Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 181 Abandoned Step Sword Soul

Chapter 181 Abandoned Step Sword Soul

At this time, Gu Tian stood up and said: "Xiaoyu, let me solve this real magic talisman. I have been imprisoned for a long time, and I have to vent. This guy is a good opponent."

"Uncle Gu." Huang Yu was a little worried, after all, he just recovered.

"It's okay, don't worry, I'm not old yet, this guy is just a true spirit, you, Uncle Gu, and I are not that bad, anyway, we are still in the realm of life and death, now that we have been in the realm of life and death for so long, the improvement in strength is not small." Gu Tian He waved his big hand.

"Uncle Gu, be careful." Huang Yu waved at Xiao Yi, letting him deal with Bu Jian Hun.

But at this time Bu Jianhun's face changed, unexpectedly Gu Tian recovered.

And it's recovered so well.

He thought that there was a real magic talisman, which would be enough to deal with Huang Yu, and if he was caught then, Gu Tian would not have a big problem.

But I didn't expect things to develop like this.

The imprisonment in his dantian, the imprisonment imposed by his grandfather, was actually lifted.

Bu Jianhun was terrified. He was able to lift the imprisonment imposed by his grandfather, which proved that that person's cultivation was not weak. His grandfather was a strong man in the late stage of the life and death realm. Could it be that the young man in front of him was as strong as the late stage of the life and death realm? Those who protect?

Moreover, this person actually has a sixth-order profound beast as a pet.

Sixth-order profound beast, what kind of concept is that?

Equivalent to a strong man in the realm of life and death.

Moreover, it is even more rare if it is a mysterious beast with flying attributes.

What is the origin of this young man to have such a powerful profound beast?

"You... wait, who are you?" Bu Jianhun said.

"Who am I? Don't you know? I am Xin'er's fiancé. Don't you know my existence when you trouble Xiner?" Huang Yu sneered, "Besides, you Zhongyuan Sword Sect But you have a lot of hatred with me, today, let’s charge some interest first.”

" are Huang Yu?" Bu Jianhun was taken aback.

Isn't Huang Yu a guy who is only in the human infant state? Why, it has only been a long time before he has become a warrior in the primordial spirit state, and he has such a powerful mysterious beast as a pet.

Could it be... Could it be that this guy has some kind of fortuitous encounter, did he fail to join some great sect?

However, since he knew that he was Huang Yu, it would be really troublesome, first to stabilize him, to stabilize him first.

Looking at the two-winged dragon hovering above his head, Bu Jianhun felt his heart pounding.

This guy is definitely not something he can deal with, so he must find a way to delay the time.

"Do you know who I am? can die." Huang Yu snorted coldly.

The little wing in the air swooped down, and its sharp claws shone coldly in the sunlight.

"Tear" sound.

Bu Jianhun dodged in embarrassment, and was scratched with a bloodstain on his body.

"Wait, wait." Bu Jianhun hurriedly shouted, "Is there anything we can discuss, and there is no deep hatred between us, so we can make friends and turn hostility into friendship. I can give you Lingshi, give You have enough spirit stones, as well as wealth and beauties, I can give you whatever you want, and I can even help you deal with the Liu family."

Huang Yu sneered endlessly. Can a person like Sword Soul believe what he says?
Moreover, I don't need such a villain to be a friend, not to mention, how can I not have any hatred with him?

"You are wrong, how can there be no hatred between us? You want to force Xin'er to marry you, which has violated my taboo. The so-called hatred of killing your father and taking your wife is an endless hatred." , You still say there is no hatred? You are too naive, you must die, you must die." Huang Yu shouted coldly.

" won't benefit from killing me. My grandfather is the Supreme Elder of the Zhongyuan Sword Sect. I am the future young lord of the Zhongyuan Sword Sect. If you kill me, it means that you will never die with the Zhongyuan Sword Sect. " Bu Jianhun hurriedly shouted, "What's more, I didn't touch Gu Xin, I just captured Gu Tian, ​​and I didn't do anything to him, if you let me go, I can give you ten thousand The best spirit stone, what do you think?"

"It's useless to say more."

Huang Yu ignored it.

At this time Xiaoyi attacked again.

This time, Xiaoyi's sharp claws scratched through his defense, which was a good piece of armor.

An arm was instantly torn off by Xiaoyi.

Blood dripping.

Bu Jianhun screamed.

"Save me, stop him, stop him quickly, whoever blocks him, I will let him be the deacon of the sect, and give him one hundred thousand top-grade spirit stones."

Under the reward, there must be a brave man.

When those disciples heard it, they were very obedient as sect deacons and had one hundred thousand top-grade spirit stones.

Everyone's eyes were red.

Those who were scared to death rushed forward one by one.

Huang Yu looked at these guys.

More than sneer.

The wages of avarice is death.

However, are these people useful?
Can you stop it?

Wyverns are in the sky.

"Everyone catch that guy, don't worry about that bird." One person shouted, "As long as you catch him, you can let him control the bird so that it doesn't mess around."

catch yourself.

Huang Yu snorted coldly, do you think he is a soft persimmon?

Although his own strength has not recovered, it is still easy to kill the Thunder Tribulation Realm, not to mention that only two of these people are only in the Thunder Tribulation Realm, and they are still in the early stages of the Thunder Tribulation Realm.

It's ridiculous.

Look at the people rushing over.

Huang Yu moved.

Turn fingers into swords.

Wan Jian returns to the sect.

Countless sword qi were released from his fingertips.

One after another sword energy, terrifying to the extreme.

It killed several people in one fell swoop.

All the disciples who rushed up were injured.

In an instant, the dead are dead and the disabled are disabled.

Now, they were all scared too. Although this young man didn't look strong, he didn't expect his strength to reach such a blank level. It was amazing.

Simply unbelievable.

back, back.

Afraid of being killed.

The means are vicious.

If this continues, if I don't get those benefits, I will lose my life.

Now, they remembered that life is precious, although spirit stones are good, life is more important.

All of a sudden scattered and fled.

At this time, Winglet also resolved the battle.

At that step, the sword soul was already dying, and his whole body was lifted into the sky by Xiao Yi.

Huang Yu gave Xiaoyi an order to capture Bu Jianhun.

Over there, Gu Tian and the strong man in the realm of life and death transformed by the true spirit talisman were inseparable from each other.

But at this moment, Huang Yu discovered that someone came here, a powerful guy.

Late stage of life and death.

It's actually the late stage of Life and Death Realm.

It seems that the grandfather of Bu Jianhun has stepped into the sky.

Bu Jintian is the only strongman in the late stage of life and death of Zhongyuan Jianzong, and also the Supreme Elder of Zhongyuan Jianzong.

The strength is extremely powerful. Originally, it was only in the middle stage of life and death, but it broke through the limit half a year ago and reached the late stage of life and death.

Recently, he has been consolidating his cultivation, if not, the Zhongyuan Sword Sect would have attacked Gui Yuanzong long ago.

It was also his hand that grabbed Gu Tian.

For the grandson of Bu Jianhun, Bu Jintian is extremely doting, because this Bu Jianhun's aptitude is amazing, much better than his original one, he knows that he has no way to reach the Broken Realm, but Bu Jianhun has That possibility, his aptitude is excellent, if he is well cultivated, he will definitely have a chance to enter the Shattered Realm.

Huang Yu sensed that guy's arrival from the golden ancient pupil technique, and originally planned to save Jianhun's life for a while, but since the old guy came, he had to be desperate and kill him in front of him.

At this time, Huang Yu also asked the double-winged dragon to help Gu Tian, ​​and first cleaned up the real magic talisman.

The strength of the double-winged flying dragon is so powerful. In the early stage of the life and death realm, it was absolutely invincible. In addition, it was a sneak attack. Therefore, the true spirit talisman that fought against Gu Tian was instantly pierced through the heart like a sneak attack by the double-winged flying dragon. Disappeared immediately.

It turned into a talisman and fell to the ground.

True talisman.

Unexpectedly, this true spirit talisman was only used once.

However, this thing is of no use to me.

Gu Tian picked it up and handed it to Huang Yu.

Huang Yu took it, stretched out his hand, and a terrifying flame appeared.

The talisman was burned instantly.

After consuming the energy, the true spirit talisman was burned by Huang Yusheng.

"Bastard, let go of my grandson." At this moment, a loud voice appeared in everyone's ears.

Huang Yu watched an old man rush towards him.

Huang Yu snorted coldly, lifted his hand, put Bu Jianhun in front of him, looked at Bu Jintian and said, "Old guy, try and see if I can crush his neck before you get close."

The approaching hand stopped abruptly.

"Boy, let my grandson go, or I'll tear you to pieces." Stepping Tian looked at Huang Yu and said angrily.

"Old man, are you joking? If you think I dare not do anything, then it is a joke." With a move of Huang Yu's hand, he squeezed the remaining arm of Bu Jianhun, and it was instantly shattered. end.

"'re courting death." Stepping into the sky's fury, his anger reached the extreme, his speed suddenly doubled, and he grabbed towards Huang Yu.


Huang Yu was startled, this old fellow, does he really want to take the life of Sword Soul?

He hurriedly lifted up the sword soul to block the blow.

Unexpectedly, with a light hand, Bu Jianhun was caught by Bu Jintian.

"Damn it! I was fooled." Huang Yu couldn't help cursing secretly, the purpose of this old guy was not to deal with himself at all, but to snatch people and save Bu Jianhun back.

Huang Yu was also angry, is it so easy?

The mental power instantly condensed into a flying knife, the mental power flying knife.

The speed is fast, to the extreme.

Throwing Knife.

The mental power flying knife chased after Bu Jianhun.

pierced the void.

Break up the space.

In an instant, it fell to Bu Jianhun's forehead.

"Ah..." With a scream, Bu Jianhun's sea of ​​soul consciousness was shattered.

Although Bu Jianhun didn't die, it was the same as death, the sea of ​​consciousness was shattered by himself, and the soul was scattered by himself.

"Ah... damn it, you damn it, I'm going to scrape you off one by one, pull out your soul, and torture you forever." Angry, stepping into the sky, his hair exploded and his eyes were red.

(End of this chapter)

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