The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2196 Immortal Cavalry

Chapter 2196 Immortal Cavalry

"Have you figured it out? If you think it over, you can tell me the answer. Those who are willing to see the new world stand there, and those who don't want to stay!"

A ray of light shone from the stone statue, and then an area next to the crowd was shrouded in golden light.

to...or not to...

If you go there, it is an unknown and dangerous world. According to the meaning of the stone statue, that new world is much more dangerous than this black stone ruins. It is very likely that you will never come back after you go this time.

It would be a pity not to go, after all, it is the legendary fairyland, the place where immortals live, if you can take a look at it as an ordinary cultivator, you will die without regret.

After discussing with the Stormtroopers for a while, Su Lie decided to keep 100 people and only take the other 100 people to the new world. After all, exploring the new world is very dangerous. He must leave some elite seeds for the Stormtrooper headquarters. .

Then, the matter was decided in this way. Although Qin Lang felt that it was a bit rash to go to the fairyland before he became immortal, the stone statue told him that it would be easier for the Dzogchen monks in the late stage of transformation to become immortals in the fairyland. After all, the fairyland has cultivation The aura of immortality, which is not possessed in the world, is helpful for ordinary monks to ascend to immortality and cross the calamity.

Moreover, the fairy world is not only filled with immortals, but also ordinary people and monks. It is not a world composed of immortals as Qin Lang fully imagined.

According to the stone statue, 10 years ago, the ratio of immortals to mortals in the fairy world was one hundred to one, that is, there was only one real immortal among a hundred mortals.

Of course, mortals in the fairy world are different from those in the world of comprehension and martial arts. No matter how bad the mortals in the fairy world are, they all have a physique above the Qi training period. The monks in the Qi training period can be regarded as mortals in the fairy world, like Qin Lang. The Dzogchen monks in the late stage of the gods can be regarded as mortals in the fairy world, and even many mortals are born with divine bodies, but they lack some opportunities and cut off the road to immortality.

After all, if you can't become a fairy, everyone in the world will become ants, and only you can live a long life if you become a fairy.

Dzogchen monks like Qin Lang in the late stage of transformation of gods, although they live longer than most practitioners in the world, and have lived for nearly ten thousand years, but if they can't break through in these ten thousand years, then it's time It will cause the five declines of heaven and man, and directly die of old age.

And if you become a fairy, even the lowest level of human fairy, you are still a fairy, and there is no possibility of the five declines of heaven and man.

A real immortal has a lifespan of more than 10 years. Basically, there will be an immortal calamity every 10 years. After passing through, he can prolong his life. Of course, this refers to the immortal level.

And above the human immortals, I heard that there are also earth immortals, and the immortal calamity is crossed once in a million years. Of course, the power of this earth immortal calamity must be much more terrifying than the human immortal calamity.


These are all the fairyland information that Qin Lang learned from the stone statue. Although they are all in the past tense, after more than [-] years of development, no one knows what the fairyland has become now. Qin Lang and these people are actually stone gods. Those who explored the way in the past, after all, this shelter has already lost contact with that side.

And this black stone relic is actually a subsidiary resource space of a strong sect in the fairy world, it should be a strong sect with immortals, but this strong sect seems to have declined, otherwise, it would not have been over a hundred thousand years without immortals. take care of.

Before Qin Lang and his group were about to be sent to the new world, the stone statue gave Qin Lang a black token: "This is the identity token of that sect, and this is the elder order, which was left by an elder in the shelter. ... You have gone to a new world on this trip. You can find out if this sect is still there. If you find it, you can join this sect. That is your luck. The sect has many advanced exercises. OK……"

"Earth Immortal? Heavenly Immortal..." Everyone's eyes were dimmed when they heard it. It seemed too far away. Even if it was a fantasy, after all, most of them are just armor cultivators in the alchemy stage, and they can only hope to become immortals.

It was Qin Lang who heard it, and there was a strange light in his eyes. This should be the best reward in the series of missions of the stone idol... As long as you find the sect mentioned in the token, you will be able to learn a lot more advanced skills and techniques. Resources are waiting for me, wait, what is this sect called?
Qin Lang looked at the token carefully, and found that he knew the two ancient characters in the token, "Wuji", this sect should be Wuji Sect.

At the beginning of heaven and earth, the beginning of yin and yang, the endless chaos...

On the back of the token is a line of small words with meaning, which may also be the key to the original name of Wujimen. This should be a fairy gate with a deep foundation. Qin Langbi actually sensed a faint coercion on this token. This should be a trace of breath left by the former elder, which has not completely disappeared after more than [-] years.

"Okay, I wish you all good luck... Now I will teleport you to leave here... By the way, this token will also be the key to return in the future..."

At this time, the stone idol activated the teleportation circle of the sanctuary, covering everyone in a brilliant golden light. After a while, the golden light flickered and disappeared, and everyone in place had disappeared.

"In fact, what I didn't tell you is that the original owner of this token has died for more than [-] years. Otherwise, this token would not have stayed here. So, even I don't know whether it is auspicious or not. Fierce... I can only wish you good luck!"

The voice of the stone statue was transmitted faintly in the shelter.


Whoosh whoosh!whoosh whoosh...

When everyone landed on the ground, they found that they were in a world with extremely strong spiritual energy. This world seemed to be surrounded by spiritual veins everywhere, and there was a trace of ethereal spirit in this rich spiritual energy. , although it is the first time for everyone to contact, they can all sense this breath.

Such a place is simply a treasure land of practice. All the armored cultivators were overjoyed after they landed. You must know that the aura in the air they breathe is at least a hundred times stronger than that in the original world. Even if you practice directly like this, the effect of practice It is also better than the effect of taking pills to assist cultivation in that world.

"The air of the fairy..."

Qin Lang's eyes also brightened. This kind of environment is definitely the best environment for immortality. His body has now reached the critical point of breaking through the immortality, and resources are almost ready. It is because of the lack of several flavors of materials that have not been collected yet.

In this case, if there is no Transcending Tribulation Pill, the pressure to deal with the disaster will be much greater, but it doesn't matter, I have already cultivated the Jade Yuanyang Kung Fu to the first level of the golden body, and it should be able to resist most of the calamity of ascending to immortality. hazards.

Qin Lang was thinking, when suddenly there was a messy sound of running horses in the distance, and after a short while some knights came here on weird dragon-scaled horses. These dragon-scaled horses were very tall, and each one was the size of a camel. , and looking at the aura, the strength of these alien-horses is at least equivalent to that of a ninth-level monster.

Damn, as expected of the Immortal Realm, even the riding of the Immortal Realm people is so impressive. This team has at least 12 people, and everyone rides dragon scale horses. This is the combat power of twelve ninth-rank monsters.

At this time, Qin Lang sensed these people on the horse, but he didn't take it seriously. These knights basically looked like they were in the early or middle stage of transformation. They were all wearing thick metal full-body armor, and they couldn't see their appearance clearly. Only the leading one was a personality. The later stage of God is Dzogchen.


"You... who are you, why did you appear in this valley?"

The leading knight shouted violently and pointed at Qin Lang with a two-foot-long lance.

"It's in the wilderness, can't we show up here?"

Qin Lang asked lightly, since this group of people is not something he can't handle, he is relieved, anyway, his strength is not the superficial Dzogchen in the late stage of transformation, as long as he doesn't meet those real immortals in the fairy world, it really doesn't matter who to be afraid of.

"Bold, this area is within the jurisdiction of Shengxian City. You are acting suspiciously here...As a patrol army, I have the right to intervene!"

That led the knights.

"Oh, we were just passing by."

Qin Lang didn't bother to bother, so he said that directly.But he thought to himself: "Is there actually a city in the fairy world? And from this guy's tone, it seems that there are more than one city, but the patrol forces in these cities are too controlled..."

"Passing by..." The leading knight paused for a moment, and suddenly released the aura of spiritual consciousness, and suddenly sensed the aura of the armored cultivators of the storm group, and his aura suddenly restrained a lot: "It turns out that they are all middle-level mortals. , but we were too nervous."

Among the more than 100 armor repairs, only Qin Lang is in the late stage of transformation of gods, and the others are in the middle and late stages of alchemy. For this team of city defense troops, the threat is really not very great.

"Should you be running smuggled goods? Now that the relationship between several cities around Shengxian City is so tense, you dare to risk your life to come here. You really want money. Go, follow, I can escort you for a while... "

After finishing speaking, this guy started to turn around and return to the city on his dragon scale horse.

Qin Lang and the others were also puzzled for a while, and then they realized that maybe this team of knights regarded them as outsiders as smuggled businessmen, and listening to this guy's tone, it seems that the relationship between the cities near Shengxian City is very tense, There is a possibility of war, otherwise the patrolling power of Shengxian City would not appear in the wild.

Well, if you misunderstand, you will be misunderstood, and it is just right if you misunderstand, so that everyone does not need to explain the origin of everyone. After all, this question is really difficult to answer. When the time comes, it will not be true. If you don’t talk about implementation, you may not be able to pass .


"Brother, what do you call it..."

When everyone followed the knight team back to the city, Qin Lang was called over by the leading knight, and then the knight chatted with Qin Lang casually.

"My surname is Qin, three people are He."

"Brother Qin, I don't know which family you work for? But to be honest, the strength of the team you bring is not very good. If there is a border conflict or something, your family will probably lose everything. After all, it's time When a conflict occurs, no matter which side is involved, the relatives will not recognize it, and if they encounter it, they will die in vain."

"No, there's no other way." Qin Lang replied in an ambiguous manner.

(End of this chapter)

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