The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1910 One-eyed request

Chapter 1910 One-eyed request

"Sit, please sit... Cough cough!"

Dulongyan also seems to be a hospitable person, knowing that Qin Lang is a capable martial artist, he directly asked his subordinates to serve Qin Lang tea.

Among the eight people who can sit at this table, besides Dulongyan and the three masters, there are also four unfamiliar faces, who should be the top leaders of the entire Sanhe Gang.

The gangster with the tattooed face was not able to take a seat. In fact, he can only be regarded as a horse boy leader, so he was not allowed to sit.

In the Sanhe Gang, Dulongyan is the leader, and Huo Wendong is the leader of the three masters, and he is considered as the deputy leader. Although the entire Sanhe Gang does not have the title of deputy leader, ordinary gang members have already recognized it.

Afterwards, Huo Wendong introduced Qin Lang's identity to Cyclops, and also introduced several high-level members of the Sanhe Gang present to Qin Lang.

At this time, the tea was served, and at this time Dulongan coughed twice, and stood up unexpectedly: "Brother Qin Lang, our Sanhe Gang was sorry to you before, it was because I, Dulongan, couldn't restrain my subordinates, now I will apologize to you."

"You're welcome, boss."

Qin Lang smiled slightly, followed by Du Longyan and drank it down in one gulp.

This tea is good tea, there is actually a faint aura in it, and it is warm and moist in the throat.

Qin Lang was about to sigh, when suddenly his face changed color slightly, and when the tea rolled down into his stomach, he suddenly showed his majesty, and a feeling of numbness came from his stomach, this tea is poisonous, and it is a very strong toxin.

However, Qin Lang has taken a lot of queen mother grass, which has strong anti-drug properties. Even the toxins in the cultivation world probably cannot poison him. Coupled with his cultivation in the mid-stage of transformation, the detoxification ability is also top-notch.

Therefore, with a single thought, the toxins in the tea have been dissolved with a little movement of the true energy.

While the toxin was being dissolved, Qin Lang was slightly angry. He followed him to the headquarters of the Sanhe Gang with good intentions. He thought that the other party was really friendly, but he didn't expect that this was a secret conspiracy, and it was simply a grand banquet.

If it weren't for my physique that is not afraid of poison, I am afraid that this time I was really tricked by the other party.

However, looking at his eyes at this time, Qin Lang found that Cyclops, the leader of the Sanhe Gang, and Huo Wendong, the leader of the three masters, had green aura on their faces, and the green aura was gradually turning black, obviously followed by poisoning.

"What's going on here, whoever poisoned him will also poison himself?"

Qin Lang was a little puzzled. At this time, he glanced at the table and saw that seven of the eight were down, and only one of the three masters was left. It's this Jack."

"Jiezi, what are you doing?"

Cyclops and Huo Wendong immediately changed their faces, and they were very puzzled by the state of the guests.

"What are you doing? Sanhe Gang's brother has been bullied. Do you still have to treat him as a guest of honor? This is not the way our Sanhe Gang treats guests."

Brother Jie smiled sinisterly, this is a guy with a very pale face, he looks a bit feminine, and he is also the youngest of the three masters, he looks only 27 or [-] years old.

"Jiezi, you are wrong. Our Sanhe gang should be open. It was true that we were not strict with our subordinates before... Besides, why are you poisoning our old brothers now?"

Huo Wendong said at this time.

"Hahaha, I poisoned you...but it was to change my position. Our Sanhe Gang has not done much in recent years. The territory is getting smaller and smaller, and the income is getting less and less. The brothers are already waiting."

Jack laughed sinisterly.

"That's not because of the injury on the elder brother's body... What a bastard, Jiezi, we misunderstood you. Back then, everyone said we shared weal and woe."

"Sorry, I don't want to live such a hard life anymore, I am younger than you guys, middle-level fighters are not the end of my practice... so I need more resources, and my future achievements may be high-level fighters, Even higher levels, so the Sanhe Gang must expand to be able to support it."

Brother Jie laughed loudly, very arrogant, he seemed very proud to take this opportunity to wipe out everything in one go, while taking the opportunity to rise to the top, he also established his prestige, and at the same time poisoned a foreign enemy like Qin Lang, who can persuade the gang to follow him, let the gang Homecoming.

It can be said that the right time, place and people are indispensable, and this is also the reason why he launched the thunder method this time. Although he has always had his previous ambitions, he has never used it. The appearance of Qin Lang is just a major opportunity. He is now grasping Living.

However, this world is full of variables and accidents. If the object of his conspiracy is not Qin Lang, he may have succeeded by this time.

But he was unlucky, facing the right Qin Lang, so Qin Lang made a move next, and he couldn't laugh in a blink of an eye.

" are not poisoned? Impossible, no one can cure the poison of distraction, just like a wild elephant can be poisoned in an instant, not to mention that I used an overdose on you."

Brother Jie had a disbelieving expression on his face, and his sissy face became even paler.

"This question, wait until you go to hell to ask Hades."

Qin Lang restrained Brother Jie, he tapped his acupoints, and did not use spells to restrain him.

Martial arts practice in this world is a bit strange. Martial arts practiced before high-level fighters are like ancient martial arts on Earth, but after high-level fighters, there is physical training similar to that in the realm of comprehension, and they can even cast spells and supernatural powers.

The acupuncture point method is very common, and ordinary martial arts practitioners can perform it, but Qin Lang's acupuncture point method is very unique, using a large area of ​​​​cutting veins, so Brother Jie can't mobilize half of the energy in his body now, and he is directly paralyzed. fall down.

At this time, Qin Lang gave a detoxification pill to each of the two triad leaders, Cyclops and Huo Wendong. Jie Sudan from the cultivation world is definitely a holy medicine in this world, and it is no problem to dissolve the toxins of separation.

But after a while, the two big guys had already exhausted their poison after a while, and Qin Lang didn't want to know how to deal with this rebellious brother Jie, so this guy, brother Jie, would definitely not survive.

The reason why Qin Lang didn't directly deal with Brother Jie was also because of his disdain. Practitioners in this world are too weak. People of this level are like small shrimps to him.

And now Qin Lang directly saved the lives of Cyclops and Huo Wendong, which is a great benefactor to the two, so he was immediately worshiped by the two big brothers: "If it weren't for brothers this time, we two would be killed, thank you very much Do it!" After that, it was the warmest hospitality, and a big banquet was held to thank Qin Lang.

And at the same time that Qin Lang was warmly entertained, Brother Jie also received the most tragic punishment, endured Ling Chi's treatment, and died a painful death in the gang's torture hall.

"Brother Qin Lang, you saved our lives... After the order, if Brother Qin Lang needs anything, just tell us that the entire Sanhe gang is at your disposal."

The head of the Cyclops gang patted his chest and said.


Qin Lang chuckled, this time he had fulfilled his wish.

However, when Qin Lang bid farewell to the Sanhe Gang and was about to return to the top residential area, a shadow suddenly flashed past in front of him. From the corner of his eyes, Qin Lang saw that a woman seemed to beckoning to him. This woman should also be a A martial artist, but his cultivation is not very strong.

Qin Lang was very curious. When he followed that corner, the woman must have disguised herself a little, so she couldn't see her original appearance. At this time, she just stuffed a letter to Qin Lang and disappeared.

And Qin Lang was a little puzzled holding this letter. The corner of the street was very remote. He opened it on the spot and saw that it was a letter for help, and the name signed was Cyclops, the leader of the Sanhe Gang.

"Brother Qin Lang! I'm sorry for dragging you into the vortex of internal fighting in the Sanhe Gang. In fact, I knew a long time ago that I was being plotted against. It's a conspiracy, my life is not long, maybe in a few days... so I have to ask you for help."

"And the person who wants my one-eyed life is none other than my good brother Huo Wendong. This guy was originally a peak mid-level fighter with the same strength as me, but I was plotted by this person a few years ago, and my cultivation went too far. Regression and can't use energy in vain, so I have to retreat to the second line in the past few years and hand over the power of the gang to this person. This person is a good means, and now he has instigated the gang's Jie Zi, and the two conspired together want to deal with me."

"This time the tea poisoning incident was not accidental, it was planned by Huo Wendong, but there was an accident, Brother Qin Lang, you were actually immune to the poison of centrifugal separation, so the situation has changed... In fact, after Jiezi was taken down, there was no Being punished by the gang, he was killed by Ling Chi, and Jiezi was transferred by Huo Wendong... Huo Wendong is insidious and cunning. He probably will turn Jiezi into an assassin in the past few days, and then let me die unexpectedly, and then he can justifiably replace me as the leader of the gang bit."

"The woman who sent you the letter is my daughter. In fact, now that the entire gang is under Huo Wendong's power, I have few trustworthy people. I have no choice but to ask my daughter to send you the letter. After she sends the letter this time, I am afraid it will also expose me. Thoughts. I let her stay away from the vortex of this power struggle, no matter whether I am still alive or not, I will never appear again, but this is not safe, after all, people are in the rivers and lakes. I am afraid that Huo Wendong will still be able to find her afterwards. Brother Qin Lang, from the first time I saw you, I could tell with my single eye that you are not an ordinary person, if you can help me with this one-eyed dragon, I will be able to be an ox and a horse with my single-eyed one, and serve like a servant."

"I have lived with one eye for more than 40 years. I have experienced suffering and enjoyed wealth. In fact, I have no fear of life and death. If I were alone, I would not ask you... But I have one eye. If I die, I will not be able to protect my family, my daughter, so I really have to beg you this time, and I hope Brother Qin Lang can help."

(End of this chapter)

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