Chapter 2062 False God
And just when Qin Lang began to use the prohibition method to seal the Yin Qi River, and was about to uproot the Yin Qi River from the forbidden space, he felt in a trance for a while.

He was familiar with this situation, and immediately knew that he had suffered a mental attack.

If Qin Lang hadn't absorbed a lot of black stones to improve himself, Qin Lang would probably have achieved the Tao, but now Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness has been promoted to the peak of the late Nascent Soul, and it is only a little bit short of reaching the Dzogchen in the late Nascent Soul. Why is it possible to be injured by the mental attack of those gray shadows.


Qin Lang smiled coldly, immediately stopped the casting of the forbidden spell, and directly summoned a large rain of fire to cover the sky over the Yin Qi River. Although there are not as many annoying flies as before, if they are not dealt with first, I'm afraid I can't take away the Yin Qi River with peace of mind.

This fire rain is not an ordinary fire, but Qin Lang directly mixed Kanli's fire with his true energy and sprayed it out. Kanli's fire is Qin Lang's natal real fire, and it ranks very high on the earth fire list. It has a natural restraint effect on Yin objects, ghost objects, and soul bodies, so after Qin Lang's big wave of fire and rain occurred, those soul bodies were destroyed, scattered, and fled, and disappeared in an instant.

And this time, Qin Lang can be regarded as famous in this weird restricted space, proving that he is not an easy character to mess with. It depends on the ancestral spirit hidden in the dark. Will kill all the way.

Kanli's fire is also one of Qin Lang's trump cards, and he never thought of using this kind of flame to deal with the soul body before.

And the reason why I use it now is because I just saw my pet Hanji killing all directions in the Yinqi River, and then I remembered that my Kanlizhihuo and Xuanhuangyan both have natural restraint effects on ghosts and souls.

Since this kind of flame can restrain the opponent, it is natural how to do it with less effort.

And then Qin Lang tried his best to collect this river of Yin Qi. Since the banning law was interrupted, Qin Lang had to start over the entire banning process again. More than 1 hands of banning methods cannot be interrupted. This is indeed a hard job.

However, the value of this Yin Qi River is definitely more than an ordinary magic house, so it is worthwhile for Qin Lang to do this, after all, this Yin Qi River can also be regarded as a top-level heaven and earth spirit vein.

Two hours later, Qin Lang stopped what he was doing. At this time, he was a little out of breath, but fortunately, the hard work was worth it. He sealed up the entire river of Yin Qi, stuffed it into a ruby ​​bottle, and then The storage ring was installed again.

He intends to leave this river of yin qi for his pet Hanba to use for cultivation. He believes that with this treasure, Hanba's strength will improve by leaps and bounds in the future. I'm afraid it will not be much worse than his second soul, and it may even be stronger.

But when Qin Lang was harvesting the River of Yin Qi, there was a sighing sound from somewhere in the forbidden space, the voice was very low, as if he was venting his dissatisfaction, and he seemed helpless.

This Yin Qi River divides the weird space of the Ancestral Spirit Forbidden Land into two halves. After taking away the Yin Qi River, Qin Lang explored the road again, preparing to explore this avenue to the end.

After replacing the Yin Qi River, there was a wave of spiritual energy shaking in the entire forbidden space, as if the whole space was unstable. It seems that Qin Lang pulled out the Yin Qi River, which also hurt the foundation of this weird forbidden space.

However, this is of course a good thing for Qin Lang. It would be even better if the entire space could collapse. In that case, he would not need to explore at all, and he could lead his teammates directly out of this closed space.

At this time, Qin Lang, who was walking all the way, suddenly stopped. Just in front of him, the originally flat black soil instantly liquefied and turned into a black quagmire.

This is not a weird spell, but the entire forbidden space is controlled by the spirits of the ancestors. Now the spirits of the ancestors have fully awakened, so there will be such a secret meeting. It seems that the spirits of the ancestors also have a certain consciousness Just now, I saw Qin Lang fighting with such sturdy souls, and I also had a little bit of fear of Qin Lang, so he refused to show up for a long time, but has been using small tricks to deal with Qin Lang.

Qin Lang's sixth sense is now activated to the maximum, and he discovered the danger ahead of time when he broke through. If he really stepped on the quagmire just now, he might fall directly into it, and the result would be very bad.

Afterwards, Qin Lang was more careful when moving forward, to avoid the spirit of the ancestors from making any more insidious tricks in the dark.

At the same time, he also had a good idea of ​​what this ancestor spirit looked like. He heard that this guy was comparable to the legendary Totem God of War, and even stronger, so he didn't know if he could beat it.But thinking about it, the spirit of the ancestors should also have a soul body structure. If this is the case, his Kanlizhihuo and Xuanhuangyan should also be its nemesis.

Under Qin Lang's deliberation, Qin Lang's sudden appearance of strange things like quagmire traps on the road will no longer be difficult for Qin Lang. Qin Lang's sixth sense is very effective, and his spiritual sense can also detect about ten feet around, the spirit of the ancestors It is also difficult to succeed if you want to yin him.

Finally, this avenue came to an end. It took him four or five hours for this process. Of course, Qin Lang spent three hours fighting with the soul body and collecting Yin Qi River. The time actually spent on exploring the environment was not much. to two hours.

And at the end of the avenue, Qin Lang suddenly sensed a breath of extreme strength. This breath is not the breath of the soul body, but the smell of faith and incense. In addition, there is a touch of blood. This is The breath of the ancestors.

At this time, Qin Lang also saw the true face of the spirit of the ancestors of the survivor tribe. It was a structure similar to a golden throne. There was a crimson monster on the throne. It was said to be a monster, but in fact it was more like an enlarged version of the soul body. However, the soul body is a gray shadow, but this crimson monster is a real entity.

"The materialization of the soul body..."

Qin Lang looked at the monster on the throne, and realized something in his heart. This big guy was three times bigger than the soul body he encountered before, but the flesh and blood was not real flesh and blood, but the result of the highly solidified soul body.

Moreover, this condensed soul body also has the smell of faith and incense, as well as a trace of blood evil. It seems that the survivor tribe has sacrificed to this monster for hundreds of years. It's not just a soul body or a Yin thing.

The gods absorb incense and become gods. This is also a rumor that Qin Lang accidentally obtained from the classics of the cultivation world. It is said that after a person dies, he can also be granted the throne by chance.

The practice of Shinto is different from the practice of monks in the cultivation world. Shinto absorbs the power of faith in incense to become a god, and it is also a way of speed. Similarly, gods with divine power are also very powerful, not ordinary cultivators. Affordable.

However, the ancestral spirit in front of me is walking the path of the gods, but it is not a real god. A real god has a god position, and the soul is pure and free of impurities, and it will not be full of blood and evil like this ancestor spirit. Although this bloody aura can also increase the combat effectiveness of this big guy, it made this big guy go on a wrong path.

Although this crooked path can make the spirits of the ancestors become stronger because of the evil spirit of blood, but the spirit of the ancestors is also blinded by the evil spirit of blood, leaving only a few thoughts of killing evil spirits and devouring them, so the soul cannot Complete, it is difficult to go further on this path of God.

Therefore, the spirit of the ancestors will always be trapped in the forbidden area of ​​the ancestors for this reason, unable to control their own divinity, and will only become a false god instead of a real god.

And the real divine energy is omnipotent, and may even be stronger than the legendary immortal.

"Blood food... blood food... blood food..."

The spirit of the ancestors smelled a strong human breath, and hot golden-red flames spewed out of the two originally empty pupils. It raised its head, showing an expression of endless desire in the direction of Qin Lang in front of it.

And Qin Lang discovered at this time that the spirit of the ancestors was actually bound on the throne, and there was a circle of golden chains wrapped around its body. The chains did not know that they were blessed by external forces, but formed naturally. Because of this golden chain, the big guy couldn't leave the throne at all.

Seeing this, Qin Lang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He felt that the spirit of the ancestors was very powerful. Compared with it, the soul body he encountered before was like an ant shaking an elephant. Is this the strength of a false god?If he confronted him head-on, he might not be able to defeat him.

After all, the spirit of the ancestors is said to be stronger than the Totem God of War, and his current strength is probably about the same as the Totem God of War.

Feeling Qin Lang's approach, feeling Qin Lang's malicious eyes, the ancestor spirit also roared angrily, it struggled to get up from the throne, but the chain was too tight for it, so it Couldn't get up at all.

However, this guy was not willing to let Qin Lang's blood go away. At this time, he opened his mouth directly, and a golden red flame sprayed towards Qin Lang directly. How weak is the Huo of Kanli.

"Is this the divine flame?" Qin Lang's gaze narrowed, and he quickly teleported away from the spot. The divine flame does not belong to the flames between heaven and earth, it should belong to the category of heavenly fire, which is a higher-level flame than Kanli's fire.

However, looking at the situation in front of me, the golden-red flame blood is so fierce that it does not have the upright and arrogance of the legendary divine flame at all. Between Earth Fire and Sky Fire.

This should be the natal fire of the spirits of the ancestors, and it is also one of the main attack methods of gods or false gods. If ordinary people are touched by this kind of flame, even the cultivation world will be ignited instantly, and then directly burned to death. Ash.

(End of this chapter)

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