The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1871 Collecting Star Mine

Chapter 1871 Collecting Star Mine
Whizzing!whoosh whoosh...

The fighting methods of the star ants are actually not only stinging but also shooting. Each star ant has a highly poisonous tail needle in its tail. The ability of this tail needle to penetrate the energy defense layer is stronger than the mouthparts.

At this time, a wave of salvos, the dense tail needles penetrated the energy shield of the magic wheel of the magic house, and actually attacked the body of the magic wheel of the magic house. The body of the magic house was directly injured, and countless small holes were shot out, and the tail needles were all nailed it.

Zi... Zi... The damage of the tail needle is not very big, but the energy system of the magic house is disturbed, and there is a feeling that the energy is not working well, and it is about to short circuit.

Elder Xing knew something was wrong, and he had no other choice. He had to abandon this magic house. At this time, he broke through and swallowed a strange fruit brought out from the Dragon King's nest, and his cultivation strength skyrocketed, reaching the level of Dzogchen in the late stage of transformation. .

However, this improvement in cultivation was only temporary, and the effect of the strange fruit only lasted about 10 minutes, so Elder Xing took the strange fruit not for fighting, but for casting his teleportation spell.

"I hope I can escape in time before the Magic Treasure House is damaged..."

In order to save himself, Elder Xing had to give up this big weapon that had been with him for many years.

It took a little time to set up the formation, but the attacks of the flying ants in the starry sky have been continuous, and the damage of the magic house is getting faster and faster. After losing most of the energy shield, the magic house also began to disintegrate.

Finally, before the Magic Treasure House was completely disintegrated, a burst of transmitted light lit up from inside the Magic Treasure House, and then the light flashed, and the people inside had disappeared.

Elder Xing finally rushed to the Magic Treasure House and teleported it out before it completely disintegrated, avoiding the result of falling.

But now the entire Magic Treasure House has been disassembled by the Starry Sky Flying Ants, and the disassembled parts have been devoured by the Starry Sky Ants. The Starry Sky Ants are originally locusts in the starry sky. Nothing can escape their devouring.

Fortunately, the entire starry sky is large enough, and the resources are relatively scattered, so although the number of starry sky ants is huge, they are actually only a drop in the ocean in the starry sky. Otherwise, the entire starry sky will probably be eaten up by them.


After the teleportation, Elder Xing reappeared in a starry sky hundreds of miles away. At this time, his body was in pain and evil, but he was hit by the invisible poisonous needle shot by the starry sky ant. After all, the magic house was about to disintegrate at that time. So there is not much ability to defend against poisonous needles.

For the poison on his body, he now has two ways to clean it up, one is to use his own true energy to continuously expel the poison, and the other is to use the detoxification pill.

Fortunately, he has enough detoxification pills on his body, so now he forced out those poisonous needles at the first time, and then swallowed a lot of detoxification pills. The toxins of these poisonous needles have accumulated many layers on the body. If they are not cleared, I'm afraid that after a while, the true energy will be frozen by the toxin.

It took a while for Elder Xing to completely force out the toxins in his body. At this time, Gujing Wubo's face showed anger like bark. After escaping from the ant swarm in the starry sky, he lost a magic weapon at the bottom of the box House, this loss is too great, even he, the third person in the Heavenly Demon Palace and the master of the Battle Palace, can't afford it.

"Qin Lang, good boy..."

Elder Xing gritted his teeth. He had never been so angry at the loss of a large number of subordinates before. After all, no matter how many subordinates there are, they are actually not as important as the magic house in his hand. It is a pity that it is gone now.

He completely attributed the responsibility for the loss of his treasures to Qin Lang. If it was said that Qin Lang didn't have a high hatred index with him before, but he was only the object that the Demon Palace needed to capture, he has now been promoted to the level of a deadly enemy.

Since it is a mortal enemy, we must try our best to eliminate it, but now that Elder Xing has lost his magic house, his strength is also greatly weakened, so he can only endure this idea for the time being.

He counted the treasures he got from the Dragon King's Nest. There were about thirty or forty pieces of them. There were quite a lot of raw metal ores in them. They were all rare treasures that could never be seen in the East China Sea. If these rare treasures were put together, they could be refined. It came out of a new house of magic treasures. However, Elder Xing's weapon refining ability is very ordinary, so he had to ask someone from the sect to help him.

He knew that among the personnel sent by the suzerain to enter the foreign battlefield this time, there was a person at the level of a master refiner, so he decided to meet with the elite of the suzerain first, find the master refiner, and help him first refine a magic house for use And, although it is likely that the grade is not as good as the original Shetian Demon Wheel, it is very good if it can be used to make do with it.

At that time, he will try his best to get rid of his deadly enemy Qin Lang. If he can take all the treasures in Qin Lang's hands, including the magic house, that would be the best thing.


After Qin Lang's magic house escaped from the siege of the starry sky ants, it was actually only on the edge of the starry sky ants. Those starry sky ants never let go of objects with aura, and a large army of ants quickly split out from the edge to attack Qin Lang's Magical Treasure House rushed over.

At this time, Qin Lang, who had already broken through, didn't have the mind to entangle with the starry sky ant any more. After taking a breath, he continued to run wildly with the magic weapon house.

After all, being entangled by starry sky ants is a very troublesome thing. If there is no big killer move, after all, Qin Lang continuously casts Xuanhuangyan and Kanli's fire, it is absolutely impossible to escape.Although these starry sky ants are low-level starry sky monsters, they are not without instincts at all. Some of them have some intelligence and can seal off the monk's breakthrough direction.

Therefore, after Qin Lang symbolically threw a row of attack spells to the rear, he immediately accelerated, regardless of the attack effects of those spells, but his purpose was to stop the pursuit of these starry sky ants.

The flying speed of the Magic Treasure House was very fast, within about one stick of incense, Qin Lang had already completely shaken off the Starry Sky Ant, but he did not stop immediately just to be on the safe side, but continued to fly with all his strength after swallowing a few more pills The state of running didn't stop until an hour later.

This is a new starry sky area. The starry sky area in front of you is a turbulent flow of silver-white meteorites. The meteorites in these meteorite turbulences are large and small. The small ones may be smaller than dust, and the large ones are like an asteroid.

These turbulent flows of meteorites have faint spiritual power fluctuations, there should be special minerals. Qin Lang flew close at this time and found that the minerals on the turbulent flows of meteorites were those silvery spots, which were a kind of metal called Mithril mine.

Fine gold and dense silver are the best materials for melting magic weapons. Although they are rare in the cultivation world of Qinghe Continent, they are not very rare. After all, 80.00% of the magic weapons in the cultivation world are made of fine gold and dense silver.

However, like these densely packed meteorites in this meteorite turbulence zone, there are absolutely no places containing large areas of dense silver ore veins in Qinghe continent. The fine gold and dense silver ore in Qinghe continent are very scattered, and basically They are all small mineral veins. In this starry sky, every slightly larger meteorite can be compared with a small mineral vein.

Although Mithril is not very rare, it is indeed considered a heavenly material and an earthly treasure, and the demand in the cultivation world is astonishingly large, so it is also a popular refining material.

Now that he is here, Qin Lang does not intend to let go of the opportunity to collect materials, and prepares to get some Mithril as well. Although it is impossible for him to take away all the mineral deposits in the turbulent flow of meteorites in front of him, it is still possible to extract some.

Afterwards, Qin Lang went out of the house of magic treasures, stretched out his hand, and pulled Kanli's fire out of the sea of ​​consciousness. Although Kanli's fire could not wrap meteorites as big as planets, it was still no problem to wrap some mountain-sized meteorites.

After Qin Lang wrapped a meteorite the size of a mountain with a special flame, he directly destroyed the fire of Kanli for melting. After a while, the meteorite the size of a mountain was burned through, and after all the impurities were gone, hundreds of catties were left Heavy mithril liquid.

"Unexpectedly, the purity of the mithril meteorite mine in this starry sky is quite high. A meteorite mine the size of a mountain can extract so much mithril..."

Qin Lang was also a little surprised. This purity is definitely close to one-thousandth. You must know that the original ore in the Mithril vein in Qinghe Continent, if you want to extract Mithril, the purity is probably less than one-ten-thousandth.

After extracting the hundreds of catties of Mithril liquid, Qin Lang directly issued a restriction, wrapped the mass of high-temperature liquid, and then sent it into the storage bag. At the same time, he took aim at a new meteorite the size of a mountain. Prepare to continue to extract. After all, there are not many opportunities to get a large amount of Mithril in Qingke Continent. Those veins are basically owned.

The Red Sword Sect cultivator Feng Ge and the junior sister Xiuxiu next to him also showed joyful expressions when they saw that they had come to the Mithril meteorite mine in the starry sky. Mithril is one of the important materials for refining flying swords. The demand for mithril mine is also great, so both of them also have the intention of collecting some materials.

Facing this large piece of unowned Mithril meteorite, the two monks of the Red Sword Sect also got busy. Neither of them had the strange fire like Qin Lang's, but the Sanwei Zhenhuo on their bodies was also a top-level human fire, which could barely be used.

Among them, the younger junior sister is a peak cultivator in the mid-stage of the transformation of the gods, her cultivation base is higher, and the Sanwei Zhenhuo has a much stronger sustain ability, so the main work of melting the materials is handed over to the younger junior sister, and Feng Ge, the senior brother, will fight. I started to be responsible for collecting those meteorites.

However, the process of the two collecting and melting meteorites was not as bold as Qin Lang. They started to melt directly from a mountain peak. The meteorites Feng Ge collected each time were only the size of a millstone, and the largest ones were no more than the size of a small room. It will be very difficult to calcinate these meteorites with Sanwei Zhenhuo.

After all, Sanwei Zhenhuo is only the human fire in the three rankings of heaven, earth and people. Although it is the best among human fires, even the last place in the earth fire list surpasses it, so the younger sister also tried her best.

In fact, it didn't take long for Qin Lang to collect ten thousand catties of mithril liquid, and he felt that it was almost done, so he stopped collecting.

The purity of nearly ten thousand catties of Mithril liquid is [-]% after melting, and it can definitely be directly used for refining weapons. His current Mithril stock is probably not even comparable to those of the largest sects in the Qinghe Continent.

Since I used a storage bag to fill the material, almost ten tons of Mithril added some weight to the body, but this weight was nothing to Qin Lang. After practicing the Dao of Transformation technique, the strength of the physical body can already directly pry up an asteroid.

(End of this chapter)

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