Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 160 Fierce Competition

Chapter 160 Fierce Competition

But this Yuan Ling Talisman is too important, too rare, and there are many people fighting for it.

"80 high-grade spirit stones!" Huang Yu's voice just fell, and the price was called again on the [-]st.

"Ten thousand top-quality spirit stones!" Huang Yu simply raised it to ten thousand top-quality spirit stones.

For Huang Yu, [-] top-quality spirit stones is really a lot. He only got [-] top-quality spirit stones, and it hurts to spend [-] all at once, but it's worth the money.

"[-] top-grade spirit stones, No. [-] bid for [-] top-grade spirit stones, does anyone increase the price? That is the red-tailed scorpion in the late stage of the sixth order, with amazing combat power. With this spirit talisman, it can compete against the warriors in the late stage of life and death. , is there anyone willing to increase the price? Ten thousand top-grade spirit stones once." The host shouted loudly.

"Ten thousand top-grade spirit stones twice! Is there a higher one?"

"Eleven thousand top quality spirit stones!"

Box one, box one again.

Huang Yu frowned, it seemed that he had a fight with himself.

"Twelve thousand top quality spirit stones!" Huang Yu was also annoyed, anyway, he made money, as long as he left one thousand top quality spirit stones, it would be enough to pay off the debt, don't worry.

"No. [-] bid [-] top-quality spirit stones! [-] top-quality spirit stones!"

"Twelve thousand top-quality spirit stones once!"

"Twelve thousand top-grade spirit stones twice!"

"Twelve thousand top-quality spirit stones for three times! Deal!" After dropping the hammer, the host said, "Congratulations to distinguished guest No. [-] for obtaining this sixth-order red-tailed scorpion spirit talisman."

This time, to Huang Yu's surprise, the price of Box No. [-] did not go up any more.

[-] top-quality spirit stones obtained this Yuanling Talisman, which was somewhat beyond Huang Yu's expectations, but it was still worth it. At least with this Yuanling Talisman, basically no one would dare to make up their own minds, even if they wanted to , Then you have to weigh your own strength first.

After all, the Yuanling Talisman that even the strong in the late stage of the life and death realm can't deal with is not a joke. If you want to do something to yourself, you must at least have two strong people in the life and death realm to deal with yourself, otherwise you will be courting death. Now he is full of confidence. In the first chapter, the red-tailed scorpion spirit talisman at the late stage of the sixth order, plus the two brothers Zou Ming, no one dares to make their own ideas.

Of course, Huang Yu also wanted to know that by doing this, he would definitely offend a lot of people, and there must be people who are not afraid of death who will make their own plans.


In Box No. [-], a man in gorgeous clothes said to the person beside him, "Go, let someone check it out. What is the origin of the people in Box No. [-], who dare to oppose me?"

"Yes, Your Highness." The man nodded and left the box.

The same is true for the second box: "Go and find out the details of the third box."

Such a picture appeared in several boxes.

Huang Yu had expected this point a long time ago, but he didn't care at all. If he hadn't obtained this spirit talisman before, he might have been a little worried, but now, Huang Yu didn't care at all.

What's more, he can still use the invisibility symbol?

Escaping here is not a problem at all.

Drinking tea leisurely.

The auction will continue.

The things I put up for auction are probably put at the end.

The next auction is the mysterious beast.

It was a cub of a sixth-order profound beast.

"You have seen the seven auction items. Yes, this is a heavenly tiger. The heavenly tiger is a sixth-order mysterious beast of the light system. This is a cub. The starting price is [-] high-grade spirit stones."

Seeing this thing, everyone was excited. This sixth-order light attribute mysterious beast heaven tiger cub, this... this value is incredible. If it can be cultivated, it will be equivalent to adding a strong person in the life and death realm. Moreover, such pets, if they cooperate, their strength will be doubled.

"20 high-grade spirit stones!"

"I give out 50 million high-grade spirit stones!"

"100 high-grade spirit stones!"

All of a sudden, the entire auction fell into a fever.

But for Huang Yu, this Heavenly Tiger is completely unnecessary. He has a Wyvern. You know, it is an ancient beast. When it grows up, it is much stronger than this sixth-level Heavenly Tiger. This guy, I really want to see it. not on.

On the contrary, the two Zou Ming brothers beside him swallowed their mouths.

Huang Yu smiled and didn't care, which is also human nature.

"Eleven thousand top quality spirit stones!"

"The No. [-] box bids [-] top-quality spirit stones, is there any price increase?" The host looked at the crowd and asked, "Eleven thousand top-quality spirit stones once, is there a higher price, this is a sixth-order paradise If the tiger cub is bought, it will grow up enough to fight against the strong in the late stage of life and death, and its strength is astonishing."

"[-] top-quality spirit stones!" Box No. [-] also made a move. This time, it seemed that it was determined to win, and it was immediately raised to [-] top-quality spirit stones.

This made Huang Yu secretly startled, there are still a lot of local tyrants in the Tiger Roaring Kingdom.

"Sixteen thousand top-grade spirit stones!" No. [-] continued to bid.

"The price for the second box is [-] top-quality spirit stones, [-] top-quality spirit stones!"

"Twenty thousand top-grade spirit stones!"

Box No. [-] seemed to have a lot of money and wealth, and another four thousand top-quality spirit stones were added at once.

"The price for the first box is [-] top-quality spirit stones, [-] top-quality spirit stones, is there anything higher than this, [-] top-quality spirit stones once!" The host seemed to be hoarse, but the whole person was Excited, her face was flushed, and she looked extremely beautiful, but at this time her beauty was ignored, and everyone was concentrating on the Tiantanghu auction.

The competition is fierce.

"[-] top-grade spirit stones twice!"

"Twenty-one thousand top-quality spirit stones!"

"The price for the No. [-] box is [-] top-quality spirit stones. My God, I have already bid [-] top-quality spirit stones. Is there a higher price? [-] top-quality spirit stones once! [-] top-quality spirit stones twice Is there a higher price? No, this Paradise Tiger belongs to VIP No. [-]!"

"Twenty-five thousand top-quality spirit stones!"

At this time, the No. [-] box made a noise, and the price was raised for the first time, and it suddenly increased so much.

Everyone was stunned.

What is the origin of Box No. [-]?

"[-] top-quality spirit stones, No. [-] bids [-] top-quality spirit stones!" The host felt like his heart was about to explode, but at such a high price, this was only the third-to-last item, and there were two more items behind. This is the highest price for hundreds of years.

"One time for [-] top-grade spirit stones! Two times for [-] top-grade spirit stones! Three times for [-] top-grade spirit stones!"

"make a deal!"

"Congratulations to VIP No. [-] for getting a Tier [-] Paradise Tiger cub!"

It really is a local tyrant, Huang Yu said secretly, this is just a cub, it is not so easy to grow up, at least it takes tens of thousands of top-grade spirit stones to cultivate.

This scene made many people numb, and even Huang Yu couldn't help swallowing.

"Next are our last two lots."

As soon as the host finished speaking, Huang Yu knew that his item was indeed the grand finale.

At this point, the auction has come to an end.

But also the climax.

"Now it's the penultimate auction item." The host lifted the red cloth, and what was placed on it was the Tianmo Xingjing that Huang Yu opened earlier.

"This is a piece of Tianmo Xingjing, which is the ultimate ore for creating heavenly weapons, or even surpassing the existence of heavenly weapons. It is the first time that Tianmo Xingjing has appeared in many years. Rumor has it that the holy weapon of our Zhenwu Continent, the Zhenwu Sword, is It was built with Tianmo star crystal."

"My God, is that really Tianmo Xingjing? The Dragon and Tiger Auction House is so brave, they actually took out Tianmo Xingjing. It's amazing, it's really amazing."

"This day, Mo Xingjing is actually the second to last, so what is the finale?"

"It's amazing."

"It's incredible!"

All of a sudden, everyone was talking about it.

Anyway, after this auction, the reputation of the entire Dragon Tiger Auction House will reach a peak.

"Such a large piece of Tianmo star crystal is enough to create several heavenly artifacts, starting at 50 high-grade spirit stones!"

"60 high-grade spirit stones!"

"Ten thousand top-quality spirit stones!" Box No. [-] was even more ruthless this time, directly bidding [-] top-quality spirit stones.

But Huang Yu raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Raise the sign and ask for the price: "Eleven thousand top-quality spirit stones!"

"Twelve thousand top-grade spirit stones!" Another bid was placed on the No. [-] box.

Huang Yu sneered, this time, I won't let you bleed, I asked you and Lao Tzu to raise the price before: "[-] top-grade spirit stones!"

Everyone also watched the excitement, and found that the third box and the first box had already been filled.

For a while, No. [-], No. [-], No. [-], etc. all stopped bidding.

"Sixteen thousand top-grade spirit stones!"

"Twenty thousand top-grade spirit stones, if you have the guts, keep following!"

The man in the fancy dress in box one was trembling with anger.

"Twenty-one thousand top-quality spirit stones!"

"Poor ghost, [-] top-grade spirit stones, if you have the guts, follow me again." Huang Yu said loudly.

"Twenty-six thousand top-grade spirit stones!" The man in the fancy dress was about to grit his teeth, and hated Huang Yu to the bone.

"Haha, it really is a fool, let me give it to you, although Tianmo Xingjing is good, but in the Zhenwu Continent, no one can make it, and also need auxiliary ore, it is not easy to get, haha...haha ...Someone actually spent such a huge amount of money to buy an unusable Tianmo Star Crystal, haha!" Huang Yu laughed loudly.

"Boy, I guarantee you will die a miserable death." The man in the Chinese suit said grimly.

Huang Yu didn't care at all: "Yes, as long as you have that strength, I have a late sixth-order red-tailed scorpion spirit charm. If you have that strength, you can send someone to kill me, haha, haha!"

Arrogant, absolutely arrogant, there are only two words in people's minds about Huang Yu at this time, that is arrogant, it is so arrogant that there is no limit.

"Hmph, find out his origin, I want his body to be shredded into pieces." The man in the Chinese suit smashed the tea set on the table to pieces.

"Yes, Your Highness."

For this person, Huang Yu didn't have that much hatred in the first place, but who knew, this guy actually let people check his information, and even showed his murderous intentions, Huang Yu would not be polite.

Huang Yu didn't know who was in this box and box four, but the guys in these two boxes showed killing intent towards him, so naturally Huang Yu wouldn't be polite.

(End of this chapter)

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