The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2123 Killing Demonic Sand Wolf

Chapter 2123 Killing Demonic Sand Wolf
However, the number of demonized sand wolves is too large. Even if these energy light beams can kill several demonized sand wolves with one shot, they cannot resist the number of the entire race, so the armor repairs present need to work together.

In fact, the danger of this battle is not very high. Under Su Lie's command, he firmly controls the rhythm of the battle. Although there are many demonized sand wolves, their defeat has been decided before the battle.

It's a pity that the demonized sand wolf, a sixth-order demonized creature, is just a consumable for the demon god primordial spirit, and it is not worthy of attention, so the demon god primordial spirit did not interfere in this battle, and let the demonized sand wolf group play freely.

Those explosive armor repairs with energy cannons stopped after firing three or five cannons. The energy light beam as the killer's weapon needs a lot of green chips to recharge each shot, which consumes a lot, so every shot goes down The explosive Kaixiu responsible for firing the cannon has to plan carefully and save as much as possible. Even if the blue chip they have is enough to kill all the demonized sand wolves in front of them, I am afraid that none of the Kaixiu will choose to do this. The results outweigh the gains.

After all, the value of materials recovered from sixth-order monsters like demonized sand wolves is too low, and it is estimated that they are not enough to compensate for the energy consumption after firing the cannon, and the deficit is too great.

But now the explosive armor of the entire team is only responsible for the first round of bombing, the first wave of morale and offensive formation against the demonized sand wolves, so that the subsequent battles of the armor will become easier.

The subsequent battles can be directly handed over to other types of armor repairs. These explosive armor repairs... now you can directly retreat and take a rest.

The task of the dozen or so explosive armor repairs responsible for firing the cannon was completed. After exiting the battle sequence, the second wave of the battle began directly. This time, the warrior-type armor that served as a shield came into contact with the demonized sand wolf directly below, wearing Shinmura More than 20 warriors in armor, led by Su Lie, built a metal city wall together.

"The Overlord disarms...Kill!"

Su Lie took the lead and roared, this guy is actually not a pure meat shield fighter, but a fighter who tends to attack explosively, but his own cultivation level is high, and the armor on his body is also powerful, so it is not bad to serve as a temporary meat shield .

You know, after receiving the initiation of the light group from the Inheritance Land last time, Su Lie is now an armored cultivator in the middle stage of alchemy, and among the armored cultivators present, only Lu Chengxiu, the chief formation master of the palace, is comparable to him. But in terms of combat experience, ten Lu Chengs might not be as good as one Su Lie.

The strength of his Kaixiu in the mid-stage of alchemy has been improved little by little through thousands of battles. Although Lu Cheng, the chief formation master of the palace, cannot say that he has never experienced battles in his life, he has a lot of experience in battles. , is definitely not as good as these adventurers who often go out on missions.

After all, as the chief formation master of the royal palace, Lu Cheng can be regarded as a half-noble. His status and status destined him to deal with mostly the upper echelons of the kingdom in his life. It is impossible for him to go out and take risks frequently like the commoner Kaixiu, putting himself in danger.

Of course, there is a more powerful character in the whole team that is Qin Lang. Qin Lang is not Kaixiu, but he is a monk at the peak of the late stage of Huashen. It can be said that the whole team is the strongest and one of the trump cards of the whole team.

Of course, his trump card is just a secret trump card. The real trump card in the open is actually Lu Cheng, the chief formation master of the palace. Sometimes we have to rely on the ancient chariot mastered by Lu Cheng to leave the Shenhuo formation.

At this time, the Kaixiu had already contacted the demonized sand wolves directly below, and the fighting rhythm of both sides was very fast. As soon as they came into contact, a large number of demonized sand wolves were beheaded. After all, the armor repairs this time are very strong. Well, everyone in the team is a national-level elite, with a large number of people and sufficient weapons and ammunition. It is not comparable to the team of city-level elites led by Su Lie last time.

And after a large number of demonized sand wolves died, the hatred value of the remaining demonized sand wolves was higher, and they pounced more fiercely.

Fortunately, the demonized sand wolves do not have any skills such as madness. They only have the talent of "flying sand and rocks". This is a great thing for the entire team. A monster whose strength is about the same as that of the seventh rank will be very troublesome to deal with.

In the process of fighting the demonized sand wolf, the dozen or so meat shield-type armor repair fighters in the front row were still very powerful. After these dozen meat shield-type armor repair fighters fully activated the armor's defensive ability, the defensive force field unexpectedly It directly exploded more than two feet high, covering all the other companions in the surrounding area. Although the pounce of the demonized sand wolf and the supernatural power of flying sand and rocks on the defensive force field will continue to consume their defensive power, but these dozen flesh The shield-shaped armor has a high defense value, and while fighting, it constantly uses green chips to replenish consumption, which can be said to be extremely wear-resistant and resistant to consumption.

However, the defensive power of the tank-type armored warriors is astonishingly terrifying, but the attack power is so weak that it explodes. After fighting for a long time, many of these tank-type fighters did not even kill a demonized sand wolf. It was done by letting the companion behind him make up the knife.

However, this is not a big deal. The main task of these meat shield fighters is to act as a shield wall. At least how high the combat effectiveness is is not something that the meat shield fighters should consider at all. The main task of solving those demonized sand wolves is Leave it to the agile and explosive armor behind you.

As for the meat shield warrior, there is also a special armor repairer, that is, Su Lie, who wears the black-level armor Shinwura. It can be compared to monks in the late stage of transformation of gods. When the giant magic sword like a door panel is deployed, those sand wolves basically die when they touch it, and the result is that they die when they rub it.

Su Lie's battles are extremely fierce, as long as they are within five feet of his defense, almost all the demonized sand wolves rushing over are killed by him alone, and the corpses are piled up into hills in the end, and his whole body is almost changed. Became the god of bloody war.

In the end, those demonized sand wolves almost all chose to avoid the area Su Lie was defending because of the astonishing evil spirit, and chose to attack from other positions.

This is an unbelievable thing for the demonized sand wolves who are not afraid of death. This point also witnesses how powerful Su Lie is now. It can be said that in the entire team, except for Qin Lang, This guy should be the strongest one.

Thousands of sixth-order demonized sand wolves were finally killed by all the armor repairers in less than half an hour. These demonized sand wolves did not know how to escape until the last moment of the battle, so the result was naturally annihilated .

However, after the entire Kaixiu team produced astonishing results, only a few people suffered minor and insignificant injuries. This kind of result naturally makes people feel very satisfied.

The consumption of the entire team in this battle was not very high. The source energy cannons fired about 25 rounds, and each round was worth [-] green chips, which together consumed [-].

The total consumption of other consumable weapons such as the source energy gun and talisman paper is about 20.

The wear and tear of other types of weapons and armor is negligible, so it is not counted.

And the furs of the demonized sand wolves and the possible demon pills in front of them are the next loot, which should be able to replenish more than half of the battle consumption. After all, there are not many valuable things on the demonized sand wolves, so they can be replenished. More than half is good enough.

After the battle, Su Lie asked everyone to rest in place, some of the Kaixiu directly processed the materials on the demonized sand wolves, and some of the Kaixiu took out water and dry food and ate a little.

In this battle, Qin Lang saw that the armor repairs in front of him could be taken directly, so he didn't make a move.

It is worth mentioning that, before the demonized sand wolf is not demonized, the sand wolf meat is actually a very good food material, but after being demonized, the sand wolf meat cannot be used as a food material, after all, eating demonized creatures The meat has the risk of being directly infected, which can be regarded as a big loss in the process of obtaining materials.

The demonized sand wolf is also the largest indigenous creature race in the entrance area of ​​the ancient fairy cave. The wolf is cunning and ferocious, so other monsters in this area were either driven away before the sand wolf was demonized, or were killed by the sand wolf as food up.

And after killing this group of demonized sand wolves, there is no danger in this area for the time being. Of course, it is also possible that the two ninth-level monsters controlled by the demon god primordial spirit are hiding somewhere, so after the next rest, The march of the whole team is still very cautious.

During the march, everyone's battle armor spirit wave detection is still turned on. The ordinary yellow-level battle armor spirit wave detection area is about [-] feet around, while the black-level battle armor spirit wave detection area is [-] feet.

The spiritual wave detection with built-in functions of battle armor is very convenient, and it can even be said to be easier to use than spiritual consciousness. You must know that due to the restrictions of the world's rules of heaven and earth, although armor repair can also release spiritual consciousness, but even in the middle stage of alchemy Su Lie, after releasing his divine sense, can only detect twenty feet around at most, and the detection area is less than one-tenth of the area detected by the spiritual wave of the black-level armor on his body.

As for Qin Lang, the strength of his spiritual consciousness at the peak of the late stage of the transformation of the gods is at the Dzogchen level of the late stage of the transformation of the gods, and should be able to detect a range of about [-] feet around.

Before, Qin Lang and Su Lie walked through the familiar path they had experienced before, far away from a large lake of relics.

Although Qin Lang killed two eighth-level monsters in the battle in this ruined lake, one of the phantom clam in the center of the lake was the most valuable. After killing it, Qin Lang harvested more than 100 fist-sized white phantom clam beads, the core of which was a golden clam. The clam beads have even been transformed into innate spiritual materials, absorbed by his own golden gourd, thus making the golden gourd successfully advanced, and the internal space of the gourd has expanded several times.

(End of this chapter)

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