Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 481 Skyfire Puppet Sect

Chapter 481 Skyfire Puppet Sect
The fire salamanders of Jiezun level are not easy to deal with, which makes Huang Yu a little depressed, seeing so many fire crystals in front of him, but there is no way to get them.

Jie Zun, he can kill him himself, but he must use the Destroyer Form to do it. Without using the Destroyer Form, he is not enough to kill Jie Zun, and the cooling time of the Destroyer Form has not yet expired. There are still ten hours left.

Perhaps, there is no way.

Huang Yu thought for a while, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. A person came from behind. This person was Liu Weiwu. Sit back and reap the benefits of the fisherman?Not only can you get this huge fire crystal, but you can also get the magic fire in Liu Weiwu's hand.

Huang Yu crushed an invisibility talisman, and the whole person entered a state of invisibility.

After a while, Liu Weiwu appeared where Huang Yu was.

Liu Weiwu looked around, frowned, and muttered to himself: "It's strange, I clearly sensed that guy Huang Yu was here, why did he disappear? Shenhuo, as long as I kill Huang Yu and capture him My Divine Fire, my Divine Fire can evolve, its strength will increase greatly, and it will break through the realm of Jiezun, and when the time comes, the inheritance of this Divine Fire Tianzun will not belong to me."

Huang Yu hid in the dark and was in a state of invisibility. Hearing Liu Weiwu's words, he was secretly surprised. This guy can actually feel his own existence. It seems that Liu Weiwu is not that simple.

Taking a deep breath, Huang Yu raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth. Liu Weiwu dared to make up his own mind. He really wanted to die. He still couldn't bear it at first. Now, since this guy has such thoughts, there is no need for him to let himself go. Blame him, kill him, and take his divine fire, it's completely justified, the murderer will always be killed.

"Hey, there's so much fire element here." Liu Weiwu moved forward, very carefully, step by step, and only after checking everything clearly, did he move forward.

"Sure enough." Huang Yu sneered, the fire salamander was right in front, Huang Yu knew that this guy would be able to see it, but he could also find that behind the protection of the fire salamander was a huge fire element The number of crystal veins is huge, and he will definitely not give up such a huge Huoyuan crystal vein.

This Liu Weiwu has divine fire and is powerful, so there should be more than these trump cards on his body.

What I have to wait for is to let this guy and the fire salamander of the World Master level lose both.

"Huoyuanjing, here is a vein, the Huoyuanjing vein." Liu Weiwu soon discovered the existence of the Huoyuanjing vein, and was overjoyed.

"I didn't expect my luck to be so good. I didn't find Huang Yu, but I found such a huge mineral vein. The number of fire crystals contained in it must be hundreds of millions, or even tens of billions. As long as this mineral vein is dug If I take it out, I can exchange it for a treasure. In this way, my strength will increase greatly. Even if I don't break through to the world venerable, I will be invincible with a treasure body and my divine fire " Thinking of this, Liu Weiwu couldn't help laughing, the pride on his face was undisguised.

Seeing it, Huang Yu couldn't help but sneer, if it was that easy, would it be your turn?

This guy was so happy that he didn't even notice the fire salamander, which made Huang Yu look down on him.

The vigilance is really bad.

This fire salamander is in that vein, well hidden, but if you look carefully, you can still find it.

Huang Yu was a little worried. This Liu Weiwu, under impulse, did not find the fire salamander, and digging out the fire crystal recklessly. If he was killed by the fire salamander, it would be bad.

At this time, Liu Weiwu had already started to do it, and he dug out pieces of Huo Yuanjing.

The speed was astonishing, with a wave of his hand, puppets appeared around him and began to dig the fire crystal.

Huang Yu's eyes widened. This guy actually has so many puppets. These are puppets made of Tonghuomu. Tonghuomu is a kind of ancient firewood. Trees, this kind of trees, are not afraid of flames, even if they are divine fires, they will never burn them at all, which shows how powerful this kind of firewood is.

It can be seen that this fire wood is rare.

The puppets made of firewood are really shocking. They are generous, absolutely magnificent. Right now, there are eighteen puppets, all of which are made of firewood.

It seems that this Liu Weiwu's chance is not small, and I am afraid that it is not bad at all compared to the inheritance of the Shenhuo Mystic Realm of the Shenhuo Tianzun.

"Could it be that this guy got the inheritance of the Skyfire Puppet Sect?" Huang Yu thought many thoughts, puppets, fire attribute puppets, and made of fire wood, this person probably got the inheritance of the Skyfire Puppet Sect , and only the Fire Puppet Sect has such a background.

If it is really the inheritance of the Skyfire Puppet Sect, then his Divine Fire is likely to be the Divine Fire Puppet Fire.

The God-Yun Puppet Fire is the inheritance fire of the Tianhuo Puppet Sect. This kind of flame is used to cast the puppet, which will make the puppet's body contain a trace of divinity, which will produce self-wisdom, divine fighting consciousness, and is very powerful. Each of these eighteen puppets is as strong as a half-step world venerable, and contains a trace of divinity. This trace of divinity has not been awakened. If the divinity is awakened, each of these puppets will be equivalent to A world respected and strong man.

Just think about how terrifying the strength of the eighteen puppets at the level of Jiezun would be. If they form a formation, I am afraid that even the strong late Jiezun will shy away.

Huang Yu knew a kind of formation. Eighteen people could just form a large formation of eighteen arhats. This eighteen arhat formation was infinitely powerful. The combination of eighteen powerful early-stage world venerables was enough to compete against the peak of a world venerable.

If I can get these eighteen puppets, I will spend a certain price to exchange for the eighteen arhat formations, tsk tsk, at that time, even if I don't need to destroy one style, I can kill the world venerable powerhouse.

We must kill this Liu Weiwu and explode these eighteen puppets.

Huang Yu was extremely excited. The importance of these eighteen puppets was even greater than that of Liu Weiwu's Shenyun Puppet Fire. Although the Shenyun Puppet Fire was powerful, to Huang Yu, it was also used to swallow up the power of the Void God Fire. But these eighteen puppets are different. Once they are obtained, they can compete against the powerful World Venerable, and even the peak of the World Venerable.In this way, as long as I don't meet a super strong person, I can walk sideways.

Huang Yu paid attention to the situation of Liu Weiwu and the fire salamander.

A puppet has approached the fire salamander.

Huang Yu secretly said that it was not good, if the puppet was destroyed by the fire salamander, it would be a big loss.


Just when I was worried, there was a loud noise, and the huge body of the fire salamander jumped out of the ground. With a slap of its huge claws, the puppet flew out and knocked down a big tree.

To Huang Yu's relief, this puppet was not damaged, and it stood firmly after turning over.

At this time, Liu Weiwu also finally discovered the existence of the fire salamander. Seeing the huge body of the fire salamander and the powerful coercion, his heart was shocked.

"Damn it, this is a fire salamander, and it's actually a fire salamander of the world respect level."

Seeing the culprit, Liu Weiwu's face changed drastically.

Unexpectedly, there is a terrifying big guy on this mine vein. This fire salamander is still at the level of Jiezun, and its strength is extremely powerful. Although it is only a junior Jiezun, its combat power is definitely comparable to that of the middle-stage Jiezun.

However, for that treasure, everything is worth it.

Kill, kill this fire salamander.

Soon Liu Weiwu made up his mind that the mineral veins here must never be given up. After mining the Huoyuan Crystal here, he should be able to exchange it for a treasure. After exchanging the treasure, his strength will increase greatly. If he can break through to Jie Zun, then the other three treasures, the inheritance of the entire Shenhuo Mystic Realm, will be his own.

A cold light flashed in Liu Weiwu's eyes.

A ball of flames in his hand kept flickering.

"Fire Puppet, come on."

The fireball in Liu Weiwu's hand was shot out at once, and it was divided into eighteen pieces, each of which landed on a puppet.

After the eighteen puppets received the fireball, their power increased a lot, and their divinity seemed to be aroused.

As if they had self-awareness, they surrounded the fire salamander one by one.

The fire salamander was furious, roared, and swung its huge body away, grabbing a puppet with its claws. With huge force, it threw that puppet out, and knocked the other two puppets into the air.

The other puppets slashed at the scales on the fire salamander's back, making a ding-ding sound, and sparks flew everywhere.

"Damn it, the fire salamander's defense is too strong. Although my puppet is powerful, it can't break through the defense at all." Liu Weiwu looked at the berserk fire salamander, his expression changed again, the puppet couldn't break it Defense would not do any harm to the fire salamander. If it continues, it will consume a lot of power, and it will be troublesome at that time.

"It seems that we will use that trick." Liu Weiwu's eyes narrowed, and he held a fiery red ball in his hand, which was covered with ancient rune restrictions.

Seeing this thing, Huang Yu was extremely surprised. Under the observation of the Eye of Punishment, he took a deep breath.

"Shenhuo Tianleiqiu, this guy actually has such a thing."

This thing is very terrifying. Once it is detonated, its power will be extremely terrifying. Even Jiezun's late-stage powerhouses will definitely find it difficult to survive under this divine fire and thunder ball. If it explodes, you will be seriously injured.

This is definitely a huge killer, a life-saving weapon.

As long as it is not a master-level powerhouse, it will definitely not be able to stop the bombardment of the divine fire and thunder ball.

This thing is like a modern nuclear weapon, a weapon of mass destruction.

"It's a pity, it's a pity, the cooling time for my first form of destruction has not yet expired. If Liu Weiwu is killed first, the Shenhuo Tianlei ball and the eighteen puppets may all explode." Huang Yu was extremely depressed. He didn't confront Zhu Tianpeng, but killed Liu Weiwu directly. In that case, he would probably reveal the good things about Liu Weiwu.

Regret, regret, really regret.

(End of this chapter)

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