Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 505 The First Battle

Chapter 505 The First Battle
When the two entered the city, guards stopped them.

"Are you new here? Come here to register." The guard said.

"Okay." Huang Yu and Yue Qingcheng nodded. Yue Qingcheng has been here before, but Huang Yu entered here for the first time. After registration, Huang Yu got an identity token, which is a symbol of identity. Once killed, it will be lost. Falling out, of course, capturing the enemy's identity token is the task.

Once the token is lost, it means death. Here, the token is life, the token is there, the person is there, and the token is not, the person is dead.

This is a place of bloody killings.

Here, you can't trust others casually, because you don't know if that person will kill you.

"Sister Qingcheng, shall we go directly to the battlefield now?" Huang Yu asked unfamiliarly.

Yue Qingcheng nodded: "We are going directly to the battlefield now. However, in such a large battlefield, the strength of a single person is definitely limited. If one person kills it, he will definitely die."

Huang Yu nodded. On a large battlefield, no matter how powerful you are and how powerful you are in single-person combat, if you encounter an army, a huge army, then you can only die.

However, Huang Yu was not worried, because Huang Yu tried it, and he could summon the magic wing bird, and he could also summon the mammoth beast.

It also means that he can summon all pet beasts.

Taking a deep breath, this is his biggest trump card, tens of millions of magic wing birds, no, now the magic wing birds have increased tenfold, and now they have reached hundreds of millions of magic wing birds, and their strength is still There has been a huge improvement, although he has not broken through the world venerable, but he is still at the half-step world venerable level, which is very terrifying.

Just think about it, a hundred million magic winged birds, overwhelming the sky, rushing up, who can stop it?
Therefore, for Huang Yu, this time, the test of the bloody battlefield is basically to gain experience, earn money, um, it should mean earning levels and earning Yuanjing.

Butter and Yue Qingcheng quickly came to a battlefield.

This is Yaoyue Continent, and on this continent, there is a group of people from Tianwu City.

Huang Yu and Yue Qingcheng moved together and appeared in the team.

"Are you Tianwu City's reinforcements?" The leader of this team was an elderly man with a gray beard, but his whole body exuded a powerful aura, moreover the aura of a king of nine high positions.

Huang Yu nodded: "Yes, we just came from Tianwu City."

"Looking at you, you are a rookie, and your strength is only at the realm of the king. Are you here to die?" Let's go, don't die."

"Hey, this time, the enemy is coming fiercely. We only have a few hundred people, and there are a thousand powerful people in the Sky Demon City." A middle-aged man said, "Old Hu, this time, Yaoyue The mainland is probably about to fall."

"Yeah, I thought the city lord would arrange a group of people to come to the rescue after receiving the tip-off, even if it was 500 people, it would be enough to resist." Mr. Hu smiled wryly, "I didn't expect that the reinforcements we were waiting for were only two people, One is just like a Realm Venerable, and the other has not even broken through to a Great Realm King."

"Let's give up." A woman said, "It's unstoppable, don't make unnecessary sacrifices."

This woman's strength is also very strong. In the late stage of Jie Zun, here, the most powerful is Hu Lao. A middle-aged man, he is also a late-stage Jiezun, but Huang Yu felt the breath of a half-honored weapon from him, so it can be seen that there is a half-honored weapon on this guy.

"Evacuate here." Hu Lao nodded and said, "Evacuate here immediately, Hong Tian and I will be separated."


"Mr. Hu has an order to evacuate now."

With an order, everyone entered the teleportation array and began to teleport.

Huang Yu and Yue Qingcheng did not leave.

Seeing that the two were still there, Mr. Hu frowned and said, "Why don't you leave? This place is very dangerous. In a while, the enemy will come."

"Mr. Hu, don't worry, I dare to stay, so naturally I have something to rely on." Huang Yu smiled.

"Rely on, rely on what a fart, you are only a mere realm king, what is there to rely on, I am a strong man at the peak of the world, and a half-step dominator, I dare not say that I can escape, you boy, leave quickly, don't do nothing Presumptuous sacrifice, you are young, less than a hundred years old, you have such strength, very good, you are a genius, in time, you can break through the world, and even in the future, there is hope to break through the master, don't die here." Mr. Hu looked at Huang Yu, and was a little surprised. The boy's bone age was so young. It can be seen that he is very young, less than a hundred years old, but his realm has already reached the peak of the realm king, and he is only one step away from becoming the great realm king. And the woman beside her is not bad, she has already reached the level of Jie Zun at a young age.

"You two, follow me." The middle-aged man Hong Tian said.

"You can't go anymore." A loud voice came from a distance.

Huang Yu narrowed his eyes, while Mr. Hu and Hong Tian's expressions changed drastically.

"It's Lord Yaotian."

"I didn't expect this time, it turned out to be Yaotian, a beast. It's going to be tricky now, Hongtian, take the two of them out of here quickly, and I'll stop him." Mr. Hu said loudly.

"Yes." Without any hesitation, Hong Tian grabbed Huang Yu with his hands.

Huang Yu moved and hid, looked at Hongtian and said: "Senior Hongtian, I will not leave. This is the opportunity for me to break through. If I leave, I don't know when I will be able to break through."

"You boy, don't die." When Hong Tian heard this, he was very angry and cursed, "This is not a joke, Yao Tian is a half-step master, and there is a sacred weapon in his hand. Under the master, there is an invincible existence. Even Mr. Hu can't resist it for long, you stay here looking for an opportunity to break through, you're dead, and you still break through."

Huang Yu smiled and said: "Senior Hongtian, you will find out later. Of course, if you are afraid of death, you can go first."

" brat, why am I afraid of death? If I were afraid of death, I wouldn't stay here." When Hong Tian heard this, he laughed angrily, "You brat, you don't know the heights of heaven and earth."

"Why don't you leave?" At this moment, Mr. Hu's complexion changed drastically, he jumped up, and came in front of Yaotian, blocking Yaotian's way.

Huang Yu opened the Eye of Heaven's Punishment. This Yaotian is a big monster that exudes a terrifying monster aura. There are thousands of monsters behind him.

"Old man Hu, you dare to face me alone. It is really courageous. Although you are also a half-step master, I have the Yaoyue knife in my hand. Killing you is like killing a dog." Yaotian looked at Mr. Hu and said loudly.

"Hmph." Hu Lao snorted coldly, "Yaotian, don't be complacent. Although your strength is strong, I am not so easy to deal with."

Mr. Hu reached out and grabbed a pair of double maces in his hands. The double maces were filled with golden light and exuded a majestic breath, which was the breath of a dragon.

"Golden Dragon Double Mace, unfortunately, these are not real Zunqi, but just a pair of broken Zunqi, not worth mentioning at all."

As Yaotian said, he swung the long knife in his hand and slashed straight at Mr. Hu.

"Yaoyue Slash, die for me."

The terrifying blade light pierced through the void, turned into an astonishing full moon, and slashed towards Mr. Hu.

"Shuanglong breaks the sky." Hu Lao roared, his eyes widened, and the golden dragon double mace in his hands suddenly struck down, and the double mace turned into a golden dragon, and with a roar, he rushed towards Yaotian.

"Boom, boom."

The terrifying explosion made the world tremble.

"Kill it."

Other monsters also rushed up.

Hong Tian's face changed drastically, and he said: "You guys quickly retreat, or it will be too late."

Hongtian held a huge mace in his hand. Huang Yu couldn't help being surprised when he looked at it. Although Hongtian was tall and mighty, compared with this mace, he looked very short. , holding a mace twice as tall as himself, it looks so funny.

With a violent swing of Hong Tian's mace, it smashed down, killing the two frontmost monsters immediately.

"Kill, kill these three people, kill."

But those monsters, as if they were not afraid of death, rushed towards Huang Yu and the others crazily.

"It's over, it's over, these beasts are too cruel, so terrifying." Feeling the huge threat, Hong Tian murmured, "These beasts are probably Yaomowei."

"Demon Guardian?" Huang Yu frowned, and said, beating a monster to death with one punch.

"The demon guards are the powerful monster guards cultivated by the demon emperor. These demon guards are extremely powerful. They can form formations and double their attack power."

Looking into the distance, the demon guards formed formations one by one, attacking the formation together, the power increased greatly, it was only in the middle stage of Jiezun, but its aura suddenly changed, enough to counter the late stage of Jiezun.

"This time, I'm afraid I'm going to die here." Hong Tian said with a wry smile.

Over there, the battle between Yaotian and Mr. Hu has also entered a fierce battle. However, Yaotian obviously does not consume much, while relatively speaking, Mr. Hu is out of breath and consumes a lot.

"Look at me." Huang Yu knew that it was time. His army of magic winged birds was about to show their power. These thousand demon guards are powerful. If you kill one of them, you can get a million yuan worth of strength. Obtain tens of thousands of yuan crystals.

"Come out, army of magic winged birds." Huang Yu waved his hand and released the magic winged birds from the space of ten thousand beasts.

All of a sudden, a huge aura erupted, and a mass of black magic wing birds enveloped the entire sky, as many as 1000 million.

This is only one-tenth of Huang Yu's release. Although the strength of these magic winged birds has not reached Jiezun, the combined momentum is countless times more terrifying than that of Jiezun's peak.

"Damn it." Yaotian's face changed drastically, and he punched Mr. Hu back, and said loudly, "Back, back."

These magic-winged birds posed a huge threat to him. Although the individual strength was not strong, they were terrifying.

Under the control of the Demon Winged Bird Emperor, the army of Demon Winged Birds formed a huge formation, forming a terrifying and invincible momentum. This is a terrifying spear, the form of a spear of destruction.

(End of this chapter)

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