The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2206 Thirst For Immortal Yuan

Chapter 2206 Thirst For Immortal Yuan
After collecting these things, Qin Lang burned the body to ashes with a flame, and then left here.

And not long after Qin Lang left, the bloody old man's crushed fairy soul actually condensed again, forming a faint ghost of a blood-colored villain.

The blood-colored villain looked at the direction Qin Lang left, and roared: "Damn it! Destroy my body, this old man will never end with you!"

It turned out that Qin Lang didn't know that the blood jade old man's immortal soul that was smashed by himself could actually be restored. If he knew, he might have burned the immortal soul with the fire of Kanli.

After the reunion of the blood jade old man's fairy soul, he is obviously much weaker than before, and now his body is destroyed, which makes him even more depressed. He doesn't have much self-protection ability in the fairy soul state, although the fairy soul can survive after leaving the body , not as fragile as Yuanshen, but he is still ready to find a mortal to seize his home.

However, the strength of this mortal who has been seized cannot be too strong. If he is too strong, he may not be able to seize the other party, but may be swallowed by the other party.

"Damn...Damn...Damn...I want revenge, I remember what that guy looked like, I won't forget it even when it turns into ashes..."

Roaring all the way, this pale blood-colored villain phantom soon disappeared here.


Qin Lang was completely unaware that he had made a common sense mistake and hadn't really wiped out the Blood Jade Old Man, but this is understandable, after all, he had just become a human immortal, and he didn't have a deep enough understanding of human immortals and the fairy world .

But now the blood jade old man has been seriously injured by Qin Lang, and even his body has been damaged. It is estimated that he will not be able to recover in ten or eight years. With a physical body suitable for cultivation, then it is possible to return to cultivation.

Since the promotion to immortality went smoothly this time, Qin Lang came back within seven days.

After Qin Lang returned to Shengxian City, he went directly to the Amway Inn. The inn was calm for the past few days when he was away. Yuanying period.

I heard that in order to survive Yuanying Tribulation, this guy went to the official city of Immortals to apply for a practice room. I heard that even if the practice room in the city is used by the Dzogchen monks in the late stage of the transformation of gods to ascend to the immortals, there is no problem. This makes Qin Lang He was very surprised. After he came to Shengxian City, he seldom communicated with the people in the city. He really didn't know that the official practice room of this fairyland city was so awesome.

This is why Su Lie didn't know that Qin Lang was going out this time to cross the catastrophe and ascend to immortality. If he knew, he might remind Qin Lang.

However, Su Lie was injured and lying on the bed at that time, and his mind was full of things about the freight yard and the Shuangliu Club, so he didn't notice the abnormality at that time, otherwise, he should have thought that Qin Lang's going out this time was probably for the purpose of crossing the catastrophe of.

Su Lie has now become a monk of the Nascent Soul stage, and like Qin Lang, he has also practiced the Baoyu Yuanyang Kung Fu. Although he is only at the ninth level of the bronze level, his combat power is now comparable to that of a monk of the Transformation Stage. A cultivator in the divine period may not be able to beat him, after all, he has good equipment, and the black widow armor of the black level is a good treasure even among the monks in the fairy world.

After recovering from the injury, and with his cultivation improved a lot, Su Lie naturally went to look for the violent wolf from Shuangliu Club again, asking for a word about the violent wolf's immoral dispatch of assassins, but the violent wolf couldn't die. Admit it, but the forces of both sides fought fiercely again.

The Jade Knight was present throughout the events that happened in the past few days, but he did not directly participate in the battle, but just stood aside.

There was such a Jade Knight of Great Perfection in the late stage of transformation, and the two sides were fighting with small forces that were not popular in the city. Naturally, Su Lie's side won the overwhelming victory. All the subordinates were driven out of the freight yard, and now the land of the freight yard completely belongs to Su Lie.

After Su Lie occupied the freight yard, in order to prevent Shuangliu from coming back to grab the territory, he directly managed the entire freight yard into an iron barrel.

With the original members of the storm group as the core, he expanded again, and collected all the scattered coolies in the freight yard to form peripheral members. Usually, these peripheral members do not need to pay tribute, but if there is anything in the group, these peripheral members All need to be on call and follow orders.

These scattered coolies were used to being oppressed, but now there is an organization that does not need to pay tribute to protect them, and of course they are willing to join, so they are very active and enthusiastic, and soon the coolies in the entire freight yard form a new whole , and the storm group is the core.

After unifying the entire freight yard, Su Lie now has more than 300 available people, all of whom are in the middle and late stages of alchemy.

Such a small organization, not to mention the entire Shengxian City, is probably not popular even in the DC area, but after all, it can be regarded as a real foundation established by Su Lie and his subordinate Kaixiu after coming to Shengxian City. With a foundation, the development of Su Lie's group of armor repairers in Shenglong City has been much more stable, and they have gradually integrated into this fairyland city.

To this, Qin Lang also nodded. It is best for Su Lie and his subordinates to have a stable territory in the city. Otherwise, he would have to spend more time to find a way for these people. After all, they can support more than 100 people. It's not easy for ordinary people, not to mention that this is more than 100 Kaixiu, who have to eat every day, need resources, and practice. There is no land and no fixed source of income.

Qin Lang then went to the Lucky Lai Auction House to put up some miscellaneous materials and the blood jade gourd that he found from the blood jade old man of the seventh-level evil sect of the human immortal. Of course, the animal skin He didn't post the treasure map. He was going to hunt for the treasure himself when he had time. This is the treasure map of the fairy world, which is very valuable. It is estimated that he will develop if he finds some treasures at random.

After returning to the inn, Qin Lang didn't go out for two days, and kept consolidating his immortal realm.

The main reason is actually that after ascending to immortality, his body's hunger for immortality was too strong. For this reason, he put all the 30 green crystals he got from the blood jade man into cultivation, and used the rest of his body to cultivate. More than 30 yuan spent 20 yuan, but still failed to stop this feeling of hunger and thirst from the bone marrow.

And after the body absorbed 50 cyan crystals, the reserve of immortal essence only reached one-tenth. If you want to saturate your body in a short period of time, it is estimated that not having 500 million won't solve the problem.

Qin Lang has nothing to do about it, he can only resist his body's hunger for immortal essence. In fact, even if he doesn't stop it, Qin Lang doesn't have many green crystals to squander.

And if you just rely on daily practice to absorb spiritual energy and fairy spirit energy to transform immortal essence, Qin Lang is now working hard 24 hours a day, and it is estimated that he can transform more than 1 yuan a day at most, but this is impossible, so it is estimated that there is no Don't let the body's accumulated immortal energy reach its peak after one or two years of hard work.

Therefore, now Qin Lang can only hope that the odds and ends that have just been hung up in the Lucky Auction House can fetch a good price. He estimates that if the hunger in his body is to completely disappear, the amount of immortal energy will at least reach 30.00 of the total capacity of the body's immortal energy. % will do.

In other words, he had to make his body's celestial energy reserves exceed 150 million, so that weird hunger in his body would completely disappear.

There is still a gap of 100 million, and he can only hope for the odds and ends that are displayed in the auction house. In addition, the current practice is also 24 hours a day, and it can be increased at any time, so that the weird hunger will be less. .


While Qin Lang was practicing, he vaguely sensed a familiar aura entering the inn, and immediately recovered from the state of meditation. It was the female cultivator named Qin Kexin who came to him for the matter of Transcending Tribulation Pill, and Transcending Tribulation Pill he had already It has been refined, and it can be traded to her now.

"My friend, you feel that your temperament has changed a lot this time, it must be the success of Shengxian!"

"Well, almost."

"Then congratulations!"

"Your elixir...well, here it is."

Qin Lang went out of the room and threw the Tribulation Pill to Qin Kexin. Qin Kexin examined it carefully, and finally smiled on his sad face, "Yes, it is a perfect level of Tribulation Pill, thank you, Master Human Immortal, This is the remaining 50, for you."

In this way, Qin Lang received another 50 final payment for alchemy, and this transaction was successfully concluded.

After the transaction was over, Qin Lang looked outside the inn, and suddenly approached the nun and whispered: "Someone followed you all the way, do you know?"

After his ascension to immortality, his spiritual sense became extremely powerful. Now if he let go of his divine sense, he can probably capture everything in a radius of dozens of miles. Therefore, if he has the heart, he can't hide everything that happened around the inn. He just now I have kept that sneaky guy outside the inn for a long time.

That is a monk who is also in the late stage of becoming a god, and I don't know what the relationship is with the female nun in front of me. Is it a friend... Probably not, it is probably hostile.However, this has nothing to do with Qin Lang, so Qin Lang kindly reminded the female cultivator because of the friendly transaction between the two parties.

"Oh, thank you."

Qin Kexin seemed to know that someone was following her, so she was not surprised. After saying this, she walked out of the inn, but turned back after a while, her panic expression became more obvious.

"...can you do me a favor, I want you to escort me to my retreat practice room."

Qin Kexin almost begged, it seemed that there was something outside the inn that she felt powerless to deal with, so she had to rely on Qin Lang, an outsider.

"This...well, this is a debt to me..."

Qin Lang was a little hesitant at first, but seeing the helplessness of the other party, he couldn't help but softened for a while, and agreed.

So, Qin Lang escorted Qin Kexin out of the inn, and he found that there were more than one person following Qin Kexin, but four or five, and these four or five were all Dzogchen in the late stage of transformation.

(End of this chapter)

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