The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 2213 4 Everyone's Encirclement and Suppression

Chapter 2213 Encirclement and Suppression of the Four Great Masters
After walking for twenty days, Qin Lang should have arrived early if he didn't stop much along the way, but because Qin Lang kept collecting resources along the way, there are still at least ten days away from his goal.

In fact, this is already considered fast. If a monk below the level of human immortals came to hurry, even if the journey from Shengxian City to Youcheng was uneventful and did not encounter any danger, it would probably take more than half a year to make it. After all, this is a hundred thousand For a distance of [-] kilometers, ordinary monks below the level of immortals can only fly [-] kilometers a day with a flying magic weapon, which is far less efficient than the current Qin Lang.

This is like one piloting a jet plane and the other piloting a helicopter. The speed difference between the two is very large. Although they reach the same goal in the end, the time spent is really different.

When Qin Lang settled down and hurried on his way, when he was less than six days away from Youshan City, he suddenly found that the road ahead had been blocked by people, and there were many people there, even a lot of immortals.

"People from the four major families are doing business, others please detour!"

Seeing Qin Lang, a passer-by who was rushing towards Youshan City from other places, a third-level human immortal blocked him, preventing Qin Lang from passing through this place.

"What's going on, you guys..."

Qin Lang was also very depressed.

"Some things shouldn't be asked, so don't ask more, you know? Go away!"

The guy at the third level of human immortality said arrogantly.

There are at least a thousand people blocking this area. Qin Lang also found a late-stage Dzogchen guy to inquire about it, and this time he asked clearly the reason.

It turns out that the four big families Nangong, Situ, Bai and Wei in the Broken Immortal Realm are blocking such a large area in front of them. It seems that the four major families have sent a large number of elites. As an aid, the members carried out a carpet search, as if they were searching for someone.

At present, Qin Lang has not asked too much useful information. After all, this guy who is in the late stage of the transformation of the gods is not high-level, and it is impossible to know too much. The real key news is mastered by those immortals. It is a pity that these people Xian would never reveal anything to an outsider like Qin Lang.

"Hunting a person... The four major families have spent so much effort, it is estimated that the person to be hunted down is very valuable, or there is something urgently needed by the four major families..."

Qin Lang guessed so, but this matter has nothing to do with him, although he doesn't like the four big families, especially the Wei family, the Wei family can be considered an old acquaintance.

After all, this time he wants to secretly send the celestial medicine guidebook to Baoyu Villa and hand it over to Mrs. Yu, so he has to avoid the eyes and ears arranged by the Wei family in Baoyu Villa. The relationship between the two parties can be regarded as antagonism.


Since the road ahead cannot be passed, Qin Lang can only make a detour, but if he makes a detour, it will take two more days to reach Youshan City. After all, he needs to detour around two relatively large mountain ranges to get around the area ahead, and the Broken Immortal Realm There is no comparison between the mountain range and the mountains on the earth. These mountains are so majestic and terrifying that sometimes even a monk at the immortal level may not be able to completely circle a mountain range after spending three days and three nights.

Moreover, such a giant mountain range is relatively low developed by human monks, so there are various potential dangers. Even Qin Lang cannot guarantee that he will not encounter accidents when passing these two mountain ranges.

Of course, such accidents are mainly due to some powerful monsters. Now Qin Lang has a certain self-protection ability against monsters of the original tenth level. questionable.

However, the monsters above the ten immortals in the fairy world are the existences that dominate the dangerous restricted areas, and generally do not appear in places that are relatively close to human cities, so the possibility of monsters above the tenth level in these two mountain ranges is relatively high. small.


That night, Qin Lang directly set up a tent on the mountainside, and saw that the blocked area in the distance was full of sparks, and it seemed that the four major families had not found the person they were looking for in the blocked area.

And Qin Lang felt the mountain breeze, watched the excitement for a while, and then began to practice in the tent. Now he doesn't have many green crystals on his body, but he can't completely rely on the green crystals for daily practice. Rich, if you meditate on a daily schedule, you can still absorb and store about [-] immortal energy. This is not too much, and it is not too much. It is a little bit that can be accumulated. At the same time, it is also conducive to consolidating one's own cultivation during cultivation. Boundary, can be regarded as killing multiple birds with one stone.

While he was cultivating, Qin Lang's mind suddenly moved, and he suddenly sensed an unusual wave of spiritual energy in the distant sky, and it was flying towards his mountain range.

Open it at this time, and you can see a reddish meteor flashing by in the night sky, gliding towards this direction, and behind this meteor are thousands of light spots, and these light spots are accompanied by noise. Voices.

"Huh..." Qin Lang found that the light red meteor should be a manned flying magic weapon flying in this direction, and the light spots behind the meteor should also be a flying magic weapon.

The meteor in front was very fast, and it came to the mountainside in the blink of an eye, and slammed into Qin Lang not far away, making a loud sound.

And the speed of the light spots behind them is much slower, and it is estimated that they will not be able to come here in less than half an hour.

Qin Lang walked over out of curiosity, and found that it was a scruffy young man who was driving a weird flying magic weapon and crashed into the mountainside, and now he is in a coma.

This scruffy young man should be at the fourth level of human immortality, but now his body is covered with scars, he should be the one the four big families are looking for, and now somehow he broke through the blockade arranged by the four big families in the dark , appears here.

This is really not easy. You must know that the blockade is full of organs and formations. Only an expert like Qin Lang who understands formations can enter and exit it freely. Even ordinary people, even immortals, are blocked by the blockade.

"This you want to save him..." Qin Lang murmured.

It can be seen that this guy was seriously injured. He should have broken through the blockade by brute force and rushed here. Now there is no way to be exhausted and comatose. If Qin Lang doesn't save him, I'm afraid that after half an hour The guy will be captured by the people of the four major families.

"Huh?" Qin Lang saw a token falling from this guy's arms at this time, picked it up, and it read "The beginning of heaven and earth, the beginning of yin and yang, the endless chaos..."

Of course Qin Lang knows this token, because he also has such a token in his hand. This is the token of the elders of the Promise Gate, which was given to him by the stone statue in the sanctuary.

Now seeing a new token appearing in front of his eyes, the identity of this scruffy young man needs to be considered. Could this guy be the person from the Wuji Sect that the stone idol asked him to find? It's not easy to be so young .

Qin Lang heard from the stone statue that the Promise Gate was a very well-established fairy gate in the Broken Immortal Realm more than 10 years ago, but a big change happened [-] years later. I lost contact, so now even the stone statue can't know how the people of this sect are doing now.

However, depending on the situation, the Promise Sect is indeed in decline, otherwise, this sloppy guy in front of him would not have been in such a miserable situation, and would have been hunted down by the four big families of the Broken Immortal Realm.


Since this comatose sloppy young man has the token of the elders of the Wuji Gate, he is one of his own. Of course, Qin Lang will not spare any effort to ask for help from his own people, so he quickly gave this guy a fortune pill. It is worth mentioning that The elixir of fortune pill is a divine pill in the realm of cultivation, even if it has a certain healing effect on human immortals after ascending to immortality, but this healing effect is not as magical as it was in the realm of cultivation.

But after giving this guy the Creation Pill, Qin Lang frowned. It should be very troublesome to take over now. He only had less than half an hour to clean up the place, and then hurriedly took this unlucky guy in a coma to leave. Otherwise, when the monks from the four major families catch up to the mountainside, I'm afraid even I will be implicated.

And he has the immortal medicine illustrated book on his body, which is a precious inheritance of the immortal alchemist, let alone people from the four major families, especially the Wei family, find out, otherwise, he will be ashamed of the entrustment of the female cultivator Qin Kexin. He had to find a way to secretly hide it from the Wei family's eyeliner, and then deliver it to Mrs. Yu smoothly.


Seeing the flames in the sky getting brighter and brighter, Qin Lang knew that the monks from the four major families were getting closer to the halfway up the mountain, so he didn't have much time to think about other things, so he quickly packed up the tent and cleaned it up. After a trace of the same place, he led the comatose sloppy young man away directly.

This mountain range is huge, and he can definitely drive to a deeper place now, and then go to other places, so just don't let the people from the four major families behind him find the person he is looking for.

Because the flying magic weapon will appear dots of light when driving at night, the target is very eye-catching, so Qin Lang did not use the flying magic weapon, but directly burned a large amount of immortal energy in his body to drive. Although the speed is not fast, it is better to be concealed. You can lead people away from the mountain range in front of you without anyone noticing.

And the direct result of Qin Lang burning [-] to [-] cents per hour is that after four hours, Qin Lang finally came from one side of the mountain to the other, and seeing that there were no stars behind him, Qin Lang said nothing He directly summoned the Magic Treasure House to go on his way. After all, it is better to use a professional Magic Treasure House and a Flying Treasure House if you want to run. Now at the back of the mountain, the members of the four major families could no longer detect the light of the Flying Treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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