Chapter 148 Liu Xuyan

Spit out a mouthful of blood.

Huang Yu got up.

This guy's speed is really not covered.

It's so fast.

And the power is so terrifying.

My own mental power shield has no effect at all, as if it was paper.

So surprised.

In this case, there is only offense.

The best defense is offense.




Huang Yu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with one hand.

His eyes became hot.

"I will use you to sacrifice the success I have cultivated."

Huang Yu raised his hands.

Spiritual penetration.

A spiritual steel needle.

Two spiritual power steel needles.

All of a sudden, Huang Yu condensed three steel needles of mental power.

The three mental power steel needles were in the shape of a character and attacked the golden-spotted leopard.

This golden-spotted leopard was not like the previous Honglin Huomang who couldn't feel his spirit penetrating the steel needle. On the contrary, this guy seemed to feel a strong threat, and his golden body began to twist.

A flash.

A phantom passed by.

Huang Yu was very surprised, this beast actually escaped his own blow.

It's amazing, this speed.

I thought I overestimated this guy, but unexpectedly I underestimated it.

If he came out immediately after cultivating the second steel needle of spiritual power, he would definitely fail.

However, what he simply condensed was five steel needles of spiritual power, not just two.

Therefore, Huang Yu was not worried.

Dodge once, then see how many times you can dodge.

Huang Yu snorted coldly.

Wave your hand.

Spiritual penetration.

Another three spiritual steel needles were shot out

However, this time, Huang Yu immediately condensed two steel needles of spiritual power again.

Immediately following the three spiritual power steel needles in front.

One side.

Almost all the escape routes of the golden-spotted leopard were blocked.

Hide, let me see how you hide.

Huang Yu stared at the golden-spotted leopard.


The golden-spotted leopard had discovered the crisis, and it was inevitable at this time.

Then, there is only hard resistance.

The golden-spotted leopard opened its mouth wide, and let out a cyan breath.

It instantly turned into a shield, blocking the front.

"Crack! Kick! Kick!"

The three mental power steel needles hit the blue shield, but they didn't penetrate it.

Huang Yu was very surprised.

What's happening here?What did the golden-spotted leopard spit out?
Could it be that this guy can use weapons?
damn it.

Huang Yu was also angry.

Could it be that I can't even deal with a beast, and this is just the obsession of the golden-spotted leopard's soul? If I can't even deal with this guy, then how can I face the real golden-spotted leopard in the future? Beast, and even face more terrifying guys in the future.

Since I can condense the steel needle of spiritual power, can I also condense it into other things?
Such as long swords, such as flying knives.

Huang Yu's thoughts moved.

Flying knife, yes, I have flying knife skills.

Although it hasn't been used for a long time, it's different now. If the mental power flying knife is combined, the power will be even greater and more terrifying.

"Ning, give me Ning, flying knife, Ning."

Huang Yu gritted his teeth until they were all broken.

Sweat dripped from the corners of his eyes.


At this time, the mental power instantly condensed into a flying knife.

Yes, a flying knife made of condensed mental power.

This flying knife is the flying knife in his heart.


So is the flying knife.

Just need a quick word.

Huang Yu narrowed his eyes.

The flying knife in his hand came out instantly.

The golden-spotted leopard was completely locked.

Space is broken.

The flying knife in his hand directly penetrated the space, and instantly came in front of the golden-spotted leopard.

Crisis, life and death crisis.

At that moment, the golden-spotted leopard's hair stood on end.

This kind of threat was only encountered in that life-and-death battle.

This time, it actually appeared again.

Hide, hide quickly.

The big mouth opened, wanting to spew out the blue gas again, turning it into a shield to block this unknown danger.

But, it was already too late.

Huang Yu's mental power flying knife is so fast, and it comes from breaking through the space.

Has not spit out that green breath.

Huang Yu's throwing knife had already entered its mouth.

penetrate out.

The golden-spotted leopard was instantly killed.

At this time, Huang Yu's whole body was soaked in sweat.

This blow once again drained his mental power.

The whole person fell to the ground.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, I actually succeeded in comprehending a move.

Although the flying knife and the steel needle are actually similar, but the flying knife is something I have been proficient in for a long time, and when I integrate it into it, a huge change has taken place. Such power is really incredible.

And Liu Xuyan, who was looking at Huang Yu on the side, was also stunned.

Unexpectedly, this young man, seeing that he had no other way to deal with the golden-spotted leopard, would have such a terrifying ultimate move in the end.

The golden-spotted leopard was easily killed.

Terrifying, this boy's use of mental power has reached such a terrifying level.

He seems to be younger than himself, his cultivation base is lower than himself, and his mental power is much weaker than himself, but in terms of the use of mental power, this young man has reached such a terrifying level, and his mental power seems to be Extremely condensed, almost twice as much as his own, or even more than that.

It's really amazing, this young man is going against the sky.

Who on earth is able to cultivate such a terrifying evildoer boy.

Liu Xuyan couldn't help but smiled wryly, she seemed too arrogant and underestimated the geniuses in the world.

The young man in front of him is far from being comparable to him. What he can compare to and surpass him in front of him is only his own cultivation and his mental strength.

As for the others, nothing compares to this boy.

However, Liu Xuyan is not the kind of person who gives up on himself and is willing to degenerate. He lost only once, and he can still get up. What's more, he was only hit in the use of mental power, which is not as good as the other party. I can learn, I can improve, and I can even bow my head and learn from this young man. If the young man is willing to give it to me, then it doesn't matter to be a teacher.

Liu Xuyan is not the kind of stubborn person who can't be embarrassed.

In her heart, as long as she can become a strong person, pulling her face down is nothing.

What's more, if there are three people walking together, there must be my teacher.

Apprenticeship to a teacher is not something to be ashamed of.

At this time Liu Xuyan had already made up his mind to ask this young man for advice.

Let him teach himself the cultivation method of mental power control.


At this time, after Huang Yu killed the golden-spotted leopard, his mental power was severely exhausted.

Sit down, without delay, and start recovering right away.

This time I said it was a bit of a fluke.

It seems that the lower layer is more difficult.

Even more difficult.

It is really not that easy to get through all 36 floors of this trial tower.

After a quarter of an hour, Huang Yu opened his eyes.

At this time, his mental strength had once again returned to its peak.

Of course, Huang Yu also had a great understanding of the previous battles.

Especially in the end, for the method of concentrating the mental power of flying knives and using flying knives to attack.

Benefit yourself a lot.

The mental power steel needle, I can completely give up.

If he could condense multiple throwing knives to attack, the power would definitely be much stronger than the steel needle and the previous spiritual penetration.

However, Huang Yu also knew that although it was possible to condense flying knives, at present, he definitely couldn't condense five flying knives.

Also, when performing the flying knife technique by yourself, it consumes a lot of energy.

Compared with when using the steel needle, the consumption has almost doubled.

This also caused him to be able to launch at most three throwing knives at the same time.

His mental strength is still too weak.

Huang Yu couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

If his mental power was raised to another level, then he could easily kill the golden-spotted leopard.

Huang Yu stood up, and saw a woman sitting on the stairs leading to the eighth floor of No.20, looking straight at him with a smile on her face.

Huang Yu's heart tightened.

Damn it, who is this woman?
A disciple of the Liu family.

If this woman is going to be unfavorable to him, wouldn't it be possible for his own life to be ruined?

Take a deep breath.

Fortunately, it seemed that this woman didn't have any malice towards him, otherwise, her own life might even be confessed here.

"Who are you?" Huang Yu looked at the woman and asked.

"Liu Xuyan, my name is Liu Xuyan, and I'm the eldest lady of the Liu family. What about you? You're not from the Liu family, are you a new student?" Liu Xuyan looked at Huang Yu, blinked her eyes, and said generously He stepped forward and stretched out his right hand, "You don't have to be nervous, I won't do anything to you. If I want to harm you, I will do it before, and I won't wait until now."

Huang Yu knew it when he heard it.

This woman is exactly what they call the eldest lady of the Liu family. It seems that she is also on the 27th floor, but now it seems that she has broken through the seventh floor of No.20. I am afraid that when she enters the seventh floor of No.20, she will Passed, so it stayed.

"Huang Yu, my name is Huang Yu, a disciple of Yaowanggu." Huang Yu also stretched out his hand. After all, all the girls have stretched out their hands, and they have to give him face. Besides, this woman is still the eldest lady of the Liu family. Liu Wuming's granddaughter.

Huang Yu discovered that this woman's strength was not weak, she had completed the Thunder Tribulation Realm, and her mental strength was much stronger than his own.

Huang Yu praised secretly, this woman is worthy of being the eldest lady of the Liu family, she is extremely talented, at this age, it is absolutely rare to have such a cultivated person.

"A disciple of Yaowanggu? Are you from Yaowanggu? Do you know how to refine the Concentration Pill?" Upon hearing that Huang Yu was a disciple of Yaowanggu, Liu Xuyan's eyes lit up immediately, and she was a little excited, and hurriedly asked.

"Shen Ning Pill?" Huang Yu was taken aback. This woman was really straightforward. She and she were just meeting each other, and she was not familiar with her at all. She actually asked herself if she could refine Ning Shen Pill. She is important?

Seeing Huang Yu like this, Liu Xuyan realized his gaffe, and hurriedly said: "I'm sorry, I... I'm too excited."

(End of this chapter)

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