Chapter 2177 Aegis
Now it's the turn of the five alliances to feel a headache. They never thought that the storm group would retain their strength in the previous battles, and the real strength would be so strong. Now that the battle has advanced to this level, they suddenly find that they can't advance. If you go down, if you force your way in again, you may be looking for death.

"Keqi, from my point of view, although the people in the storm group in the mine are strong, they just took advantage of the terrain... The terrain of the gourd mouth in front of us is too narrow, and it is difficult to give full play to the overall advantages of our five alliances. , That's why I was beaten so badly by the storm group, I propose to dig out the mouth of this gourd..."

At this time, Kaixiu suggested to the head of the Dianmang regiment, and another Kaixiu sarcastically said: "Hawkeye, you also stand and talk without back pain. Didn't you see what kind of stone these mountain walls are in the Blackstone mining area? It is the hardest associated blue star stone. Even if the miners dig it with a pickaxe, hundreds of people may not be able to dig it out for a day and a night. Why do you say such a big talk! Could it be that you brought all the miners in your mining area Come here, are you going to forcibly dig this place..."

Hawkeye, this guy is the leader of Jinsha, the third-ranked Kaixiu adventure group in Binhai City, and the one who refuted him was the leader of Storm Bear, the fourth-ranked Kaixiu adventure group in Binhai City, Hercules Xiong Baiping.

These two Kaixiu adventure groups are usually dissatisfied with each other, fighting for the position of the third adventure group in Binhai City. After all, the strength of the two adventure groups is actually similar, so when Hawkeye made this suggestion, Storm Bear's The head of the group, Hercules Xiong Baiping, immediately objected.

"Xiong Ping, your bear team can't do it, but it doesn't mean others can't do it... Hehe, I just have a way." Seeing Bai Ping's unconvinced look, Hawkeye looked very proud, "This time I brought The three sky thunders just came in handy. The sky thunders were obtained from exploring a certain ruin in the sea last time, and they are very precious, but I will dedicate them for this operation!"

"Wow! It's actually a thunderbolt. This is a legendary treasure whose explosive power is comparable to that of a thunderbolt. I didn't expect the head of the Jinsha regiment to have it on him. This time, Baiping, the storm bear regiment, will eat a turtle."

"Isn't that right, all the armor repairs in Dawan have excavated so many relics over the past thousand years, and the total number of Tianleizi harvested over the past thousand years is probably less than a hundred. The Jinsha Group is willing to donate three for this act to blow up here. The gourd mouth, it’s really a fight! As long as the gourd mouth is blown open, I believe this battle will be completely stable."


Three deafening explosions sounded, and the entire mine almost collapsed. Tianleizi is also well-known in the cultivation world, and the power produced after the explosion is very impressive, so the gourd mouth terrain of the Blackstone Mine is of course It exploded.

After the explosion, the terrain of the entire Gourd Mouth has expanded more than ten times. Now even if a wave of people rush in, there is no problem. There is no need to line up as before, and squeeze in two by two.

"Okay, brothers of the Five Alliances, go! Go in and wipe out all the people left in the mine area of ​​the Storm Group!" Seeing that the mine was blown up, the head of the Jinsha Group laughed triumphantly and took the lead. One rushed into the huge hole that exploded.

call out!
A crossbow arrow made a loud sound, and the next moment, the proud head of the Jinsha regiment stopped laughing abruptly and fell straight to the ground.

And on his forehead, there was a black arrow that penetrated deeply into the skull, and it seemed that this guy was dead.

What happened to Hawkeye of the Jinsha regiment, why did he just die like this... So Kaixiu couldn't react. You must know that Hawkeye's strength can reach the middle stage of alchemy, although among the leaders of the mid-stage alchemy in Binhai City The combat power is the weakest, but he will be shot to death for no reason. You must know that his eagle eyes are not for nothing. The dynamic vision of his eyes can see everything thousands of meters away, but he didn't notice it just now. The killing intent of that crossbow.

This blame can only be blamed on the arrogance of Eagle Eye. Just now he was only focused on bickering with Bai Ping of the Violent Bear Group, and did not carefully look at the hidden murderous intent in the distance. In addition, Qin Lang, as a late-stage Dzogchen cultivator, is actually good at dynamic vision. He is sharper than Hawkeye, which is one of the real reasons why he can completely suppress the opponent in terms of dynamic vision, so that the opponent has not sensed himself.


And as Hawkeye fell to the ground, several crossbow arrows pierced right after. The speed of these crossbow arrows was terrifying, and they were all aimed at armor repairs above the alchemy stage in the five alliances. Among them, the Dianman group Head Koch's focus of attention.

However, the leader of the second-ranked adventure group in Binhai City really has some skills, and he is also an armor repairer of the agility department. Keqi's figure flashed in the wind armor, and the next moment he avoided Qin Lang's team Crossbow arrows.

However, Keqi avoided this crossbow arrow, and the others behind him were not so lucky. They screamed "ahhhh" a few times, and several top armor repairers were directly shot to death.

It has to be said that the crossbow arrows from Zhuge Liannu are surprisingly powerful. As long as they perform well, they will almost kill the wounded with one arrow.

However, as the owner of the crossbow machine, Qin Lang felt a little dissatisfied. He shot a total of eight crossbow bolts just now, but two of them missed the target. In other words, these eight crossbow bolts only killed six enemies.Moreover, after killing these six powerful armored men, Qin Lang's crossbow bolts were all consumed, and the Zhuge Liannu could no longer function.

"Ah, Hawkeye, Hercules Bear, and Guan Yipao are all dead... How is that possible!"

"It's too fast! It's scary. What kind of crossbow is this? What kind of magic weapon is this external? I'm afraid it's not an ordinary prefecture-level external. The crossbow is so powerful that even a mid-stage Kaixiu can kill it with one arrow. !"


After Qin Lang returned to the mine, the eight crossbow bolts supporting the storm group were very timely, and after the eight crossbow bolts were sent out, they killed six powerful five-family alliance armor repairers, which finally played a huge deterrent effect. Xiu was a little hesitant, after all, no one wanted to go forward to die, the crossbow arrows were too terrifying, they would kill them in one shot.

"Damn it! The storm group actually has such a powerful treasure. No wonder they have been unwilling to give up this mine in the face of our five alliances. They want to fight us to the death. These people really have powerful fighting capital!" The head of the Dianmang group Keqi gritted his teeth, and took out a spell at this time: "Atmospheric Aegis!"

The light of the spell spread out, and it actually radiated to all the armor repairers in the mine. This atmospheric shield is obviously a very powerful spell, and it can actually bless the three or four hundred armor repairers remaining in the five alliances. It has a powerful defensive shield, which seems to be at least a high-level spell, and it may even be a super spell.

As for high-level talismans, only a master talisman can refine them, at least a super talisman... At least a master talisman can refine them.

And the talisman makers in Dawan Country are the most capable and advanced. It is already very good to be able to barely refine high-level talismans. At least super talismans... I guess no one can make them, so this one may be a super talisman. It should be an ancient talisman.

Atmospheric Aegis: A super spell, after activation, the group can bless the Atmospheric Aegis, increasing its defense ability by two times.

The effect of this kind of super charm after activation can even be compared to a top-level defensive magic weapon, and it is mass-prone. Now all living armors in the five alliance camps can enjoy the blessing of the atmospheric shield.

And after the blessing of the Atmospheric Aegis, a white fog-like halo appeared on each Kaixiu, protecting the inner Kaixiu like a cover. The source energy gun hardly breaks the defense, only the source energy gun can blast these masks, but the source energy gun needs to consume too much energy, and the firing speed is also slow, so it can't fire a few shots in a short time, and can't hurt more many enemies.

"It's a pity... this Atmospheric Aegis is invaluable. It's a negative at the bottom of my body, but I can only use it to deal with the unfavorable situation in front of me! All of this is brought about by that hateful crossbow launcher. I have to get rid of this person first!" The head of the Dianmang regiment, Keqi, immediately locked the direction where the crossbow was fired before, and began to lead the charge: "Brothers, you don't have to worry about your own defense now, after all this Atmospheric Aegis can last at least a quarter of an hour, hurry up and kill!"

After Keqi shouted, he led the most powerful group of troops and began to charge. As an armored man of the agility department, his body skills and jumping ability were extremely terrifying. Locked on him, almost no armor can suppress this guy.


"Brothers, support our comrades and kill them!" Zhang Qinzhi joined the original camp of the storm group with fifty fresh troops of the alchemy stage. He is also fearless against the five alliances.

However, now that the armored members of the five alliances with the Atmospheric Aegis are invincible, members of the storm group like Zhang Qinzhi discovered that it is really difficult to break through the Atmospheric Aegis. The defense of the Atmospheric Aegis is harder than a tortoise shell.

"Form a battle formation!" At this time, Su Lie blocked the attack of a high-ranking armorer and issued orders to his own troops. The strength of the five alliances with the Atmospheric Aegis has improved several levels. Although the Storm Group now has new reinforcements , but the situation is still precarious.

Fortunately, Qin Lang, a Dzogchen monk in the late stage of transformation, is the ultimate force on the entire battlefield. He made a move. Although the defensive ability of the atmospheric shield is very strong, it also depends on who it is used on. When cultivating his body, Qin Lang may not be able to break through the defense in a short time, and he must attack a dozen times or even dozens of times in a row to break through it.

However, when facing the armor repairs of the five alliances below the alchemy stage, Qin Lang's sword energy is still a one-hit kill. After all, even if the defense of the armor repairs of the five alliances below the alchemy stage is doubled, it is nothing to Qin Lang Useful.

(End of this chapter)

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