Chapter 2133 Retreat

So Qin Lang just smiled at this, and then steadily fought against Mei Long, and didn't use much means to suppress the bottom of the box.

He has long seen the pros and cons of this secret technique level mentality, and knows that the consumption of this mentality is definitely very high. As long as he guards it firmly, the opponent may not be able to survive a few tricks with him.

In other words, the opponent's strength is too scumbag, and he is not qualified to take it seriously.

Sure enough, after Meilong hit two Bengshan hits, he couldn't do anything to win Qin Lang. Instead, he was already exhausted, and even his movement speed was much slower.

At this time, he had to stop using Lianhuanjin, and instead used other means to fight against Qin Lang. However, compared with Lianhuanjin, other kung fu techniques seemed much more ordinary, and the fighting situation instantly became passive.

Bang bang bang!
Suddenly, Mei Long was punched three times by Qin Lang in a row, and his body kicked back seven or eight steps.

This is equivalent to being beaten out of the ring. If it was a match in the martial arts arena, it would be considered a loss, so when Melon took a breath and then raised his head, his face was full of horror.

You know, he is an armor repairer in the mid-stage of alchemy. With the combat power of the middle-grade Black Widow Armor, it can be said that the entire kingdom can suppress him in such a short period of time. It can be said to be unique, and the young man opposite is too scary Yes, he really lost his sight.

Although as the head of a large adventure group, Mellon still has some tricks to suppress the bottom of the box, but now he knows that even if he uses them, it will not be effective. It is impossible for him to defeat the young man in front of him, because he is already close to Exerting all his strength, the opponent's confrontation just now has been light and light, and he didn't display too much ability at all, just used a body method to deal with himself.

Of course, the other party's physical skills are very good, and in his judgment, it is definitely a secret skill on the same level as his own serial strength.

Moreover, the opponent seems to be an armor of the agility department, and he has a natural combat advantage against an explosive department like him, which is not good at speed. This is also the reason why Mellon is unwilling to continue to fight alone.

"Leader... together?"

Behind them, those regiment members were not blind, and they saw that even their regiment leader suffered a loss in this contest, so they all surrounded him.

However, at this time, Mellon raised his hand and shook his head, stopping the members from being reckless.

As the head of a large Kaixiu adventure group, Mellon's vision is very poisonous. Through the contest just now, he knew that even if he and his group members went together, they might not be able to take down the young man in front of him. The reputation of the adventure party will also be ruined.

After all, there was too much commotion today. When the blood whale group dispatched a large number of people to fight together, but the gossip that they could not take down an opponent would be really embarrassing. After all, this is a world where force is paramount. Everyone in the world admires the powerful and despises the weak.

And speaking of it, a young man on the other side has such a strong strength, and the power behind him may be a colossus. Now the leader of the blood shark group, Mellon, regrets taking this unreliable task to help a dude like Wang Jie. He's in his early days, and it looks like he really hit the iron plate today.

"Brother Mei... Come on, that bastard is very strong, but you guys will definitely be able to take him down together!"

The bastard Wang Jie saw that Mellon seemed to have suffered a loss in the battle just now, but he was still agitating loudly while being surprised, wanting to let people like the Blood Shark Group continue to help him out.

After all, the guy on the opposite side can be regarded as his sworn enemy now. He let himself lose face before, but now he doesn't give him a hard lesson, how can he hold his head up in the future?
However, Mellon, the head of the blood shark group, had no intention of continuing to fight. He looked at Qin Lang and Wang Jie at this time, and said, "Wang Jie, I'm afraid our blood shark group is really powerless this time. , you saw the battle just now... Even if the Blood Shark Group fights together, they may not be able to win the opponent, but if they really do that, the Blood Shark Group will pay too much, so I'm sorry."

For the sake of the reputation of the Blood Shark Group, this gloomy middle-aged man had to choose to give up this mission. Although this might offend Wang Jie, a dude, but compared to the future reputation of the entire Blood Shark Group, the reputation of the entire Blood Shark Group will be greatly reduced, making Binhai City the first The throne of the Kaixiu Adventure Group is not stable, so the gain outweighs the loss.

Although this kid's father is the director of the Fisheries Department of Binhai City, an important official who has curbed the economic lifeline of Kaixiu's adventure group going to sea, but under the current situation, Mellon still knows how to choose.

In essence, Mellon still considers the interests of the entire adventure group. It is okay to play around with Wang Jie, a dandy, but once the investment is not proportional to the return, and it will hurt the foundation of the adventure group, he has to choose to back down.

"let's go……"

Mellon waved his hand and asked his team members to leave together. At this time, before leaving, he looked at Qin Lang and cupped his fists: "I don't know what to call these friends, this time it is considered presumptuous, please bear with me." The whole kingdom is so young and has such He basically knows young heroes of this kind of strength, but he just doesn't know Qin Lang's background, so he only asks this question now.

"Qin Lang." A faint voice came out of Qin Lang's mouth. He still appreciates the choice of the leader of the blood shark group. This is a smart person.

"Okay, there will be a period later." Melon's voice became farther and farther away, and he and his men finally left here.

"Didn't you... say you want to break my five limbs?"

Qin Lang turned his head at this time and looked at the culprit in front of him. It turned out that Melon did not take Wang Jie with him when he left.

"You, you wait, those people from the Blood Shark Group are really useless, they actually admit it! Wait until I find someone else to deal with you..."

Wang Jie was also a little flustered at this time, and would shrink back when he uttered harsh words again.

It's just that, obviously shrinking back like an egg, but still want to speak harshly, no matter how you look at it, you are an idiot.

"It's really hopeless!"

Qin Lang shook his head, compared to the wisdom of the Blood Shark Group, the young man in front of him can be regarded as ignorant, obviously he can't do it, but he wants to touch the stone again and again.

Moreover, his behavior of constantly moving rescuers is really shameless, so let me teach this guy a profound lesson now, since the other party uttered cruel words and made him cut off five limbs, then I really let this guy It's good to have the fifth limb broken, and it will save this dandy from doing evil things again and harming women in the future.

Thinking of this, Qin Lang chuckled, and slowly approached the stupid-looking brat.

"You, what do you want to do? Don't come here..."

Wang Jie's face turned pale immediately, and he backed away in panic, wanting to exit the room. After all, those members of the Blood Shark Group had left, and without the protection of the members of the Blood Shark Group, he could say nothing now.

And Qin Lang's strength is so strong, he also realized that staying here now is also at the mercy of others.

However, it was too late to react now. Qin Lang, who was approaching instantly, tapped the boy's crotch lightly with his foot. It didn't look like much momentum, but he directly broke the boy's lifeblood with vigor.

"Aw..." The life root and the sub were exploded, and the damage of that kind of critical blow was definitely [-] points. Wang Jie immediately jumped up screaming while clutching his crotch, the pain on his face could be imagined.

"Go away! It's already merciful not to explode your eggs, don't let me see you again next time, or the consequences will be more serious..."

Qin Lang lightly pushed this guy out of the room, and then the door of the room was closed instantly, and there was an invisible heart. In the end, it was not worth wasting a lot of time for this kind of existence like ants, and he still wanted to continue Research on your own formation.


And then Wang Jie danced solo in the lobby of the guest house clutching his crotch, and was picked up by the blood shark group after a while, as if he was sent to the hospital.

It turned out that the members of the Blood Shark Group hadn't completely left. Mellon, a gloomy guy, realized that it was inappropriate to leave the dandy in this guest house, so he sent someone back to pick him up, but it seemed a step too late. The [-] points of damage from the critical strike seemed irreparable.

Facing the follow-up fury of the dandyish father, Mellon could only give a wry smile, but he was not very afraid of Wang Dacheng angering the Blood Shark Group. The consequences were caused by this kid himself, and the object of Wang Dacheng's anger should not be himself, but Qin Lang of this guest house.

"I really regret today's decision, why did I get involved in this troubled water..."

Mellon knew that no matter what, the Blood Shark Group would definitely lose some profits this time, and Wang Dacheng's long-toothed tiger had to be compensated in order to appease that guy to anger the Blood Shark Group.

However, there is no way to do this. After all, the other party is an important official of the kingdom, with power and power. After all, the status of Kaixiu’s adventure group in the kingdom is still inferior to that of officials. It is normal to be restricted no matter what they do. .

"Qin Lang..." Melon murmured this name now. He basically knew most of the families and forces in the kingdom. He had never heard of a surname Qin. Which family's children were they.

If it is said that Qin Lang grew up from ordinary people, he would not believe it if he killed Mellon. After all, the resources needed for the growth of practitioners are too large. Without the cultivation of family or power, it is impossible for such a young age to have such a big Achievement, of course, if Qin Lang has a great opportunity to grow up from the inheritance of a powerful relic in the Aegean Sea, it is also possible to overturn this judgment.

However, even if a small group of Kaixiu adventurers finds a certain footprint, they do not have the strength to explore the ruins. You must know that even a large Kaixiu adventurer group in the kingdom needs to be cautious and careful when exploring the ruins, and they all need to bear the responsibility of annihilating the entire army after entering the ruins. risks of.

After all, none of the relics left by ancient times is easy to match. There may be a lot of treasures and wealth in them, and correspondingly, there may be a lot of unbearable risks.

(End of this chapter)

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