The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2204 Xianyuan is a bottomless pit

Chapter 2204 Xianyuan is a bottomless pit

Before the celestial calamity came, now the whole body turned red like a steamed prawn. This is the expression of qi and blood surging to the extreme. Gradually shrouded in mist.

Shengxian, break through!
The spirit, energy and spirit in Qin Lang's body gathered into a rope, and then launched an impact towards the last barrier of immortality, breaking through the membrane of that level of realm.

With the help of Dujie Pill, and this is the Immortal World, this level of checkpoint is almost like paper, and it was directly broken through.

And at the same time as breaking through, all kinds of calamities also came, the first is the heavenly calamity, the sky appeared the fairy thunder, and the first round was the thunder calamity.

While the outer catastrophe was formed, the inner catastrophe also appeared, the heart demon catastrophe, and it was a fairy-level heart demon catastrophe. In the end, he never even showed his face, and he has no way of knowing the power of this heart demon catastrophe.

And at the same time when the heart demon catastrophe was resolved, an extremely refined and pure breath appeared in Qin Lang's sea of ​​consciousness, which was directly inhaled by the sea of ​​consciousness, and then the whole person was refreshed, and the sea of ​​consciousness began to change slightly. Consciousness becomes more pure under the influence of this most refined and pure breath.

Baoyu Yuanyang Kung Fu... a layer of gold body!
At this time, Qin Lang directly activated Baoyu Yuanyang Kungfu to fight against the celestial robbery thunder that fell from the world. The power of the celestial robbery thunder that fell now is not very powerful. A breakthrough in kung fu should be very helpful.

Moreover, his physical body in the first layer of the golden body is no worse than that of ordinary immortals, so these falling celestial thunders should not be able to hurt him.

boom!Boom boom boom!Boom boom boom boom boom...

A total of ninety-nine and eighty-one lightning strikes landed in the fairy robbery, and Qin Lang actually swallowed them all with his body. If this were placed in the cultivation world, all the practitioners would definitely be stunned. You must know that even the late Dzogchen Most monks are trembling in the face of the tribulation thunder, for fear that the thunder will fall on them, they usually try their best to use the best magic weapon to resist the thunder.

It has to be said that Qin Lang's physical body on the first layer of the golden body is indeed strong. The power of the robbery thunder did not hurt him, but it also helped him speed up the speed of body training. Before he knew it, when the robbery thunder was over, Qin Lang found that Under the pressure of Jielei, his own Yuanyang Kungfu of holding jade has reached the second floor of the golden body.

This is simply a first-level realm that was picked up for nothing. You must know that if you usually practice Baoyu Yuanyang Kung Fu, if you want to reach the second level from the first level of the golden body, I am afraid that the resources spent can at least be used by a cultivator at the beginning of the transformation of the gods.

By the late stage of Huashen, the Dzogchen has been achieved.

And Qin Lang's benefits in the process of Jielei's body training are not limited to these. He faintly sensed that in his sea of ​​consciousness, the primordial spirit has begun to gradually purify with the help of the dragon soul fruit's energy, and there has been a new transformation. The fairy soul undergoes a qualitative change.

Although the immortal soul in the Sea of ​​Consciousness is still just a faint phantom, it has gradually taken on an immature form. I have to say that the essence of the dragon soul fruit is really helpful to condense the immortal soul. If it is an ordinary monk who transforms the immortal soul I'm afraid the speed is not so fast.

In the process of condensing the immortal soul, Qin Lang couldn't relax for a moment, but although the inner robbery disappeared, the outer robbery still continued.

After the thunder calamity, it was another calamity of wind and sand!
When the fairy-level wind and sand catastrophe appeared, the sky was full of yellow sand, and the huge tornado directly destroyed all the formation restrictions on the mountain where Qin Lang was located. The tornado formed by the yellow sand formed a yellow dragon in the sky, probably separated by hundreds of miles. There will be people here who can see and feel the changes in the aura of the world.

The power of the wind and sand disaster is boundless, and it is more terrifying than the fairy thunder disaster. It is strange that Qin Lang, who is in the center of the wind and sand disaster tornado, has not felt half of the power of the wind and sand disaster. In fact, although this wind and sand disaster looks terrible, it is better than other Heavenly Tribulation is easier, its weakness is the wind eye, Qin Lang is now in the wind eye of the catastrophe, this is the only position that the wind and sand catastrophe cannot affect.

However, the eye of the wind can be moved at any time, so it is impossible for Qin Lang to stand still. In that case, the eye of the wind will be swept out, and then affected by the catastrophe of wind and sand.

So Qin Lang is always moving now, Fengyan moves irregularly, he can only move with Fengyan's movement, Fengyan moves faster, he also speeds up, Fengyan moves slower, he also slows down , if Fengyan suddenly changes direction, he also changes direction.

When the wind and sand catastrophe disappeared, Qin Lang had already left the original mountain peak, and that mountain peak had already been cut off half of its head when it was robbed by a round of fairy thunder.

Up to now, the catastrophe is far from over...

The Great Tribulation of Ascension to Immortals is called the Great Tribulation because it is divided into internal and external calamities. Whether it is internal or external calamity, there are at least nine levels, and each level is different.

However, due to the relationship between the Dujie Pill, all the internal calamities that appeared in Qin Lang are now eliminated by the power of the Dujie Pill. The internal calamity has not affected him, and he only needs to go through the nine external calamities with peace of mind.

After that, there are sword calamities, earth calamities, mud and water calamities, and sound calamities... Nine different calamities appeared one by one, some of which were very strange, and Qin Lang had never experienced them, but fortunately he is now in the golden body It is comparable to the physique of a real immortal. In terms of condensing the immortal soul, it has the help of the essence of the dragon soul fruit, and the medicinal power of the Transcending Tribulation Pill has suppressed all the internal calamities. In this case, everything has been safe.

The scariest thing here is actually the earthquake, which is similar to an earthquake. At that moment, the whole world trembled violently. Even if Qin Lang flew into the sky, he was shaken down. There seemed to be countless springs hidden in the air, and the ground was covered like a blanket. Constantly beating, he couldn't stand still at all. The embarrassing scene was unforgettable. Fortunately, his strong body resisted all the injuries at that time without causing internal injuries.

The sound robbery is aimed at the spiritual consciousness. After the sound robbery, almost half of his spiritual consciousness disappeared, but the rest is the essence of the essence.


I don't know how long it took, it could be a few hours, or it could be a few days. After the nine-story catastrophe, Qin Lang's golden body actually broke through two levels in a row, and now it has reached the third level of the golden body.

And in the sea of ​​consciousness, the fairy soul was finally condensed, probably because of eating the dragon soul fruit, the shape of the fairy soul was actually a dragon shape, not the legendary appearance of his soul.

And with the successful condensing of the fairy soul, Qin Lang's original soul has completely disappeared. The power of the medicine was fed back, and the newly born immortal soul in the sea of ​​consciousness instantly grew stronger, growing from a young dragon to an adult dragon with a length of several feet.

The power of the essence of the Dragon Soul Fruit has been exhausted so far, and the dragon-shaped immortal soul in this sea of ​​consciousness is now countless times larger than a normal human immortal. Compared with an adult dragon several feet long, there is no comparison at all.

Immortal Soul Becomes... Ascension to Immortal Success!
Qin Lang ascended to heaven in one step, fulfilled a dream he once had, and became a fairy. Although a human fairy is only the lowest level of fairy, he can be considered as a fairy since then.

Immortals have a lifespan of more than 10 years. Immortal-level immortals basically have a celestial catastrophe every 10 years. If they pass through, they can live another 10 years. This kind of long life span is beyond the imagination of ordinary people Thinking about it, there are only some gods and monsters and strange beasts in this world who can compare with immortals.

"Successful ascension, not bad, not bad... Now I feel that my body is full of huge power. My previous self, now I can hit ten of them..."

Qin Lang opened his eyes, and his body exuded a strong fairy spirit. Now, after becoming a fairy, those fairy spirits are the nourishment he can absorb, not the state before becoming a fairy that can't be transformed after being absorbed by the brain. .

Although the current Qin Lang has just become an immortal, he feels that his strength is at least the peak of a human immortal. After all, his strength was already a human immortal before he became an immortal. Baoyu Yuanyang Kungfu is not cultivated in vain. Now he has reached It's the third layer of the golden body!


Ascension to Immortal was successful, Qin Lang's body now became more crystal clear and jade-like, without the incomparably dark appearance before, and there was a tendency to transform into a little white face. At the same time, his current body also had a breath of dust, that is, The legendary fairy spirit.

After becoming immortal, Qin Lang remained motionless on the spot. He felt that the meridians of his body became more hungry and thirsty after ascending to immortality. Swallow it, and then transform it into immortal energy that is purer than true energy.

The newly formed immortal essence is cyan, which is the color of immortal essence. Qin Lang closed his eyes, and suddenly felt that the newborn immortal essence was somewhat familiar. With a twitch of his heart, a condensed green crystal appeared in the palm of his hand.

Only then did he realize that the green crystals in the fairy world were all transformed from immortal essence, and even the spirit chips he once owned were fragments of immortal essence. It turned out that he had used immortal essence to practice before he became immortal.

Qingjing is a good thing, but Qin Lang is not going to continue to use Xianyuan to condense Qingjing. After all, the Xianyuan in his body is not filled up now, so there is no extra to condense Qingjing.

So next, Qin Lang began to absorb a large amount of spiritual energy and fairy energy, and began to accumulate and transform immortal energy, so that his body's meridians and immortal energy gradually increased, but it would take a month or two to reach saturation. This body It is no problem to hold more than one million celestial crystal units of immortal yuan.

It's terrifying to think about it. He can't imagine how so many green crystals in the fairy world were transformed. You must know that if the fairy's immortal energy can't even fill up his own meridians, how can he be willing to use it to condense the immortal energy!

Qin Lang tried to cultivate for a while, and the amount of immortal energy accumulated in his body was only a few thousand units. It seems that even if he became a fairy, his practice would gradually increase after that. First of all, he should find a way to fill up his own immortal energy!

But at this moment, his face suddenly changed, and there was an extremely fierce evil spirit coming in this direction from a distance, and he sensed that this evil spirit was at least at the level of a human immortal.

(End of this chapter)

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