Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 484 The Essence of Fire Origin

Chapter 484 The Essence of Fire Origin
"Failure, failure, unexpectedly still failed." Using the slave contract talisman failed five times, Huang Yu was a little restless and depressed.

"This beast, there is no way to subdue it." Huang Yu was really angry. He has been unsuccessful and has already consumed five thousand yuan crystals. It is not good if this continues. He asked Lulu, "Lulu, this beast Why is there no way to subdue it? The success rate of the slave contract talisman is not so low, is it?"

I subdued the Magic Wing Bird and the Giant Elephant before, and it didn't consume so much in total.

Lulu heard and said: "This flamingo seems to be not simple, it seems to have been mutated, so the success rate is so low. If the master kills this beast, maybe there will be unexpected gains."

Huang Yu thought for a while, and although he was unwilling, he had no choice but to nod. If he continued, although he might succeed, he was not sure when he succeeded, and he might spend all his Jieyuan crystals. .

Huang Yufengyin had the Divine Killing Saber in his hand, and a burst of saber energy struck the Fire Rat to death.

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing the Pyromouse, gaining 200 million vitality points and [-] Jieyuan crystals."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for obtaining the essence of fire."

Huang Yu was stunned that there were actually [-] Realm Crystals. After the Fire Rat King was killed, there were actually [-] Realm Crystals. This is something that has never happened before. None of them may have [-] realm crystals, but this Pyromouse actually has [-].

Taking a deep breath, Huang Yu asked, "Lulu, does the Pyromouse have so many boundary crystals?"

Huang Yu looked outside, surrounded by crazy flamingos, and felt a little regretful. If these flamingos could explode so many Jieyuan crystals, wouldn't he be a prodigal?

After killing all these hundreds of thousands of flame rats, it is estimated that there will be hundreds of thousands of dimensional crystals.

"Of course not, it's only the Flamingo King that exploded so many. However, there are definitely thousands of other Flamingoes. If the owner kills these Flamingoes, there should be a lot of them." There are tens of thousands of Jieyuan crystals." Lulu said, "Actually, Jieyuan crystals are not the most precious, but the essence of the fire source is the real good thing."

"The essence of the fire source?"

"That's right, the essence of the fire source can enhance the divine fire. As long as this fire source is refined, the master's divine fire alchemy can be improved to perfection." Lulu said.

"Can the essence of the fire source help my divine fire alchemy to reach perfection?" Huang Yu was ecstatic when he heard this. If it is really possible, wouldn't it be developed? It is not so easy to improve the divine fire alchemy If you want to improve, you have to rely on divine fire and refine it to improve, but right now, this essence of fire source can make your own divine fire alchemy to a perfect state, so why isn't Huang Yu excited? First, it saves me a lot of time.

"Of course, the essence of the fire source is actually the original essence of the birth of the god fire in the universe, which is more precious than the god fire." Lulu said, "The fire mouse king is so lucky that he got such a fire." The essence of the source, it is a pity that the Fire Rat King has not been refined, once it is refined by the Fire Rat King, its strength will undergo an earth-shaking change, and it will have a chance to attack the master, but unfortunately, it was killed by you, the master."

"Attack the master?" Huang Yu was shocked to the extreme. Such a large piece of fire essence can still make a fire rat king attack the master. How abnormal is this.

"So, the master's luck is really great, it's too heaven-defying. Originally, I was only guessing that the Flaming Rat King was a bit unusual, but I didn't expect that the Flaming Rat King actually had a piece of fire essence. Hurry up and refine this source of fire, or if the old guy Shenhuo Tianzun finds out, I'm afraid that old guy will take it at all costs." Lulu then said with a serious face.

"it is good."

Huang Yu didn't hesitate at all, since the essence of the fire source is so heaven-defying, it must be refined.

Taking a deep breath, Huang Yu sat cross-legged, ignoring the movement outside, once the fire rat king died, the other fire rats completely lost their minds and became extremely crazy, one by one crazily towards Liu Weiwu A devastating attack was launched.

Huang Yu ignored Liu Weiwu's depression, put the essence of fire source in the palm of his hand, and started to run the divine fire alchemy technique.

Huang Yu had originally cultivated the Divine Fire Alchemy to the eighth level. Originally, he was planning to seize the Divine Fire from Liu Weiwu, and then let himself break through a level, reaching the ninth level and the tenth level. As for consummation, he dare not think , but this essence of fire source gave Huang Yu a chance to directly break through to Consummation.

The majestic original spiritual power of the fire attribute was crazily absorbed and refined, and the essence of the fire source actually contained a powerful power of the original law of the fire attribute.

A trace of the power of the original law of the fire attribute was extracted by Huang Yu, bit by bit.

"It's amazing, my strength is improving rapidly." Huang Yu was overjoyed, the third-rank world king was only a little away from the third-rank world king, and the divine fire alchemy technique also broke through to the ninth floor.

This essence of fire source is indeed very powerful.

This terrifying fire attribute energy is really pure. Although Huang Yu's physique is very strong and has reached the ninth level of the immortal body, he can't resist this terrifying power, and his physical body is destroyed little by little.

The entire physical body seems to have reached its limit, as if it was going to be exploded by a terrifying force. If it wasn't for the crazy absorption and refining by the divine fire alchemy technique, the physical body really couldn't bear it.

The immortal body is running crazily, constantly repairing the physical body.

"My darling, it's not a problem if things go on like this. The physical body won't be able to handle it anymore." Huang Yu's expression changed. The essence of the fire source wasn't even half refined, but only one-fifth of it. With such terrifying energy, even the Zhenwu Great World began to erupt. In the Zhenwu Great World, the earth shook, the volcano erupted, and the impact of powerful forces caused lava fires everywhere. Countless creatures died in this terrible disaster. middle.

"Master, hold on tight, and use all the Jieyuan crystals to strengthen the Zhenwu world." Lulu's expression was not good when she saw this, but she didn't expect it to affect the Zhenwu world. If the Zhenwu world is destroyed, even if Huang Yu is If the essence of this fire source is completely refined, the strength will also be greatly reduced.

Hearing this, Huang Yu immediately poured all the Jieyuan Crystals into the Zhenwu Great World. A total of more than 6 Jieyuan Crystals were poured into it. The Zhenwu Great World added the energy of the Jieyuan Crystals and gradually began to stabilize. .

"Lulu, help me control the Zhenwu Great World, and I will concentrate on refining the fire essence."

"Okay." Lulu nodded.

After Huang Yu handed over the Zhenwu Great World to Lulu's control, he concentrated on refining and absorbing the energy of the essence of fire.

The surging energy was like a torrential river, raging crazily in Huang Yu's body, one hour, two hours, ten hours passed.

Huang Yu's body shook violently, and a ball of purple flames enveloped his whole body, turning into a real purple dragon. After a dragon chant, Huang Yu suddenly opened his eyes.

"Finally refining is complete."

The essence of the fire source in his hand has been turned into powder and scattered on the ground.

The essence of the fire source was completely refined, and the divine fire alchemy technique reached the level of the twelfth level of Dzogchen, and the immortal body also broke through the first level, reaching the tenth level.

His cultivation has also broken through two levels, reaching the level of a fourth-rank realm king.

"This essence of fire source is really powerful." Huang Yu was full of emotion. If he could get a few more pieces of essence of fire source, he would have a breakthrough in his strength, which was faster than fighting monsters and leveling up.

A fourth-rank realm king is a mid-stage realm king, and there is a huge gap between a realm king and an early stage realm king.

"Master, you have finally succeeded. Great changes have taken place in the world of Zhenwu, and the fire attribute has become extremely strong." Lulu said, "In the world of Zhenwu, the practitioners of the fire attribute have all comprehended a bit of fire. The law of attributes has already appeared as a realm master cultivator."

Huang Yu moved his mind when he heard the words, and looked at the Zhenwu Great World in his body. He was originally a fire-attribute holy master who had broken through and reached Jiezun.

That person is Yan Meier's father.

It is an advantage that Yan Meier is her father-in-law. Yan Meier who practiced in the True Martial World has also gained a lot. Although she did not break through to the world master realm, she is almost there, only one step away.

Huang Yu raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and with a finger popped out, a pure law of the original fire attribute fell into Yan Meier's mind.

The stronger the Zhenwu world is, the better it will be for you, and the stronger your own strength will be. Of course, if you are stronger, the Zhenwu world will also become stronger, and they all complement each other.

"It's time to go out, let's see how Liu Weiwu is doing now." Huang Yu left the Real Martial World and appeared in the Shenhuo Mystery Realm.

Ten hours had passed outside, Liu Weiwu had already killed all the Pyrorats, and the whole plain was covered in a sea of ​​blood.

Countless flamingo corpses piled up into hills, and blood flowed into rivers.

Liu Weiwu was also seriously injured in the mine vein, his breath was very disordered, and seven of the eighteen divine fire puppets were destroyed.

Seeing Huang Yu's flesh ached, seven of the eighteen god fire puppets were actually destroyed by these fire rats, and several of the other eleven were also damaged a lot.

"Depressed, Liu Weiwu is such a bastard. Of the eighteen god fire puppets he controlled, seven were destroyed." Huang Yu cursed secretly.

"Master, you really are. You have attracted these flamingos. Although Liu Weiwu's strength is good, there are hundreds of thousands of flamingos that have gone mad. It's very terrifying. If it wasn't for these eighteen puppets, he would have died a long time ago." Hearing Huang Yu's complaint, Lulu couldn't help but smile bitterly, it was obviously you who caused it, and now she is still blaming others.

Huang Yu smiled embarrassedly when he heard the words: "Well, I forgot, I recruited him, now it's time to deal with this guy, and he doesn't have many cards anymore, now my strength has made a breakthrough, and this guy It is the end of the crossbow, and I don't need to destroy him, I can easily kill him."

(End of this chapter)

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