Chapter 2129 Millennium Ceremony
While the armor repairers were scattered looking for opportunities, Qin Lang and Lu Cheng were meditating to recover themselves. The race against time to set up a super large formation not only had to bear strong psychological pressure, but it was also an extremely exhausting physical and energy-consuming thing.

Five hours later, the Kaixiu of the Land of Inheritance gathered together again, ready to leave the Land of Inheritance. Among these Kaixiu, four lucky ones found the four inheritance light groups that Qin Lang and others had pulled down, and accepted them smoothly. With the empowerment of the Inheritance Light Group, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

Speaking of the inheritance light group, in fact, Qin Lang still has ten unused inheritance light groups in his hands. He has reached the peak of the late stage of Huashen and may break through at any time. The cultivation level has reached this point. His help is already very small, so if he has the opportunity, he can actually trade the inheritance light group on hand, or give it to a friend.

Five days later, in a room at the Qibi City Inn.

Qin Lang sealed off the entire room with the formation method, and is currently researching the newly obtained ancient chariot from Shenhuo formation. Although he has initially learned this super formation and can arrange it, he is still far from a thorough understanding of the essence of the entire formation. far.

"Not bad, not bad..." Qin Lang's super system has carefully considered the entire super large formation 710, the second formation eye, and more than 1 changes, and analyzed that if the enemy appears in the large formation, he should catch it. What kind of timing to live and what kind of response to make is the most ideal choice.

Although for those who set up the formation, they have mastered the context of the super large formation and can arrange the formation smoothly, they have an absolute advantage and can almost be invincible.

However, if they can seize the right time and make appropriate responses after the formation is activated, it will be easier for the formation setters to deal with those enemies. After all, all the energy spent has been put into practice.

"The ancient Cheli Shenhuo formation... It is also a powerful battlefield killing move... The Cheli Shenhuo is also the sky fire. The super formation that can summon the sky fire is really worthy of being a powerful formation in ancient times." Qin Lang pondered more and more And research, the more I find that the subtlety of this formation cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

While researching, Qin Lang's formation experience, which he hasn't increased for a long time, is slowly improving at this time, and he feels that he is getting closer and closer to becoming a formation master.

This kind of harvest is something that Qin Lang did not expect before. In fact, he is best at alchemy, but his level of alchemy has not yet broken through. Unexpectedly, the level of formation is likely to be the first to break through.

Just when Qin Lang was fascinated by his research, the doorbell alarm rang in the room. Qin Lang opened his eyes, and when he saw through the mage's ability that there was a young official dressed as a guard outside the door, he couldn't help being stunned.

When I opened the door, I heard the official waiting guard excitedly say: "Master Qin Lang, you have finally come out! This is an invitation sent by the royal palace... A week later, the most solemn festival in Dawan Kingdom, the 'Millennium Ceremony' will be held. Please be sure to participate.

"Oh." Qin Lang accepted the invitation. He knew that the official waiter was just an inconspicuous role, but sending someone to bring this invitation was enough to show the sincerity of the official in this regard.

Opening the gold-stamped red invitation cabinet, Qin Lang saw the words inside: "Respected Master Qin Lang, thank you for your breakthrough contribution to the entire Dawan Kingdom, and the kingdom's 'Millennium Ceremony' in seven days will be even more exciting with your participation. "

"The Millennium Ceremony..."

Qin Lang accepted the invitation, and heard that the whole country has been preparing for the millennium prosperity for more than half a year. He never thought that he would also have the opportunity to participate in this kind of national grand ceremony. This is inseparable from the last time the palace task was completed beautifully. I believe that the entire team that took over the palace task at that time Everyone accepts this invitation just like myself!
After receiving the invitation, Qin Lang nodded to the young official waiting guard: "Okay, I will definitely participate when the time comes."

After hearing Qin Lang's answer, the official waited for Wei to show a smile, then bowed to Qin Lang and left.

The place where the Millennium Ceremony was held was not Qibi City, but the royal city hundreds of miles away from Qibi City.

Wangcheng is independent of the four major cities of Dawan State, and its city size is only one-third of the size of the four major cities. Although Wangcheng is the administrative center of the entire Dawan State, activities such as festivals and celebrations will be more lively. Outside, it is usually very deserted.

After all, there are only two kinds of people who appear in the royal city all the year round, one is the members of the royal palace and officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the other is the guard patrols stationed in the royal city.

And most of the inner parts of the royal city are not open to the public during normal times, only the only public area... The mission release area of ​​the palace allows the adventurous armor repair team to enter to accept missions or hand over missions at ordinary times.

After Qin Lang received the invitation, he finally came out in Wangcheng on the fifth day, and was arranged by the receptionist of Wangcheng in the palace guest house. Almost all the palace guest houses are full for a millennium celebration.

I heard that the palace guest house not only accommodates many high-class people with status in the Dawan state, but also many aborigines from this mainland island who come to pay tribute.

For the other indigenous tribes on this continental island, the human kingdom is superior to these indigenous tribes in all aspects, and it can be called the Celestial Dynasty. Therefore, almost every once in a while, the three major tribes send people to pay homage. Make some exchanges of business interests and resources.

This time the tribute was mainly for the kingdom's Millennium Ceremony, and it seemed that the three major tribes had sent people to participate. After all, Dawan Kingdom also sent invitation letters to the indigenous tribes on the mainland island for this Millennium Ceremony.

The guest house where Qin Lang is located is full of people when Qin Lang is staying. When eating at night, the restaurant of the guest house is full of people everywhere.

As for the table where Qin Lang was sitting, besides Qin Lang, there was an unknown woman on the opposite side. This woman looked very young, she was wearing a white gauze scarf, and she couldn't see her true face clearly, but she was definitely an extremely beautiful beauty. Son.

This woman was cold and out of the ordinary, even though she was face to face with Qin Lang during the meal, they did not pay attention to each other, they were silently enjoying the delicious food provided by the palace.

Not to mention, for the guests who came from all over the world to participate in the celebration, the palace has really put in a lot of effort in food and accommodation. Now the ingredients in front of every guest in the restaurant are specially provided by the palace, and even a lobster for the palace banquet will be sold. It can only be completed after a hundred exclusive production procedures, and people outside usually can't eat such delicacies if they want to eat it.

And the quality of these ingredients is not bad. Most of them are carefully cooked from the meat of high-level monsters. These delicacies are made by the palace chefs of the royal kitchens. As soon as these delicacies come out of the cage, they are sent to Guest houses throughout the palace.

"It's a pity that there is no wine, this is a fly in the ointment..." While Qin Lang was enjoying the food, someone suddenly came over and broke the original calm.

A young man who looked very young came over, wanting to strike up a conversation with the young woman opposite Qin Lang, he sat down next to the woman with a plate of food in his hand, and like Brother Zhu, he bowed towards the woman. "My surname is Wang, and my father is Wang Dacheng, director of the Fisheries Department of Binhai City... My name is Wang Jie... Miss, can I get to know you? I don't know how to call her by name..."

The young woman who was eating was disgusted at this time, she frowned, moved her body and leaned towards Qin Lang, staying away from that stubborn young man like brother pig.

In terms of implementation, the dandy is not ugly, but the face of a pig brother undoubtedly lowers the taste of the whole person, looks relatively vulgar, and people can't help but feel disgusted when they look at it.

Therefore, it is normal for the young woman to lean towards Qin Lang and stay away from this brother Zhu.

However, at this time, Wang Jie saw the woman near Qin Lang who was eating, and felt that Qin Lang might be a bit of an eyesore, so he stood up directly, pointed at Qin Lang and said, "You... go to another table, I will take over this table."

Qin Lang frowned when he heard this, but he seemed not to have heard the young man's words, and continued to focus on his own food.

Seeing Qin Lang treating himself like air, Wang Jie was immediately annoyed: "Let you eat, did you hear what I said, I will let you eat..." This guy is probably a person who is used to being a bully on weekdays. Picking up a food plate in front of him, he threw it directly at Qin Lang's head.

However, although Wang Jie threw the food plate over, it did not fall on Qin Lang's head, but was held by an invisible force field above Qin Lang's head, and then, the food plate seemed to be hit by a force field. The powerful rebounding force snapped back at the face of Wang Jie, the victim.

With a quiet sound, Wang Jie's face was immediately covered with soup, and the force of the food plate hitting his head was quite strong. Now he seemed to be beaten, shaking for a while.

"Puchi..." The woman in the white scarf saw the scene in front of her and couldn't help laughing, her voice was as clear and melodious as a yellow warbler.

After Wang Jie shook like a tumbler for a while, he finally regained his senses. After waking up, he was furious. For him, this is a huge shame, too embarrassing.

As a result, Wang Jie, the dandy, suddenly lost his mind, and he didn't consider how unreasonable the weird scene just now was. If he was a smart person, he might have known that Qin Lang was not an easy master. It's a pity that Wang Jie It's impossible for a big idiot to notice these.

Therefore, when Wang Jie, who was in a state of rage, rushed towards Qin Lang, before he could get close, he was bounced away by an invisible force field again, and the force of the bounce was so strong that Wang Jie passed by like a cannonball out of the restaurant lobby, and flew out of the entire gate of the guest house.

(End of this chapter)

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