The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2193 Enhanced Python Tendon Pill

Chapter 2193 Enhanced Python Tendon Pill
At the sixth layer of the silver body, the bones of Qin Lang's body became denser, even surpassing metal, while the surface of the silver body's skin was glowing with a silvery white luster. Of course, this luster can also be withdrawn from the body at will. .

The physical body at the sixth stage of the silver body can already be tough with some top-quality attack magic weapons. Of course, it is still a little inferior to the top-quality magic weapons, so it can only be tough for three to five rounds, and the time is longer. The same can't stop the attack of the best magic weapon.

After breaking through the sixth layer of the silver body, Qin Lang felt that the potential of his body had not been exhausted, and he could continue to break through, so he still did not give up on the next practice, and began to rush to the seventh layer of the silver body.

It took Qin Lang about three or four hours for the seventh layer of the silver body. During the breakthrough process, Qin Lang repeatedly polished himself, gritted his teeth and endured the powerful pain of physical transformation, and completed the transformation of the seventh layer.

Then there is the eighth layer of the silver body. It took Qin Lang a full nine hours this time to completely change his body bit by bit.

As for the eighth layer of the silver body, Qin Lang found that no matter how hard he tried, he could not complete it. His own potential had almost been tapped to the end. If he wanted to make a breakthrough later, he had to look at the resources first, and the accumulation of time, no? It can be done in just a few hours.

However, to be able to refine the eighth layer of the silver body with Baoyu Yanggong in one retreat, this kind of cultivation speed is estimated to be the only one in the entire cultivation world. If a monk who is normalized to the late stage of Dzogchen practice, no matter how talented he is Naturally, no matter how abundant the supply of cultivation resources is, it is impossible to complete without three years and five years of penance.

The reason why Qin Lang went so smoothly was because he had the foundation of body training. After all, he had practiced the Dao of Transformation technique before, and it wasn't that he had no foundation at all before.

It's a pity that the Dao of Change technique is a monster clan technique, and Qin Lang can't fully utilize the attributes of this technique. Otherwise, this technique is actually not simple. It is a technique left by the ancient monster clan. Baoyu Shenyuan Kungfu is probably not too bad.


"Baoyu Shenyuan Gong... the eighth layer of the silver body!"

At this time, Qin Lang received his skills. When he clenched his fists, he felt that his whole body was full of explosive power. After a practice, all aspects of his body's quality increased a lot. This kind of pleasure made him feel satisfied.

However, the long-term uninterrupted practice also consumed a lot of his spiritual consciousness. At this time, his brain felt a little tired. He swallowed a Shenyuan pill, and then held the black stone in his hand to restore his own consumption.

After Qin Lang reached the cultivation base of Dzogchen in the late stage of transformation of gods, his consciousness was already at the peak of Dzogchen in the late stage of transformation of gods, so after consumption, the amount of consciousness he wanted to replenish was amazing, and the black stones in his hand turned into powder one by one , Shenyuan Dan also ate several pills, and finally recovered the original consciousness.

And this time, after recovering from this extreme overdraft, the spiritual consciousness has become more rounded as a whole, which is equivalent to strengthening it, which can be regarded as an invisible benefit.

"The eighth layer of the silver body... This kind of body is probably stronger than ordinary ninth-level monsters. Now I can be tougher than the ninth-level monsters even without the help of soul armament. The combat power has once again increased a lot, haha !"

Qin Lang who has reached the eighth layer of the silver body is also very happy. If it weren't for the adventure in the Black Stone Ruins, if it wasn't for encountering the stone statue, if it wasn't for completing the task of finding a shelter for the stone statue, Qin Lang would never have gotten this kind of magic body exercises.

Therefore, if monks in the cultivation world want to grow, they cannot stay in the greenhouse all the time. They must constantly explore the unknown and challenge themselves, so that they will get a lot of opportunities and adventures, so that their growth speed will become faster.

Now Baoyu Shenyuan Kungfu has been cultivated to the eighth layer of the silver body, and the cultivation to this place actually consumes the foundation of the previous body, and it will take a long time and a lot of resources to practice further. The heaven, material and earth treasures needed for body training can speed up the process.

And the shortcut to quick training is to take the best body refining elixir, such as Python Tendon Pill, or Ten Dragons Changing Marrow Decoction.

Among them, the boa tendon pill is a special panacea made from the cloud tendons of ten different boa constrictor monsters in the cultivation world, and then combined with some raw materials of elixir. For the product, the main material for refining the python tendon pill must be the cloud tendon of python monster beast of the fifth rank or above.

And Qin Lang took a lot of python tendon pills, and even through taking a lot of python tendon pills to cooperate with practice, Qin Lang successfully reached the fifth level of Dao of Transformation.

However, taking the Mang Jin Pill later will not have much effect. After all, the medicinal properties of the Bog Jin Pill are not even one-twentieth of that of the ancient prescription Shilong Changsui Decoction.

If the current Qin Lang can get a copy of Ten Dragons Changing Marrow Decoction, then he will be able to enter the ninth level of body refining. Maybe the medicinal power of the elixir is too strong, directly allowing Qin Lang's physical fitness to enter the golden body stage.

Of course, the materials needed for the Ten Dragons Changing Marrow Soup are too harsh. Although Qin Lang has Golden Dragon Blood on hand, which is comparable to the blood of a real dragon, it is not a big deal to get together ten kinds of real dragon blood to refine the Ten Dragons Changing Marrow Soup. possible.

However, it is still possible for Qin Lang to improve the alchemy of the Python Tendon Pill. After all, he has more than 20 drops of Golden Dragon Blood on hand. It can make the properties of the refined medicine much stronger, and in this way, it can assist the follow-up practice of making jade Yuanyang Kungfu.


In the next few days, Qin Lang began to collect the cloud tendons of python-like monsters in the underground market of Qibi City, Dawan Country. He planned to use all the cloud tendons of python-like monsters above the eighth level and above and mix them with the blood of the golden dragon to make medicine.

The formula for refining the medicine has actually been formed after repeated calculations by the super system. Qin Lang only needs to test the medicine once after refining it to determine whether the medicine has been successfully refined and can be taken with confidence.

Qin Lang only collected six kinds of eighth-order python-like monsters in the local market of Qibi City. Afterwards, he entrusted the help of the storm group and asked the members of the storm group to go to the underground markets of all cities in the Dawan country. The eighth-order python monsters have been collected.

Qin Lang also spent a lot of money in this process, 300 million. In this case, Qin Lang still did not pay back the 200 million that Qin Lang originally owed to the storm group, and at the same time, the storm group helped to advance another 100 million.

He owed 300 million to the storm group, and let the whole storm group run up and down for him. Qin Lang naturally took note of this favor, but he is also closely related to the storm group, so these are nothing.


After collecting all the materials, he began to refine the enhanced python tendon pill. He first simulated some possible problems in the refining process in his mind, and then began to refine this enhanced top-grade spirit pill. Pill "Python Tendon Pill".

At this time, the yin-yang chaos furnace has been raised by Qin Lang, and the fire of Kanli is burning below. The base liquid in the pill furnace is the blood of ten kinds of eighth-order python monsters. Add ten kinds of shattered python monster cloud tendons.

Qin Lang's alchemy ability is already at the peak of the master level, and now he is very proficient in refining high-grade pills. There is no possibility of failure at all. With sufficient preparation, the success rate is close to [-]%.

The fire was burning vigorously at the bottom of the alchemy furnace, Qin Lang directly melted the shattered python tendons into the base liquid, and then began to add various elixir raw materials one by one.

The Python Tendon Pill originally needed 30 or [-] kinds of raw materials for the elixir, but now that it has been improved into an enhanced version, more than a dozen kinds of ingredients have been added, reaching more than [-] kinds.

During the whole process of alchemy, Qin Lang's restraining techniques were also played continuously, and he played nearly a thousand hands of restraining techniques, and then when the liquid surface of the elixir began to condense, he began to add ten drops of golden dragon blood.

The golden dragon blood is the medicine that strengthens the python pill. This golden dragon blood is comparable to the existence of monsters above the tenth rank. The blood of this kind of strange beast is naturally extremely precious. It is possible that all the materials in the entire pill furnace can't compare to it. Any drop of these ten drops of dragon blood.

After the dragon's blood passed, Qin Lang poured a small bowl of Wannian stone milk into it, and then changed the martial fire into a slow fire and boiled it slowly.

This process is also called simmering tendons, and this is the process of making python tendon pills. This slow fire takes about two hours, and the time is neither too long nor too short.

Qin Lang has now attained the Dzogchen cultivation base in the late stage of God Transformation, coupled with the peak level of alchemy masters, so there is no difficulty in refining high-grade elixir. Now that various prohibition methods have been deduced in advance, Qin Lang does not have proficiency The problem is, after getting started, the whole process of alchemy continues smoothly, just like performing arts, it looks pleasing to the eye.

Then, there is Zhendan.

The alchemy technique required in the process of straining tendons pays attention to stability, whether it is the temperature of the flame, the temperature in the alchemy furnace, or the speed controlled by Qin Lang's prohibition method. Qin Lang needs to make the original thin alchemy within two hours. The liquid is gradually boiled into a thick shape, and then solidified, and then Zhendan is performed.

When shaking the alchemy, Qin Lang first input a soft real energy into the Yin-Yang Chaos Furnace, and then this real energy generated a vibration to shake the paste that has not been completely condensed in the alchemy furnace. There was a sound of brushing and pulling in the pill furnace, just like a large number of table tennis balls colliding together, and each pill was gradually taking shape.

In the process of constantly shaking pills, under the operation of Qin Lang's peak master level, those pastes began to be transformed into embryos of pills.

Hum, buzz, buzz, like a bee buzzing, the lid of the alchemy furnace is also vibrating violently.

The whole Eight Diagrams Pill Stove exudes colorful colors. Qin Lang has played more than 1000 hands of prohibition before, and these restrictions were actually preserved by the Pill Stove, and began to form an internal formation inside the Eight Diagrams Pill Stove. Underneath, balls with inexplicable forbidden patterns are forming.

Python Tendon Pill...and a strengthened Python Tendon Pill is taking shape!

(End of this chapter)

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