Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 109 The Heart of the Evil King

Chapter 109 The Heart of the Evil King

After hearing this, Huang Yu roughly figured out the principle and layout of this formation. To break this formation, you only need to find eight formation cores, and destroy the eight formation cores, then break the formation.

It is easy to find the core of the eight formations.

In front of his golden ancient pupil technique, it is not difficult to find the core of this formation.

"Follow me." Huang Yu glanced at Sima Xie and walked towards a core location.

"This is a core."

"Master, are you... sure?" Sima Xie looked at Huang Yu. He naturally knew the strength of this formation. The core of this formation is not simply fixed, but constantly moving. "This The eight cores of the formation can be moved."

"This is the first place." Huang Yu looked at Sima Xiedao, "The core of the formation is moving on the surface, but in fact, only people inside the formation will feel that it is moving. The core is actually not It doesn't move, but when attacking, the formation will transfer and absorb the attack power."

Before confirming, Lulu told Huang Yu some information, and what Sima Xie said was not complete.

In fact, if I want to break the blockade of this formation, I don't need to break the formation. I only need to break a gap in a core, and then I can use the gap to get in. However, the time is very short, there are only three Breathe, after three breaths, the formation will automatically repair.

"This...then master, what should we do?"

"Don't worry, I've found a way. If you want to break the real formation, eight people must attack the core of the eight formations at the same time to break the formation. But you don't need to do this to enter this formation." Huang Yu smiled and said, "I have a special method. I just need to attack the core of a formation and break a gap in the entire formation. Then, we can pass through the blockade of the formation through the gap, but it won't take long. There are only three breaths, so you must pass through the gap in the formation within the time of these three breaths, otherwise, there will be no chance."

"Whatever the master says, the subordinates will do." Sima Xie said.

Sima Xie didn't ask how Huang Yu knew the flaws of this formation. Since Huang Yu is so confident and he is such a genius, he doesn't know much about this formation. The half-baked ones recorded in the genealogy have not been verified, so it is not sure whether they are true or false.

And Huang Yu is a genius, a peerless genius. In Sima Xie's opinion, it is not surprising that he can break this formation.

"Attack here with me." Huang Yu said.

In this formation, it is not so easy to break through a gap, one more person, one more strength.

"Okay, master." Sima Xie nodded.

"One, two, three, attack."

The voice fell.

The two of them drew out their long swords at the same time, and suddenly attacked that formation.

"Bang bang!"

With two loud bangs, the two were shaken back.

Sima Xie snorted and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing Sima Xie like this, Huang Yu couldn't help but sighed. His strength was too weak, and he couldn't help him much.

"Stay back, I'll come alone." Huang Yu looked at Sima Xie and said.

"Master, it's okay, I can still persist." Sima Xie said.

"Don't be brave, if you get down here, won't it delay my big business?" Seeing him like this, Huang Yu couldn't help frowning slightly, "Take a good rest and recover from the injury. I'll take care of it here."

"Yes, Master."

Huang Yu started again.

This time, [-]% of the power was displayed.

"Open it for me."

Blue veins bulged on Huang Yu's forehead, a dazzling light flashed from the long sword in his hand, and the terrifying sword energy bombarded the formation.

Only a "click" was heard, and a crack was torn open by Huang Yusheng in the formation.

This is the weakest part of the formation, and it hits just right with one blow.

This formation is extremely powerful, and the weak points of the formation are constantly shifting. However, the weak points that can be accessed from the outside are only here, and there are only thirty breathing opportunities per hour.

"Come on, come on, come on fast."

Huang Yu shouted.

Sima Xie jumped up when he heard the words, and instantly stepped across the gap, followed by Huang Yu.

After crossing the formation, Huang Yu heaved a sigh of relief.

Come in, finally come in, this formation is really powerful, it is really not an easy thing to get in.

Take a deep breath.

Huang Yu's exhaustion just now has almost recovered.

This is the passage to enter the main tomb, as long as you pass through this tomb, you will really enter the main tomb of the great general Sima Wuhui.

What I need, the Five Elements Yulong Jue, is among them.

However, this is the main tomb after all, and the crisis has become stronger.

It can be said that the previous journey was smooth and smooth, but here, it is absolutely unavoidable.

It is recorded in the map that there are many traps in the main tomb.

The important thing is that here, there are quite a few puppets, these puppets even exist in the yin and yang realm, life and death realm.

It would be really troublesome if the puppets in the Yin-Yang Realm of Life and Death Realm were activated.

Therefore, all of this must be done carefully. Of course, the most important thing is Sima Xie.

Sima Xie is a descendant of Sima Wuhui, and his bloodline can minimize these crises.

"You go ahead, I'll cut back." Huang Yu looked at Sima Xie said.


Sima Xie didn't hesitate or feel dissatisfied. Hearing Huang Yu's words, he strode forward.

Of course Huang Yu would not let him die.

The golden ancient pupil technique has been activated all the time.

If there is any accident, he will make Sima Xie stop.

After walking for about ten meters, there was no accident.

It's quiet, which feels off.

However, under the golden ancient pupil technique, there was no trap or sign of crisis.

But something always felt wrong.

"Lulu, Lulu, come out."

Huang Yu signaled Sima Xie to stop, Huang Yu felt more and more weird here.

"Master, what's the matter?"

"Lulu, what's going on here? Did we go the wrong way?" Huang Yu asked the doubts in his heart.

"It's not wrong, there are troubles, master, be careful, the front is the soldier soul room, there are countless soldier souls, but the master is practicing the Thunder Dragon Art, the thunder attribute is not suitable for these souls and other yin attributes. , has natural restraint, so as long as the master is not paralyzed, he can easily pass by." Lulu said.

"No, no, the anxiety in my heart is getting worse and worse. If it's just like that, it must not be like this." Huang Yu shook his head.

That feeling is getting stronger and stronger.


"What sound?" Sima Xie became extremely cautious when he heard the sound.

" did this happen?" Lulu's face changed drastically when she heard this voice.

"What's the matter? Lulu?" Seeing Lulu's face like this, Huang Yu also felt that things are not going well. It must be difficult for Lulu to have such a huge change.

"Master, it's not good. evil spirit heart is sealed here, and...and this evil spirit heart has awakened now." Lulu said after taking a deep breath.

"The heart of the evil spirit? What is that?" Huang Yu frowned. The evil spirit, the evil spirit, sounds really bad. Could it be a powerful evil thing?
"Evil spirits are a kind of powerful evil. The strength of evil spirits is terrifying, and they are extremely difficult to kill. Even if they are immortal, it is not an exaggeration. In this Zhenwu Continent, there have been five evil spirits, none of them The evil spirits are extremely powerful. Every time they appear, there will be bloody storms and countless deaths and injuries. In the end, although the cultivators win, countless strong people also fall. These powerful evil spirits are only sealed. Here , In this tomb, I didn't expect it to be a sealed heart of an evil spirit." Lulu also felt very surprised, she didn't expect that she actually missed something, it was the evil spirit.

"A powerful evil thing? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Evil spirits have another name. In Zhenwu Continent, they are called Immortal Evil Kings."

"The Immortal Evil King?" Huang Yu couldn't help but gasped when he heard the words. It turned out that he was the Immortal Evil King. He was very famous. The Immortal Evil King claimed to be immortal. Over the years, countless strong men, even many strong men in the Shattered Realm, had died. In the hands of the Undead Evil King, and here, if the Undead Evil King is really sealed, then it would be too terrifying.

"Then... Lulu, what should we do now?" Huang Yu asked.

"Now, I have to give it a go. Hurry up, hurry up. Only by entering the main tomb and finding the Five Elements Sealing Magic Orb that Sima Wuhui prepared back then will I have a chance." Lulu said.

Huang Yu nodded: "Let's go, Sima Xie, let's go quickly, things are troublesome, the undead evil king is actually sealed in the general's tomb. Now that the undead evil king is awake, we must hurry up, otherwise there will be danger of our lives .”

When Sima Xie heard this, he was terrified. The Immortal Evil King was actually the Immortal Evil King. Such a terrifying existence, even a strong person in the Shattered Realm was no match for him. numb.

Hurriedly following behind Huang Yu, the speed accelerated to the extreme.


One sound at a time, constantly beating on people's hearts.

It's extremely disturbing.

It feels like my heart is about to jump out.

faster and faster.

"No, Lulu, this evil king is too terrifying, his heart is about to jump out, what should we do? His heart will not be able to bear it, it will burst." Huang Yu was shocked, the heart of this evil king was beating so strangely, unexpectedly Being able to make one's own heart beat, this weird power is too powerful.

Lulu thought for a while and said, "Master, there is only one way to restrain this."

"What way, tell me quickly?"

"The Voiceless Curse, the master can only resist it with the Voiceless Curse."

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and tell me the Voiceless Curse." Huang Yu felt like his heart was about to jump out, but at this moment, the corners of Sima Xie's mouth had already overflowed with blood, and his eyes were red, as if they were about to burst.

(End of this chapter)

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