Chapter 155

Huwei Stone Gambling Field is the largest stone gambling field in the Tiger Roaring Empire, and one of the largest stone gambling fields in the entire Zhenwu Continent.

After Huang Yu left the Liu family, he brought the two brothers Zou Ming to the imperial capital of the Tiger Roar Empire, Tiger Mighty City.

As for Zhang Yuan'er, she stayed in the Liu family to cultivate her mental power. Her strength was too weak, and she was more suitable for cultivating mental power, so she practiced in the Liu family.This made Huang Yu a lot more relaxed. Compared with Huwei City's stone gambling field, which was mixed with good and bad people, and there were countless strong people, it would be inconvenient to take care of Zhang Yuaner if there was any conflict.

But the two brothers Zou Ming have also broken through to the life and death realm at this time.

The joint strike technique of the two was already very powerful. When they were in the Yin-Yang Realm, they could compete with the strong in the Life and Death Realm. Now that they have broken through to the Life and Death Realm, their strength has increased greatly.

Therefore, with the protection of these two brothers, Huang Yu is not worried. With such strength, he can go anywhere in the entire Zhenwu Continent.

Gambling in the stone field, this time, Huang Yu's purpose in coming to the stone field is to obtain a large amount of spirit stones, in order to pay off the debt. After all, he has borrowed a full [-] top-grade spirit stones, and he wants If you pay it back, it means you have to pay back [-], which is definitely not a small amount.

For ordinary stone casinos, it is really impossible to spend such a huge sum of money. Of course, Huang Yu's purpose is not just a mere [-] high-grade spirit stones. Otherwise, it would seem too petty. I have come to such a large stone gambling field with great difficulty. I can't miss the opportunity. This is the best way to earn spirit stones.

This time, we must make a lot of money and return home.

Tiger Mighty City.

As the imperial capital of the Tiger Roaring Kingdom, it is naturally mighty and domineering. The entire Tiger's Mighty City seems to have an invisible domineering, an invisible coercion. Even the strong in the Shattered Realm dare not confront the might of the Tiger's Mighty City. , like a mighty ancient tiger, fully revealing the power of the king.

Looking at the tall city walls of Huwei City and the giant tiger statue standing tall in the center, Huang Yu was filled with emotion. It is worthy of Huwei City and the imperial capital of Tiger Roaring Kingdom.

After entering Huwei City, the three of Huang Yu asked someone to inquire, found the best inn, rested for a night, and after learning some information about the Tiger Roaring Kingdom, they went to Huwei Stone Casino the next day.

This Huwei gambling stone field is huge.

Among them are countless masters.

As soon as he entered, Huang Yu felt several powerful auras.

The strong in life and death.

There are four or five people, two of them are in the middle stage of life and death, and the rest are in the early stage of life and death.

It is understood that there are not only two life-death realm powerhouses in this Huwei stone gambling field, but there are only two resident here. There are as many as eight real life-death realm powerhouses in Huwei City, and there may be even more. It can be seen how terrifying the power of this Huwei stone gambling field is.

Therefore, it is normal that there should be strong people in the life and death realm here to gamble with stones.

Of course, Huang Yu was also shocked by the powerful strength of the stone gambling field. This kind of strength is comparable to the third-rank sect.

The third-rank sect is also one of the few in the entire Zhenwu Continent.

However, this is irrelevant to Huang Yu, Huwei still has the reputation of gambling stone field.

As long as you are capable, even if you buy all the existing rough stones in the gambling quarry, they will be happy and willing.

Even if some peerless treasures are opened, they will not say that they are forced to stay.

On the contrary, if anyone finds any rare treasure in the stone gambling field, the stone gambling field will have a lottery. Moreover, the lottery is not small. As long as it is a treasure above the heavenly grade, if one is opened, one will be given away. piece of land.

Earth artifact, even if it is a low-grade earth artifact, it is incomparably precious and of amazing value.

It can be seen how majestic this Huwei gambling stone field is.

According to rumors, this Huwei stone gambling field also exists in the Central Continent.

There are even stone gambling fields in Huwei City on every continent, and the stone gambling field in Huwei City is just a branch.

Of course, no one knows whether this is true or not.

As soon as Huang Yu and the three entered the stone gambling field, attendants greeted them.

"Three distinguished guests, please come inside."

Huang Yu nodded and asked, "Take us to the biggest stone gambling venue."

The purpose of coming here is to gamble on stones. I don't want to beat around the bush, so I just let my attendants take me to the largest stone betting venue, and start my own road to betting on stones. Of course, it is also a road to stealing money.

I came here to extract wealth.

For Huang Yu, whose golden ancient pupil art has reached the mid-level of the sky, gambling on stones is really not too difficult, and now his mental power is much stronger, which is countless times stronger than before.

Under the leadership of the attendants, a group of three people soon came to a stone gambling venue.

There are many people here.

There were hundreds of people in the whole scene.

And there are many millionaires.


There are young ones and there are old ones.

There are strong ones and weak ones.

However, those who can enter here hope to get rich overnight, or in other words, to gamble some high-quality treasures.

There are not a few people who gamble with stones here, get rich overnight, or go bankrupt overnight, and some even commit suicide on the spot.

This is nothing unusual.

"Open! Open! Open!"

"It's gone up, it's gone up, it's gone up!"

"Green radish stone, it's actually a green radish stone. Old Zhang is well-developed, and the green radish stone can sell a hundred thousand middle-grade spirit stones."

"Old Zhang is so lucky, why can't I drive it?" One person sighed.

Looking at the bustling scene, Huang Yu couldn't help thinking of when he was betting on stones in Qishui City.

Compared with the present here, the difference is too far.

Green radish stone, one piece of green radish stone is worth [-] middle-grade spirit stones, compared with this, it was nothing short of insignificant.

"Hey... It's broken, this guy is unlucky, he spent [-] middle-grade spirit stones, and bought a piece of waste stone."

Some people are happy, and others are naturally sad.

There are big rises, and naturally there are also sharp falls.

"Let's go, let's try it too." Huang Yu said to the two brothers Zou Ming behind him with a smile on his lips.

But Zou Ming frowned, and said: "Young master, this... let's forget it, gambling stones will collapse if one is not careful."

Huang Yu couldn't laugh or cry when he heard the words, this guy is honest, but he hasn't started yet, so he is also himself, if it is someone else, he will probably lose his temper.

"It's okay, I know what's going on." Huang Yu waved his hand, and walked forward without waiting for Zou Ming to speak.

Just kidding, I came here by myself, the main purpose of coming to Huwei City is to gamble on stones, how could it be possible to retreat now?
You know, my debt of [-], not [-] high-grade spirit stones, has to be repaid by gambling stones. If I don't gamble with stones, I don't know how long it will take to pay off the debt.

Moreover, my current level has to be raised to level 31. As long as I work hard, I can upgrade to level No. 30. At that time, I need a lot of spirit stones to improve my strength and level. , so, if there is no spirit stone, how can we do it?
See Huang Yu squeezed forward.

The two Zou Ming brothers had no choice but to follow.

Helpless, but also clear, as long as Huang Yu makes a decision, he will definitely not change it.

He just hoped that Huang Yu would have better luck and not lose money.

But he didn't know how powerful Huang Yu's golden ancient pupil technique was.

There will never be a loss, if Huang Yu is not fully sure, would Huang Yu be so confident?

Huang Yu came to the front and examined it carefully.

Suddenly his eyes lit up and he found an unremarkable rough stone.

This rough stone is not big, but the size of a football.

And there are cracks on the surface.

It looks like a waste rock, and I don't know how many years it has been placed there.

It was even dusty.

However, Huang Yu had a strong feeling that this piece of rough stone must be extraordinary.

Although the golden ancient pupil technique has not been activated yet, this feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

That thing is attracting myself.

In any case, this rough stone, I must take it down.

Huang Yu walked over, removed the dust from the rough stone, held it in his hand, and weighed it. The weight was much heavier than ordinary rough stones of the same size.

"Uncle Zou, please hold it for me." Huang Yu is no longer called Uncle Zou Ming here. This is what Zou Ming requested. The young master of the Medicine King Valley has his status right there.

Huang Yu didn't care about this.

But Zou Ming insisted on asking, Huang Yu could only nod his head in agreement.

"This... This rough stone, young master, should I exchange it for another one?" Zou Ming said.

"No, that's it." Huang Yu shook his head.

The price required for this piece of rough stone is not low. Although it doesn't look very good, there are cracks, and it has been placed for a long time, but this unremarkable piece of rough stone needs a full [-] middle-grade spirit stones.

However, this is nothing to Huang Yu, because through the observation of the golden ancient pupil technique, he has no way to see the condition of this rough stone. It can be seen that the value of this rough stone is far more than [-] middle-grade spirit stones, even, Huang Yu estimated that once this rough stone was discovered, its value would exceed [-] high-grade spirit stones. Maybe this piece of rough stone could offset his debt of [-] high-grade spirit stones.

Seeing Huang Yu like this, Zou Ming had no choice but to pick it up.

On the other hand, many people saw that Huang Yu actually chose such a rough stone, and everyone looked at Huang Yu like an idiot.

"This man is really stupid. He has Lingshi, and it's not such a waste."

"I guess it is a big family, the young master from the big sect, the strength of these two attendants is very strong, and they can't see what realm they are. They are probably strong in the Yin-Yang realm."

Seeing that Huang Yu had chosen the rough stone, many people present were pointing and discussing. Huang Yu didn't care at all, but Zou Ming and his face felt feverish.

(End of this chapter)

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