The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 449 Qin Lang's reputation is not obvious?

Chapter 449 Qin Lang's reputation is not obvious?

Qin Lang hung up the phone, although he was happy, but he couldn't help but raised his eyebrows afterwards.

Through the fact that Dongfang Aotian was extremely anxious to get the five-leaf Ganoderma lucidum, he could infer some useful information about Dongfang Aotian from this incident.

First of all, Dongfang Aotian must be impatient to kill him, so he thought of taking medicine to improve his strength, so that he was stronger than him in strength and achieved the purpose of killing him.

Secondly, the method of taking medicine that Dongfang Aotian thought of was mostly proven to be effective, and Dongfang Aotian also believed it, and planned to follow that method.

Otherwise, Dongfang Aotian would not act to collect the needed medicine.

This shows that the method that Dongfang Aotian obtained has a great possibility that Dongfang Aotian can improve his skills overnight!

Obviously, this is not good news for him as a sworn enemy.

Now, although Dongfang Aotian has lost the five-leaf Ganoderma lucidum, it does not mean that Dongfang Aotian's method of taking medicine cannot be implemented.

After all, maybe in the method of taking medicine, other traditional Chinese medicine can be found to replace Wuye Ganoderma lucidum!

"In short, if Dongfang Aotian is lucky and his cultivation level skyrockets overnight, it might really happen. I still have to be prepared."

Qin Lang's vigilance has increased again.

In addition to maintaining the true energy in his body and being in the most abundant state at all times, Qin Lang also carried the M9 pistol that Liu Hongbing gave him with him!


"Master, on Dongfang Aotian's side, did you successfully find the kid who drove the Mercedes?"

Seeing that Li Bayang put down his cell phone and ended his phone conversation with Dongfang Aotian, Li Zhen asked quickly.

He was injured all over his body, the root of his crotch was crushed, and one arm was broken, so he could barely lean on a rattan chair, but his eyes were fixed on Li Bayang, eager to hear the good news for him information.

Injured him, so that he can only be equated with the disabled boy in the future. He doesn't know his name, but he only knows that the man drives a Mercedes-Benz. He can afford a Mercedes-Benz at such a young age. He is probably a rich second generation, but he thinks Well, if such a rich second generation meets Dongfang Aotian, he will be a scumbag.

Dongfang Aotian must have sent someone to deal with that person.

Unexpectedly, Li Bayang turned his head, his face gloomy like water.

"It's weird."

"Five-leaf Ganoderma lucidum, I'm afraid I won't be able to get it back for a while."

What Li Bayang said made Li Zhen baffled.

Li Zhen asked suspiciously: "Master, could it be Dongfang Aotian, as we expected, he went to get the five-leaf Ganoderma lucidum, but didn't give us any benefits?"

Until now, Li Zhen still thinks that Qin Lang, who is driving a Mercedes-Benz, is just a pawn. Compared with Dongfang Aotian, he is on the ground and in the sky.

"No, you're wrong!"

Li Bayang even complained to Li Zhen, "I lost the five-leaf Ganoderma lucidum, and Dongfang Aotian didn't plan to take it anymore. He just sat by and watched."

"Isn't it?" Li Zhen became even more confused, "The five-leaf ganoderma must be very important to Dongfang Aotian, how could he give it up for nothing?"


Li Bayang was so angry that he didn't fight anywhere.

"Until now, you still don't know how big the trouble was!"

Li Bayang scolded.

Li Zhen's good deeds made him want to get back the five-leaf Ganoderma lucidum, so he could only do it by himself.

Li Zhen didn't dare to speak, the more he was scolded by Li Bayang, the more he hated the person who injured him.

"Dongfang Aotian said that he has found a medicine that can replace the five-leaf ganoderma, and there is no need for the five-leaf ganoderma. Therefore, to get the five-leaf ganoderma back, we can only rely on ourselves, and we cannot borrow the hands of Dongfang Aotian."

Li Bayang was talking to himself, but there were actually quite a few question marks in his heart.

With Dongfang Aotian's character, he shouldn't give up like this.

But Dongfang Aotian made it clear that he would not take action against Qin Lang and take back the five-leaf Ganoderma lucidum, adopting an attitude of sitting idly by.

This evasive attitude is obviously incompatible with Dongfang Aotian's strong character.

Li Bayang thinks that Dongfang Aotian may have encountered some difficult problems, and he is unwilling to take action against the person named Qin Lang.

Could it be that Qin Lang has a lot of background?

"Li Zhen." Li Bayang shouted immediately.

"Yes, Master." Li Zhen replied quickly.

"You give your brother a call. He is a well-rounded person in Yunhai City. He knows people from all schools and schools. Ask him if there is a young man named Qin Lang in Yunhai City who runs a company called Lanrun Cosmetics. He, is this Qin Lang difficult to deal with?"

Li Bayang ordered.

Li Zhen said bitterly: "Master, is it this Qin Lang who hurt me?"

Li Bayang nodded.

He thinks that Dongfang Aotian doesn't want to attack Qin Lang, it should not be because he is afraid of Qin Lang, but maybe this Qin Lang has friendship with Dongfang Aotian, or this Qin Lang's identity is not simple, no matter what, now it's his turn to take it back from Qin Lang Five-leaf Ganoderma lucidum naturally needs to be a little more cautious. It is better to figure out Qin Lang's identity first.

Li Zhen's expression was completely distorted.

"Qin Lang, so your name is Qin Lang!"

"I remember you!"

Li Zhen bit the braces until they rattled!
"What are you doing in a daze, I told you to investigate, you should investigate!" Li Bayang shouted dissatisfiedly when he saw Li Zhen was in a daze.

"Master, that Qin Lang injured me and took the five-leaf Ganoderma lucidum, he must be killed!" Li Zhen said to Li Bayang with a ferocious expression, gnashing his teeth.

"Okay, am I still inappropriate?" Li Bayang roared.

Hoo to hoo, but Li Bayang's eyes clearly contained hatred and killing intent.

He runs the Bayang Martial Arts Gym in the provincial capital. It can be said that in the provincial capital, whether it is Bai Dao or the underground world, he is well-known. If Qin Lang hurts his disciples in the martial arts gym, he is provoking him.

Besides, the five-leaf Ganoderma lucidum was also taken away!
So in fact, he was intent on killing Qin Lang.

If Qin Lang has no foundation, he will definitely retaliate and use his ultimate move.

"Yes, Master, I'll ask my younger brother to investigate right away."

With bandaged hands, Li Zhen took out his cell phone with difficulty, found his brother's cell phone number, called him, and talked to the other party.

An hour later, a message was sent back from there. After listening to it, Li Zhen passed the message to his master Li Bayang.

"Master, that Qin Lang is indeed the boss of Lanrun Cosmetics Production Co., Ltd. This company is also a new company in Yunhai City, but unlike other well-developed companies, Qin Lang opened this company for less than a year. The reason why the development is good is that it is said that the quality of the products is excellent. No one in the market rumors that this Qin Lang used his relationship to make the company bigger and stronger. Therefore, he has no impression of this person, a member of the three religions and nine circles in Yunhai City. It can be said that he has a good reputation. Not visible."

Li Zhen spoke with excitement in his voice.

It seems that Qin Lang is not some local snake in Yunhai City, nor is he the second generation of rich or second generation of officials. Don't be afraid, he can start doing it right away.

"Not famous?" Li Bayang wondered, "Is this true?"

"It's true, absolutely true." Li Zhen said with certainty.

His younger brother is a bastard, and he can still get along well in Yunhai City. However, any newly rising figure in Yunhai City, whether it is in politics, business, or the underground world, his younger brother can hear some reliable information. I have personally found out the news, so there will be no fakes.

But how could Li Zhen, including Li Zhen's younger brother, know that it wasn't that Qin Lang was not well-known, but that Qin Lang was very low-key.

Qin Lang has relationships, such as with Ye Mingcheng, Zhang Zhiyuan, and Liu Hongbing, but Qin Lang is a low-key person, never forms a clique, and has never been close to any small circle in Yunhai City, so there are few rumors about him There are very few, and the information that can make others pay attention to it is naturally even less.

It is reasonable for others to not know Qin Lang's energy.

"Qin Lang's reputation is not obvious? Is this unreasonable?" Li Bayang looked more stable, always thinking that Qin Lang should not be unknown.

Otherwise, why did Dongfang Aotian give up his plan to take back the five-leaf Ganoderma lucidum from Qin Lang?

"So, Li Zhen, what did your little brother tell you?" Li Bayang asked.

Seeing that Li Bayang seemed to be a little afraid of Qin Lang, Li Zhen couldn't help slandering his master Li Bayang for being too careful, his courage was getting weaker and weaker, and he was going back to life more and more.

Of course, this kind of words can only be said in the heart, as an apprentice, he doesn't have the guts to say it in front of his master Li Bayang.

"He said that Qin Lang seems to have good medical skills. He not only makes money by starting a company, but also collects money by treating people. Therefore, Qin Lang is relatively rich. I heard that in addition to a Mercedes-Benz, he also has a car worth 800 million yuan. Lamborghini sports car, a rich owner."

Li Zhen relayed all the information his brother said to Li Bayang.

Li Ba raised his eyebrows and relaxed.

"The rich master? So that's what happened."

"Well, that should be the case."

Li Bayang was talking to himself, making Li Zhen puzzled.

But Li Bayang got rid of the last trace of doubt in his heart!
It turns out that Qin Lang is a star young entrepreneur, very rich, drives a top-end luxury car, and knows medical skills, uses medical skills as a matchmaker, and probably has treated some high-ranking officials and dignitaries. Such a person is indeed a certain strength , although the reputation in Yunhai City is not obvious, but no matter what, he still has a reputation. It is estimated that Dongfang Aotian does not want to touch Qin Lang, because he does not want to cause any trouble.

What's more, Dongfang Aotian also said that there is no need for five-leaf ganoderma, and a substitute has been found.

"Li Zhen, it seems that Qin Lang is not a particularly powerful person." Li Bayang made a judgment on this.

"It was like that. He just became a rich man by starting a company. He doesn't have any foundation and power. How can he compare with our Bayang Martial Arts? Master, you don't have to do it yourself, send a few brothers over there , you can take care of that Qin Lang!"

Li Zhen answered.

In his heart, Li Zhen also secretly complained that Master Li Bayang was too careful, and the information sent back showed that Qin Lang had nothing to worry about his status, at most he had a little money and good skills.

However, there are many people with good martial arts in the Bayang Martial Arts Gym, and his second senior brother can only be ranked outside the tenth place, so he sent a few fellow martial arts brothers with strong kung fu to kill Qin Lang and get back the five-leaf ganoderma. It is not difficult.

Being stunned by Li Zhen's words, and also thinking that Qin Lang was nothing to be afraid of, Li Bayang also expressed resentment, saying: "Qin Lang hurt you, made you almost crippled, incapable of human affairs, and took away valuables. I will definitely make Qin Lang pay for the millions of five-leaf Ganoderma lucidum!"

"Li Zhen, call your third, fourth, sixth, and seventh junior brothers immediately, and tell them to end their tour in Wudang Mountain early and come back as soon as possible!"

Li Bayang ordered.

In the martial arts gym, people who are stronger than Li Zhen include Li Zhen's senior brother and seven or eight junior juniors. However, some of them are already equivalent to starting their own businesses. They set up martial arts gyms or serve as martial arts coaches in other cities. The third, fourth, sixth, and seventh junior brothers happened to be traveling in Wudang Mountain, and it was estimated that it would take about three days to return to Yunhai City.

Originally, Li Bayang planned to go to Yunhai City by himself to take care of Qin Lang, but recently there was something in the martial arts hall, and he was too busy to get away. Since Li Zhen's four juniors are capable of killing Qin Lang and taking back Wuye Ganoderma lucidum, let those four people do it.

"Okay, I'll notify them right away."

Li Zhenfei responded quickly, wishing his juniors would kill Qin Lang now.

Although the juniors were still three or four days away from doing it, Li Zhen and Li Bayang thought the same, with the skills of the four juniors, killing Qin Lang was a breeze.

Qin Lang's revenge for hurting him, his four juniors will definitely be able to easily pay off, and send that Qin Lang to the underworld.

(End of this chapter)

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