Chapter 2208 Shi Quan wins

When the Big Thunder Sound Fist was released, the blood in Qin Lang's body seemed to be roaring. Of course, now that Qin Lang is not even a beginner, only he can hear the vague roaring sound in his body, and outsiders can't hear it. The power of tremor resonates in the body.

From the perspective of outsiders, Qin Lang's boxing skills seemed to have grown a lot in an instant, and he greeted Old Feng at an extremely fast speed.

"Huh... I didn't expect that this guy is also a body-cultivator, and his fighting style is the same as that of Feng Lao."

The second young master of the Wei family who was watching the battle let out a light sigh, but, although he is also a physical practitioner, Feng Lao's age is here, and he is a veteran of the third level of immortality. He doesn't think that Qin Lang, a young face, can beat Old Feng.

In fact, when the two sides met this time, fists and kicks exploded like setting off firecrackers. Although Mr. Feng was a third-level human immortal who followed the delicate move route, he found that he had nothing to do with the young man in front of him. Advantages, my fine recruitment, every punch and every kick, the opponent can quickly respond to me. That is to say, although I am the main attacker and the opponent is defending, I did not take advantage of any advantages in the first round.

While being surprised, Mr. Feng also knew the truth that if you defend for a long time, you will lose. He thought that if he worked harder, he should be able to find the opponent's weakness and break through the opponent's defense.

However, what he didn't know was that Qin Lang's Big Thunder Sound Fist was his first actual combat, and he wasn't even an entry-level fighter. To directly beat Feng Lao to the ground, there is no need to carry out such complicated punching drills.

And Qin Lang is also a person with a very high level of comprehension. After launching a set of Daleiyin Fist, he gradually became more proficient in using the jerky trembling power, and the resonance of flesh and blood in his body became more obvious. After a short while, I finally got started, and now I have reached the first floor.

After getting started with Daleiyin Fist, Mr. Feng felt that the enemy in front of him was becoming more and more difficult to deal with. The punch he faced was weird. It is much more clever, and the opponent was hit by him many times in the beginning, and he has not been injured until now, as if nothing happened at all, which made him have a lot of scruples when fighting, and he felt like he couldn't use his moves. .

This made him very surprised. You must know that even if he met a third-level human immortal of the same level, he would not have such a tricky feeling when fighting.

This is also why Feng Lao didn't know that although Qin Lang's cultivation was only at the level of human immortality, the strength of his physical body was abnormally terrifying. Although Qin Lang didn't deliberately develop his physical advantage during the battle, this physical advantage was still inevitable. When he was fighting, he crushed the enemies whose physical bodies were far inferior to his own.

"Taste this... Wansi Zhuxin!"

Mr. Feng knew that if he didn't use his hole cards, he might be embarrassed next time.

He is one of the offerings of the Wei family, and he enjoys a high amount of offerings every month. When the Wei family really needs him now, but he can't do anything, it will be very embarrassing.

Therefore, now, Elder Feng is also doing his best to use his own method of suppressing the bottom of the box, that is, the ultimate move of the fairy spider hand, Wansi Zhuxin.

Wansi Zhuxin made a move, and in an instant, spider threads formed by the body of the Wei family enshrining Mr. Feng burst out, entangled directly towards Qin Lang.

The spider silks formed by these spirits are transformed by the power of immortality, just like invisible ropes. If Qin Lang is entangled, the situation must be bad. After all, there are too many spider threads, even if Qin Lang can collapse at that time Breaking one or two, it is impossible to break hundreds or thousands of spider threads at the same time.

At this moment, the thousands of spider threads are like living things in the air, and the long snake is attacking, and all the spider threads are aimed at Qin Lang.

Haunt him!Hang on to him... I'll have a chance.

Feng Lao shouted in his heart, this Wansi Zhuxin is his unique skill, and he used to have a nickname called Wan Zhushou based on this unique skill. After all, before joining the Wei family, he lived in several cities in the Broken Immortal Realm. They are all well-known, otherwise the Wei family would not have recruited him.

However, Feng's full expectations were doomed to disappointment.

Qin Lang's comprehensive quality of physical body is far superior to him, and his reaction ability is naturally superior to him. While Feng Lao is displaying his unique skills, he immediately starts to withdraw from Feng Lao's attack range, and at the same time, the entry-level Daleiyin fist blows a fist wind, It directly faced the thousands of spider threads that were chasing.

At this time, there was a sound of air explosion in the air, and Elder Feng found that his ultimate move was broken, and the spider silk formed by thousands of immortal energy was actually broken in the air explosion.

For this reason, he felt bitter, the consumption of this big move was not low, he consumed at least [-] to [-] immortal yuan, which was several times more than all the consumption of the battle just now, and now it was useless. Really bad.


Ha ha!readily.

Qin Lang found that this kind of battle at the level of immortals was really comfortable. He hadn't fought so happily in a long time. Just now, he also punched with all his strength, and that punch was basically the same as the Big Thunder They are at their best, and they seem to have consumed [-] to [-] yuan of celestial energy. When the two ults collide together, it is really exciting.

Although the moves of the two were broken at the same time, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Qin Lang has a clear advantage after this big move confrontation.

His advantage is not that he is more proficient in moves than the opponent. After all, the entry-level Daleiyin Fist cannot compare to the opponent's Immortal Spider Hand, which has been practiced for many years, and it is still a big move.

However, Qin Lang completely overwhelmed the opponent with his extremely strong physical body, body agility, speed and reaction ability, so he avoided the core range of the big move just now, and the big move of Wansi Zhuxin is obviously not explosive His moves are mainly based on wrapping and twisting the opponent, restraining the enemy, so it is not strong in terms of explosiveness, and it is normal to be exploded by Qin Lang's big thunder fist in return.

As for the Big Thunder Sound Fist, Qin Lang is only at the introductory stage and cannot achieve high explosiveness, but with his current physical fitness, this punch is still very powerful. In addition, the impact of the big move is very clever. It's not finished, but Da Leiyin Fist is a newborn, so naturally when the two sides collided, they canceled out completely.

When the big move was broken, Feng Lao was surprised and at the same time, he couldn't help reacting a little bit late, allowing Qin Lang to catch the opponent's shrinkage, and directly punched him.

"Look at the trick!" Qin Lang's punch directly knocked Feng Lao away. At the same time, the opponent's ribs were broken and he suffered internal injuries. It can be said that he completely lost his combat effectiveness.

In this fight between the two sides, Feng Lao not only failed to test Qin Lang's depth, but put himself on it.

This is actually the reason why Qin Lang kept his hands. Otherwise, Feng Lao would have died. If it wasn't because this was in Shengxian City, and the two sides had no direct grievances, Qin Lang would not have done this.

At the same time when Feng Lao was defeated by Qin Lang and completely lost his fighting power, the face of the second young master of the Wei family became more gloomy. At this time, he knew that although the young man in front of him looked about the same age as himself, his cultivation was really unfathomable. Even Feng Lao from the third level of Human Immortal is not his opponent, so even if the rest of these people go together, they probably won't be able to please.

"This guy should be at the middle stage of human immortality at the fourth or fifth level... Among the human immortals in Shenglong City, this strength is not weak." The second young master of the Wei family looked at Qin Lang and knew that the guy in front of him was powerless. The enemy didn't leave without saying anything, and left with these men with a wave of his hand.

"The second young master of the Wei family is a smart man." Looking at the background of the group leaving, Qin Lang smiled.

However, he knew that this matter could not be settled like this, and the Wei family might find him again in the future, and if he came again, he might not be a third-level person like Feng Lao.

So, helping this woman Qin Kexin this time really caused trouble for no reason. I can only blame myself for being too soft-hearted at the time. If possible, Qin Lang decided that he should try to avoid such things as much as possible in the future.


Back at the inn, the money for the miscellaneous items that Qin Lang entrusted Lucky to auction in the auction house has already been delivered, a total of 300 million, which makes Qin Lang have to sigh that it is a gold belt for murder and arson. Although this blood jade old man is a casual cultivator, since Very poor, but after all, he is a master of the seventh level of human immortality. Even if the relics on his body are worthless, it is still no problem to add up to three or four million yuan.

Of course, the blood jade gourd of the semi-immortal level is the most valuable among them, and it was sold for 200 million yuan. Originally, this semi-immortal artifact should have cost more than this amount, but because it is a treasure of evil ways, if it is not an evil cultivator, it will be sold. It needs to re-smelt this treasure, which takes a lot of materials, so it can only be worth so much.

Qin Lang got the 300 million, plus Qin Kexin's previous balance of 50, he now has almost 80 million Qingjing.

This amount of money is considered a huge sum of money among beginners, but it is a pity that Qin Lang has just become an immortal, and his own reserves of immortal energy are far from enough. Up to now, he only has more than 50 immortal energy.

And to fill up the entire body's immortal energy reserves, it would take at least 450 million, so Qin Lang planned to use 300 million for cultivation and absorption.

For the next few days, Qin Lang stayed in the inn and did not go anywhere. He was crazily absorbing the green crystals to transform them into immortal essence, converting the 300 million green crystals into his own immortal essence bit by bit.

And Su Lie, the storm group, is also very busy now. These days, he leaves the inn before dawn every day to go to the warehouse to handle various things.

Now the storm group has just laid down the territory of the freight yard and unified the coolie class in the entire freight yard. The entire storm group has more than 300 people to arrange, and of course there are more things to deal with.

The [-]th old man who came with the storm group originally had high loyalty and good obedience, so he didn't need Su Lie to train him. What he needs to train now is the [-]-odd outlying members. After all, even if the entire warehouse is unified now. Well, it is not something that can be done in a day or two to make these peripheral members completely twisted into one rope and form a combat force. If he just let these coolies carry the bags, then he has no need to accept them at all.

And only when these more than 200 people have truly integrated into the entire Storm Group, the Storm Group will be considered a complete worry in the bottom forces of Shenglong City. It is estimated that even the bottom forces similar to the Shuangliuhui will not dare to provoke the Storm Group easily. After all, such a storm group is no longer something they can afford to provoke, and it can be regarded as a relatively powerful force among the bottom forces in Shengxian City.

(End of this chapter)

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