Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 12 Stone Betting Begins

Chapter 12 Stone Betting Begins

This young man was in his early 20s, with a jade-like face and an extraordinary temperament. There was a dragon-patterned sword hanging from his waist, and he could tell at a glance that his background was not simple.

"It's interesting to have a lot of people. Of course, I have no objection."

Huang Yu saw that this young man was extraordinary, and he didn't seem like a cunning person, so he naturally wouldn't refuse.

"Okay, it's too boring to gamble just like this, we need to add a little more bets." Su Guang said with a smile.

"I see it this way. The loser should bet ten times the value of the jade chosen by the winner. What do you two think?" Huang Yu's tone was still so calm.

"I don't have any problems." The purple-clothed boy looked at Huang Yu, as if he was a little surprised.

"Ten times is too little, how about a hundred times?" Su Guang shook his head and said, "I think Huang Yu, as the head of the Huang family, you can't even afford to bet on this?"

"Of course I don't have a problem, let alone a hundred times, even a thousand times, I don't care about it." Huang Yu said with a big smile.

There was no expected expression, Su Guang was a little surprised, and said in a cold tone: "Okay, I hope you can still laugh later."

At this time, another old man came out. The old man was dressed plainly, had white hair and beard, but had a ruddy complexion.

"Interesting, how about letting the old man be a notary?" The old man stroked his beard and said.

"God, this is Panshan Stone King, the elder of Jade Stone Alliance, why is he here?"

"I have seen the Panshan Stone King."

"Meet the Stone King."

"Since Senior Panshan is willing to act as a notary, Su Guang naturally wishes for it." Seeing the appearance of the Panshan Stone King, Su Guang was also taken aback, but quickly calmed down and said hastily.

Although the Su family is strong in Liulin Town, they still dare not neglect the Panshan Stone King. An elder of the Jade Stone Alliance, the Su family cannot afford to be provoked, even if the three major families of Liulin Town add up, they are not opponents.

"What about you? Does this old man have the honor to be your notary?" Panshan Stone King looked at Huang Yu and the purple-clothed boy and asked.

so polite?

Huang Yu was taken aback, this was definitely not aimed at himself, it was obviously to ask for the opinion of the purple-clothed boy.

Huang Yu became more and more curious, what is the identity of this purple-clothed boy?
"Exploration technique."

Sima Yan.

Class: Unknown.

Repair: unknown.

Huang Yu was even more surprised that he couldn't detect it.

There are two reasons why the detection technique can't detect it. One is that the opponent's level or cultivation base is too high, which exceeds one's limit, and the other is that the opponent has some special treasures, which makes it impossible for oneself to detect.

What is the origin of this Sima family?
"Since it is Senior Stone King, I have no objection. I think Senior Stone King will be fair and just, and will not let everyone down." Sima Yan said.

With a smile on his face, Panshan Stone King said: "The three of you can rest assured that I, Panshan Stone King, will not make fun of my reputation. If I can't even do this, then I won't be able to be the Stone King." Named."

"Is there any question for the three of you now? If there is no problem, then the old man will announce the start?" Panshan Stone King looked at the three of them and said.


"Seniors can start."

"Okay, now I announce that this stone betting will officially start, and the time limit is one hour." Panshan Stone King waved his hand.

As soon as the words fell, the three of them came to the pile of rough stones and searched carefully.

And Huang Yu found a piece of rough stone from the very beginning, it was the inconspicuous rough stone that was the size of a bowl, full of potholes, and long with wormholes.

In fact, Huang Yu knew that as long as this piece of rough stone was enough to win against them, who would dislike having too much money?

After selecting the first rough stone, Huang Yu used the exploration technique to find the second target.

As for the golden ancient pupil technique, Huang Yu didn't intend to expose it unless it was absolutely necessary. After all, the golden ancient pupil technique was a heaven-level secret technique, and it would be bad if it attracted a powerful person to peek at it.

"Exploration technique."

Quality: 6.

Value: Five hundred gold.

Not this one.

"Exploration technique."

Quality: 4.

Value: Eight hundred gold.

This piece doesn't work either. Huang Yu's requirements are very high for picking pieces. First of all, the quality of the jade must be at least 6 or above. As for the value, it needs to be thousands of taels of gold.

"Huh." At this moment, a small rough stone appeared in Huang Yu's sight...

(End of this chapter)

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