Chapter 2187
The interior of this palace is somewhat collapsed and dilapidated, and even the huge bones of some strange creatures can be seen everywhere on the ground. Some of the bones are tens of feet long, and it is unknown what level of ancient monsters left behind.

At that time, it will be full of dust, and I don't know how long this shelter has been abandoned, and there is no sign of life.

"Find the big statue in the sanctuary, just put me on it..."

The stone statue has been away from the shelter for too long, and now it has finally been found with the help of these human armors. It is also a little excited, after all, this is its root.

This sanctuary should have experienced a great war 10 years ago. Except for the corpses of alien beasts, the entire sanctuary is full of traces of battles. There are huge sword marks on some grounds and buildings, as if they were once opened It was as if the giant sword of heaven had sliced ​​across.

At this time, Qin Lang, Su Lie, and Kaixiu, who was holding the stone statue, began to walk towards the depths of the sanctuary. In fact, they could sense that the depths of the sanctuary were the purpose without looking at it. After all, the aura of the entire sanctuary was there where the pressure is strongest.

Sure enough, in a place similar to the core area deep in the sanctuary, Qin Lang and the others found a statue. The statue was more than eight meters high and had no head. The crack at the broken neck was similar to the bottom of the stone statue. The head of the stone idol was placed on it.

nourish, nourish, nourish...

During the installation, a burst of blue and white electric light appeared, shocking everyone until they were all shivering. After the installation was completed, they stopped quickly. The feeling of being electrified was too ecstasy.

Fortunately, although the blue-white electric light made everyone tremble, it was harmless, so Kaixiu found that his physical fitness had increased a lot after being shocked, and he obviously felt stronger .

This is really an unexpected surprise. However, this kind of benefit is only enjoyed by those who are in the formation period. Qin Lang was shocked just now, but he couldn't feel the existence of the current. It should be that the current can no longer be changed. He has a body that has reached the Dzogchen late stage of transformation into a god.

After the stone statue was placed, the position on the chest of the statue lit up, and then the whole statue shone with a dazzling golden light. After the golden light, the stone statue had merged with the original body, and there was no longer a slight gap at the neck.

"Okay, I'm finally back... Thank you, I said I would give you rewards, so I'll give it to you now..."

At this time, the stone statue shot out a few balls of golden light, which sank into everyone's foreheads, and the next moment everyone got different information in their minds.

In addition, a series of golden lights flew away from here, and they should have flown to other armor repairers in the shelter.

"Haha, Ice Muscle Jade Bone Technique, body training technique, when you reach the No. 12th floor, even a ninth-level monster can fight head-on and defeat it, what a great technique..."

"Mine is Baoyu Shenyuan Kungfu, which is also a body training technique. Be good, it seems to be stronger, and the final form can kill immortals..."

These Kaixiu and Qin Lang have all been rewarded by stone statues. The most inferior of these exercises is also the level of ice muscle jade bone technique, which can train the physical body to the extreme of the cultivation world.

And the powerful exercises similar to Baoyu Shenyuan Gong are definitely not the exercises of the cultivation world, but the immortal-level exercises.

And the reason why these armor repairs got such a big difference in skills is that the stone gods gave out rewards based on the level of effort and growth aptitude of everyone for the task this time.

For example, the Kaixiu who got the jade-holding god Yuangong got the best reward because he has been holding the stone to do the task during this period of time.

Of course, although there are such good skills, it is not easy for Kaixiu to practice the skills to the extreme. Not only does it require a lot of resources to assist in the practice, but it also takes a long time.

Qin Lang is also one of the key figures in this mission. He was in the process of communicating with the stone statue before, so the stone statue gave him two immortal-level exercises, one body training exercise, Baoyu Shenyuan exercise, and one Da Leiyin Fist, a boxing technique of the immortal level.

Baoyu Shenyuan Gong: A total of six major realms of body training exercises, namely iron body, copper body, silver body, gold body, jade body, and divine body, and each state is divided into different multiplicity , of which the iron body, copper body, silver body, and gold body are all nine layers, and the jade body and immortals are six layers.

According to the introduction, as long as this immortal-level exercise reaches the jade body, the strength of the body is already at the same level as that of a human immortal, and if it is refined to the divine body, the strength of the physical body is no different from that of an earth immortal, which can be hanged Immortal.

This exercise is definitely not an ordinary immortal-level exercise. As long as the body is practiced according to this exercise and the resources are sufficient, one can definitely become an immortal directly.

Therefore, the stone statue gave such a skill, which is definitely a shortcut to becoming an immortal.

Big Thunder Sound Fist: A fist that breaks through the sound barrier with one punch. It requires high physical fitness, and you must be at the level of a human being to be eligible to perform it.

This technique is introduced in detail, but Qin Lang is not qualified to practice it for the time being. After all, although his current physical strength is ten times higher than that of monks of the same rank, it is still not comparable to the existence of human immortals. After all, immortals are different, unless Qin Lang's physical fitness can break through again, and he is only qualified to practice when he reaches a hundred times that of the monks of the same rank.


Qin Lang found that he had one more exercise than others, which was an extra reward given by the stone statue. After all, he was the one who contributed the most in this task.

And these high-level exercises can only be understood and cannot be conveyed in words. These high-level exercises are not simple and do not exist in the form of words, but in images and special ripple frequencies. These things can only be understood and cannot be conveyed.

Even Qin Lang can't teach others the content conveyed by the light group of the stone god statue. After all, he has only obtained the content of these two exercises and has not really practiced them. Only when he has mastered the two exercises thoroughly can he teach others The ability, like what one knows, penetrates into the sea of ​​consciousness of others in the form of images and special ripple frequencies, forming the seeds of success.

In fact, the same is true of many top skills in the cultivation world. These skills have been lost until now, and it is also because they cannot be preserved in written form.

After the stone statue gave everyone the task reward, it will close the entire shelter and enter a deep sleep, while repairing itself and repairing some defective functions of the shelter.

It allows everyone to leave here and come back after three months.

At the same time, while it planted the seeds of inheritance for everyone, it is equivalent to imprinting the aura of the sanctuary inside. In this way, these armor repairers can lock the location of the sanctuary in the jungle through the imprint of aura, and find it accurately when the time comes.

In this case, those inheritance seeds are equivalent to the locator of the shelter, and there is no need to worry about the shelter moving around in the jungle and not being able to find it.

Half a month later, Qin Lang practiced in a secret room in his mansion.

After returning from the second exploration of the Black Stone Ruins, Qin Lang has gained a lot. Basically, he has collected all the resources needed to practice immortality.

In the past few days, he has refined a large number of elixirs, among which there are top-grade elixirs such as Tianyuan Pill and Shenyuan Pill, and he has collected almost dozens of ingredients for the top-grade elixir, Dujie Pill, only one or two ingredients are missing. .

After a day of daily practice, Qin Lang entered the gourd space of the congenital spiritual treasure, the Purple Golden Gourd.

After the gourd space was destroyed by a high temperature, almost all the spiritual plants were lost and turned back into the nourishment of the gourd space. The entire gourd space has expanded a lot, from less than an acre to ten as many acres.

After all, so many plants planted before, as well as many soldier tree plants transplanted during the exploration of the Blackstone ruins, have all been refined and turned into the original substances needed for the growth of the gourd space.

And now the melted rock forms a fire pool in a corner of the gourd space, and the dragon soul fruit plant grows in this scorching fire pool. The eyes are growing well, and there is no acclimatization after the transplantation. It is obvious that this gourd space is very suitable for the growth of spiritual things.

However, because of the fire pool, the temperature of the entire gourd space is more than [-] degrees higher than before. Even if the gourd space is much larger now, it is not conducive to the growth of other types of spiritual plants.

However, the Jinyuan wood that was scorched in another corner has completely recovered. Even after that high-temperature roast, the whole plant has developed a certain degree of fire resistance. It should be regarded as a mutation, and it is no longer afraid. Too high temperature.

Of course, the place where Jin Yuanmu grows is still far away from the fire pool. If it is too close to the fire pool, it will still be scorched.

Looking at the gourd space in front of him because he didn't consider the consequences and transplanted the dragon soul fruit indiscriminately, Qin Lang frowned for a while. If the spirit plant was lost, he would lose it. In fact, he still has a lot of seeds on hand, but the gourd It seems very difficult to plant spiritual plants in such an environment.

However, the value of the dragon soul fruit is huge, and it is impossible for Qin Lang to discard it for the time being. Therefore, before the dragon soul fruit is ripe, the high temperature environment of the gourd space cannot be changed.

"Perhaps, I can arrange a large-scale formation in the gourd space, divide this space into several areas with different temperatures..." Qin
Lang thought about it and felt that this method was feasible, so he prepared the materials for the formation.

Cold jade, I need a lot of cold jade..."

Qin Lang suddenly found that if he wanted to arrange a formation, he needed a lot of cold jade as the basic material. After all, cold jade has a natural ability to block high temperatures.

Next, Qin Lang began to collect cold jade materials on the market, and asked the storm group to help him find out. After all, although cold jade is not particularly difficult to find in Dawan country, it is not easy to find enough quantity in a short while. , Qin Lang needs at least one ton, that is, one thousand kilograms.

Qin Lang worked hard for a while, and mobilized all kinds of relationships to bring in more than 100 kilograms of cold jade, but there was still a big gap of nearly [-] kilograms, so he couldn't help worrying.

(End of this chapter)

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