Almighty Immortal Cultivation System

Chapter 510 Fighting for Power

Chapter 510 Fighting for Power
"Have you finished?" Huang Yu's eyes were cold, and he glanced at everyone. Huang Yu is not afraid of these guys at all. He has a way of destruction. As long as he uses the way of destruction, he can kill two people and make an example of others. Who will dare to do it then?
"Okay, okay you demon knife, you are a junior, just a junior, although you have the title of young patriarch, but you are too rude, even the elders are disrespectful, you don't take it seriously, really How courageous." Yaopeng was trembling with anger, pointing at Huang Yu and saying.

"Yao Peng, right? If my uncle is here, do you dare to fart?" Huang Yu said coldly, "One by one, after my uncle leaves, I can't help but want to seize power, good, good."

"Yao Dao, you are so bold." Yao Huan Nong was also angry. Yao Tian was a thorn in his heart, and was firmly suppressed by Yao Tian, ​​so he couldn't feel angry. Who else can compare with me, the Yao family needs a genius, a genius who can support the Yao family, and this person, only I can do it, Yao Huan's confidence at this time is already bursting "This young patriarch must definitely be abolished. If Yao Dao is the patriarch of my Yao clan, then my Yao clan will not be far from being destroyed."

"Really, I'm not the patriarch, so I should let you do it?" Huang Yu said coldly.

"Yes, only I am qualified. My talent and cultivation are the strongest here. Who can compete with me? In less than half a year, I will be able to break through to the half-step dominance realm. Moreover, as long as I get Panlong Dan, I will be able to challenge the ruler, and once I become the ruler, Yaoyue City will be co-hosted by my Yao clan and the City Lord's Mansion." Yao Huanong said loudly.

"It's up to you, a collateral line, an illegitimate child, and a bastard." Hearing what Yao Huanong said, Yao Peng was not satisfied. If Yao Huanong became the patriarch, his fate would definitely be miserable, and , the patriarch of the Yao family, Yao Peng is also bound to win.

"Yao Peng, do you want to fight with me?" Yao Huan Nong said angrily. Although the strength of this Yao Peng is good, Yao Huan Nong doesn't take it seriously. In fact, the power of the collateral line is the strongest, but among the collateral lines, there is no one super powerful, no one who can support them, has been suppressed by the direct line, and now, the Yaotian of the direct line, the biggest The opponent is already dead, and no one in the direct line can suppress him anymore. Therefore, all the people in the collateral line have surrendered to his subordinates. Sixty percent of the power.

"If you fight, I'm afraid you won't succeed. Besides, you are only a collateral lineage, and collateral lines are not qualified to be patriarchs. This is the ancestor's instruction." Yao Peng said.

"Really." Yao Huannong said with a sneer, "The direct lineage and collateral lineage are all the blood of the Yao clan. You should be rich and close to the ancestors, so I am the most noble person in the Yao family."

Huang Yu listened, of course it is clear that the lineage of the Yao clan, no, it is the same in the entire Yaoyue City, and even the entire Yaoyue Great World. Every family has its bloodline inheritance, and in the bloodline inheritance, The person whose bloodline is closest to the ancestral veins, and who can even stimulate the ancestral veins, has the highest status and the best potential. The patriarch of the clan, but now Yaotian is dead.

"Bloodline, haha, you are so ridiculous." Huang Yu said loudly, "Keep your eyes open."

Huang Yu's majestic power burst out, simulating the blood power of the Yao clan to the extreme. This is the most powerful part of the reincarnation art, blood simulation.

Between Huang Yu's eyebrows, there appeared the imprint of an ancient Qingluan. This is the bloodline of the ancestor of the Yao clan, and if the imprint of Qingluan appeared between the eyebrows, it must be the purest blood of the Yao clan. It is expected to open the ancestor's bloodline, which is thousands of times stronger than Yaotian's, or even ten thousand times stronger, and its bloodline is at least [-]% richer.

"Impossible, this is impossible." Yao Peng and Yao Huan Nong opened their eyes wide and shouted.

"Shut up, you shut up." The old man was very happy, he didn't expect his grandson's bloodline to become so pure, so rich, much stronger than Yaotian's. There will inevitably be a master in the pulse, as long as it does not fall, Yao Dao will become a strong master.

"It's not true, I'm going to kill him, right." Yao Huanong said, and rushed towards Huang Yu, intending to kill Huang Yu.

"not good."

"Damn it, block him, block Yao Huan Nong." The old man's expression changed drastically.

Others are also not good-looking, what the blood of Yaodao means, they can't understand it very well.

"Yao Huan Nong stop."

"you wanna die."

Several elders of the Yao family lineage all started to stop Yao Huanong.

"You can't stop me." Yao Huannong let out a roar, his whole body swelled up, and he held a huge mace in his hand. On this mace, there was a deep chill, bloodstained, and a strong murderous aura erupted.

"The killing mace, you bastard, you actually used the killing mace?" An elder's expression changed drastically. , However, this piece of Zunqi is a magic weapon, infected by magic energy, it is a great vicious Zunwu, once it is used by someone, it will backfire, and it will turn the person who uses it into a person who only knows how to kill and kill. All the big devils have no humanity at all, they kill whatever they encounter, and all living objects will be destroyed and beheaded.

"Let's do it together, we must stop him." The old man also knows the seriousness of the matter, if Yao Huanong is not killed, the entire Yao clan will be destroyed.

"You are too weak, die to me, die, die." Yao Huanong roared, and the huge mace, glowing blood-red, slammed down, and the majestic murderous aura formed a huge The demon heads, these demon heads, one by one, bared their teeth and claws, with a terrifying aura, like a powerful demon god of heaven and earth, who came from the ancient demon realm, killing and destroying everything without leaving any traces.

"Boom bang bang..."

Several elders were blown away, and two powerful demon clans were beaten to pieces.

"Haha, haha, kill, kill, I'm going to kill you all." Yao Huannong was arrogant and domineering, with black smoke coming out of his body, his eyes had completely turned dark red, his face was extremely ferocious, and he had already fallen into a state of madness.

"Quick, quick, stop him, you must stop him, you can't let him kill the young patriarch, the young patriarch is the hope of our entire Yao clan." The old man shouted.

Those people who were stunned by Yao Huannong rushed forward one by one desperately to keep the Yaodao, and they must keep the Yaodao.

Although there are differences in the Yao clan's lineage, when encountering such a situation, when the ancestor's bloodline appears, they all know what it means. Protecting the ancestor's bloodline is the duty of the entire Yao's clan.

"You all die to me, I want to kill, kill everything, kill everything."

The huge mace swung wildly, and terrifying hurricanes rolled up. In an instant, countless people died, and the entire hall was blown out.

At this time, someone came outside the door.

They are members of the Xing family, Xing Yuan and Xing Na.

Xingyuan knows that Yaodao is interested in his daughter Xingna, and has been pursuing her daughter. He knows that this is a good opportunity, the best opportunity to annex the Yao clan, and the best way is to marry his daughter Give Yaodao, in this way, as long as my daughter can master Yaodao, the entire Yao clan will become a subordinate of the Xing clan, and mastering the entire Yao clan is just around the corner. A powerful force, moreover, the Yao family has a Panlong Pill, and if you get the Panlong Pill, you can break through the master. In this way, even the City Lord's Mansion is not afraid, and can even replace it, making the entire Xingjia become a demon. The real master of Moon City.

However, when Xing Yuan saw the situation in front of him, he was also stunned.

"That's... the killing mace?" Xing Yuan's face changed drastically. Of course he knew about the killing mace. Back then, the Yao family encountered a catastrophe and almost wiped out their clan because of the killing mace. The killing mace was sealed and thrown into the hell cave, unexpectedly it appeared now.

"Patriarch Xing Yuan, kill Yao Huan Nong, and kill Yao Huan Nong together, or the entire Yao Yue City will be affected." Seeing Xing Yuan's arrival, Mr. Yao was overjoyed. Although he knew that Xing Yuan came this time, It must be uneasy and kind, but right now, he is a huge help.

"Damn, why are you so unlucky." Xing Yuan was very depressed. If you don't do anything, it will definitely not work. If you let Yao Huan Nong continue to kill, then when the killing mace fully wakes up, Yao Huan Nong will become a real big devil , then I am afraid that Yaoyue City will really perish.

"Xing Na, go find the Lord City Master." Xing Yuan waved his hand and said.

"Yaodao, you... Come here quickly, let's go together." Xingna saw Yaodao, waved her hand, and shouted loudly.

Huang Yu shook his head, and said through a voice transmission: "You don't have to worry about me, go to the Lord City Master, don't forget, I have a real magic talisman."

"Then be careful, I'll go to the city lord's mansion and find the city lord." Xing Na thought, she was too worried, the demon knife has the true ruling talisman, so nothing will happen.

At this moment, Xingyuan and the others worked together to deal with Yao Huanong, and Yao Huanong was gradually suppressed, but they all knew that Yao Huanong was too powerful, and the suppression was only temporary, and his power was endless , with the killing mace, it will become more and more powerful, while Xing Yuan and others will continue to consume and become weaker, and the ebb and flow will definitely not be a long-term solution.

(End of this chapter)

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