Chapter 2175
The next step is the process of returning to the original road. First, return to the previous thorn bush from the teleportation point of the soldier forest, which is equivalent to returning from the high-level spiritual planting area to the low-level spiritual planting area, and then slowly find the exit from the Black Stone Ruins.

During this process, the stone statue was also accompanied by Kaixiu. After all, although this guy has spiritual wisdom and can communicate with the monk's mind, he has no hands and feet and cannot move. If Qin Lang's team does not take it away, it will always be Staying in a certain part of the ruins and not being able to move.

And the reason why it was brought with it was because the stone statue asked to do so. It also wanted to see what the world outside the ruins looked like.

The Blackstone mining area, at this moment, the entire mining area is under fierce fire attack, and the people from the blood shark group really came to attack here with other people.

Originally, after Mellon, the leader of the Blood Shark Group, and most of the main force fell, the entire Blood Shark Group had been severely injured and had no energy to take revenge. However, the rest of the group knew that there was an undeveloped mine in the Blackstone mining area. When the ruins appeared, the rest of the people suddenly became restless.

After the death of the head of the group, Mellon, the remaining high-level members of the blood shark group also knew that the entire blood shark group could no longer eat the Blackstone mining area alone, so they thought of contacting their colleagues to deal with the storm group together. You can't forcibly take down the Blackstone mining area, and you will have a chance to get a share of the action at that time.

Of course, if this can be done, it is equivalent to avenging the leader Mellon and those sacrificed companions, and it can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

Therefore, the remaining high-level members of the Blood Shark Group immediately disclosed the news of the discovery of the mysterious ruins in the Black Stone Mining Area of ​​the Storm Group in Qibi City, and contacted the other four armor repair adventure groups that were originally ranked in the top five in Binhai City to discuss the attack together. Things about the Blackstone mining area.

However, the Blood Shark Group was originally the well-deserved leader of the Kaixiu Adventure Group in Binhai City. Now that the leader Mellon and most of the Kaixiu elites have died, the remaining members are no longer enough to make the entire blood shark group. The shark group maintains its original status, and now it is very difficult to be a medium armor repair adventure group, so after discussing with the other four armor repair adventure groups this time, the members of the blood shark group gradually lost their dominant position, and they can only act as this action The role of leading the way was completely marginalized. Even if the five alliances of Binhai City can take down the Blackstone mining area this time, the Blood Shark Group will not be able to get too much benefit from the Blackstone ruins.

The five alliances of the Bincheng Haikaixiu Adventure Group sent a total of 500 people to the Blackstone mining area this time, and all of them have strengths above the late stage of foundation establishment. These 500 people can be said to be the elites of their respective teams, and 500 people together Words are stronger than the entire blood shark group in the original heyday.

With such strength to deal with a small storm group, in the eyes of the five alliances, it is not a problem at all to take down the Blackstone mining area.

After all, the total number of Stormtroopers in Qibi City is estimated to be only two or three hundred people, which is less than half of the five alliances. Moreover, it is impossible for all members of the Stormtroopers to be above the elite level, so the five The combined strength of the alliance is definitely several times that of the entire storm group.

Under such a comparison of strength, all members of the five alliances are confident that it will be no problem to seize the Blackstone mining area.

But when they came to the Blackstone mining area, they realized that the reality was somewhat different from what they had imagined. The storm group had long been wary of outsiders robbing the mining area, and now they actually set up a lot of traps and formations inside the mine.

Moreover, these formations and mechanisms in the Blackstone mining area are very clever. Even if there are one or two formation masters in the five alliances, it is not easy to crack these mechanisms and formations.

At the beginning, the five alliances used a strong attack method to forcibly destroy these organs and formations, but if the organs and formations arranged by a formation master in Qin Lang can be broken easily with brute force, then the formation master The title is a bit of a misnomer.

Even if there is an existence at the same level as Qin Lang, I am afraid that seeing the overlapping organs and formations in the mining area will feel heavy in his heart. If he wants to break through, he must destroy these organs and formations one by one. There are too many, and even a master craftsman cannot break through the blockade in a short time.

Therefore, the loss outweighs the gain if you destroy it by brute force. Not to mention the energy consumed, it may be much more troublesome than the normal cracking method. Therefore, after entering the entrance of the mining area at this time, the two array mages have been busy cracking those organs and arrays. Fa, advancing layer by layer.

Of course, this advancement process is not very fast. After all, it is very troublesome for the formation master to dismantle these organs and formations. This is a very troublesome job.

But no matter how troublesome or hard it is, the two formation masters have to work hard. After all, if the five alliances want to occupy the entire Blackstone mining area, it is impossible without spending more energy.

In the past two days, the two array mages worked very hard, going deep into the Blackstone mining area layer by layer, removing the obstacles on the original path bit by bit.

"Kill!" At this time, it is normal for the five alliances to encounter resistance from the storm group in the mining area. With these organ arrays as obstacles, the storm group's armor can defend against danger, and it also increases the five alliances. Break time.

However, the number of people in the five alliances is several times that of the storm group mining area, so the overall advancement speed is still in an orderly manner.


In the mining area, Su Lie brought fifty alchemy-stage armors to barely resist several times the number of enemies. If it wasn't for the adventurous encounter in the Blackstone Ruins, the members of the storm group in the entire mining area would have a miserable ending.

After all, during the battle with the Blood Shark Group, the members of the storm group that were originally in the alchemy stage were almost exhausted, and the entire storm group lost a lot of strength.

Fortunately, those armor repairs in the middle and late stages of foundation building that Su Lie brought to the Black Stone Ruins were lucky. They found the rice ear flesh paste that could quickly improve their cultivation strength, which allowed the hundred armor repair elites to upgrade to Above the early stage of Dandan.

Before the arrival of the Five Alliances, Su Lie returned from the Blackstone Ruins with fifty Stormtrooper Kaixiu in the alchemy stage. If he hadn't returned early, the more than 100 disabled people in the mining area wanted to resist the enemy. The attack will be very difficult, even if a large number of organs and formations have been arranged in the entire mining area in advance, it will not work, after all, the strength of the own side in the mining area is too weak.

Therefore, it was very wise for Su Lie to take a part of the armor back from the Blackstone Ruins in advance, which strengthened the defense of the mining area.

Under the leadership of Su Lie, the acting deputy head of the regiment, fifty alchemy-level armor repairs and a hundred or so disabled personnel relied on the organs and formations in the mining area to deal with enemies several times larger than their own. It lasted for three or four days.

However, there are too many incoming enemies, and each one of them is very strong, so no matter how hard the armored repairmen of the storm group try their best, the formations and institutions in the mining area are still being slowly destroyed. The two formation masters know how to break the formation. Although the organs and formations in the mining area were arranged by Qin Lang, they can block the enemies for a while, but it is impossible to block them all the time.

Fortunately, there is a long distance from the entrance to the core area of ​​the entire mine. Su Lie led people to defend while retreating these few days, holding the line of defense very firmly, so although the battle situation looked a little bad for his own side , but there has never been a crash.

On the contrary, in the process of the enemy's continuous attack, Su Lie took advantage of the terrain of the mine and these mechanisms and formations to find opportunities to make some enemies suffer and lost some manpower, but the loss of manpower was not many, just one Looks like twenty.

The loss of ten or twenty manpower is harmless to the five alliances with almost 500 people, so although there are casualties in the process of advancing, the five alliances are getting more and more confident. The undeveloped ruins in the mining area It's almost time to get it, no matter how fierce the resistance of the storm group in the entire Blackstone mining area is, it is futile, and the balance of victory has been tilting.

"Keep it up, friends!" The team led by the Five Alliances was originally the leader of Dianmang, the second Kaixiu adventure group in Binhai City, Keqi, who was also a Kaixiu in the middle stage of alchemy, a speed type Armor Xiu, wearing a set of earth-level low-grade blast armor.

Compared with other types of prefecture-level armor, the Gale Armor's defense and special attributes are not very prominent, but the only outstanding feature is speed, which is almost the largest increase in the speed of agility-type armor among the prefecture-level armors in the Dawan State. A class of armor.

In fact, as the leader of the second largest adventure group in Binhai City, Keqi can choose mid-level earth-level armor. He doesn't lack the money to buy armor, so he can arm himself better.

But Keqi's skills are all about speed. If the armor increases speed more, his combat effectiveness will be better. Therefore, even the speed-type earth-level mid-grade black widow armor is not as reliable as Gale, After all, as long as you have the speed advantage when fighting the enemy, so that the enemy can't hit you, then what does it matter if the armor's defense ability is weaker and the special attribute effect is less effective.

There is a saying that is good, ever-changing but fast is not broken, this is the truth.

And the Dawan country has always had the most agile armor repairs. Keqi can be regarded as a cunning one among the agile armor repairs. He fully displayed his talent and combat characteristics to the fullest. The influence is also great, second only to the blood shark group.

But this time Mellon, the leader of the blood shark group, led most of the elites to raid the Blackstone mining area, but the entire army was wiped out. The Kaixiu Adventure Group should be the Dianmang Group.

Therefore, this time Keqi became the leader of the five alliances entirely by himself, and the other four adventure groups had no possibility of competing for this position.

(End of this chapter)

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