The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 200 The school belle's best boudoir

Chapter 200 The school belle's best boudoir

"Your girlfriend went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables."

Nalan Hairong said without turning her head while arranging the backpack next to her.

Qin Lang was very satisfied with Nalan sister's words, and the phrase "your girlfriend" sounded very good to him.

But after seeing Nalan Hairong's wet hair, Qin Lang suddenly remembered something.

"Nalan Hairong, did you really just take a shower?"

Nalan Hairong asked: "Why are you asking this?"

"Washing here?" Qin Lang's expression became strange.

Nalan Hairong looked at Qin Lang strangely, as if looking at an alien.

"If you don't wash it here, why don't you go to the swimming pool to wash it?"

Qin Lang tentatively asked: "Did you encounter any strange things in the bathroom?"

That cockroach should still be alive.After Nalan Hairong took a shower, she might have gone to an unknown corner.

Or maybe, that cockroach had boldly appeared before and frightened Nalan Hairong?
Girls are afraid of disgusting animals like cockroaches. Nalan Hairong's expression is so calm now, she probably hasn't encountered them, Qin Lang thought to himself.

In this case, it may take a lot of effort to find the cockroach.

"It's a strange thing, isn't it?" Nalan Hairong was puzzled, but then she stopped to tidy up her backpack and said excitedly, "You pay so much attention to the bathroom, did any supernatural events happen there?"

Qin Lang was speechless.How can Xueba Xiaohua's thinking jump so fast.

"For example, have you touched a cockroach?" Qin Lang asked.

"Oh, that's what you asked. I met it." Nalan Hairong didn't understand why Qin Lang only paid attention to this matter.

Hearing that Nalan Hairong actually bumped into that cockroach, Qin Lang was also surprised, this girl wasn't frightened.

Qin Lang expressed his doubts.

Nalan Hairong said casually: "Why are you scared? I stomped on it to death, and then flushed its body into the sewer."

Qin Lang didn't speak for half a minute.

Xueba school belle is really tough!

Even Ye Xiaorui, who was not very timid, was startled when he saw the cockroach, but Xueba Xiaohua was lucky, he was not afraid at all, and he even said hello to "Xiaoqiang".

"Hey, Xiaoqiang, I'm sorry, it's disgusting that you appear in the bathroom, I'm going to trample you to death now, bye!"

Then he kicked up his shoes and put them down, squatting, and trampled Xiaoqiang into meat sauce!

Compared with Ye Xiaorui, or compared with other girls, Xueba Xiaohua is really not an ordinary person, she does not take an ordinary path!

In the end, Qin Lang could only sigh: "Xiaorui should be lucky to have found a good roommate like you to share."

Yes, if Xiaoqiang or spiders appear in the house in the future, Xueba Xiaohua can easily handle them.

When encountering a thief, Xueba Xiaohua can also lift the chair, go through the physical hitting force in her mind, and then subdue the thief.

When encountering gangsters, Xueba Xiaohua can also pick up a kitchen knife and chop off at the crotch of others.

With Nalan Hairong around, Xiaorui's safety is fully guaranteed.

While thinking about it, footsteps came from outside the opened door.

Qin Lang didn't dare to close the door, lest Ye Xiaorui think he was doing bad things with the door closed.


Qin Lang quickly walked up to him.

Ye Xiaorui was wearing a green skirt and carrying a small vegetable basket, she was pretty and lovely.

Seeing Qin Lang coming, Ye Xiaorui smiled.

Looking at Qin Lang's pretty appearance, he wished he could rush up and give him a bear hug.

"Oh, Xiaorui, how can you let you do things like grocery shopping, you just leave it to me. Come on, give me the vegetable basket, and I will carry it." Qin Lang flattered.

"Hmph, the mouth is so sweet, has it been covered with honey?" Ye Xiaorui smiled.

"Well, whether it's painted or not, Xiaorui, you'll know if you come up and kiss her." Qin Lang moved his face closer.

Ye Xiaorui stretched out her little finger and tapped Qin Lang's head lightly, and said coquettishly: "Bad guy, come here!"

Qin Lang laughed and snatched the vegetable basket from Ye Xiaorui.

"Let me see what lunch Xiaorui prepared for me." Qin Lang looked at the basket.

"Hmph, I never said I would invite you to have lunch at home." Ye Xiaorui said coquettishly.

"There are hairtail fish, chicken nuggets, pork, beans, loofah...all of which I love to eat, hehe, Xiaorui, you still know me, you know that it's not easy for a man to work outside, and you know how to love others."

Ye Xiaorui blushed after hearing this, and punched Qin Lang on the shoulder.

Seeing Nalan Hairong in the living room, Ye Xiaorui suddenly realized that it was inappropriate for him and Qin Lang to be so noisy, and his face turned even redder.

After walking in, Ye Xiaorui smiled and said to Nalan Hairong: "Sister Nalan, let me introduce you. This is my...friend, Qin Lang."

Nalan Hairong wondered, "Isn't he your boyfriend?"

"She's just shy." Qin Lang laughed aside.

Nalan Hairong said "Oh", and then said to Ye Xiaorui: "You don't need to introduce me, Qin Lang and I have known each other before."

"Really, what a coincidence?" Ye Xiaorui also felt that it was a coincidence that Nalan Hairong rented here and met an acquaintance.

Nalan Hairong said briefly: "Well, Qin Lang once helped me at Yunhai University. Later, he went to the library to find materials and asked me to borrow the key. We met several times."

When Nalan Hairong was talking, Qin Lang suddenly remembered that he and Nalan Hairong had Liu Zhenzhen in the middle, for fear that Nalan Hairong would reveal Liu Zhenzhen in front of Ye Xiaorui, but fortunately, Nalan Hairong It seems that he doesn't have any heart to gossip, he only picks the simple ones, and finishes the matter as quickly as possible.

Qin Lang was relieved that nothing embarrassing happened.

"Sister Nalan, stay and have dinner together at noon." Ye Xiaorui warmly invited Nalan Hairong.

Although I just met this beauty yesterday, and I'm not very familiar with Nalan Hairong, but after the two got to know each other, they still found that their temperaments were accepted by each other, so the two girls got along pretty well.

Hearing Ye Xiaorui's invitation, Nalan Hairong didn't even think about it, she didn't refuse like others, and said directly: "No, I have to go back to school to do experiments."

Ye Xiaorui naturally wouldn't be angry, just surprised.

I secretly thought that this Yunhai University student is so strange, and he was busy doing experiments during the summer vacation.

Qin Lang felt that it was necessary to explain Ye Xiaorui's doubts, so that he could deepen his understanding of Nalan Hairong more quickly, and facilitate the two girls to share the rent happily.

"Xiao Rui, don't be surprised, she is not only a school belle, but also a top student."

Then, Qin Lang told some of the things he learned.

Ye Xiaorui was also quite surprised, and finally understood the reason why Nalan Hairong was called "Schoolmaster and Schoolgirl" by Qin Lang.

Nalan Hairong was in a hurry to go to the school laboratory, so Ye Xiaorui didn't keep her, and just prepared meals for the two of them.

Seeing Nalan Hairong busy packing her luggage, Ye Xiaorui said to Qin Lang, "Hey, you're a man, don't you want to help?"

Qin Lang smiled and said, "I'm afraid you'll be jealous."

Ye Xiaorui couldn't laugh or cry: "Who is jealous of you, hurry up!"

Knowing that Ye Xiaorui really wanted him to help Nalan Hairong, Qin Lang didn't stand aside and watch.

"Where are these things going?"

Seeing Nalan Hairong take out some books from the backpack and put them on the floor, Qin Lang asked.

Probably also felt that with Qin Lang's help, it would save time and allow more time to be spent on experiments. Nalan Hairong did not reject Qin Lang's kindness.

"Hey, just move it to my room and put it on the desk, thank you."

After finishing speaking, Nalan Hairong continued to tidy up with her head down.

Ye Xiaorui had already entered the kitchen, and was picking vegetables by himself. Qin Lang got Ye Xiaorui's order not to enter the kitchen, so he was naturally happy not to do the kitchen work, so he carried the pile of books that Nalan Hairong had sorted out, and headed towards the innermost room go.

Once again walking into the boudoir of a beautiful woman, Qin Lang was looking forward to it.

However, when he opened the door and came to the boudoir of Nalan Hairong, the top school beauty, Qin Lang was very disappointed and even very angry!
How can it be like this, the arrangement is so simple!
In Nalan Hairong's room, there was neither scent nor colorful clothes, not even a single piece of clothing.

And the cosmetics that girls can't live without, and a must-have wardrobe, are all invisible.

People piled the washed and dried clothes directly on the bedside!

This is so arrogant!
As for good-looking shoes, you can save as much as you can, no matter how simple it is, they are all those shoes that are easy to put on and take off. Although the appearance is also generous and beautiful, it is beyond Qin Lang's understanding of girls' love for beauty.

It is said that girls are born to love beauty, and they will definitely organize the place where they live into a beautiful fairy tale world.

I give Reddy quack, but what do I see here?
Qin Lang looked around and was dumbfounded.

The layout of the room is naturally enough to be described in simple words.

Cartoon pillows, rag dolls, star posters... This kind of stuff that girls like to collect most, I haven't seen any of them here.

All kinds of trinkets are not here.

It is as simple as a bed, a computer desk, a chair, and a desk.

As soon as outsiders came in, they would only think that this was a boy's room.

Even, on the desk, there are several bottles of chemical reagents that he can't name, and a mechanical balance!
Is this the rhythm of turning the boudoir into a laboratory?

Qin Lang was very angry.

You said that you are so beautiful, and you are one of the three best campus beauties of Yunda University, why don't you know how to dress up and decorate your room?

Naturally, I really don't understand the thinking world of Xueba Xiaohua.

In this way, Qin Lang's interest in visiting the beauty's boudoir was like a fire that had been doused by water, and it was completely extinguished after a few puffs.

He was no longer in the mood to admire the layout of the room, and walked directly to the desk, and put the stack of books in his hand on the few empty seats on the desk.

On the desk, there were many other books, neatly stacked, probably for the convenience of Nalan Hairong to find them.

His eyes fell on those "bottles and cans" again. The specialty was chemical formulas, and with the introduction in English, Qin Lang was stunned. This is still a foreign product!
Finally, on one of the bottles of reagents, Qin Lang found a familiar chemical formula: H2SO4.

sulfuric acid!

Regardless of whether it is dilute sulfuric acid or concentrated sulfuric acid, Qin Lang doesn't want to touch it.

In high school, he still remembered some of the properties of sulfuric acid.

Sulfuric acid is highly corrosive, especially concentrated sulfuric acid. Just a little bit of it will corrode the skin, so it's better not to touch it.

Qin Lang naturally didn't know why Nalan Hairong prepared these bottles and jars here, but he was more at ease about Ye Xiaorui's safety.

If any thief or robber dares to come here to act wildly, the chemical reagent Nalan Hairong put here is a killer weapon!
"Well, Xiaorui's new roommate is really nice."

Qin Lang smashed his mouth, put the stack of books more neatly, and planned to leave Nalan Hairong's "fragrant boudoir".

But when his eyes glimpsed somewhere on the desk, Qin Lang quickly stopped in his tracks...

(End of this chapter)

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