Chapter 494 Snake Demon
"I'll just sit back and wait, and I'm too lazy to run." Huang Yu held the Fengyin Killing God Knife in his hand. The seven-star viper was very fast, and only the sound of swishing was heard, and the bushes were thronging.

"Come on, what a big guy, this beast is bigger than the one below." Huang Yu was very surprised, this seven-star viper was beyond his expectation, it was bigger than the one that was killed More than doubled, two sharp horns grew on the top of the head, "This damn, it's the rhythm of transforming into a dragon."

Taking a deep breath, this guy's strength has actually reached the middle stage of Jiezun, not the early stage of Jiezun. Now, it will be a little troublesome.

Over there, Gu Xiangyue is still recovering.

Gu Xiangyue cannot be affected.

Huang Yu waved his hand, and a disk array appeared in his hand.

A defensive formation protected Gu Xiangyue in it, and then Huang Yu jumped up and landed firmly on the body of the seven-star viper, looking at the direction of the seven-star viper from a distance.

"Damn human, you killed my husband." The giant snake turned into an enchanting woman, who can be described as protruding, weak and boneless, full of charm, with the seven-star mark on the center of her eyebrows, she looks even more charming, but Those eyes were full of deep hatred.

"Your husband, I didn't kill you." Huang Yu said.

"Still saying no, do you have the smell of your husband in your body? If it's not you, who else?" The enchanting woman yelled angrily, holding a trident in her hand, with a faint blue light shining on it, obviously containing a strong poison.

With a flash of her figure, she rushed towards Huang Yu at an astonishing speed. With a wave of the trident in her hand, she stabbed directly between Huang Yu's eyebrows.

Seeing this, Huang Yu shifted away, narrowly avoiding the blow, and took a deep breath. The speed of this woman is too terrifying. She deserves to be a strong mid-stage Jiezun. Fortunately, this woman's fighting skills are very weak. Otherwise, it would be really difficult for him to avoid her attack.

"You are only a Realm King, and you can actually dodge my attack." The enchanting woman looked at Huang Yu and said coldly, "You are the most outstanding genius I have ever seen, bar none, but you still have to die , killed my husband, I want you to pay with your life."

After all, a ray of light flashed, turned into a bolt of lightning, and attacked Huang Yu again.

"Feng Dao seven kills, seven kills in one, extinct." Huang Yu roared, the Feng Yin Killing God Saber in his hand burst out with dazzling light, rolled up a terrifying storm, and swept towards the enchanting woman.

The surrounding trees, earth and rocks were all rolled up, the space was shaken, and the wind knife's seven kills were astonishingly destructive. This move consumed most of Huang Yu's strength.

"Seven stars refining the gods."

The trident in the enchanting woman's hand emitted a dazzling light, forming a seven-star array, covering the past.

The two terrifying forces collided, and the time and space were shattered in an instant, the earth shook and the mountains shook, everything around was destroyed, destroyed, and the terrifying air waves swept the surroundings into flat ground.

The body of the original seven-star viper also disappeared.

The enchanting woman saw the seven-star viper's body turned into ashes, her eyes turned red, and she screamed: "Damn human, you destroyed my husband's body, I will tear your body to pieces."

The aura of the enchanting woman increased wildly, becoming more and more terrifying, which made Huang Yu feel terrified. This... this is too terrifying. In the middle stage of Jiezun, the strength is still improving. This snake is so terrifying The situation is much more terrifying than those flood dragons.

"Yin Yang Fire Gourd, come out."

"Skyfire Puppet, give it to me."

Huang Yu didn't have time to think about it. With a wave of his hand, eighteen puppets appeared in front of him, surrounding the enchanting woman. The yin and anode fire gourd in his hand spewed out clusters of flames, and a huge fire lotus appeared in the air.

"Kill, kill, kill, die when I am."

The enchanting woman roared like an immortal demon god, her terrifying aura seemed to come from the ancient demon world, and she exuded black demonic energy all over her body. This terrifying demonic energy formed a demonic dragon with teeth and claws, roaring, roaring, roaring.

The monstrous momentum rolled and galloped like a vast river.

The trident in his hand turned into a terrifying demonic snake, thousands of meters long, with a huge mouth open, a new red tongue constantly swimming, and a strong fishy smell that corroded the surrounding space.

A puppet was instantly shattered by the giant snake's tail.

"What a powerful force."

Although the Eighteen Puppets can't use the power of Jiezun in the middle stage right now, there is no problem at all against Jiezun in the early stage. I didn't expect that the Eighteen Constellation Formation would be so vulnerable in the hands of this demon snake.

However, the huge Yin-Yang Fire Lotus landed in front of the giant snake. The giant snake spit out a mouthful of pitch-black venom, which was easily incinerated by the Yin-Yang Fire Lotus.

The giant snake kept retreating, and the enchanting woman's face was full of fear.

"Yin Yang Huo Lian, human beings, you actually have Yin Yang Huo Lian, no wonder you can kill my husband." The enchanting woman stared at Huang Yu closely, her hatred was undisguised, as if she wanted to swallow Huang Yu alive.

"Why do you press so hard, you can see clearly that your husband was not injured by my strength at all. If I killed him, nothing would be left behind." Huang Yu was extremely depressed. This enchanting woman, this The seven-star viper is powerful, beyond his imagination, and now he has reached the strength of Jie Zun's later stage. If he didn't destroy Yishi, he would not be an opponent at all.

"However, you have my husband's aura in your body. You must have refined my husband's inner alchemy. Even if it's not you, it has something to do with you." The enchanting woman said coldly, "You think I will Do you believe me? You cunning human beings, you are all hateful, if not for you human beings, I would not have been trapped here for so many years."

When Huang Yu heard this, his eyes rolled. This snake monster is extremely powerful, and its venom is even more terrifying. If it can be subdued, it would be a good thing, but right now, the most important thing is to resolve the snake monster's prejudice against him. Hatred for myself, however, it was not easy. Although I did not kill the male snake, Gu Xiangyue also killed it, and it was impossible for me to give up on Gu Xiangyue. Relatively speaking, Gu Xiangyue was comparable to this snake. The Seven-Star Viper is much more important. A strong person in the late stage of Jiezun is not enough to compare with Gu Xiangyue. You must know that she is the disciple of the dominant strongman. It is very clear without thinking about which is more important.

"Do you want to leave here?" Huang Yu looked at the enchanting woman and said, "Actually, the hatred between you and me also stems from that person, the master of this secret realm, the god of fire. It was the god of fire who let us in. He The purpose is to let us kill each other, and then absorb the essence and blood, so that he can be reborn. Once Shenhuo Tianzun is reborn, everything in this space will be destroyed, including you and me, even the chance of reincarnation. No."

"Human, do you think I'm so stupid that I will believe you?" The snake demon said coldly. Although she also hated Shenhuo Tianzun, she knew that although she had good strength, she was nothing compared to Shenhuo Tianzun. It's too easy for a master-level powerhouse to kill himself, "The Shenhuo Tianzun is a master-level powerhouse. Even if he dies, I can't deal with it. There is no chance of winning against him. If you want to leave here , It’s just a fool’s dream.”

Hearing what the snake demon said, Huang Yu knew that the snake demon had been shaken.

Then he said: "Although Shenhuo Tianzun is powerful, it is not impossible to deal with him. After all, he is dead, only his soul is left, and his strength is greatly damaged. It is impossible to display the true strength of a strong master. The power is definitely the limit, so if we unite, there is still a chance."

Huang Yu pondered, killing this snake demon can help him improve one or two levels, at most he can reach the eighth-rank world king, or the ninth-rank world king, and if he wants to kill the god of fire alone with his own strength, unless he himself Reaching the realm of the Great Realm King, but this is almost impossible. In this space, it is absolutely impossible to raise one's strength to the realm of the Great Realm King, because from the ninth-rank Realm King to the Great Realm King, there is A huge threshold consumes a terrifying amount of energy, which is almost ten times as much as the sum of his first-rank world king and ninth-rank world king. Therefore, it is impossible to break through the Great Realm King so easily, at least, here. In this space, it is impossible to achieve the Shenhuo Mystery Realm.

With Gu Xiangyue, the probability of success can reach more than [-]%, but if this snake monster is added, the probability of success can reach [-]%.

"If it's just me, it's unrealistic, but there is another person, if you add her, it will be different." Huang Yu said, "I can tell you the truth, my other companion, she is the master's disciple, You have the guardian of the master, and if we join forces, the success rate can reach [-]%, and if you also join, the success rate of leaving here can reach more than [-]%."

"The ruler, you lied to me. If you are the disciple of the ruler, why are you trapped here?" the snake demon said coldly.

"Believe it or not, but I'm telling the truth. For us, if you don't agree, it doesn't matter. Although your strength is good, you are only one step away from becoming a strong player in the late stage of Jiezun, and your real combat power It can already compete against Jie Zun's late stage, but it is not difficult to kill you."

Huang Yu suddenly remembered that he had practiced the Chaos True Dragon Art, which could transform him into a divine dragon. The Chaos True Dragon Art is an ancient and pure technique, and the dragon soul in his body is the symbol of the most pure dragon clan. Once this is inspired, It happens to be able to restrain any other dragons and snakes. The Seven Star Viper also has dragon blood in its body, but it is already very thin. Of course, it is also very pure. Compared with the blood of those flood dragons in Xianwu Continent, it is much purer.

For the dragon clan, blood pressure is the most important thing. Once Huang Yu stimulates the dragon soul in his body, he can easily suppress this snake demon, preventing her from exerting her full strength.

(End of this chapter)

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