The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2154 Downgrading Order

Chapter 2154 Downgrading Order

For a while, the two guards did not dare to act rashly. After all, if this one is not handled well, it may be bad luck, and it is not only bad luck for themselves, but also for their partners and superiors.

"Why, still don't do it?"

Brother De of the Customs just now didn’t notice the badge that Wang Mengmeng showed to the two guards, and what he said, plus this guy stayed at the Customs to inspect this lucrative position, and he has always been flattered and never been flattered by others. After losing face, now being slapped by a girl's family is a great shame to him.

Seeing that the two guards didn't do anything, Brother De thought that the two guards felt embarrassed to move a girl's house, so he prepared to do it himself.

However, just as he was about to make a move, he received slaps on the left and right sides of his face again, and was taught a lesson by the other party again.

Although he is an armor cultivator, he is usually greedy for pleasure and neglects to practice martial arts, and he has not even reached the base building stage, so how could he touch Wang Mengmeng, who is in the late stage of foundation building? As a result, two bloody slap marks appeared on his face.

"Hmm... seven dead birds..."

Brother De's face was swollen from the beating, and he couldn't finish his words, and he looked at Wang Mengmeng with a hint of shock on his face. He didn't expect the girl in front of him to have such a high level of cultivation. Among them, Kaixiu can already be regarded as an elite-level master.

Brother De was afraid of losing money again, so he didn't dare to touch Wang Mengmeng again, but the angry light in his eyes couldn't be dissipated no matter what.

Qin Lang felt so funny seeing this coward, at this moment he snorted and said: "Catch it, why don't you catch it? If you don't catch it, we will leave."

After finishing speaking, he made a gesture to leave.

"Hold... let's go!"

Brother De was in a hurry, but he kept Wang Shao's advice in mind. After all, Qin Lang was the one Wang Shao wanted to deal with.

He wants to hold back the two in front of him now, as long as Wang Shao comes, everything will be easy, and then Wang Shao can also take revenge for himself by the way.

However, Brother De only dared to talk about it, but he didn't dare to touch Qin Lang and Wang Mengmeng again. After all, he was not a fool, and he was afraid of being taught a lesson.

Fortunately, at this time, someone outside the customs announced: "Young Master Wang is here!"

"Wow... Wang Shao is a bird?"

Brother De was stunned at first, and then he was overjoyed: "Wang Shao is a bird! Wang Shao is a bird... a big bird!"

Wang Mengmeng had scolded her so hard before that her entire face was deformed and swollen so badly that she couldn't even speak smoothly.

"Wang Shao... the mud is going to be a hungry pig..." Brother De greeted him.

At this time, the son of Wang Dacheng, the Minister of Fisheries, came with a group of people. Wang Shao frowned when he saw De Ge being praised like this, "What's going on? You are a customs official, they are so courageous , dare to hit the customs officials..."

"Being a pig for hunger..."

Brother De started to vomit bitterness, and said a lot of vicious words about Qin Lang and Wang Mengmeng. Unfortunately, the words were not smooth, and he was sweating profusely. Wang Shaocai half understood the general situation of the incident.

"Mr. Bai, if you beat up a customs officer, what crime can you be convicted of..."

Wang Shao suddenly turned his head and asked the person behind him.

"Assaulting a kingdom official, depending on the seriousness of the case, can be imprisoned for six months to three years. If the official is disabled, the starting point is ten years, and there is no upper limit..."

A middle-aged man with a goatee and a green robe who looked like Mr. Accountant behind him replied.

The laws and regulations of the Great Bay Kingdom stand for fairness and justice. The kingdom’s laws and regulations were all approved by democratic votes, and Mr. Bai is right now.

Well, Mr. Bai, please take down these two lawless thugs in front of you. I will give you a lot of rewards.

"Okay." Mr. Bai nodded. He is actually Wang Dacheng's staff. He is an armor repairer in the middle stage of alchemy, and his strength is similar to Mellon, the leader of the blood shark group.

Under Wang Dacheng's subordinates, Mr. Bai can be regarded as both wise and courageous, and he is highly valued by Wang Dacheng. In Wang Dacheng's fishery department, he can be regarded as under one person and above a thousand people.

However, Wang Dacheng encountered the same problem when he started. If he wanted to move Qin Lang, he couldn't move at all. Qin Lang's strength was far superior to him, and he could shake off his capture with just a shock of his true energy.

But when he was about to get Wang Mengmeng, the two guards beside him exclaimed: "Mr. Bai, wait a minute!"

"What's the matter?" Mr. Bai was taken aback. He was also surprised by the terrified expressions of the two guards. After thinking about it, he decided to listen to an explanation.

"Ling... Token... She has a troop transfer token on her body."

One of the two guards stammered.

"Target token? What, are you sure you read it right?"

Mr. Bai was surprised. Of course he knew what the troop transfer token was. It was a token of the same level as the Tiger Talisman of the Ministry of War, and the source of this token...was even more terrifying.

"That's right, it should be right."

The two guards answered tremblingly. After all, they were just little people. Neither of these two parties could be provoked by two little guards. They were involved in such disputes, and they really felt like crying. .

"Is it really a troop transfer token?"

Mr. Bai's expression became serious, and he turned his head to look at Wang Mengmeng: "Here, what is the relationship with the palace...can you show me the token again?"

"Why should I show you? Don't you want to arrest someone? Try me."

Wang Mengmeng showed a devilish smile.

"This one……"

Mr. Bai was in a dilemma. He didn't dare to arrest Wang Mengmeng before he was sure that the troop transfer token on Wang Mengmeng's body was real or not.Turning around, he said to the young master, "Young Master Wang, there is nothing I can do."

"A troop transfer token... How could such a little girl have that kind of thing on her body? Mr. Bai, you are really careful."

But Wang Shao didn't believe it. Although he was a tyrant, he also knew that the royal family's troop order was only three yuan, one for the king, one for the eldest prince, and one for the second prince.

How could the girl in front of me get the troop dispatch order... This is simply impossible, unless she is the king's own daughter and the two prince's own sister, it is possible to borrow it.

Wang Shao never expected that this impossibility is possible, even if the probability of this is less than [-]%, he still encountered it very unfortunately, it can only be regarded as unlucky.

After all, Mr. Bai didn't dare to do anything again, but secretly gave a few words to a subordinate next to Wang Shao, and then the subordinate left in a hurry.

And Wang Shao's main goal this time is still aimed at Qin Lang, so he started to compete with Qin Lang at this time: "Humph! Last time in Wangcheng, you were very frightened, didn't you... Now that you come to this Binhai City, you are in the territory of the young master , You dare not stand when my master tells you to sit, and you dare not sit when my master tells you to lie on your stomach, now you have a good fruit to eat!"

Young Master Wang has now brought a group of experts from the family over. Apart from Mr. Bai in the middle stage of alchemy, there are three or four Keqings in the early stage of alchemy, and the following 20 guards in the late stage of foundation establishment. The combined strength of the cultivated confidants is no less than that of the large-scale adventure organizations of the Blood Shark Group.

Last time in Wangcheng, Wang Shao suffered a big loss, and later called Melon, the leader of the blood shark group, to help him avenge, but he didn't expect Melon to leave directly after the test. He thought that Mellon had no He tried his best to help himself, so when he met Qin Lang again this time, he thought that he finally had a chance to take revenge, so he directly brought the direct descendants of the family to seek revenge.

And with the help of his direct descendants, he believed that he would never be double-faced like Mellon again, and he would not work hard. This time, the brat who hit the muzzle of the gun was guaranteed to be finished.

"Mr. Bai, help me take down this kid first..."

Young Master Wang spoke again, and asked his subordinates to fight together. He knew that the young boy was very capable, and Mr. Bai might not be able to deal with him alone, so everyone had to work together to be safe.

But in fact it is not safe, a group of armor repair... the strongest one is only in the middle of the alchemy to deal with Qin Lang, it is no different from ants shaking a big tree.

Mr. Bai didn't dare to touch Wang Mengmeng before he knew the situation, but he didn't dare to touch Wang Mengmeng, but it didn't mean he didn't dare to touch Qin Lang. After all, Qin Lang had nothing to do with the royal family, he had already found out.

However, that kid's strength is really good. Apart from himself, there are dozens of players in the whole team who are now attacking together, but they still can't move Qin Lang. This kid's strength is too unfathomable, standing in place like an extremely hard rock Same, hard to pry and break.


Twenty or so people surrounded Qin Lang, wrestling with Qin Lang like a tug-of-war, but it was useless. If Qin Lang didn't want to move, no one could move him, unless his cultivation base was higher than him.

Qin Lang's heavy drop spell is called "Immovable as a Mountain". Once cast, it really looks like a five-element mountain pressing down on the spot. I'm afraid even a truck may not be able to move him.

Of course, "Moving like a mountain" is not a particularly brilliant spell in the world of comprehension, but in this world of martial practitioners, it can definitely be regarded as a superior skill. Most armor repairers don't know many spells, and they seldom practice these spells. They use armor and external spells more in battle.

After wrestling for a while, Qin Lang VS a group of people, and then, this group of people lost completely.

This situation also made everyone's glasses shattered. In fact, Qin Lang is so powerful. These people in front of them miscalculated Qin Lang's strength and were all beaten in the face.

And at this time, there was another call from outside: "My lord minister is here!"

It turned out that Wang Dacheng, the Minister of Fisheries, had arrived in person. After all, there was such a mess at the customs, and Mr. Bai also sent someone to inform him immediately.

After all, he heard that one of the people his son offended this time was holding a troop transfer order. If the troop transfer order was true, then his son would really be kicked, in order to prevent his son from doing cheating things. When he came out, he had to hurry over to see what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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