Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 3 Exchange Repair

Chapter 3 Exchange Repair
It's a pity that the fairy is a little smaller, and her appearance is only a little bigger than her own palm.

"Master, you can call me Lulu." The elf flapped its wings and flew in front of Huang Yu and said.

"Okay, Lulu, now I don't know anything about this almighty cultivation system, I hope you can clarify my doubts." Huang Yu's tone was very joyful.

"Of course." Lu Lufei sat down on Huang Yu's shoulder, shaking her little feet, brushing her hair, and said softly, "Master, what do you want to know?"

"Lulu, am I still on Earth?" This is the question that Huang Yu is most concerned about now.

"This is not the Earth, but the Zhenwu Continent." Lulu said.

"Zhenwu Continent?" Hearing what Lulu said, although Huang Yu was prepared, he was still a little surprised.

"Zhenwu Continent is a land of cultivating immortals. There are strong people like forests. If the master wants to return to the earth, it is not impossible. The master only needs to practice hard and upgrade. When the master reaches the full level of 100, he can leave Zhenwu Continent. Looking for a chance to return to Earth."

"How long do you think it will take me to reach the full level?" Huang Yu asked hurriedly.

"If the master works hard, 1000 years should be enough."

"Pfft... 1000 years, my God."

After being hit hard, Huang Yu didn't ask such questions anymore.

Check out your character attributes.

Huang Yu.

Level: Level 1 (1/20).

Repair: None.

HP: 20.

Attack: 3+3.

Defense: 3.

Dodge: 4.

Lucky: 5.

School: None.

Life Energy: 306.

Weapons and Equipment: Fruit Knife (Top Grade of Ordinary Rank).

Skills: Knife Flying Technique (upgradeable for the highest level of ordinary level), collection technique (upgradeable for low-level level of ordinary level), exploration technique (upgradeable for low-level level of ordinary level).

"Lulu, what can this life be used for?"

"This life energy is equivalent to your lifespan, a little life energy is equivalent to a day's lifespan, and life energy can also be exchanged for cultivation.

In Zhenwu Continent, the strength levels of immortal cultivators can be divided into nine realms, Qi training, Xiantian, Yuandan, human infant, Yuanshen, thunder robbery, yin and yang, life and death, and broken.

Each realm can be divided into nine levels. One level needs ten points of life energy to exchange for Qi training, and twenty points of life energy is needed for the second level. By analogy, ninety points of life energy are needed to exchange for nine levels of Qi training.

Now the master has a total of 306 points of life energy, and the life energy that can be exchanged is only 276 points. That is to say, the master can make his cultivation base reach the sixth level of Qi training at most. "

"Why can only exchange 276 points, isn't there still 30 points?" Huang Yu asked a little puzzled.

"Because the master still needs to live. If the life can be exhausted, the master is dead. The master needs to consume a little life energy every day." Lulu said.

"What?" Huang Yu couldn't help shouting, "You mean, if I don't earn life energy now, I can only live for 306 days, not even a year?"

"That's right, so the master has to work hard."

Huang Yu was very depressed. When others travel through time, they are all shrouded in the aura of the protagonist, and there are countless magic weapons and cheats. However, his own life span has been deprived.

"Master, you don't have to be so depressed. It's very easy to get life energy. Although the master doesn't have much life energy now, you can get a little life energy just by killing a chicken every day." Lulu blinked her jewel-like said the eyes.

"Yes, I only need to kill one chicken every day to get a little life energy. If I kill ten chickens a day, wouldn't there be a surplus of nine life energy?" Huang Yu felt depressed when he thought of this.

"However, the master can't gain life energy by killing chickens all the time. If the master's level reaches level five, but the pheasant is only one level, then he can't get life energy by killing chickens. And if the master wants to gain enough cultivation, he must You have to keep practicing."

Lulu went on to say: "Because every time the master upgrades to a level, he can only increase his attack, defense, and dodge a little bit. Only when his cultivation becomes stronger, the master's strength will become stronger."

"In other words, you need to fight monsters a lot to upgrade." Huang Yu's eyes brightened.

Looking at the remaining dozens of wild wolves not far away, Huang Yu was even more excited.

One of these wolves is the wild wolf king. If he kills all these wolves, he will get a lot of money.

A smile curled up at the corner of Huang Yu's mouth.

"Lulu, exchange it for my cultivation base."

"What level does the master want to redeem?" Lulu asked.

"I can exchange it to the sixth level of Qi training now, so I can exchange it to the sixth level of Qi training."

Huang Yu didn't hesitate at all. Cultivation is the most important thing, and after killing these wild wolves, he should be able to gain seventy or eighty life energy.

"Ding, congratulations to the player who has reached the first level of Qi training."

"Ding, congratulations to the player who has reached the second level of Qi training..."

"Ding, congratulations to the player who has reached the sixth level of Qi training."

(End of this chapter)

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