The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2151 Species Battle

Chapter 2151 Species Battle
After eating, they have the energy to continue searching the ruins. Now the two of them have come to the core area of ​​the ruins. If there are any good things in the whole mysterious ruins, they should be concentrated here.

"Treasure...I want treasure..."

Wang Mengmeng muttered to her eyebrows that this girl came to the ruins this time for the treasure, but her luck was already against the sky, the favor she got alone was better than any treasure in the ruins, even Qin Lang He covets the little red fox that only has strong healing ability and can also assist in fighting.

And Qin Lang's luck in exploring the mysterious ruins this time is a little bit bad. Except for a few high-level ingredients, he has not obtained any valuable resources and materials.

Therefore, Qin Lang is looking forward to the core area of ​​the ruins. After all, he fought against the ninth-level monsters, the ground-level armor Black Rock Armor and the nine-story Xuanhuang Linglong Tower of the Magic Treasure House. After repairing it, even if it needs to be repaired, it is estimated that a lot of materials will be needed. Now how can I say that I have to earn back the price I paid.

The core area of ​​the ruins is a structure similar to a square, but there are rows of compartments around the corners of the square. The whole square is quiet, and no abnormal creatures have been found.

Qin Lang searched the entire square, but he didn't find the treasure. Instead, he found a blueprint, which is a method of refining arrows called Piercing Cloud Arrow. Qin Lang felt that the blueprint was very complicated, and it contained a very old text description Qin Lang only recorded a little of this ancient text when he was collecting historical data in Dawan country, but he was not fully literate, so he could only translate a small part. He only knew that this kind of cloud-piercing arrow needs to be sealed with animal souls after refining , to form a real arrow.

"Soul Arrow... is another kind of soul weapon!"

After Qin Lang saw it, he was also very surprised, and this cloud piercing arrow was matched with the Zhuge Liannu he collected. If this set of weapons is refined, he can get another set of extremely powerful weapons.

With a cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops come to meet each other...

Qin Lang can imagine the scene where he is pulling the wind in the future, with a powerful soul weapon in his hand, after a soul arrow is shot, it is no problem to take the enemy's head thousands of miles away.

Of course, I can only think about it for the time being. Qin Lang plans to check the historical data of the Dawan Kingdom after this return, collect more knowledge about this ancient script, and completely translate the entire production blueprint.

After all, soul weapons like Zhuge Liannu and Cloud Piercing Arrow are definitely weapons above the prefecture level. This may be an important opportunity for Qin Lang to refine equipment above the prefecture level. All the refiners in the Gulf Kingdom.

And if these two weapons are really successfully refined, it is certain that Qin Lang will become a refining master. After all, after such a long period of refining and modifying second-hand equipment, his refining experience has already reached the level of a senior refining master. Critical value, there is only one opportunity to continue to improve, and now this opportunity is in front of him, of course he must seize it.

"Unexpectedly, after continuing the title of alchemy master, I will be the first to break through as a master of alchemy..."

When Qin Lang received the blueprint, he thought so in his heart. After all, with this blueprint, coupled with suitable materials, and the assistance of a super system, Qin Lang's success rate in refining soul weapons is definitely higher than that of other refiners a lot of.


After searching the entire square, the two of them found nothing else other than the cloud piercing arrow blueprint.

"Damn... Where is the treasure I want, how could it be like this..."

Wang Mengmeng muttered to her eyebrows, feeling a little unhappy that her wish had come to nothing.

However, in a corner of the square, the two found a large hole as tall as a person, dug out by some unknown creature, and it was extremely dark inside.

The two of them were going to enter this big hole to have a look. After all, the way back had been blocked, and it was impossible to go back the same way.If Qin Lang and Wang Mengmeng want to leave the ruins, they can only find a new exit.

After entering the big hole, Qin Lang realized that the hole was quite deep. He walked along the slightly narrow passage and couldn't see the end after walking for several hours. Fortunately, although the big hole was very deep, it was very breathable. Well, it doesn't feel stuffy at all in there.

After half a day, Qin Lang and the two of them walked for more than 30 miles, and finally a gleam of light appeared in front of them, and they found the exit.

However, there were a lot of crackling noises from the exit, and it was unknown what creatures were outside, as there seemed to be a lot of them.

Is it a monster... The monsters in this mysterious ruins are very powerful, so Qin Lang didn't dare to be careless, and slowly approached the entrance of the cave, ready to investigate.

He was taken aback when he saw this. Not far from the entrance of the cave, there were two groups of monsters confronting each other. One of them was the most numerous, densely packed with magic ants. Qin Lang had heard Wang Mengmengmei introduce the monster ants a long time ago. After all, when the little girl entered the ruins with the palace team, she was chased and killed by the magic ants.

I don't know if this group of magic ants are the ones that chased and killed the palace team. If so, it will be much easier to find the original way back.

Of course, the premise is that the two of them need to break through the blockade of these magic ants.

The front area is densely packed with magic ants, all of which are the size of a fist. I don’t know how many there are. It is estimated that there are several thousand. Although the magic ants are only seventh-order creatures, if the number reaches such a scale, it is still very scary. Even Qin Lang, who is now a Dzogchen monk in the late stage of transformation, will feel a headache when he meets him.

The ones facing off against the magic ants are a nest of pangolins, eight in total, five big and three small, that is, five adults and three juveniles.

These pangolins are as big as adult porcupines, and the smaller ones are about the same size as ordinary cats and dogs. They are not ordinary creatures and should belong to the category of eighth-level monsters. Maybe the adults are ninth-level.

After all, Qin Lang has never seen such monsters before, so he can only judge the rank by the breath of these monsters.

Now that Qin Lang saw this litter of pangolins, he finally understood what creature dug out the passage he just entered. Yes, it should be the pangolin cave, and only this nest of pangolins in front of him could dig it out of this mysterious ruin. out of such a deep passage.

And pangolins can also be regarded as the natural enemies of the ant clan, and should be able to restrain these magic ants. However, the number of magic ants facing the pangolins in front of us is a bit large, although the level of pangolins is higher than that of magic ants. But it can't stand the large number of magic ants, so whether it can beat the densely packed monster ants on the opposite side is still a big problem.

Seeing the situation in front of him, Qin Lang also frowned. He naturally hoped that the two groups of monsters would lose both sides in the battle, so that he could take advantage of it.

However, compared to the large number of magic ants, he hopes that the pangolin can win the final victory in the battle.

During the confrontation, first of all, those magic ants couldn't help but attack first. These magic ants are rich in a highly corrosive acid, which can be used as a weapon. They usually eat any objects in the mysterious ruins. Squeeze out a small amount of acid to achieve an indestructible effect.

However, this kind of acid is very precious, and the magic ants generally use as little as possible. After all, use a little less, and if you want to produce it naturally again after using it, you will definitely have to wait for a long time.

Therefore, facing their own natural enemies, the first wave of attacks by the magic ants took the lead in using the acid in their bodies, which is also the weapon they consider the most deadly.

However, the effect was not very good. After the acid was sprayed out, most of the pangolins dodged it flexibly. When they fell on the ground, corrosive smoke was generated, and the acid evaporated instantly.

And even if a small amount of acid is splashed on the pangolin's carapace, the defense of the pangolin's carapace can easily block the corrosion of the body by the acid. Liquid lethality is naturally much weaker for pangolins.

However, there are too many magic ants. This kind of ant tribe has never fought alone. Fighting in groups is what they are best at. Now that the battle has started, they will naturally swarm up, and the densely packed magic ants will immediately surround them. After the eight pangolins were caught, the tide surged over them.

rustle, rustle...

The battle was fierce, but the movement was not very loud. The movement space of these pangolins was really limited in the swarm of ants, so the body was almost completely sprayed by the formic acid first. Although the pangolin carapace defense is amazing, but in Some weak points in such a dense ant swarm can still be fully defended, and almost all of them are scarred by formic acid and the gnawing of magic ants.

And the fighting style of these pangolins is also very fierce. They are all primitive fighting styles, and they are born with strong tolerance and resistance to the acid of the magic ants, so they fought for a while, and the people around this small circle A large number of corpses of magic ants appeared, at least two or three hundred.

The death of two or three hundred magic ants is only less than one-tenth of the loss to the entire ant colony, but the current situation of the eight pangolins is somewhat precarious. Injuries, two of them even completely lost their eyes and became blind.

awful!One word is miserable.

The battle between the monster populations is already so bloody and cruel, not to mention that these two hostile species basically never die when they meet.

The battle between the races continued. Although the eight pangolins were all higher rank than the magic ants and were the natural enemies of the magic ants, after fighting for so long, three pangolins were finally killed by the magic ants. Yes, a big one.

And the entire magic ant colony paid the price of more than 100 casualties, but this kind of casualty is nothing to the entire race. After all, the base number of the magic ant colony is here, even if half of the casualties are still one or two thousand.

As for the eight pangolins, depending on the situation, it would be a matter of time before they were wiped out by the magic ants.

(End of this chapter)

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