The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 948 Abandoned Medicine Field

Chapter 948 Abandoned Medicine Field

Sure enough, within half an hour, Liu Zhenzhen had already recovered with the help of Qin Lang, and quietly opened her eyes: "Brother Qin Lang." Seeing the sweetheart in front of her, she suddenly felt very relieved, and the pain on her body disappeared for a while. The time seems to have disappeared.

Finally woke up!

Qin Lang also breathed a sigh of relief, although he is very confident in the effect of Good Fortune Pill, but.After all, it was the first time to use this kind of panacea, so it was inevitable that I felt a little uneasy.

Before he knew it, he was already sweating slightly.

Originally, after reaching the middle stage of foundation establishment, the pores of the cultivator are closed, and the aura is accumulated inside, so it is difficult to sweat.Now that such a situation has appeared, it proves that Qin Lang's battle just now, plus Liu Zhenzhen's infusion of true energy to heal his wounds, has indeed overdrawn too much of his mind and physical strength.

Even, because of a sudden trance in his mind, he actually felt dizzy. Fortunately, this feeling came and went quickly, and passed in a flash. After all, he is a cultivator, and his body's ability to adjust is still very weak. strong.

In a word, Qin Lang's realm was still not stable when he entered the middle stage of foundation establishment for the first time, so these phenomena appeared.

After Liu Zhenzhen recovered, Qin Lang looked at the scene. Under his super-powerful fire dragon, the Great Elder had been burned to charcoal, and the scene was in a mess.

And the large number of killer bees, there are still five or six thousand, without the control of the master at this moment, they are completely chaotic, and some of them buzz away.Some of them are circling blankly in the sky.

The Great Elder has been searching for two days, and it is very likely that he has some natural and earthly treasures on him, but it is a pity that they were all burned by a fire.

In the future, if you encounter other Murong family members in the secret realm, you must pay attention to them. They have elixir and spiritual materials on them. If you can snatch them, do your best.

The killer bee is a harmful thing, Qin Lang is very displeased with this thing, not to mention that it was once a zerg controlled by Murong Shan, so he set a fire now, and burned as many as he could.

The sky seemed to be raining, and large areas of killer bees were burned and fell down.

Of course, these insects are afraid of fire, and most of them escaped. Now there is a thick layer of killer bee corpses on the ground, some of them are not dead, and they are still kicking around. Depending on the situation, at least 2000 people are left. Many dead bodies.

"Okay, let's go." Qin Lang didn't have much interest in cleaning up the mess, so let the scene become like this. Maybe it won't be long before these corpses will become fertilizer, fertilizing the medicinal materials in the secret realm!
And now Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen are still searching in the secret realm. The biggest purpose of coming to this secret realm is to find elixir, spiritual materials and magic weapons, the treasures left by these cultivators.

In a corner of the West Mountain, about 800 meters away from the Shuiqilin pool just now, Qin Lang discovered a large area of ​​medicinal materials. With so many medicinal materials that are more than a hundred years old, the main root system must be a low-grade elixir, which is exactly what he needs. .

Qin Lang didn't talk too much nonsense, and began to let go of his spiritual sense to search. Now that there is no hidden danger of Xuan Qingzi, the primordial spirit in the sea of ​​knowledge can be completely released, and the search area is directly surrounded by four or fifty feet. The distribution of medicinal materials is clear at a glance.

Soon, Qin Lang picked up a 2000-year-old ginseng and a 3000-year-old sealwort.Ordinary medicinal materials can only reach the level of low-grade elixir at most. Even so, Qin Lang still feels very satisfied with the harvest.

In addition, after picking these two elixir plants, he suddenly smelled a faint fragrance.Originally there was no wind in the space, but the strange fragrance came in bursts, getting stronger and stronger, making people feel more and more refreshed.

"This... is the fragrance of spiritual materials... so strong, it must not be ordinary! I feel that even if it is a middle-grade elixir, it does not have such a strong fragrance. Could it be a top-level spiritual material like Queen Mother Grass, Elixir..."

Thinking of this, Qin Lang's heart is burning hot. Only the spirit medicines above the middle grade can diffuse the strange fragrance, and the ordinary low-grade spirit materials do not have the fragrance.

The value of ordinary low-grade elixir, middle-grade elixir, and high-grade elixir is also a thousand times the difference. A medium-grade elixir is almost equivalent to the sum of ten low-grade elixir, and a high-grade elixir The medicine is definitely more than ten middle-grade elixir, and when it reaches the level of top-grade elixir, there will be no fool who is willing to lower the level and replace the high-grade elixir with the top-grade elixir.

Top-grade elixir is the existence of refining top-grade elixir. Top-grade elixir is extremely useful for cultivators, especially Jindan and Nascent Soul Stage cultivators, and can quickly improve their cultivation in this realm.

As for the middle-grade pills, for them, the effect is much weaker, and the gap is not a little bit.

At least low-grade pills are taken below the golden elixir stage. For those above the golden elixir stage, their effects have become dispensable.

Qin Lang knew that there must be a middle-grade elixir in front of him. With such a strong aroma of elixir, he might have made a fortune again.Sure enough, in this shaded area, an abandoned medicine field was found.This should be the place specially cultivated to grow elixir in the secret realm of Kunlun Mountain. Although it is an abandoned medicine field, there are quite a lot of herbs in it. There are more than a dozen low-grade elixir plants, and there are actually three or four middle-grade elixir plants. medicine.

Immortal bluegrass, a kind of spiritual grass that is no more than three inches long, has a blue body, and is wrapped in a layer of faint mist.

Golden fairy, a kind of strange flower like narcissus, but with golden flowers.

There are also two purple gypsophila plants, which are small vines with small purple five-pointed star flowers.

The four plants are all middle-grade elixir, and with the addition of a dozen ginseng ginseng, which are at least 5000 years old, Qin Lang has had a bumper harvest this time.

"It's a big profit! Really, your physique is water and soil lower-grade spiritual roots. Originally, the aptitude of spiritual roots was very poor, but this time, you actually found a golden fairy in this medicine field. This strange flower can be improved by making pills. Physical aptitude. You are blessed, hehe, in fact, not only you are blessed, this elixir that changes aptitude also works for me."

Qin Lang couldn't stop laughing from ear to ear. The golden elixir made by Jin Tianxian's combination medicine can change Liu Zhenzhen's aptitude, change her worst low-grade water and earth spirit root, and make the aptitude of the spirit root even better.

As for Qin Lang's three spiritual roots, fire is the main one, followed by gold and thunder. Fire accounts for 60.00% of the spiritual root's qualifications, gold 30.00%, and thunder accounts for [-]%.This kind of qualification is actually not much better than Liu Zhenzhen's low-level spiritual root in the cultivation world, which belongs to the typical fifty steps and laughing at a hundred steps.

Now, with the Golden Spirit Flower, it means that you can refine the Golden Spirit Pill that improves your spiritual root aptitude. With the Golden Spirit Pill, you can improve your own spiritual root once and become better.

For the current Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen, the value of this golden spirit flower is no less than that of Queen Mother Grass that can be used to refine alchemy. There is a saying that the most needed thing is the most valuable, isn't it?

In addition, the harvest of four middle-grade elixir this time also allowed Qin Lang to collect the materials for refining two kinds of elixir, one of which is the golden elixir, the main material is the golden spirit flower; and the other is able to stabilize the cultivation The Xing Yun Pill, which is in the realm of cultivation, is made of purple gypsophila stars as the main material.

Qin Lang has just broken through the early stage of foundation establishment. After reaching the middle stage of foundation establishment, he has not yet had time to build his own cultivation base and realm. Now he can refine Xingyun Dan, and it is a coincidence that he has suitable materials.

After picking up the elixir in the medicine field, Qin Lang asked Liu Zhenzhen to arrange the formation. He planned to start alchemy immediately. The elixir and spiritual materials above the middle grade did not have special utensils to keep them in order, and their spirituality would be one by one. Points will be lost slowly, so it is better to make pills as soon as possible.

The first one to refine is the Xingyun Pill. Compared with the Golden Spirit Pill, although they are all middle-grade spirit pills, the Xingyun Pill is easier to refine, and the pill is faster, so he plans to refine this first, and then change it. Difficult!

Opening the palm of the hand, the Purple Cloud Pill Furnace was suspended and gradually enlarged, and the forbidden runes in the center of the furnace cover also lit up little by little.Refining the Xing Yun Pill requires a little bit of water from the cold pool as the base, which has already been taken and put into the Furnace Pill.

With the increase of the arc of the Shifang Shenhuo cauldron, the pill furnace is heated up by the flames. In fact, it is relatively easy to refine this kind of middle-grade elixir. Now Qin Lang, who has reached the middle stage of foundation establishment, can completely not rely on the Shifang Shenhuo cauldron. However, that would be very strenuous, and it would save energy, which would be of great help to an alchemist.

The alchemy process in a relaxed state, or the alchemy process that consumes a lot of energy and mind, which one is easier to produce alchemy, easier to refine a good alchemy, you can imagine with your eyes closed.

It has to be said that the Shifang Shenhuo Cauldron has a great effect on an alchemist like Qin Lang. It is definitely not less valuable than Ziyun Dan Furnace, and even exceeds it. This magic weapon that assists attacks will also assist Fu Dan. It was the middle-grade magic weapon that opened the three-layer ban.

If all the thirteen levels of prohibition of the magic weapon are opened, what kind of power will be produced and what other new functions will be created, it is very exciting to think about it. ,

This time alchemy, and it was refining a high-grade panacea, the process was the most leisurely for Qin Lang. He could even refine it easily while humming a song. Added in, a few plants of low-grade elixir were used as the base, and then two plants of purple gypsophila were added in. Qin Lang was actually ingenious and added a plant of fairy blue grass that was not needed.

Immortal bluegrass is one of the main materials for improving the operation of spiritual power, enhancing spiritual power, and refining broken-rank pills. Its properties do not conflict with the several materials for refining Xingyun pills, but Qin Lang does not have a middle-grade spirit that can be installed on him. It is too wasteful to see that this middle-grade elixir keeps losing spirituality on the body, so it is better to combine the medicinal properties into the Xingyun Dan, which also saves waste.

This kind of idea is very good, but ordinary alchemists dare not do this, not to mention the conflict between the properties of the medicine, but the combination of the monarch and the ministers between the medicines, if it is disturbed, the internal structure of the medicine may fall apart, and it cannot be refined. Cheng Dan came out.The final result was either a pile of medicinal dregs, or the pill furnace burst.

However, Qin Lang has all of Xuan Qingzi's experience in alchemy, and he can already be regarded as a master of alchemy. Although he has not refined alchemy for more than a few times, with Xuan Qingzi's experience and vision, small improvements and innovations are also possible. It's not difficult.

Originally, after joining the celestial bluegrass, the monarch and ministers and subordinates between the Xingzhan Dan medicine changed, and the attributes became colder. However, Qin Lang happened to kill a water unicorn before, and the water unicorn had water and fire attributes. He collected a lot of unicorn blood , this is a kind of spiritual blood that is more positive than tiger blood, Xiao Xiao sprinkled half a bottle into the alchemy furnace, just to correct the attributes.

This process can't tolerate any deviations, and it's not allowed to sprinkle half a point more or less. In fact, Qin Lang has a clear grasp of all changes in the medicine in the pill furnace, so that it can be accurate.

After the unicorn blood was sprinkled in, Qin Lang completely closed the furnace lid and began to increase the firepower. The last 5 minutes of training were indispensable.

(End of this chapter)

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