Chapter 489
"No, such a situation will not happen." Lulu shook her head and said, "With me here, master, you don't have to worry, I will control the fusion of the two marks, then there will be no problem, and it's not the end yet. At this moment, the master doesn't have to worry about Shenhuo Tianzun's actions at all, because he has to choose the most outstanding person, and I guess the person who finally gets the three treasures will be truly taken away."

Hearing what Lulu said, Huang Yu breathed a sigh of relief, holding the yin and yang fire gourd, with a thought, the mental imprint was released and imprinted in the yin and yang fire gourd.

Huang Yu felt a mark, and followed his spiritual power into the sea of ​​consciousness.

With a wave of Lulu's hand, this mark was sealed.

"Okay, it's all right now. The mark of seizing the house has no effect on the master. Now the master can use the Yin Yang fire gourd casually without worrying." Lulu said, "The master put the Yin Yang fire lotus refined before If it is in the yin and yang fire gourd, the power of the yin and yang fire gourd will increase several times. It is not difficult to kill the strong man in the early stage of Jie Zun, but the consumption is not small. With the master's current strength, if he attacks with all his strength , can only be released twice, so the master still needs to pay attention."

"Don't worry, I know." Huang Yu put the gourd into his body. The power of this yin and anode fire gourd is indeed powerful. With this thing, plus the eighteen puppets before, tsk tsk, his strength has greatly increased now, then Hong Wu's strength is good. If he doesn't use the first style of destruction, Huang Yu is still a little afraid, but now there is no need to worry at all.

After a while, Huang Yu felt Hongwu's message.

The corner of Huang Yu's mouth raised a smile, and this guy also came out. I wonder if he also exchanged for a treasure?With his strength, it shouldn't be a big problem to get 100 billion fire crystals, but Huang Yu doesn't believe that his speed will be so fast.

Huang Yu moved away and appeared not far from Hongwu, watching Hongwu's restrained aura, gently playing with a banana fan in his hand.

"Shenhuo Banana Fan." Although Huang Yu knew that Hongwu was very powerful, he was still surprised when he saw the banana fan in his hand.

"Yes, I have already exchanged for a treasure. Like you, I wanted the yin and yang fire gourd, but I didn't expect you to snatch it first." Hong Wu looked at Huang Yu and said, "You and I will eventually have one." How about we gamble with your yin and anode fire gourd and my god fire plantain fan? If you win, you will take away the other party's treasure?"

"Okay." Huang Yu nodded, "However, once I use all my strength, there is no way to control it. If I kill you at that time, it will not be very good."

"Life and death are up to fate, and wealth is in the sky. For us practitioners, life and death have long been ignored. If you are greedy for life and afraid of death, it will be difficult to become a great weapon after all." Hong Wu said, "So, you don't have to worry about it. Just fight with all your strength, even if I lose in the end and die in your hands, I will have no regrets."

Hong Wu put away the Divine Fire Plantain Fan, which made Huang Yu a little surprised, and said: "If you don't use this Divine Fire Plantain Fan, I'm afraid you won't be my opponent."

"Although the Divine Fire Banana Fan is very powerful, I haven't refined it yet, so I can't exert its maximum power at all. If I use it, it will be a burden. Your strength is very strong. I want to use it with all my strength, but this Divine Fire Banana Fan is restricting me. Play." After Hongwu put away the plantain fan, a pair of fist gloves appeared in his hand, and this pair of fist gloves was a top-grade sacred weapon.

"Huang Yu, you have to be careful. My pair of gloves are called fire fangs. They are the weapons used by the ruler of the fire hell. Wu said.

Huang Yu also felt that the power of this pair of gloves is astonishing, and it contains the terrifying power of law, which is the power of original law.

It seems that this guy has comprehended the power of the original law of the Huowu Great World. He got the glove of the Lord of Fire Hell, and probably also got a part of the inheritance of the Lord of Fire Hell.

The master of Hell is a master after all, and his strength is very terrifying. How can the things he left behind be weak?

Huang Yu had to take it seriously. He felt a faint danger from this guy before, life and death danger. It turned out that this guy hid it very deeply, and actually obtained the inheritance of the Lord of Hell.

However, Huang Yu is not worried right now, he has cooled down in the first form of destruction now, no matter how strong he is, he can't stop the terrifying blade glow of the first form of destruction.

"You don't have to worry about that, I'm not as weak as you think, and I've already refined the yin and yang fire gourd, which is no worse than your fire fang glove." Huang Yu smiled, He took out the yin and yang fire gourd and floated on the palm of his right hand, spinning continuously. On the mouth of the gourd, a mass of yin and yang fire lotus was burning.

Hong Wu was taken aback. He knew that Huang Yu was very powerful, but he didn't expect that Huang Yu's strength was so powerful. It would take at least a month for Wu himself to completely refine the Divine Fire Plantain Fan, but Huang Yu got the Yinyang Fire Gourd in less than an hour, and it was completely refined. From this point of view, Huang Yu The strength is too terrifying.

However, Hong Wu was not the kind of person who was afraid of death. Huang Yu's strength aroused his fighting spirit instead.

"Your strength is beyond my expectation. In less than an hour, you have refined a half-step venerable weapon. Your strength is far from being as simple as it appears on the surface. A half-step venerable weapon, even a world venerable For the strong, it may take more than ten days to really refine it. However, I will defeat you. I have obtained a part of the inheritance of the master of the fire hell, and I have practiced the twelve kills of the fire hell. I have not completed the training of the twelve kills of the fire hell , I have only practiced to the eighth kill now, but although I have only practiced to the eighth kill, it is very terrifying, and there are already thirteen Jiezun who died in my hands." The terrifying aura erupted from Hong Wu's body, and the majestic murderous aura burst out. , It made people feel terrified, the violent wind vortex formed by the murderous aura swept up, and the clothes and hair on the body were automatic without wind.

"Okay, Twelve Kills in Hell, I'm going to give it a try." After Huang Yu finished speaking, the gourd in his hand was caught in his hand. The gourd became bigger, and the hole was aimed at Hong Wu , "I just refined this yin and yang fire gourd. I haven't tried its power yet, so let you try it."

The gourd spewed out a ball of flames, and the flames turned into a big black and white dragon, with its teeth and claws showing majesty, it grabbed at Hongwu.

"Good time." Hong Wu tore his hands violently, and the space was about to be torn apart. The terrifying power formed two huge fire snakes. These two fire snakes, one left and one right, staggered continuously, advancing some distance, Then they split to both sides, screaming continuously, the powerful force caused the space to collapse.

All of a sudden, three terrifying energy collided together with a loud noise.

The sky exploded, and the sky was full of flames. The light after the explosion was really eye-opening, like a huge hot sun, everything around was turned into nothingness under the impact of this terrifying force.

Huang Yu and Hong Wu were hit by this terrifying force, and they were slammed into the air.

Huang Yu spat out a mouthful of blood, suppressed the power shock in his body, opened the Eye of Heaven's Punishment, and looked at Hong Wu opposite him. This Hong Wu's physical body was also strong, just like his own, only suffered a slight injury, nothing serious hinder.

"The Twelve Kills in Hell are really powerful." Huang Yu laughed loudly.

"This yin and yang fire gourd is also extremely powerful. I lost this move." Hong Wu said, "However, I will use the strongest attack in the next move, so you have to be careful."

Hong Wu put his hands together, and then slowly staggered them together. With a sudden grab, he made an eagle's claw shape. The space was about to collapse when he was grasped. Terrifying power condensed between Hong Wu's hands, forming a dazzling rotating small The sun, that little sun is constantly changing. It was originally red, but gradually turned black, and the light has to be absorbed.

"Black hole?" Huang Yu squinted his eyes, feeling a huge danger, it was actually a black hole, the strength of this Hongwu was so strong that it was dangerous, extremely dangerous.

It seems that there is no need to destroy a formula.

Huang Yu originally thought that he could use this yin and yang fire gourd to compete with this Hongwu, and at most he could only use the wind knife for seven kills, or, adding the eighteen puppets would be enough, but he didn't expect , is still not enough, Huang Yu has a strong feeling that if he comes out with eighteen puppets, and then uses the wind knife seven kills, or the golden god sword technique, he will definitely not be able to stop this terrifying move.

Huang Yu would not make jokes with his own safety, since he was not sure to block this terrifying move without using the Destroyer Style, he could only use the ultimate move, the Destroyer Style, to kill Hong Wu.

Originally, Huang Yu had a good impression of Hongwu. This guy has a good personality, not the kind of hypocritical and greedy person.

"Destroy one style, destroy." Huang Yu roared, the Fengyin Killing God Knife in his hand was shining brightly, making people unable to open their eyes. When he slashed out with a knife, the knife light flashed, and the terrifying knife energy was aimed at the terrifying black hole that Hongwu hit. Slashing over, the knife tore the black hole apart without any hindrance, this knife was so terrifying, Hong Wu had no room to dodge at all.

After the light of the knife flashed, the gloves on Hongwu's hands cracked and fell to the ground.

Hong Wu looked at Huang Yu and said, "It's a terrible cut, I'm not wronged."

After finishing speaking, Hong Wu's whole body shattered and turned into nothingness, floating in the air.

In Huang Yu's ears, the system's notification sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing the half-step Jiezun Hongwu, gaining 500 million Yuan Qi and [-] Jieyuan Crystals."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for getting the Shenhuo Banana Fan."

Huang Yu put away the knife, looked at the place where Hong Wu disappeared, and sighed: "We could have been friends, but what a pity, what a pity."


(End of this chapter)

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