The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 933 The Underground River

Chapter 933 The Underground River
Hearing the strange noise in the pool, he saw the fully exposed body of the water unicorn in the pool. It was a bluish-black beast with a lion head, three or four times the size of a lion, and looked like a small buffalo.Qin Zhenzhen, who was watching Qin Lang's collection of medicine from a distance, cried out nervously at this moment, secretly praying in his heart, brother Qin Lang must be fine!Don't worry!

And when Qin Lang heard the sound of the water pool, he knew that the water unicorn had woken up, and now that he had found himself, there would be endless pursuit!It was too late to pick the Queen Mother Grass completely, at this moment, Qin Lang pulled it casually, only tore off the two leaves of the Queen Mother Grass and a fruit connected together.

Then, while using strength on the cliff to avoid the water unicorn, the reaction force threw his body into the distance like a cannonball, and gently fell to the ground, like a leaf, without the sound of landing on the ground.

Because it can be seen, the effect of the wind escape talisman is quite large.

However, the water unicorn is really amazing, just a little wind can wake it up, the perception of this kind of strange beast is really powerful!

The landing points of the two sides were opposite. When the water unicorn flew into the air and reacted, Qin Lang was already far away from it, and because of the wind escape talisman, Qin Lang ran very fast, a bit like light work.


The water unicorn roared, flapped its hooves angrily, and ran towards Qin Lang. Although it was a lazy beast, it also held a grudge.Qin Lang not only provoked it, but also stole some of the leaves and fruits of Queen Mother Grass, which it has guarded for many years, can it not be angry?Now the two sides are already a result of endless death.

However, although the water unicorn is powerful, it has the strength in the late stage of foundation establishment in the growth stage, but its speed is not its strong point. After a few dodges, Qin Lang has pulled it farther and farther.

"True, the water unicorn is coming after you! Hold my hand, let's leave quickly." Qin Lang grabbed Liu Zhenzhen and hugged her. Liu Zhenzhen is an ordinary person. Even if he escapes, he is still no match for the water unicorn. .

Although Liu Zhenzhen has practiced long-distance running, humans and horses are incomparable. The water unicorn with the speed of a horse is only slightly weaker than Qin Lang who has cast the wind escape talisman. If he meets other people, his speed will definitely not count slow.

While escaping, Qin Lang looked behind him. When Shui Qilin chased to the position of the two people just now, he suddenly seemed to hit an invisible barrier. .

"Brother Qin Lang, I set up a simple defensive formation in that position just now, but I didn't expect to block it. However, that big guy is so powerful, I'm afraid it won't last long. Ah... the formation has been smashed by it. It's coming over again!"

In such a scene, Liu Zhenzhen was a little nervous. When Qin Lang was running, he patted her and comforted her: "Don't be nervous, it can't catch up with us for the time being, and the wind escape talisman will expire in ten minutes. And, this time I have enough talisman papers, and I still have nine wind escape talismans."

Suddenly, over there, the water unicorn roared violently, and its size grew a lot. A circle of cyan light appeared around its whole body. Under the cover of the cyan light, the speed of the water unicorn suddenly increased, running faster and faster, faster and faster , actually formed an afterimage.

This speed is already faster than Qin Lang who cast the Wind Escape Talisman.

"Damn! This should be the innate supernatural power of the water unicorn, Jiying, which can only be used once a day. This guy is so amazing that he must catch up with us." Qin Lang cursed secretly, and had to turn around and run to the other end. The cliff, with a rushing river below, is now being chased so hard that if you run to other places, you may be overtaken by the water unicorn, and if you jump off the cliff, you can escape this pursuit.

While running, Qin Lang's mind had already turned a lot of thoughts. As expected of a cultivator, he immediately constructed the best escape route in his mind, the most promising place to gain life.

Aw... Aw...

The angry roar of the water unicorn is getting closer and closer. The distance between the two sides has changed from more than 100 feet at the beginning to eighty feet to seventy feet... Although Qin Lang was nervous, he did not panic. He silently calculated the distance between the two sides, and the distance between the two sides. How far are people from the cliff.After a minute and a half, the cliff was in front of him, Qin Lang was overjoyed, and shouted at the same time as he ran, "True, hold me tight, and close your eyes."

Then, the bungee jumped up violently, and a parabola plunged down...

Aw... Aw... The water unicorn had already reached the edge of the cliff, but it didn't chase and jump off.It also has its own scruples. It knows that the river is too fast. If it is washed away after chasing it, it will be too difficult to think of returning to the place it guards.

Although Qin Lang took away two leaves and a fruit of the Queen Mother Grass, the Queen Mother Grass was not completely taken away, and the water unicorn couldn't let go of it, so he looked at the rushing river below the cliff and roared a few times , also turned around and left helplessly.

However, Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen are in crisis at this moment. The river near the cliff in the secret place of Kunlun Mountain doesn't know what's going on. The river is constantly avoiding these eddies, if you get entangled by these eddies, you may be brought to the bottom of the river at any time.

Not to mention the turbulence of the river, the river water is also icy cold. Qin Lang is a cultivator, so it doesn't have much influence. Liu Zhen is really an ordinary person. Now he is extremely cold, his face is pale, his teeth are clenched, and his whole body is trembling slightly.

Seeing this situation, Qin Lang felt a little distressed, so he put his hand on her chest, and poured a burst of true energy into her chest. As the warmth of the true energy flowed into her body, it flowed slowly in her body, and the coldness of the river water became less cold, and his face looked pale. Not so white anymore.

In the turbulent river, the two of them collided with the protruding stones of the cliffs on the river bank. If Qin Lang had a big bag on his back and kept using it to resist, both of them might be injured in the continuous impact.

And Liu Zhenzhen was wearing the dragon python inner armor given by Qin Lang, which also played a huge role during this journey, protecting her body from being injured.

However, some bruises and minor bruises are inevitable.

"Look, there is a cave over there. The water of this river has entered there, and it seems to be a dark river inside." Qin Lang discovered the end of the river at this time, but he was driven by the rushing water and he had no choice. was taken into that cave.

There is actually a river beach in the cave, which is a good place to stay. The two soaked chickens can finally crawl out of the river, not to mention the embarrassment, and exhausted a lot of physical strength. Even Qin Lang feels a little out of breath.

"Damn it, we have to get rid of that water unicorn sooner or later." Qin Lang feels a little bad now. The bottom of the cave in this underground river is pitch black, only the walls of the cave have some glittering phosphorescence. I know if I can get out.

Now the two of them are trapped here, Liu Zhenzhen's clothes are already soaked, although Qin Lang survived the cold with a few traces of true energy in the river before, but at this moment, he is still a little shivering.

"Wait to find some firewood to dry the clothes on my body, but where can I find firewood in this underground river?" Liu Zhen was a little distressed, and then suddenly thought: "I am a spiritual root with three attributes, and the fire element is the main one. , if you use fire-attribute zhenqi to bake clothes, it should be fine."

However, the usual practice is to absorb the energy of the fire attribute and absorb the spiritual energy. Now to force out the body heat, then the operation of the exercises should be the opposite of the usual.Qin Lang's comprehension is amazing, and he quickly thought of this.

Thinking of this, he quickly accelerated his exercise, reversed the exercise, and the heat of the fire attribute ran out of his body, and his whole body was like a big steamer, filled with white air.

But at this moment, Liu Zhenzhen didn't tremble anymore, but just looked at Qin Lang in surprise.She could feel that the huge temperature of Qin Lang's body was probably more than 100 degrees. Is this a cultivator?so amazing!

After one, two, ten minutes, his whole body was completely dry, and his true energy had been consumed a lot, Qin Lang felt a little tired.If it was in the outside world, he would be reluctant to waste his true energy extravagantly, but in the secret realm, the amount of spiritual energy is more than 10 times that of the outside, it is too easy to replenish, and it will be replenished after a little exercise and rest.

"True, give me your clothes, and I'll dry them for you." Qin Lang said to Liu Zhenzhen at this moment.

"I..." Liu Zhenzhen's face turned red immediately, her clothes were all soaked through, if she wanted to bake, wouldn't she have to take off all her clothes, then...that would be too embarrassing!
It seems that Liu Zhen is really shy, but Qin Lang is just laughing. He has long thought that she will be shy, so he joked: "You are already my girlfriend, what are you worried about, what are you shy about, sooner or later you will be seen by me Oh!"

Having said that, Qin Lang still took off his coat very considerately, "Here, my clothes are already dry, you put them on first, then give me your clothes, I will bake them with true energy Do it. Otherwise, wearing wet clothes is uncomfortable, and you will catch a cold."

"Well, thank you Qin Lang."

Liu Zhenzhen's red face was really like a small apple, which made Qin Lang want to take a bite.

She took Qin Lang's clothes and went to a dark corner to change clothes secretly. After a while, Liu Zhenzhen, who was wearing a loose coat, handed all her clothes to Qin Lang with a blushing face.

While setting off the clothes for Liu Zhenzhen, Qin Lang hummed an unknown tune, and his mood seemed to get better as the clothes dried slowly.

And at this moment, Liu Zhenzhen who was holding a strong flashlight suddenly said: "Brother Qin Lang, when I was changing clothes just now, I found that there seemed to be a stone door on the wall of the cave over there."

"Oh, Shimen, that means there might be a passage here?" Qin Lang's eyes lit up suddenly, he thought he was trapped, but he didn't expect it to be bright! "Go and have a look!" He said and handed Liu Zhenzhen's clothes to her.

After receiving the clothes from Qin Lang, Liu Zhenzhen's face turned red again. Just now she saw that Qin Lang held her bra with both hands and stroked it back and forth. Although she knew there was no other meaning, she felt embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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