Chapter 2162

"The secret of the Blackstone mining area of ​​the Storm Group... I'm afraid it should be hidden in the most tightly blocked place. Therefore, which area gathers the most people is the target I'm looking for this time..."

Mellon is worthy of being a cunning and cunning person, and he found the key point of sneaking in at once.

Afterwards, the three of them moved slowly towards an area in the center of the mining area, avoiding the patrol groups of the storm group on the way. Among them, there was also Kaixiu who encountered the storm and united Danqi. The spirit wave detection ability of the belt is too dependent, and the same is true for the armor repairs of the storm group, so no outsiders have sneaked in at all.

The three of Mellon arrived at the target point smoothly, and then discovered the huge pit in the lair and the strong aura fluctuations.

"Hey, it's actually a black stone bonanza!"

A Spider Armor from the Blood Shark Group exclaimed in the team channel. After all, such a powerful fluctuation of spiritual power is definitely only available in rich mines.

Mellon was also very surprised by the good luck of the storm group. He was cheated by the people who led the blood shark group. In the end, he was able to transfer, and one of the three poor mines he allocated turned into a rich mine.

And he had a premonition that the black rock mine in front of him... there should be some secrets hidden in it.

So, he gradually approached the mine pit, and then jumped down from the top of the nearly [-]-foot-deep mine pit... Yes, now the entire mine pit has been expanded into a huge pit with a depth of [-] feet by the miners of the storm group, and the bottom of the pit is probably equivalent to five. Soccer field, very big.

When Mellon reached the bottom of the pit, he finally found the portal of the Black Stone Ruins. However, the sound of the landing caught the attention of several early-stage armorers from the storm group at the bottom of the pit: "Who? It seems that someone jumped down..."

Several Kaixiu at the early stage of alchemy turned on the spiritual wave detection function of the armor, but they found nothing during the Lingbo detection process. Just feeling strange, one of the Kaixiu suddenly released his spiritual consciousness, and his face changed: " Somebody sneaked in, and for some reason they managed to hide from our spiritual wave detection."

In an instant, the team channel of the Stormtrooper Kaixiu exploded. Everyone knew that outsiders had sneaked into the core area of ​​the mining area, and they all rushed to the core area of ​​the mining area.

And the occult talisman on Melon's body was about to expire at this time, and he was reluctant to part with the new talisman, so he simply showed his figure.

"'s Mellon, the leader of the blood shark group! Damn, what the hell are you trying to do by sneaking into our mining area..."

When the storm group Kaixiu saw it, they cursed and quickly surrounded Melon.

At this time, the time limit for the concealment charms on the two spider armors of the blood shark group has also expired. At this time, they all jumped into the pit and stood beside Melon.

"Hehe." Mellon stood in the core area of ​​the storm group mining area, facing so many storm group armor repairs, but he was not afraid. Instead, he smiled and pulled out his ears, and said, "Your storm group is really meaningless. It doesn’t matter if a rich ore vein is found in the mining area, but such a big event as an undeveloped ancient ruin in the mine vein is not announced. Do you want to monopolize the benefits? Fortunately, I found it this time, so those who see it will have a share... ..."

"Shameless! This bastard still has the face to say such things!" The armor repairs of the storm group were angry. The shamelessness of the head of the blood shark group is also well-known among the armor repairs in the Dawan country, but after seeing himself, Only then did they realize that this guy has no lower limit.

"How about it, anyway, your storms are not very strong, why not share some of the benefits, our Blood Shark Group helped you develop this relic! Hehe, of course, if you guys are willing, the gate of the Blood Shark Group It is also open to you at any time..."

Mellon once again uttered bold words, which stunned the storm armors in front of him, and after reacting, the anger value of all the storm armors had reached the peak. They were bullied by the enemy to their homes, how could they bear it? go down!

And Mellon, as an armor repairer in the late stage of alchemy, is also full of confidence when facing the armor repairs of the storm group in front of him. After all, although there are many armor repairs in the mining area in front of him, the strongest one is only in the early stage of alchemy. There is a difference of several levels, and it is impossible to beat him.

Even gang fights might not work. After all, Mellon also has long legs. It is impossible to stay in place and let the storm group armor repairs bombard with source energy.

Moreover, this pit is basically filled with members of the Stormtrooper. If you use the source energy cannon, the first person who will be injured by the Stormtrooper Armor will be your own people.

Therefore, unless Su Lie, the deputy head of the storm group, came here in person, Mellon might be treated differently. However, it seems that Su Lie is only in the middle stage of alchemy, and he is much weaker than Mellon who has broken through the late stage of alchemy.

So even if Su Lie came here, Mellon didn't have to worry too much.


After discovering the ruins of the Black Stone, Mellon had already made up his mind to take a share of the pie. If the storm group didn't know what to do, he didn't mind washing the entire mining area with blood. After all, with his current strength, as long as the entire mining area is destroyed without anyone noticing It is impossible for the rest of the storm group to hold them accountable afterwards.

"Ah Si, inform the headquarters of the Blood Shark Regiment to quickly transfer all the members of the regiment to the Blackstone mining area of ​​the Storm Group, block the mining area, and prepare for the bloodbath of the entire mining area..."

Through the team channel, Mellon has already contacted his confidant Ah Si who is on standby outside the mining area.

"Got it, leader." The team leader Ah Si who was waiting outside the mining area had already made preparations for this. He knew that the leader must have found something good inside the Blackstone mining area that was worthy of the whole Blood Shark Group's efforts to snatch it. .

Afterwards, the little Chen Zhang Asi who was waiting outside began to contact the headquarters of the Blood Shark Group, and began to dispatch troops urgently to block the Blackstone mining area.

At the same time when Mellon broke into the Blackstone mining area and was discovered, a thousand-mile communication talisman sent by the Blackstone mining area also reached the deputy head Su Lie at the same time. After all, the communication function of the armor is limited, and it is impossible to enter long-distance information transmission. In fact, the maximum distance of 8000 meters is already the limit of the communication function of the armor team.

Moreover, some special terrains and environments may also affect the communication function of the armor team, which also shortens the communication distance, and even completely fails to receive messages from the other party. The communicator function is completely out of order.

And the thousand-mile communication talisman was left by Su Lie before he left, so that the members of the storm group who stayed in the Blackstone mining area could contact him. Each of these talismans is worth tens of thousands, and one is used less, after all, it is all in the past It was discovered during the exploration of the ruins that it can be said that there is no spell master who can refine spells of this level in the Dawan country today.

After receiving the message in the communication talisman, Su Lie's expression changed suddenly. Mellon, the leader of the blood shark group, led people to sneak into the Blackstone mining area of ​​the storm group, and also discovered the undeveloped Blackstone ruins in that prefecture. Big trouble.

Immediately, Su Lie began to prepare to go to sea, and at the same time sent someone to Qin Lang's mansion to inform him, and set off with a team of people without caring about waiting for Qin Lang.

It was already close to early morning at this time, but after Qin Lang got the news, he was still ready to catch up with Su Lie and help the entire storm group. After all, the blood shark group sneaked into the Blackstone mining area so arrogantly, and it was obvious that the intention was wrong. Maybe the two cities The adventure group has been fighting together in the Blackstone mining area.

Although the strength of the storm group in Qibi City is not weak, it can be regarded as the top five large-scale adventure group. Compared with the number one Blood Shark Group, it was still three points weaker.

You know, an adventure group like the Blood Shark Group has more than 500 members at the foundation stage, and it is said that there are more than 30 armor repairs above the alchemy stage, and their strength in all aspects is more than double that of the Storm Group. If it is really a large-scale shopping, I am afraid that the storm group will suffer.

And how Qin Lang said is also the name of the storm team. When a large-scale team battle is likely to come, since he knows it, of course he has to contribute.

Afterwards, Qin Lang summoned the magic weapon of the flying boat, and directly used the flying boat to set off in the direction of the Blackstone mining area. On the way to the sea, he found Su Lie's iron-clad boat, and then let Su Lie board his own flying boat and fly there together. After all, the iron-clad The speed of the ship is definitely not as fast as the flying boat.

The flying boat can carry 36 people, so besides Su Lie, Qin Lang also brought 34 support personnel selected by Su Lie.


When Qin Lang and Su Lie flew to the Blackstone mining area, they found that the blood shark group had surrounded the place. After all, Binhai City is closer to these mining areas than Qibi City, and the distance is shorter.

"You are really courting death! Get out of the way..."

Su Lie, acting deputy head of the Storm Group, saw people from the Blood Shark Group blocking the door, of course he was furious. The Blood Shark Group was obviously not a good person, and the reason for sending this second group of people was probably to block the storm group from the entire Blackstone mining area. Everyone is gone!

Therefore, Su Lie was merciless when he made a move. All members of the blood shark group who blocked him were seriously injured and killed by him, and he brought his support staff all the way to crush them inside the mining area.

Su Lie's explosive armor has almost an overwhelming advantage for armor repairs below the core formation stage, and even armor repairs at the early stage of core formation may not be able to stop Su Lie's hard blow.

Fighting had already started inside the mining area at this time, and it would be an exaggeration to say that blood flowed like a river, but there were indeed casualties, and the members of the storm group were killed and injured a little more, but the casualties of the members of the invading blood shark group were relatively light.

Su Lie didn't bother with the blood shark gang members along the way, and rushed directly to the core of the mining area, which is also the area with the most intensive fighting, where the elites of the storm group and the elites of the blood shark group fought.At a glance, he saw Mellon, the leader of the blood shark group who was destroying the elite members of the storm group inside the pit. Around this guy, a group of elite members of the storm group died. There were at least a dozen of them, both in the late construction stage and the alchemy stage. .

(End of this chapter)

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