after the Dragon King's Nest was stolen this time, the dragon soul probably won't sleep for a long time, and has been guarding the remaining treasures, so he has no way to take away the remaining treasures.

And this time the treasure was not without loss, the two subordinates in the transformation stage were injured, one of them even lost an arm, and even Elder Xing himself was hit by the wrath of the Dragon Clan. I am afraid that even he will die directly.

Looking back, it is impossible for him, and now he has encountered new troubles. The guardian of the holy land of the sea clan appeared in the dragon king's nest, and the three demon cultivators of the elder Xing were intercepted by the guardian of the sea clan monster. up.

This time, the guardians of the Holy Land of the Sea Clan who intercepted the three demon cultivators were a Sea Clan coalition army. There were ten people in total, and all of them were at the stage of transforming gods. .

Moreover, the ten guardians of the Holy Land of the Sea Clan seem to have been blessed by the Dragon God in the Dragon God Domain. Each of them has increased their combat power by about 30.00%, and they cooperate seamlessly with each other, killing the third Xing Elder who is in the middle stage of transformation. The person collapsed, and one of his subordinate demon spirits fell directly.

Afterwards, Elder Xing took the remaining one of his subordinates, Qingluan, to escape from the pursuit with great difficulty, but got lost in the hive, and then he regretted it. Grabbing it, in this way, the embarrassing situation in front of me will not happen.

There is no way, now Elder Xing can only take the only one subordinate to slowly explore the path to the battlefield outside the territory, and now let him turn back, it will definitely lose face to return to the sect like this, so now he can only go to the battlefield outside the territory to continue Chase Qin Lang.


The Dragon God Realm is relatively close to the outer battlefield, inside a beehive with numerous formations, the junior sister Xiuxiu's tribulation has come to an end. Most of the catastrophe was blocked by God's Domain.

And with the support of senior brothers Qin Lang and Feng Ge, Xiuxiu had no difficulty in breaking through this time, and finally succeeded in advancing directly, but it was advanced to the rank of Quasi-Hua Shen.

This is also the reason for the lack of training during the process of crossing the catastrophe, but it doesn't matter, Qin Lang's three sword dragon pills stayed by, and then Xiuxiu began to take the three sword dragon pills and continued to meditate.

Stegosaurus Pill is the ultimate pill to promote cultivation. After taking it, I meditated again for a few hours, and when I opened my eyes again, the feeling of being a cute girl before was gone. Very aggressive.

The peak state in the early stage of the transformation stage!
This is the current state of Xiuxiu's cultivation. The effect of the three sword dragon pills is gratifying, which not only allows her to be directly promoted to the stage of transformation, but also pushes her to the peak state of the early stage of transformation.

Now Xiuxiu can also be regarded as a great master, and his cultivation base is a little higher than Qin Lang.

Of course, if you fight for combat power, I am afraid that there is still a big gap between Xiuxiu and Qin Lang. This combat experience is accumulated through continuous actual combat, and it cannot be achieved by fighting alone.

After the Xiuxiu Crossing Tribulation was completed, Qin Lang was also busy, and started the advancement of Kanli's Fire. He got the Fire Source Fruit from the Dragon King's Treasure, and of course he had to use it immediately.

After all, if Kanlizhihuo can be promoted again, it will be a big improvement for his own background.

The use of fire source fruit is a bit special. This kind of fruit is not taken directly, but is wrapped with spiritual consciousness to transform the fire source essence in it.

And Kanli's Fire Seed Source has already been summoned by Qin Lang. When the divine consciousness wrapped the fruit and decomposed it into Fire Source Essence, there was a burst of suction from the core of the Fire Seed Source, directly giving those shared Fire Source Essence to absorb.

By continuously absorbing the essence of the fire source, Kanli's fire fire is undergoing further evolution, directly transforming from pale to blazing white, which is as dazzling as an incandescent bulb.

This time, the fire of Kanli changed from soft to fiery, with a hint of raging aura.

After nearly half an hour of transformation, the essence of the fire source fruit has been absorbed, and the fire seed has completed its transformation.After completing the transformation, Qin Lang thought directly, and the fire of Kanli formed a shield around himself. After the shield shrank, it turned into the shape of armor, firmly locking himself.

With the rotation of the mind, Kanli's fire directly materialized into a set of bright white inner armor, covering Qin Lang's whole body, with a touch of warmth, the elasticity is amazing, and the defensive ability must be good, I am afraid it is not better than How much worse is a top-grade defensive magic weapon.

"Brother Qin Lang, Senior Brother Feng... Xiu Xiu has advanced, and Xiu Xiu is a master! Xiu Xiu can protect your queens from now on!"

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw the excited voice of the little junior sister. Now that Xiu Xiu's strength has risen to the peak of the early stage of transformation, a huge achievement and joy made her feel unable to calm down for a long time.

"Yes, congratulations."

Both Qin Lang and Feng Ge smiled and congratulated, is it a little girl, now her strength has improved or her nature has not changed, innocent and romantic.

However, the two of them also knew that although the little girl's cultivation base had improved, her combat experience was still much worse. I'm afraid that she might not be able to fully reach the level that a sword cultivator at the transformation stage should have during the battle.

This requires constant tempering. After all, the little girl is young and has too little experience. If her experience increases later, these can be improved and she can grow up slowly.

After all, compared to most monks of this age, the 19-year-old Xiuxiu's current cultivation level is indeed astonishing. It may be difficult to find a second 19-year-old peak monk in the early stage of transformation of the gods in the entire Qinghe Continent.

"Brother Qin Lang, thank you so much, Xiuxiu can become a cultivator of Huashen so quickly, it is inseparable from your great help!"

Xiuxiu was very excited, and did not forget to thank Qin Lang. Although she is already a cultivator of transforming spirits, she is an out-and-out big shot, but she has no arrogance in front of Qin Lang, only a deep sense of gratitude.

"I just helped a little, so you don't need to thank me so much." Qin Lang said with a smile.

Now that Xiuxiu has succeeded in crossing the tribulation, the cultivation base has been upgraded, and the fire of Qinlang Kanli has been upgraded. Now that everything has been done, the three of them can also consider entering the battlefield outside the territory.

After all, there are more opportunities to enter the outer battlefield than in the Dragon God Realm. The outer battlefield is the battlefield of ancient gods and demons, and it is also the battlefield of various races in the starry sky. 100 years of harvest are great.

In the foreign battlefield, there are relics and treasures left by ancient gods and demons, and there are also inheritances left by ancient gods and demons.

In the extraterritorial battlefield, there are all kinds of spiritual objects in the starry sky. These spiritual objects are not treasures that can be found in the Qinghe Continent, and each one is priceless.

On the foreign battlefield, there is the sound of the Dao left by the ancient battle of gods and demons. It is said that the monks who have obtained the Dao Yun may even have the opportunity to become immortals and become ancestors, directly breaking through from the stage of transforming gods to human immortals.

That's right, after the Great Consummation in the late stage of Transformation, it is the realm of human immortals. However, no monk in Qinghe Continent has reached this realm for tens of thousands of years. In ancient times, it is said that not only human immortals, but also earth immortals and heavenly immortals .

As for human immortals, the reason why they are called immortals is because monks have broken through the last layer of shackles on the body, their life span has been increased countless times, and their physique has been improved countless times. They are already different from immortals who are cultivators.

It is said that the weakest human immortals in ancient times had a lifespan of more than 5 years, while the strong ones even had a lifespan of about [-] to [-] years.

And it is basically difficult for human immortals to perish. After being sanctified physically, they can travel directly in the starry sky, and fight against various magic weapons and spiritual treasures physically, which is similar to a humanoid Gundam.

(End of this chapter)

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