Chapter 158

"Boy Huang Yu, under the Yaowanggu sect." Huang Yu didn't hide anything. Now with the strength of Yaowanggu, in Zhenwu Continent, he is really not afraid of any sect.

Of course, the only thing that can shake Yaowang Valley is Ling Yunfeng.

Above Lingyun Peak, there are strong people like clouds, especially there are strong people in Broken Realm, which is absolutely incomparable to Yaowang Valley.

But Ling Yunfeng has always ignored the world, only seeking cultivation, unless there is a great disaster in the world, the strong above Ling Yunfeng will be born, so it can be said that on the Zhenwu Continent, Yaowang Valley belongs to the most One of the powerful sects.

Therefore, Huang Yu is not worried, and there are two brothers Zou Ming beside him, as long as he is not a strong person in the late stage of life and death, he does not have to worry at all, and even if he is a strong person in the late stage of life and death, he has a way to escape.

"Yaowanggu? I see." Hearing that Huang Yu was a disciple of Yaowanggu, although Feng Gao was still very surprised, he didn't continue to ask.

After all, Yaowang Valley is mainly good at alchemy, as for when did the stone gambling technique become so powerful?Or is it pure luck?
If it was luck, Feng Gao didn't believe it, no one's luck would be so unnatural.

"Senior, I plan to sell what I opened in my hands. I wonder if Mr. Feng can recommend the auction house for the boy?" Huang Yu said.

"Of course this is possible." Feng Gao was a little surprised when he heard that those things were not ordinary things. Huang Yu actually planned to sell them, which made him extremely puzzled. You must know that those things are all things that can be given but not asked for. It is too precious, such as the Mo Xingjing that day, it is a precious material that can be used to make a heavenly weapon, and the tip of the knife, although it is only a fragment, may even exist beyond a heavenly weapon. I have never heard of anyone who owns such a fragment.

Anyone who gets it will be reluctant to take it out, and will definitely learn to understand it by himself.

"Little brother Huang Yu is going to sell the Mo Xingjing that day, or the fragment of the knife point?" Feng Gao asked, "If the little brother is willing, he can also buy it from Shifang, and of course the price will not be taken advantage of by the little brother. "

"Of course it's possible." Huang Yu smiled and said, "Senior, you plan to buy both?"

Feng Gao shook his head and smiled wryly: "Little brother is serious. These two things are priceless. Currently, with my funds, I can only buy one item. If little brother is willing, then I want to buy the tip of the knife in my hand."

"Okay, but the point of this knife, I have to slow down for a while, but I think there is another thing that seniors should be interested in." Huang Yu smiled, and took out the yellow rough stone before. Among the original stones is a ninth-grade elixir, and it is also the legendary Nine-turn Resurrection Grass. This thing is fatal to anyone. "The things in it, I think seniors should have interested."

" this one of the two rough stones that my little brother didn't dig out before?" Seeing Huang Yu's confidence, Feng Gao was also surprised.

"That's right." Huang Yu nodded, "As for what it is, the senior opened it and took a look, and he knew what it was. I can only say that the things inside will definitely surprise the senior."

"Okay, haha, okay, let me see what's inside this rough stone." After finishing speaking, Feng Gao took the rough stone in his hand, and a burst of true energy shrouded the surface of the rough stone, and began to erase it wrapping layer.

little by little.

Stone chips kept flying out.

Amazing speed.

In just a few minutes, the wrapping layer on the surface was peeled off, revealing what was wrapped inside.

The more he came out, the more surprised Feng Gao was.

Could it be... Could this be the legendary Nine-Turn Resurrection Grass?

Feng Gao couldn't wait any longer, so he couldn't help speeding up.

After a few breaths, he completely opened the rough stone in his hand.

A purple and crystal-clear spiritual grass, its delicate and charming appearance is shocking.

"This...this...little brother, could it be...could this be the legendary Nine-Turn Resurrection Grass?" Feng Gao held the Nine-Turn Resurrection Grass in both hands, his whole body was filled with excitement.

"That's right, this is the Nine Turns Resurrection Grass." Huang Yu nodded.

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect to meet such a thing. It's too...too surprising." Feng Gao looked at the Nine-Turn Resurrection Grass in his hand, and he didn't want to leave his eyes for a long time.

What is the Nine Turns Resurrection Grass?It is a life-saving panacea, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a fairy grass, as long as there is still a breath, you can definitely come back to life with this Nine-turn Resurrection Grass.

It would be even more powerful if it was refined into Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill, but unfortunately, this Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill is a ninth-grade pill, and the formula of the pill has long been lost, so it cannot be refined at all.

However, Feng Gao looked at Huang Yu and said, "Little brother, you... are you really willing to transfer the Nine-Turn Soul Resurrection Grass?"

"Of course, what you said, the water you poured out." Huang Yu nodded.

On the other hand, the two Zou Ming brothers were not calm, and whispered in Huang Yu's ear: "Young master, this...the Nine-turn Resurrection Grass doesn't need to be sold, right?"

Huang Yu shook his head and said: "No one can stand without trust. Since I have already said that I will sell it, if the senior wants to buy it, I will still sell it. Of course, if the senior doesn't want it, then I will talk about it."

"This... this Nine-Turn Resurrection Grass, if... if the little brother is willing, then... then I can cash it in for the little brother's spirit stone immediately." Compared with the mysterious knife point, Feng Gao is more willing to have this nine-turn grass. The elixir Nine Ranks Resurrection Grass.

After all, the Nine-turn Resurrection Grass is used to save lives.

And the mysterious tip of the knife may not be able to comprehend anything. In addition, although Mo Xingjing was good that day and could create heavenly weapons, it is too difficult for people who can use Tianmo Xingjing today, unless they go to Central Continent, or ask Ling Yunfeng to make a move, but Ling Yunfeng is not just anyone who can be invited.

Therefore, the nine-turn reviving grass is the most practical one.

If one had to choose, it would naturally be the Nine-Turn Resurrection Grass, anyone would do the same.

"Senior, don't worry, I say one is one, and two is two." For Huang Yu, after the Nine-Turn Resurrection Grass, he can still use the seedlings to cultivate it. It doesn't need to cost too much to exchange for a Nine-Turn Resurrection Grass seedling At most, it is only tens of thousands of middle-grade spirit stones, and it may even be less than that. As long as one's own wood spirit space grows, he can have any medicinal materials and any elixir.

Therefore, although this Jiuzhuan Resurrection Grass was precious, Huang Yu didn't take it seriously.

"Then little brother, what do you think of this? For this Nine-Turn Resurrection Grass, I will produce [-] top-grade spirit stones, how about it?" a price.

This was beyond Huang Yu's expectation. Under the original budget, this Nine-turn Resurrection Grass was only [-] top-grade spirit stones at most, but he didn't expect it to be so high, which was twice as high. You know, This is not the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill, but just the Nine-Turn Resurrection Grass.

"Then thank you, senior." Huang Yu said with a smile.

I secretly paid in my heart, this gambling quarry is rich, [-] top-grade spirit stones, almost one-third of the top-grade spirit stones in the entire Zhenwu Continent are here, of course, this is not buried in the mine veins Lingshi.

Also, some large sects, especially those ancient sects, must have a lot of reserves.

Seeing Huang Yu nodding his head, Feng Gao heaved a sigh of relief. The value of the Nine-turn Resurrection Grass is too high, and [-] top-grade spirit stones are almost his limit.

Moreover, the reason why the Nine-Turn Resurrection Grass was acquired at such a high price was because the person in the quarry needed it, the one in the Central Continent needed it, and he was the real big boss of the quarry.

Although there are a lot of [-] top-grade spirit stones, it is nothing to that person. His bottom line is [-] top-grade spirit stones.

"Where, little brother, what are you talking about? I should thank you little brother." Feng Gao waved his hand.

Although it is said that the Nine-Turn Resurrection Grass was developed in his own stone workshop, if there is no Huang Yu, I am afraid that it will take how many years it will take for the Nine-Turn Resurrection Grass to see the light of day again. Relatively speaking, they are all very bad ones, and they have been placed here for an unknown number of years.

What's more, this time, if I get this Nine Rank Resurrection Grass, which one will give me a lot of benefits.

One's own strength and one's status will be greatly improved.

The important thing is that he will be extradited to the Central Continent, which is what practitioners dream of.

The Central Continent is a sacred place for cultivators, where the aura is abundant, almost three times that of the Zhenwu Continent.

Practicing there for one day is equivalent to practicing three times in this Zhenwu Continent.

Therefore, many people want to leave the Zhenwu Continent and go to the Central Continent.

However, it is not so easy to enter the Central Continent.

You can only enter if you meet the standard.

One is that one's own cultivation has reached the Broken Realm, and in that case, one can go there directly.

The second is that someone extradites the past, and those who have reached the Broken Realm can extradite some warriors to the past.

And the third is that the aptitude is astonishing, and he has performed extremely well on the Lingyun Pagoda. In that case, he can pass.

With these three possibilities, apart from these three points, it is absolutely impossible to go to the Central Continent.

Of course, Huang Yu didn't know Feng Gao's thoughts, and he didn't bother to know Feng Gao's thoughts. The Nine-turn Resurrection Grass made him a fortune, enough to pay off the loan, and there were many things he could do, such as, Want to raise the level of the wood spirit space?For example, if you want to exchange for some special items, etc., this can be done.

Think about it, this time I came to Huwei City, the Huwei Gambling Stone Field, it was indeed the right time.

The two brothers Zou Ming were dumbfounded seeing this, they are both martial idiots, and they don't know much about other things, as for how precious the Nine-turn Resurrection Grass is, they really don't have any great concept, but two people It is very clear about Wanji grade spirit stones. For them, this is simply an astronomical figure.

(End of this chapter)

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