Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 128 Nangong Xue's Shock

Chapter 128 Nangong Xue's Shock
"Cultivate here first. As for the Snow Lotus swordsmanship, I can give you the first five levels of skills now, and the latter ones can only be taught to you after you formally become a teacher." Nangongxue looked at Huang Yu and said.

"Master, wait, I have something to tell you." Huang Yu thought for a while, and he could tell Nangongxue about the Lingjing Pill.

"What master, just say what you want, don't be restrained, this will be your home from now on, and you don't need so many rules." Nangongxue looked at Huang Yu and said.

"That's right, Master, I have news about the Spirit Realm Pill."

"You... what did you say?" Nangong Xue was surprised when she heard the words, she looked at Huang Yu and said.

"I have news about the Spirit Realm Pill." Huang Yu said again.

"You...Xiaoyu, don't play this joke." Nangongxue still didn't believe Huang Yu, and said, "This time, I don't blame you. If you continue to do this in the future, I will punish you for three days of confinement." months."

"No, Master, I'm not joking. I really have news about the Spiritual Realm Pill, but if you want to get this Spiritual Realm Pill, you need to pay a sufficient price." Huang Yu said in a very serious tone, looking at Nangong Xue.

"Do you really have news about the Spiritual Realm Pill?" Nangongxue also became excited when she heard Huang Yu's tone. You must know that if she had no foreign objects or adventures, her life might stop here. If she could If you get the Spirit Realm Pill, then your own strength can go further. In this way, how could Nangong Xue not be excited? Therefore, when Nangong Xue heard that Huang Yu had the Spirit Realm Pill, and her tone was still so serious, she couldn't calm down. .

"Yes, there are two types of Spirit Realm Pills, one is the Little Spirit Realm Pill, and the other is the Great Spirit Realm Pill. The effects of these two kinds of Spirit Realm Pills are different. The Little Spirit Realm Pill can help the cultivation base reach perfection in the realm of life and death. The warriors of the Spiritual Realm can be upgraded to a higher level, and the Great Spiritual Realm Pill can help the warriors whose cultivation base is below the Broken Realm to be raised to a higher level." Huang Yu nodded and said, "However, the price that these two kinds of Spiritual Realm Pills need to pay is also amazing. The Spirit Realm Pill requires a full eleven thousand top-grade spirit stones, while the Great Spirit Realm Pill needs twenty-one thousand top-grade spirit stones."

"That makes sense."

Contrary to Huang Yu's expectation, Nangongxue was not surprised, as if it was a matter of course that the spirit pill was so expensive.

"Xiaoyu, tell me, where can I get this Spiritual Realm Pill?" It is an excellent opportunity for Nangongxue to exchange spirit stones for Spiritual Realm Pills. She will definitely not lack spirit stones. Eleven thousand top-grade spirit stones may be an astronomical figure that is unattainable for ordinary people, but to Nangongxue, this is really nothing. Continuing, there are still eleven thousand high-grade spirit stones.

And the Spirit Realm Pill is so heaven-defying, let alone [-] top-grade spirit stones, even [-], or even [-] top-grade spirit stones are acceptable.

"I wonder if Master has heard of the ancient sacrificial family?" Huang Yu said.

"The Ancient Sacrifice Clan?" Nangong Xue's eyes widened, "Xiaoyu, you don't mean that you are the descendant of the Ancient Sacrifice Clan?"

The ancient sacrificial family really existed. According to rumors, these people were people close to the heavens. They could get what they wanted by offering sacrifices of various items.

Of course, this is actually the same thing as what Lulu said before, but offering sacrifices to the Heavenly Dao is for those warriors whose cultivation base is strong and has already broken through that level. at that level.

But no matter what, the sacrificial family had completely disappeared in ancient times, and Huang Yu mentioned this matter, which surprised Nangongxue. Moreover, Huang Yu brought it up, plus, before Huang Yu was fully sure that he could Obtaining the appearance of the Spiritual Realm Pill, then there is only one possibility, and that makes it even more certain that Huang Yu is from the Sacrificial Clan.

Huang Yu nodded, now he can only pretend to be an ancient sacrificial family, only in this way can he reasonably explain the arrival of the Spirit Realm Pill.

Suddenly, Huang Yu slapped himself on the head.

Stupid, I'm really too stupid, wouldn't I say that I got this Spiritual Realm Pill from some ancient inheritance?
No, that would be unreasonable. I simply don't have enough spirit stones to exchange for it first, so there is no way to do this explanation.

After taking a deep breath, Huang Yu looked at Nangongxue with ease and said, "Yes, this disciple has another identity, that is, he is the inheritor of the ancient sacrificial family, who has inherited the sacrificial method of the ancient sacrificial family, and it just so happens that the disciple Among the inheritances obtained, there is how to obtain the Spiritual Realm Pill through sacrifice."

"If the master has enough spirit stones, then the disciple can obtain a spirit realm pill through sacrifice now."

"If you really can, I will give you whatever you want, and even if you need that Nine Void Cauldron, I can make the decision and leave it to you now." Nangong Xue said, for her, a This Spiritual Realm Pill is really amazing, if it is spread, it will definitely cause an uproar.

Huang Yu was also thinking, this Spiritual Realm Pill is so precious, if he can put the Spiritual Realm Pill up for auction, then the value brought by one Spiritual Realm Pill must be far more than 1000 yuan of high-grade spirit stones, or even one 5000 yuan, or even 5000 yuan, [-] yuan for high-grade spirit stones, this is all possible.

Don't underestimate this. Those who have reached the bottleneck for a long time, have a short lifespan, and are about to run out of vitality. With such a life-saving straw, they will naturally try their best to buy a Spirit Realm Pill to break through the bottleneck.

Huang Yu shook his head and said: "There is no need. Since I have already apprenticed as a teacher, it is also appropriate to do something for the master. However, the disciple will no longer have this spirit stone, and the master needs to find a way by himself."

"Spiritual stones, I have them. Isn't it just [-] high-grade spiritual stones? Your master and I are also a seventh-rank alchemist. After so many years, if there are not even [-] high-grade spiritual stones If so, what this seventh-rank alchemist did was a failure." Nangong Xue said, then took out a silver-white storage ring and threw it into Huang Yu's hand, "Xiaoyu, this is a twelve thousand Thousands of high-grade spirit stones, if you need anything else, you can tell me, and I will prepare it."

"I don't need anything else." Huang Yu took the ring, shook his head and said, "The disciple only needs a quiet room, and within 49 hours, no one should disturb him, otherwise all previous efforts may be in vain."

In fact, for Huang Yu, it takes seven to seven 49 hours to exchange it, but it is a matter of every second, so there is no need to worry at all.

However, in order to conceal these secrets, it was a last resort.

After all, if it is leaked out and I can quickly take out the Spiritual Realm Pill, then others will think that I have the Spiritual Realm Pill. In that case, I will be in danger. Some guys will definitely take risks because of this, and I am not willing to face To so many old guys.

"Xiaoyu, do you think it's okay here? This alchemy room is the quietest place. As long as I guard outside, no one can break in here." Nangongxue said.

"It couldn't be better." Huang Yu nodded.

"Well, just tell me what you need, and I will protect the law for you outside." Nangongxue said as she walked out of the alchemy room, and the stone door slammed shut and closed.

Huang Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

This matter has been resolved, and he can take advantage of this opportunity to make a lot of money for himself.

Looking at the [-] high-grade spirit stones in his hand, Huang Yu sighed with emotion. It seems that this beautiful master is not ordinary rich. I am afraid that her assets alone are more than that of a first-class sect.

Super rich woman.

Such a word flashed through Huang Yu's mind.

Does this count as being next to a rich woman?
Bah, what is this.

Huang Yu shook his head and took a deep breath.

Click on the system.

"Lulu, can I exchange the Spirit Realm Pill now?"

"Okay, I didn't expect the master to get two thousand high-grade spirit stones so quickly." Lulu said with a smile.

Two thousand high-grade spirit stones is equivalent to 20 middle-grade spirit stones, which can be regarded as a huge sum of money.

If it were in the Zhongyuan Kingdom, 20 middle-grade spirit stones would be comparable to the storage of a medium-sized sect.

Guiyuanzong is regarded as a first-class sect in Zhongyuan Kingdom, but the 20 middle-grade spirit stones are equivalent to the consumption of Guiyuanzong for decades.

Based on this calculation, Huxiao Country should be much richer than Zhongyuan Country.

Huang Yu thought so, but in fact it was not.

Although the Tiger Roaring Country has an advantage over the Zhongyuan Country and has a wider territory, it is actually not much richer than the Zhongyuan Country.

However, Medicine King's Valley is different from other sects. Medicine King's Valley is a large exporter of elixir. Almost all the elixir of Tiger Roaring Kingdom and even some surrounding big countries are exported from Medicine King's Valley.

As for Nangongxue, as a seventh-rank alchemist, there are only four people in the entire Zhenwu Continent. Except for Nangongxue, the other three seventh-rank alchemists are all above Lingyun Peak.

How strong is a person who can go up to Lingyun Peak?

Those three seventh-rank alchemists were all accomplished in the realm of life and death, they were devoted to cultivation, they didn't care about worldly affairs, and they didn't know how to make pills for others, so there was an endless stream of people who came to Yaowang Valley to find Nangongxue alchemy Absolutely.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Nangongxue has so much wealth. If not, it would be strange.

When Huang Yu chose the Little Spirit Realm Pill to exchange, the system voice sounded: "Ding, do you want to exchange the Little Spirit Realm Pill?"


"Ding, congratulations to the player for obtaining the Little Spirit Realm Pill, which consumes [-] high-grade spirit stones."

"Ding, since the player obtained an eighth-grade pill, the Little Spirit Realm Pill, the player's level of alchemy has increased, and he has become a third-grade alchemist."

And this benefit?
Huang Yu was very pleasantly surprised. He didn't expect that he had just exchanged for a Little Spirit Realm Pill, and his alchemy level had improved, from a second-rank alchemist to a third-rank alchemist.

This surprise is really too surprising.

I became a second-rank alchemist before, but I spent a lot of skills. I just refined thousands of Bigu pills, which is enough to make my alchemy level step from first-rank to second-rank.

However, from a second-rank alchemist to a third-rank alchemist, the experience value required has doubled several times. Huang Yu estimated that it would take him at least a few months, or even more than half a year, to be able to do it, but he didn't want to be able to do it all at once. It was successfully realized, but it was just exchanged for an eighth-grade elixir.

In this case, if I exchange a few more eighth-rank pills, or if I exchange a ninth-rank pill, will I be able to directly improve alchemy again, so that I can become fourth-rank, or even fifth-rank? What about the alchemist?

"That's not the case, the master's thinking is a bit simple." Lulu said at this time.

"Can't you?" Huang Yu asked.

"Of course not, but it's not as simple as the master thinks. If the master wants to rely on this to become a fourth-rank alchemist, it is indeed not an easy task. Exchange of eighth-rank pills will not allow the master to upgrade his level. As for the ninth-rank pills, it can still be stacked, but the master needs to exchange three ninth-rank pills at once." Lulu said, "It takes a lot of spirit stones to exchange ninth-rank pills. A high-quality pill requires [-] top-quality spirit stones, that is to say, the owner must be able to get [-] top-quality spirit stones at the same time. It is really difficult to gather [-] top-quality spirit stones in the entire Zhenwu Continent .”

After a pause, he said: "This is much more difficult than the master's own alchemy to become a fourth-rank alchemist. When the master has [-] top-grade spirit stones, I am afraid that his alchemy level has already surpassed the fifth rank, or even A sixth-rank alchemist, maybe even a seventh-rank alchemist."

Huang Yu thought for a while, and it was true what Lulu said.

If you rely on ninth-grade pills to improve your alchemy skills, you might as well improve yourself.

No matter how slow it is, Huang Yu is sure that he will reach the fourth-rank alchemist within a year. If he is lucky, half a year will be enough.

"Hey... It seems that there is no shortcut to everything, and I still need to work hard." Huang Yu sighed, alchemy, medicine discrimination, and now his alchemy has reached the level of third rank, but medicine discrimination is still at the beginning. In Yipin, it seems that he still needs to improve his medicine discrimination skills.

"Lulu, is there a way to quickly improve my medicine discrimination skills?"

The improvement of alchemy means the improvement of one's level of alchemy, but this medicine identification skill is also extremely important and complements each other. My golden ancient pupil technique does not have the function of identifying medicinal materials.

If it is possible to combine the medicine discrimination technique and the golden ancient pupil technique again, it will save a lot of trouble.

"Of course there is a way. The master can spend [-] middle-grade spirit stones to integrate the medicine discrimination technique into the golden ancient pupil technique, so that the golden ancient pupil technique has an additional characteristic, the characteristic of identification." Lulu said.

Can it really be integrated?Huang Yu was taken aback for a moment, but unfortunately, the price required to pay for this was not small, a total of [-] middle-grade spirit stones, which was a bit reluctant.

(End of this chapter)

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