The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2127 Absorbing the Imprint of Divine Sense

Chapter 2127 Absorbing the Imprint of Divine Sense
"Here they come...they come..."

Beside them are the terrified screams of the Kaixiu. If you don't come to the scene, you can't feel the powerful aura gathered by the three bosses, especially the aura of the demon god and primordial spirit, which makes people feel even more desperate. The level of aura is unique even in today's comprehension world.

And now, even if the whole car is arranged in advance, less than two-thirds of it has been completed, and there is still one-third of the steps that cannot be completed overnight. As the leader of the formation, Lu Cheng's forehead is now Everyone broke out in a cold sweat. The demon god Yuanshen came with the second-ranked and ninth-rank monsters. In order to set up a large formation as soon as possible to protect everyone, this kind of pressure was unprecedented for him.

"The Demon God Primordial Spirit is less than 3000 meters away from us. It seems that we can't arrange this big formation before they arrive. Is this operation going to fail..."

Su Lie looked ahead solemnly, thinking in his heart whether it's time to retreat, the only way to save everyone's lives is to evacuate from the inheritance space.

The current situation is already very unfavorable to the armor repairers. It seems that the Cheli Shenhuo formation cannot be completed for a while. If there is a stalemate here, the entire army may be wiped out.

After all, the greatest support that everyone used to deal with the demon god and primordial spirit was this ancient formation. Now that the formation cannot be completed, it loses the role of resistance.

Seeing the crisis in front of him, Qin Lang also frowned. He knew that if he didn't want to come up with a solution, it would be best to evacuate the inheritance space with everyone before the demon god Yuanshen arrived, and this time was only 3 minutes.

Fortunately, the movement speed of the Demon God Primordial Spirit is a shortcoming, otherwise, there might not be a buffer time of 3 minutes.

Qin Lang thought for a while, and decided to quickly deploy a defensive formation in front of the demon god Yuanshen. No matter how much time it can delay, it can be blocked for a while, so as to fight for Lu Cheng's arrangement of the chariot away from the god fire formation time.

You must know that if there is no time to buffer, when the time comes, the demon god Yuanshen and the two ninth-order demonized monsters will charge at will, and this unfinished ancient formation may collapse at any time. The demon god primordial spirit is made into a demonized creature.

Qin Lang is also a formation master. It is not a problem to quickly deploy a defensive formation in just two or three minutes. As for how long this hastily arranged defensive formation can hold the three big guys, he has no idea, but Now is not the time to think about this. If he doesn't do this, everyone should choose to evacuate the inheritance space as soon as possible, otherwise it will be a dead end.

So Qin Lang quickly set up a defensive formation on the periphery. Although he doesn't have a formation flag, he has the help of a super system. His analysis and calculation capabilities are absolutely unique among formation masters, and the defensive formation to be arranged in front of him is not very complicated. , so it's also quick to set up.

Finally, before the demon god Yuanshen and his two subordinates arrived, Qin Lang arranged the defensive array on the periphery.

Qin Lang activated the formation in an instant, and the formation finally blocked the demon god Yuanshen and the two ninth-order demonized monsters outside. However, this defensive formation is relatively simple, and the demon god Yuanshen should also know some formation methods The consciousness of ancient gods and demons, so this big formation can't help this guy for too long.

Qin Lang actually knew this too, so he arranged this big formation with the idea of ​​delaying it as long as he could.

After the outer defensive array was set up, Qin Lang looked back at Lu Cheng's progress in arranging the ancient chariot away from the Shenhuo array. The speed still made people feel anxious. He was not sure that the defensive array he had arranged around could drag By the time Cheli Shenhuo array was completely set up.

With Lu Cheng's current deployment speed, it may take an hour or two until the entire Cheli Shenhuo formation is fully deployed, but the defensive formation he has arranged on the periphery can only last half an hour at most. So it can't be that long.

Qin Lang was also a little anxious, and walked over at this time: "Master Lu Cheng, your formation speed is too late... You see, I am also a formation master, can you use your spiritual thoughts to prepare me for a while , I will observe and see if I can help, so that it is possible to speed up the formation and finish your big formation before the demon god primordial spirit breaks the defense of the outer formation."

"You...can you?" If the time and place were changed, Lu Cheng would definitely hide it under his arm after hearing what Qin Lang said. After all, this kind of ancient formation is imprisoned by the formation master.

But in this critical moment, if you are still hiding under your armpits, you are looking for death. Lu Cheng doesn't think about the leakage of the privacy of the inheritance of the formation. If Qin Lang really does it, it may save everyone's life... It's righteousness, that's why he asked this question.

However, at this time, he glanced at the defensive formation arranged by Qin Lang on the periphery again, and suddenly shut up again. He felt that it was unnecessary for him to ask such a question. Through the hastily arranged defensive formation on the periphery, he could judge Qin Lang His formation ability is very good. Even if he refuses to admit defeat in some aspects, he has to admit that this guy's talent in this aspect is indeed much stronger than himself.

For example, if he also arranges a defensive formation of comparable scale, Lu Cheng can be sure that he is definitely not as fast as Qin Lang's formation, not even half as fast.

Maybe this is talent. Lu Cheng knows how to train himself in this area, and he will never be able to catch up with Qin Lang in his life.


"All right!"

After thinking for a while, Lu Chengyu created a mark of divine consciousness, which contained information about the ancient chariot's sacred fire formation. As long as Qin Lang absorbed this trace of divine consciousness, he could learn this formation, and even master it initially. This big array.

Of course, this also requires Qin Lang to have the corresponding knowledge of formations. If Qin Lang is not a master of formations, even if he absorbs this imprint of divine consciousness, he will still be unable to grasp the essence of the ancient Cheli Shenhuo formation.

Ancient Che Li Shenhuo Formation...

Absorb, analyze, calculate, decompose memory points...

Qin Lang closed his eyes, and the information of the divine sense in the imprint of the divine consciousness separated by Lu Cheng was being absorbed by him bit by bit. At the same time, the super system connected to his brain was also running rapidly, and the ancient car was separated from the divine fire formation. The memory points are decomposed, continuously calculated, combined and then separated, and gradually integrated into one's own real memory.

The whole absorption process seems a bit complicated, but in fact, it didn't take long at all, less than ten seconds, Qin Lang had already absorbed the essence of the formation, and then he opened his eyes suddenly, and his pupils shone brightly.

"The Ancient Chariot Li Shenhuo really is an incomparably miraculous super formation. I should be able to set up this formation now. However, I am only initially proficient in this formation. I feel that there is still room for further study and study of this formation, but Now is not the time to ponder and study... Forget it, let's help Lu Cheng complete the formation as soon as possible!"

At this time, Qin Lang has initially mastered the super large formation, and can assist Lu Cheng to complete the entire super large formation, so at this time, he also joined the ranks of helping to set up the formation.

And after Lu Cheng glanced at Qin Lang, there was a tinge of surprise in his eyes. This is not what he saw with his own eyes. Knowing that Qin Lang's formation ability is good, he thought that Qin Lang was doing a disservice now. After all, no matter which formation master is getting himself After the sliver of divine sense given, it is impossible to absorb and transform those knowledge points about the formation in a short time, let alone be able to participate in the arrangement of the formation immediately.

But now after Qin Lang got his imprint of divine sense, he transformed all the knowledge and memory in just ten seconds, which absolutely surprised him. .

Afterwards, Lu Cheng observed Qin Lang's movement while setting up the formation. Under the distraction, his speed of setting up the formation became slower, which also made the nearby armor repairers feel more anxious.

After Qin Lang joined the formation, the speed of the entire formation suddenly accelerated several times. The ancient car was two kilometers away from the entire formation coverage of the Shenhuo Great Formation, with 720 internal formation eyes and [-] changes.

Qin Lang has now basically calculated all the changes with a super system, so when setting up the formation, he has a clear grasp of the pulse of the entire formation. In this way, there will be no big errors in the formation .

Although there is no array flag, Qin Lang's formation speed is several times faster than that of Lu Cheng who has an array flag. While moving, his hands are also flying up and down. The entire two-kilometer formation coverage requires him Take care, so the task is not easy.

However, the busier Qin Lang became, the more awake he became, and the busier he became, the more energetic he became. The super system in his brain also operated faster, without stopping for a moment.

And Lu Cheng looked at Qin Lang in front of the formation, and his mouth opened wider and wider. He had no idea that after Qin Lang participated in the formation, it would be like this. Qin Lang couldn't tell that he was a novice who had only mastered the formation. Che Li, who has been studying the big formation for many years, is even more proficient in the chief formation master of the palace, and the speed of setting up the formation is also two or three times faster.

Is this possible?

It should be impossible!It was impossible for Lu Cheng to accept the fact that Qin Lang's formation ability would surpass his own, and he always thought that he was delusional.

Shaking his head, he said: "After being dizzy and busy for so long, I also have hallucinations. It seems that I need to take a good rest... No, I can't rest yet! The formation is not set up, how can I have such thoughts?"

In fact, the reason why he has this idea is that he has been consuming mental and physical energy to set up the formation. This process is very hard, and the mental energy is consumed too much. The brain has an unconscious protection mechanism. If you want to let the brain rest, don't Continuous high temperature operation like a machine shortens the service life.

(End of this chapter)

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