Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 174 Leaving the Snake Sect

Chapter 174 Leaving the Snake Sect
When the time came, Huang Yu almost lost his footing when his cultivation base dropped.

This gap is too big, as if all the strength in his body has been drained.

"Be careful." Yu Wan'er on the side hurriedly supported him.

Huang Yu was suffering at this time.

In this situation, I don't have any strength in my body now.

If he hadn't killed that guy first, he would probably be the one who is finished now.

"This... this sequelae, I... I..." Huang Yu didn't know what to say, took a deep breath, recovered, looked at Yu Wan'er and asked, "Is there any way to recover?"

"No." Yu Wan'er shook her head and said, "Just wait, after a month, it will naturally recover slowly."

"Isn't it? My current strength is not as good as that of a warrior in the early stage of Yuanshen Realm. Even a human infant can easily kill me." Huang Yu said with a bitter face.

"Don't worry, no one here dares to do anything to you. Are you a vegetarian when you are a master of our Snake Sect?" Yu Wan'er rolled her eyes and said, "Besides, I am not much better than you, and I still need It will take half a year to recover."

For half a year, Huang Yu rolled his eyes, this is your own business, okay, and it's not what I want.

What's more, Yu Wan'er still has quite a bit of strength. There is absolutely no way to deal with her in the general broken state. With this spirit snake scepter, it is not a problem at all to deal with the ordinary broken state.

It's different for me, now that my cultivation base has dropped a lot, I can't do anything to deal with the primordial spirit state.

Even the Human Infant Realm is a little bit reluctant, but fortunately, what I got is not bad, [-] top-grade spirit stones, plus two top-grade exercises of the heavens.

At this time, your own attributes are as follows.

Huang Yu.

Level: Level 39 (35000/40000).

Cultivation: the ninth floor of the Thunder Tribulation Realm (Consummation).

HP: 3900.

Attack: 999999.

Defense: 999999.

Dodge: 999999.

Lucky: 5.

Schools: Guiyuanzong, Yaowanggu, Snakezong.

Title: Killing a Thousand People.

Kung Fu: Five Elements Yulongjue (upper-level kung fu, cultivated to the fourth level) Spiritual Mimic Jue (lower-level kung fu, cultivated to the first stage) Tiger Roar Jue (high-level kung fu of the earth), Dragon Transformation Jue (Heavenly low grade).

Life Energy: 611000.

Spiritual stones: 12000 middle-grade spiritual stones, 1300 top-grade spiritual stones, and 121000 top-grade spiritual stones.

Weapons and equipment: Fruit Knife (Normal Grade), Wild Wolf Bracers (Mortal Grade), Wild Wolf Soft Armor (Mortal Grade), Black Flame Armor (Human Grade), Shadow Dagger (Human Grade), Purple Light Ring (Storage ring, attributes unknown) Ziji Sword (lower ground level) Wulong Ding (higher level ground tool).

Skills: Knife Flying Technique (lower human level can be upgraded), collection technique (lower level of human level can be upgraded), ancient golden pupil technique (middle level of heaven level), chasing wind (lower level of earth level) earth escape technique (highest level of human level) ) Thunder Dragon Fury (lower level of earth level) Remnants of sword power (such as mountain sword power, angry wave sword power, middle level of ground level), Fufeng swordsmanship (higher level of human level) Golden sword energy (unknown level) Wanjian Guizong (earth level High-level medicine discrimination (high-level human level can be upgraded), alchemy (lower-level ground level can be upgraded), wood spirit space (fourth level), snow lotus swordsmanship (high-level ground level).

As for the secret method of the wild dance of ten thousand snakes, Huang Yu was a little entangled. Should this secret method be practiced or not?
This secret method is actually not very helpful to me.

Because Huang Yu doesn't like it very much, and besides, this is a heaven-level secret method. You must know that the sky-level secret method is far from comparable to the earth-level secret method, and its power is at least several times stronger.

If he cultivated the Dance of Ten Thousand Snakes by himself, once he used it, it would be much more terrifying than the power of Thunder Dragon's Fury.

Therefore, this question troubled Huang Yu very much.

After hesitating for a long time, Huang Yu finally decided to give up.

If you don’t practice this wild dance of snakes, of course, if you don’t practice, it doesn’t mean that you can’t give it to others, but after looking at it, Yu Wan’er, you should keep this secret technique for yourself first, and then give it to others, or sell it. It's okay to drop it.

If you lack spirit stones, it is not impossible for such a heaven-level secret technique to auction off 10,000+ top-quality spirit stones.

Of course, you can also give it to Qing Yu and the others, as long as you are sure that they are willing to submit to you, truly submit to yourself, instead of saying that you should obey Yu Wan'er's words. Huang Yu always maintains a kind of guard against this woman.

The feeling of a drop in cultivation made Huang Yu very uncomfortable. From the late Broken Realm, he suddenly became a Human Baby Realm. The gap is too great. The difference between hell and heaven is probably the same.

"Lulu." At this moment, Huang Yu thought about it, maybe Lulu would have a solution?So shouted.

"Master, hey, master, why did your cultivation level drop? Didn't you already reach the peak of the Thunder Tribulation Realm?" Lulu rubbed her eyes, and looked at Huang Yudao in disbelief.

Hearing this, Huang Yu smiled wryly and said: "The cultivation base has indeed fallen, because Yu Wan'er poured the cultivation base into my body after using the secret method, and asked me to clean up the guy from the Spirit Snake Sect. As a result, after cleaning up, I My cultivation base has dropped, and the sequelae are that it will take a month for my cultivation base to fully recover. I have no choice but to disturb my good Lulu to sleep. How about it, Lulu, is there any way to help me recover my cultivation base? "

Lulu frowned and said: "No, this won't work, unless the owner can find the ten thousand-year stalactites, there is no way to recover in a short time, or find the thousand-year vitality grass, then it can be recovered, otherwise it will just Can wait."

"Thousand-year vitality grass? Is there no exchange in the system?" As for the ten-year-old stalactite, it is too expensive, too rare, and not worth it. Then there is only this thousand-year vitality grass. For vitality grass, as long as there are seedlings , I can use the wood spirit space to cultivate.

Lulu shook her head and said: "No, because the system has not been upgraded yet, and it will probably be available after the upgrade. Vitality grass is not an ordinary elixir, it is beyond the existence of ninth-grade elixir, even if it is a thousand-year-old vitality grass, It is also more precious than those ninth-grade elixir of Wannian, there is no way to exchange it, and it cannot be cultivated."

Huang Yu felt bitter when he heard this.

It seems that I have no choice but to wait a month later and slowly recover.

One month, this month is not a short time.

After thinking about it, it seems that I have been out for a long time, almost a year, and it is time to go back.

Liu Linzhen doesn't know what it has become now, is my aunt Zhao Wan'er thinking about herself?Have you lost weight?For a moment, Huang Yu was delusional.

Only then did Huang Yu realize that in his heart, the status of his aunt Zhao Wan'er was no lower than that of the girls, and even higher.

It seems that he is really a playboy, Huang Yu smiled wryly.

Although there is no blood relationship between myself and my aunt Zhao Wan'er, there is a gap there. Even if I can accept it, I am afraid my aunt may not be willing.

Shaking his head, he pushed his thoughts out of his mind.

Taking advantage of this month, I can go back and go to Liulin Town.

Of course, some things still need to be resolved.

Huang Yu was a little worried. Su Guang and Chen Hongqiao were a thorn after all. Those two guys hated him so much. If he wasn't here, would the Huang family do anything?
Thinking of this, Huang Yu became more and more worried.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that Huang Yu hadn't spoken, Yu Wan'er couldn't help but said, "Is it too worried, it's okay, it's only a month, my little husband, can't wait for a month? Besides, if After a month, there will be surprises."

Surprise, no matter how big the surprise is, I don't want to stay any longer.

I have to go back.

There was a feeling of uneasiness in my heart, something seemed to happen to the Huang family.

If something really happened, it would be bad, so you have to go back.

"Okay, now the crisis of the Spirit Snake Sect has been resolved, I have to leave." At this time, Huang Yu had recovered a lot and was not so weak anymore, he looked at Yu Wan'er and said.

"What? You're leaving? Don't you know it's dangerous?" Yu Wan'er heard, and hurriedly said, "You haven't recovered your current cultivation base. If you encounter any danger, even a fifth-order Xuan Beast, no, fourth-order profound beast, you can't handle it, could it be that I just make you hate it?"

Huang Yu smiled wryly and shook his head when he heard the words: "No, I didn't mean that, I didn't mean to hate you, but, I've been out for too long, and I've been a little uneasy in my heart, worried about what happened at home, so I need to go back, just in case If something really happens at home, then it will happen.”

Hearing this, Yu Wan'er felt a lot more comfortable. Looking at Huang Yu, she blinked her big beautiful and seductive eyes and said, "It turns out that you like me, and I was shocked. You are so dead, I My little husband, how about this, you wait a few days, and then I will go back with you, besides, ugly daughter-in-law always wants to see her parents-in-law, so I can meet her parents-in-law together."

Huang Yu shook his head: "It's not necessary, they are all gone, I have many rivals in my family, I am worried that they will attack the family, so I can't wait that long, the feeling is getting stronger and stronger, so I have to Leave now, as for you, there is no need to follow me, I think when you recover, with your strength, it will be too easy to find me."

"That's true." Yu Wan'er smiled, "Since my little husband is so anxious, I don't force him to stay, but you must remember me and don't forget me, otherwise, he will be angry. It will be scary when people get angry."

Huang Yu was speechless, this girl, I don't know how attractive she is.

Since Huang Yu practiced the secret method of the jade dragon breaking the sky, he has excess yang energy, but he can't stand such a stimulus.

Taking a deep breath, he suppressed the thoughts in his mind.

This goblin is simply incredible, too seductive.

It's terrible, it's terrible, it's even more terrible that you can only watch but not eat.

"Little husband, you take this, it will help you a little bit." Saying that, Yu Wan'er took out a piece of talisman paper.

Huang Yu took it and saw that it was also an Yuanling Talisman.

Seventh-order primordial spirit talisman.

Surprised, it turned out to be a seventh-order Yuanling Talisman. Although it has been used twice, it is also amazing.

This Yuan Ling Talisman is equivalent to a seventh-order mysterious beast, with amazing combat power.

(End of this chapter)

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