Chapter 34
What's happening here?I remember that I seem to have some vague memories, but not very clear.

"Lulu, what's going on?" Huang Yu shouted.

"Master, congratulations master."

Huang Yu's head was full of black lines when he heard the words: "What's going on? Why is this happening?"

"Master has gone mad."

"Crazy, how is it possible, how could I be crazy, Lulu, don't be kidding, what's going on?" Huang Yu didn't believe it at all.

"It's true, the master's cultivation base has improved too fast, but his realm has not kept up, and he was stimulated by the Han family, so yesterday's incident happened." Lulu said with a smile on her face.

Huang Yu glared at her: "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"There is no way for people to wake up the master."

"You..." Huang Yu was in a hurry when he heard the words, and it was strange that he had no choice. If he could believe this, he would be a fool.

"Master, don't be angry. Besides, isn't this very good? Didn't the master realize that his true qi has become purer? Besides, his spirit has also been enriched a lot, and his temperament has changed a lot." Lulu He said with a smile.

Huang Yu himself felt this point. Indeed, since yesterday's incident, Huang Yu felt that he had changed obviously, and the zhenqi in his body became much smoother.

However, Huang Yu looked at Han Shi who was still in a coma, and said with a headache: "Lu Lu, what do you think should be done now?"

"Just do whatever you want." Lulu said carelessly, not caring at all.


He originally planned to kill her, but now that he gave her away, if he killed her again, would he still be considered a human being?

Although she hated herself deeply, and now, it may be even more so, but the problem now is that she is sorry for others and wants to kill them, which is not appropriate.

Suddenly Huang Yu remembered a serious problem, that is how to get out.

If there is really no way to get out, then everything is meaningless.

"Lulu, the question now is, how can we get out?"

"But you can go out, but it depends on whether the master is willing or not." Lulu said.

"As long as you can go out, it doesn't matter how much you pay." Huang Yu smiled wryly. He has already reached this point, so what else is he willing to do? If he can't go out, everything is useless. cost?"

"The master can use the earth escape technique. As long as the master has learned the earth escape technique, he can dig a passage and leave here."

"Earth Dungeon? However, although this is the treasure house of the Su family, I have put away all the things here, but I haven't seen any Earth Dungeon." Huang Yu said.

"The master is really stupid, there is no such thing here, but the system can be exchanged?"

Lulu rolled her eyes and said, "Master turned on the exchange function of the system before, and it happens that there is an escape technique in it, which is the earth escape technique, but the master has no way to upgrade the earth escape technique to a high level in a short time, so here, four weeks They are all enclosed marble rocks, extremely strong, the master can only use the earth escape technique to dig a passage, and cannot directly use the escape technique to escape to the ground."

Huang Yu's eyes lit up when he heard the words, earth escape technique, if earth escape technique can really be done, then it is worth the high price he spent.

"Lulu, how much life energy does the earth escape technique need?"

Since it is an earth escape technique, the price to be paid is definitely not small, it is estimated that hundreds of thousands of life energy will be needed if it is not done well.

"100 million points of life energy."

"100 million points of life energy?" Huang Yu couldn't help but widen his eyes when he heard the words, "Lulu, are you joking? Are you sure it's not 100 points? It's [-] million points?"

"Of course it's 100 million points, 100 points, are you kidding me? Earth Dungeon is a high-grade earth-level skill, and now it's a discount to exchange 100 million points. If the owner is not in such a desperate situation, don't say 1000 million points , even [-] million points is not an exaggeration." Lulu said angrily when she heard the words.

"Can't it be cheaper?"

"Impossible. What Lulu gave to the master is already the cheapest. This is still exploiting a loophole in the system. Otherwise, the master would never be able to exchange for 100 million lives."

"Okay, 100 million points is 100 million points." Huang Yu was very depressed. This time, he was really at a loss. He didn't have 100 million points of life energy, so he could only exchange it with the 20 yuan middle-grade spirit stone, which was a big loss. Well, if you use your life energy to exchange your cultivation base, with 100 million life energy points, it is estimated that your cultivation base can at least reach the Thunder Tribulation Realm.

"Ding, can the player spend 100 million points of life to exchange for the earth-level top-rank skill Earth Dungeon?"


"Ding, congratulations to the player for obtaining the earth-level top-grade skill Earth Dungeon."

If the exchange is successful, then you have to learn.

"Ding, congratulations to the player for learning the skill Earth Dungeon."

After being prompted by the system, Huang Yu felt a khaki power submerge into his body, and he seemed to be much closer to the land.

The power of khaki, is this the power of the earth attribute?
Huang Yu closed his eyes to feel it, and after a while, he slowly opened his eyes.

I have learned the Earth Dungeon technique, but I am only comprehending it at the beginning. If I want to become proficient, I need to practice more.

"Earth escape technique."

With a soft shout, Huang Yu escaped into the ground, but what made Huang Yu depressed was that he only entered halfway, and his upper body was still on the ground.

This marble floor is really very difficult, if I am proficient in using the earth escape technique, this marble floor is no problem.

In the current situation, I can only dig. At least, after I learned the earth escape technique, I got a lot closer to the earth elements, and the speed of digging tunnels was several times faster than that of ordinary people.Soon, Huang Yu dug a passage. Of course, it will take some time to completely lead to the ground.

It took two full hours before Huang Yu dug the tunnel and returned to the ground again. At this time, it was already the afternoon of the next day.

In the end, Huang Yu took a look at Mrs. Han, and left behind a Lingshi and some belongings.

The property was all obtained from the Su family, and the spirit stone was one of the four obtained by the Chen family.

After leaving the treasure room, Huang Yu sighed, this woman is really expensive, if I go to the brothel by myself, I don't know how many beauties I can call.

But after Huang Yu was trapped in the Su family's treasure room, the whole Huang family was in chaos. If Huang Dashi hadn't been there, there might have been a big mess.

At this time, all the children of the Huang family were looking for Huang Yu outside.

Almost the entire Liulin Town was searched, but they still couldn't find it.

"Hey...Xiaoyu, where did Xiaoyu go?" Zhao Wan'er's eyes were red, and she cried for countless times.

"Miss, don't worry, the young master is lucky, and there will be nothing wrong with it. It was not the case last time. It was said that something happened to the young master, but he didn't come back in the end." The maid beside Zhao Wan'er handed over the handkerchief. said comfortingly.

"Yes, you are right, Xiaoyu will definitely be fine."

As soon as he left the stone room, Huang Yu found that the entire Su family was in ruins. He couldn't help but sigh with emotion. The Su family had been passed down in Liulin Town for many years. Unexpectedly, because of Su Tianhong's greed for a while, it has now become so bad that Huang Yu sighed. .

If it wasn't for me, I'm afraid the current Huang family wouldn't be much better than the Su family, right?
Huang Yu just walked to the door, and the guards at the door cheered when they saw it, and shouted loudly: "The young master is back, the young master is back."

"Xiaoyu is back." Zhao Wan'er didn't care to wipe away her tears, raised her legs, and ran towards the door.

"It's great that the young master is back."

"I knew the young master would be fine."

"Yeah, how could something happen to someone as powerful as the young master."

"The young master will definitely live a long life."


"Hello, Master!"

"Hello everyone!"

Huang Yu was also happy to see everyone excited, and greeted everyone with a smile on his face.

"Xiaoyu." Zhao Wan'er threw herself on Huang Yu with tears in her eyes, "Xiaoyu, you scared my aunt to death, don't disappear suddenly again next time, you understand?"

"I'm sorry, auntie, I won't do it next time." Huang Yu hugged Zhao Wan'er and comforted him softly.

The sun was shining brightly and the breeze was mild.

Ten days passed in a flash, and now the entire Liulin Town has become the territory of the Huang family, and all the ore veins belong to the Huang family.

It can be said that now the Huang family is the local emperor in Liulin Town, and even the government has avoided three points. In Liulin Town, Huang Yu's words are definitely more effective than imperial edicts.

However, Huang Yu is not that stupid. He still can't be too presumptuous towards the imperial court. Those who are officials above naturally need to take care of it.

Although Liulin Town is not a big town, it is still quite famous in Qishui County. Huang Yu got people to get in touch, got himself a title, and turned Liulin Town into his own fiefdom, which saved a lot of trouble .

The matters of the Huang family have been explained, and after finishing the processing, Huang Yu is ready to get up and leave Liulin Town for Qishui County.

Qishui County is one of the three largest counties in Zhongyuan Kingdom. It is located in the north of Zhongyuan Kingdom and is a relatively remote place in Zhongyuan Kingdom.

Compared with other counties in Zhongyuan Kingdom, this place is relatively barren. However, it is precisely because most of Qishui County has not been developed, so it is much more chaotic than other counties.

Moreover, Qishui County is close to Beihuang, and there are many monsters. More importantly, there will be a large number of mysterious beasts here every hundred years to attack human cities.

Therefore, in the entire Qishui County, except for practitioners, there are basically not many ordinary people.

Of course, Qishui County is the first choice for some sects to practice, so Qishui County has strong people like clouds, and its real strength is much stronger than other counties.

"Huh, I killed three of them, and I still need seven first-order profound beasts." Huang Yu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and walked south with firm eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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